Compare by contents marking incorrectly

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Compare by contents marking incorrectly

Post by *tcuser001 »

Compare the following two items as text using Compare by Contents.
This results in incorrect marking of characters as unmatched that are matching. (Note from 8B06 onward)

Code: Select all

#353A0 0F010F038B066F06000801080AB597740000000000000000000000008B066F06
#353C0 00090109A0A4000002A088000010A0A48B066F06000A010AFF33FF0F03003F03

Code: Select all

#353A0 0F010F038B066F06000801080A6093AA0000000000000000000000008B066F06
#353C0 0009010925F081FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8B066F06000A010AFF33FF0F03003F03

Code: Select all

Image of comparison below: (sorry that it's not clickable - new user limit)

freeimagehosting . net / newuploads / o84lb.png

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Post by *Hacker »

Hello tcuser001,
Can you please explain why you think the comparison result is wrong?

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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

This is just a misunderstanding of how comparison of text works in TC: This isn't a fixed location byte by byte comparison as in binary mode. Instead, TC looks for INSERTED and REMOVED character sequences within the text. This is meant for written text and programming code, where often words are inserted or removed.
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