Suggestion - Improve Tabs display, prevent confusion

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Suggestion - Improve Tabs display, prevent confusion

Post by *jabba »

During my regular work I use multiple Tabs - 10-15 on each panel (and I need this many, trust me :-)). But since many of them has the same name of the child dir, their names in the Tabs are identical, which makes my usage of TC quite frustrating as I spend lots of time trying to identify the correct Tab by mousing over them.

Adding the Drive letter to the Tab is a step in the right direction, but regretably it's not of much help, since most people (me included) don't use multiple partitions, just C: and network, or C: and D:, so it's not enough to identify the Tab you're looking for.

My suggestion: Ability to set the Tab's font and background color (and maybe set the font), based on finding a defined string in the Tab's full path. To prevent conflicts, the list of defined 'substring -> colors' should have priorities (for an example of such configuration interface, take a look at BareTail. It's 'Highlighting' configuration is precisely this).

For example, Consider these dirs:

To make it easier to identify, I could define:
ProductName\SVN\Trunk\ -> Green background, default text color
ProductName\SVN\Branches\1760\ -> Yellow background, blue text
ProductName\SVN\Branches\1770 -> Yellow background, red text
C:\Projects\UI -> different font

Alternatively, you can expose the Tabs display as a plugin interface, and let other people implement it :-)

Thanks in advance,
dedicated user :-)
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Post by *SabreWolfy »

Nice! I like that suggestion a lot! :)

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Post by *StickyNomad »

This was already suggested and discussed a few times. IIRC there exist technical limitations that make it currently impossible to customize coloring and font of specific tabs.

If you search the forum, you may find a few discussions related to this topic...
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