Crash when trying to close SyncDirs while comparing archives

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Crash when trying to close SyncDirs while comparing archives

Post by *Flint »

Code: Select all

Total Commander 8.01
Access violation.
Access violation
Windows 7 SP1 6.1 (Build 7601)

Please report this error to the Author, with a description
of what you were doing when this error occurred!

Stack trace (x64):40A2CD
72F708 65AEB5 65D686 7BD341 7D8B46 7D929D 7D98B5 7D8A31
40F41D 7BC310 7B0CE3 898B8F 7EE940 77309BD1 
Press Ctrl+C to copy this report!
Continue execution?
Да   Нет   
What I did:
1. Opened enternal SyncDirs window for two 7z archives (here they are: first, second); Total7zip is used for work with 7z.
2. Turned on the options "Subdirs", "by content", "ignore date".
3. Pressed Compare.
4. After some time I found out it's a very long process, so I unpacked the archives manually, compared their unpacked contents using another TC instance. The first SyncDirs was still trying to compare the archives.
5. I tried to interrupt the comparing, but neither Abort, nor titlebar Close button did not work. I found a recent report about this problem with information that Esc should work, and so I pressed Esc. There was no response during a couple of seconds, so I pressed it several more times — just in case, being sure that TC hangs and I have to kill it. However, TC responded with the crash posted above.

OS: Win7 SP1 x64
TC 8.01 x64
Flint's Homepage: Full TC Russification Package, VirtualDisk, NTFS Links, NoClose Replacer, and other stuff!
Using TC 10.52 / Win10 x64
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Sorry, you need to hold down ESC for a while until the plugin reacts. In the next version, the Abort button will work also while unpacking. However, it's possible that the plugin doesn't react the the abort command, then you will have to be patient...
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Post by *Flint »

That's OK that I cannot abort unpacking by Abort (of course, as long as this issue is known and planned for fixing).

It's the crash I'm bothered about. Can you tell what caused it?
Flint's Homepage: Full TC Russification Package, VirtualDisk, NTFS Links, NoClose Replacer, and other stuff!
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

It's an odd error - it occurs in LoadCursor function:

Code: Select all

  $000000000072F708  LOADCURSOR,  line 2107 of graphics.pp

function LoadCursor(hInstance: THandle; lpCursorName: PChar): HCursor;
  Cur: TCursorImage;
  Cur := TCursorImage.Create;
->    Cur.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, lpCursorName);
    Result := Cur.ReleaseHandle;

  $000000000065AEB5  TCMPFORM__COMPARECONTENTS,  line 3311 of cmpmain.pas

      if aborted then begin
->        Windows.setcursor(loadcursor(0,idc_arrow));
No idea why it fails - I will probably just add an "except" block...
Author of Total Commander
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