[OT] My last worning ?

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Post by *Sam_Zen »

This has become an impressive waste of space. An echo-machine with enough feedback to keep resonating.
I'm going to ignore this topic, because it is just filled with boring ego-stuff.
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Post by *SQUIRE »

Dear Mr. Sam Zen,

That's a surprisingly dour view to take, if you'll permit me to say so? What would you expect of a thread entitlted "[OT] My last worning"? Even its spelling leaves a lot to be desired, IMHO. :lol:

If you picked up a book titled "The Speed of Light - My Part In Its Downfall" you surely would not expect a scholarly work on quantum theory, would you? Well, I certainly wouldn't anyway. :shock:

Cheer up! :wink:

With kind wishes.
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Post by *majkinetor ! »

2 Squire & Sam Zen
That's a surprisingly dour view to take, if you'll permit me to say so?
Not the first time, my friend. Some people here are not very flexibile, some more then others.
As I can see, my pour Zen, exploring is done here... you should let the command center take over :!:
And when they finish, I am making a party in BullCrap Bar tonight ! FREE BEER, remember :?:

But hey, if you have any other plans for this evening, don't let the action of this single fool separate you from them.



See SQUIRE, they don't like us here :( We should move to the different grounds - if you could just get up from the bed!

Cosmic justice is served here :!:

Sam Zen wrote:An echo-machine with enough feedback to keep resonating.
Don't start DSP topics here. I am going to eat you alive. :lol:
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Post by *SQUIRE »

2 majkinator !:

It's interesting to observe the many different personalities populating this space. Some are quite sober and serious and would prefer to confine all discussion to purely technical matters. Others take a more playful, relaxed standpoint and adopt a live-and-let-live approach. All these views are perfectly valid, imho, until Ghisler says different. I expect we all know where we stand.

From the preface to the manual Zen And The Art Of TC Maintenance (available at the BullCrap Bar):

Code: Select all

A centipede was happy, quite
Until a toad in fun, said
"Pray, which leg comes after which?"
This worked his mind to such a pitch
He lay distracted in a ditch
Considering how to run
Right-o, enough of the cheap armchair musings. Had to get out of bed to post this at the Bangkok Internet Cafe even though no-one offered the normal $10K (nudge, nudge), so I'm off to fark.com to kick some @zz.

COMMERCIAL--> Round off the evening nicely at the famous Belgrade BullCrap Bar, dear TC forumers - where the beer is free, the women beautiful and slinky, and nobody would be so crass as to point at you and laugh hysterically, no matter what you did! :wink:

I notice you mentioned Gibson's brilliant cyberpunk novel Neuromancer in passing; hope you also read Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash for a look at the even more bizarre road ahead. 8)
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Post by *Gral »

I think majkinetor ! is very busy now ( searching for new key ) :twisted:
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Post by *Sheepdog »

Gral wrote:I think majkinetor ! is very busy now ( searching for new key ) :twisted:
I don't think so:
majkinetor ! wrote: And I promise I will NEVER use crack again. I will accept nag screen but due to the "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" I have, I will have to stick with AutoHotKey solution as Lefteous proposed:
Lefteous wrote: Is it legal to use an Auto Hotkey script to bypass the nag screen automatically?

(not amused)
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Post by *majkinetor ! »

I think majkinetor ! is very busy now ( searching for new key ) :twisted:
I don't do betas ! Not now, after all... thank you.

Hej, Ghisler, I have interesting thought for you to prevent AHK usage. You can make splashscreen register random Windows Class name on every start (tip: don't do the title also) ! HA !

I notice you mentioned Gibson's brilliant cyberpunk novel Neuromancer in passing; hope you also read Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash for a look at the even more bizarre road ahead.
I know for Snow Crash but it didn't look interesting on preview. I guess I was wrong (gonna correct that now).
Neuromancer is very interesting peace of work. It looks like AI wrote it, it is very compressed, no needless words and dialogs (like my guru) .... his other books are not THAT good but still excellent.

My fav is of course Hyperion by Dan Simmons ! I can't imagine you didn't read it as you appear to be sf fan (first among supermodels), but in case you didn't you missed the greatest story ever !
SQUIRE wrote:Round off the evening nicely at the famous Belgrade BullCrap Bar, dear TC forumers - where the beer is free, the women beautiful and slinky, and nobody would be so crass as to point at you and laugh hysterically, no matter what you did!
Women... everybody THERE say they are the best HERE! I think we need a woman :oops: on this forum! The balance is very bad now (68.000 : 0) and that may be the resaon for sucha bad behavior here. And, of course... you know what is next in that scenario.... you have preatty good philosphy on that in 4th book of Dune ! Imagine Ghisler to be a worm (no offense godfather, worm is the God in there, that is apparent even in the Lynchs movie) and us to be his soldiers...

I invite you all to Belgrade (not Hacker), if nothing else, then because of girls. I will be glad to wait for anybody on the airport, (I am bringing the cow ! ;) )
And about other part of that quote.... well, I am not so sure.
Habemus majkam!
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Post by *majkinetor ! »

Hey, I just noticed that this topic has more page views then forum rules...
It turns out that people are more interested in how to break the rules then how to obey them. How interesting :!:

SQUIRE, we did it :!: :shock: :D

BTW... thx for the fark.com note ... very cool.

Especialy that e <> mc**2 topic which I didn't beleive in one second :!: I had to make this small so it doesn't turn out to be egoistic bullsh**it.

I realised that I didn't reply to this:
Ghisler wrote:That's really an excellent article, thanks for the link!
Ghisler wrote:2majkinetor ! Hey, that's cheated! :)
Hej there Ghisler !
I see from those posts that you figure out some things.... I am very glad that you are not the charachter I thought at the beginning of this post. Or did I just miss judge that smile :?:
Habemus majkam!
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Post by *SQUIRE »

2 majkinator !
.... his other books are not THAT good
That's correct - Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive couldn't live up to the exceptional standard set by Neuromancer, and Burning Chrome was a huge disappointment. :cry: Can hardly believe the 1st book dates back to 1984 and that Gibson got it so right then.
I can't imagine you didn't read it as you appear to be sf fan
Humfph - I'm ashamed to say I haven't! :oops: I have a huge SF collection dating back 20+ years but have not added to it at all in recent times. Too busy, and nothing caught my eye. Fixing that right away with Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion - thanks for the tip, those are just my cup of tea.

If you do not hate the writing styles of Tolkien and Lovecraft, then Stephen R. Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever are remarkable for the writer's lyrical prose and exceptional powers of description. I can still recall being so totally engrossed in his book that I almost missed my plane at Atlanta Airport (and that's not a place you want to be stuck at if at all humanly possible). Warning: no light sabres, blasters, or other SF paraphernalia. More like a grim slow-burning fuse.

Well, I hope Christian and the forum don't mind this thread having taken a slight diversion and become [OT] Books, Manuals, and Assorted Yo-Yo's to lubricate/pollute the TC user's mind. Apologies if so, no offence intended.

Finally, all would-be bad-azz TC forum denizens (are there any?) might care to check out the anarchic scribblings of the War Nerd, if you haven't already done so. Coolly cynical, technically astute, brutally frank, pulls no punches, even more opinionated than old majkinator - what's not to like? :lol:
(I am bringing the cow ! :wink: )
Now, now, that's no way to refer to the wife!:mrgreen:

Elvis has left the building. See ya down the BBBar.
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Post by *Sam_Zen »

I must admit that I overlooked the "OT" tag, plus I'm tempted to continue.
The, very predictable, zen-referring comment is fine by me : it points indeed to the condition of this topic - emptiness.
And motor maintenance is right on the spot . . Maintenance means keeping the motor of the forum clean and smoothly running.
If you just want to have fun, go chat on MSN.
I recall, that this was at first about skipping the nag-frame of TC during startup. A thing which is simply 'not done'.
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Post by *Sheepdog »

Sam Zen wrote:If you just want to have fun, go chat on MSN.
I recall, that this was at first about skipping the nag-frame of TC during startup. A thing which is simply 'not done'.
I disagree.

1. This was first about to bann or not to bann dear majki or anything in that direction. ( And as it is his thread it is up to him to claim it is off toppic or more off topic or offst topic. ;) IMHO)
2. Why not have fun here??
3. It's up to heroe Lefteous or evil twin Hacker (Roman I apologize, but couldn't resist ;) ) to admonish the user to obey the forum rules and keep on topic.

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Post by *majkinetor ! »

2 Sam Zen
majkinetor wrote:Don't start DSP topics here. I am going to eat you alive.
I see that I hit the spot here ! And the worst of all ... the above is true! I know it must be so hard.... some fool, knowing internals of digital audio better then you.... :lol:

2 SheepDog
Why not have fun here ??
Some people are just not capable. The bad thing is when they think they are and everybody else not !


NO! I knew it was going to happen one day !
You disappointed me Squire, as a man, as a sf-fun ......................... and as a communist.

You didn't read it ! Well, you will have to take vacation because it is more then 2000 pages of .................. you'll see. 4 books, not 2 - you forgot Endimion and Rise of Endimion, but you can start with first two. The fact is I don't know anybody that read Hyperion and not instantly announced that it is the best thing he ever read. You may also try some goodies from previous year: Ilion - it is about Trojans and Greeks doing their war on Mars with nanotech gadgets, about cute Robots addicted to Shekspear (humans filled them with complete human history before sending them to space, to be able to represent human kind if something happens to us...... and some addicted to Yeats and Shekspear - your mind will blow when you read discussion of two robots about meaning of love :) ) and about post human race ..... some say it is even better then Hyperion.
If you do not hate the writing styles of Tolkien and Lovecraft, then Stephen R. Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever
Thank you ! I didn't read Tolkien (I tried but I was bored with 100 pages of hobit celebration :(, and the second time I tried I did it with Silmalirion but it was like reading a Bible ) but I do like H. P. Lovercraft and I can't wait for new game to appear based on his novel: "The Call of Cthulhu". If you not play modern games then you should try some. It is a new form of art ..... I never liked Star Wors but was addicted to it when I did the game (K.O.T.O.R - knights of the old republic, 60 hours of pleasure) and if you like Lovecraft and movies like Jacobs Ladder, you will be astonished by Sillent Hill serial (Konami @ Tokio .... my fav race along with Germans :) ).
I did them all anyway ;) Be shure to ask for advice before start some...
Now, now, that's no way to refer to the wife!
If she hear about this.. both you and me are finished.... and the cow maybe! Beleive me, I am a little kid comparing to her.
Habemus majkam!
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Post by *SQUIRE »

Sam Zen wrote:The, very predictable, zen-referring comment is fine by me : it points indeed to the condition of this topic - emptiness.
With a delightful name such as yours the pun was quite irresistible, but please rest assured that no intent to mock ever crossed my mind - forgive my under-graduate humour! :oops:

Might I also point out (humbly, I hasten to add) that zen has little to do with emptiness but is very much to do with stillness, and that there is a world of difference between the two. Its intent is to achieve enlightenment and insight through meditation and not blind faith. The physical manifestations of the concept (parables, poems, Shinto gardens, and so forth) are merely a means to assist in achieving that desirable end. As you'll no doubt have observed, this poster has never come even close to attaining that exhalted state. :cry: :lol:

A zen-like myth that always appealed to the child in me concerns the katana forged by master swordsmiths Muramasa (15th century) and Masamune (14th century) - the former regarded as bloodthirsty and the latter as calm and peaceful, both equally deadly. Legend has it that when held point-down in a stream Muramasa's sword cut everything that brushed by it, leaves, fish, the very air, whereas Masamune's cut nothing. The question then arises: which is the finer weapon? And in a crisis, which blade would you seize - the blade of violence or the blade that damaged nothing innocent? Now you know how Tarrantino got his inspiration! :wink:
majkinator ! wrote:................. and as a communist.
I came, I saw, and I ran like hell! :lol:
I did them all anyway :wink:
Ay caramba, so much to do, so little time! :evil: To add to the reading mountain, you might like to peruse Dragon's Egg, Robert L. Forward's amazingly convincing intelligent life-form and civilisation living upon a neutron star. The author is an eminent real-life physicist and does know the difference between an onion and a boson, so expect no technical faux pas here. Just a highly plausible story told with great conviction.
majkinator ! wrote: I think we need a woman on this forum! The balance is very bad now (68.000 : 0)
Some years ago, I tried to introduce a couple of ladies (not nerds, but not IT-clueless either) to the wonders of TC. After some time, they abandoned it with the concensus that it was far too complex and fiddly to bother with. I have since given up the futile battle. There is no fathoming the mind of the female. Luckily! :mrgreen:

Toot!Toot!Toot! COMMERCIAL --->The famous BelgradeBullCrapBar welcomes you all, dear friends! Tonite by overwhelming demand, we again feature Nude Wrestling In A Vat of Special Bugfree Beta TC-Sauce! Newcomers, you know the drill: ring the doorbell and press 1/2/3 to gain entry! Tell your friends about us - the BBCBar - where the beer is free, the atmosphere smoking, the women lively, and the conversation even livelier! :D :D :D
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Post by *petermad »

... does know the difference between an onion and a boson
I don't - what the h**l is a boson :?:
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Post by *SQUIRE »

what the h**l is a boson
Any particle that obeys Bose-Einstein statistics but not the Pauli exclusion principle; all nuclei with an even mass number are bosons