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Beta version via Play Store

Posted: 2014-01-13, 12:00 UTC
by hadi_rena

Will you offer beta version via play store ? Now Play store able to provide 2 version of apk (stable and beta). I see some other app already try this approach, Ex: Nandroid Manager, Smart Messenger, Greenify, etc.

What I need to do is only joining G+ Comunnity and accept to join beta test program. I don't really know what developer should do to activate the beta opt-in. May be something related to the developer console.

Posted: 2014-01-13, 16:23 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
As I understand, it's not possible to offer the normal and beta version both at the same time. Therefore the beta is only available via our homepage.

Posted: 2014-01-14, 00:30 UTC
by hadi_rena
I see, maybe this 'new feature' limited to some developer or country. I suggest this idea because I already joined in beta program for above apps and get beta version from play store whenever there is a beta version published by developer.

I understand your problem and will not force you to offer the beta from play store. Some people tends not to join G+ community because privacy, etc. Thank You

Posted: 2014-01-18, 09:39 UTC
by HaPe
Man kann beides gleichzeitig bereitstellen.
Ich kenne das von anderen Projekten.
Normale User bekommen die Release-Version, Mitglieder einer Google+Gruppe können sich dort als Betatester aktivieren und bekommen via Playstore-Update dann immer die neueste Versionsnummer, egal ob Release oder Beta.

Wie es genau abläuft, also was der Entwickler dafür machen muss, weiß ich nicht genau.

Posted: 2014-01-19, 14:43 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Was ist der Vorteil? Ich muss den jeden Tester mühsam von Hand aufnehmen. Die jetzige Betaversion darf jeder frei herunterladen.

Ausserdem müsste ich mich dann für Google+ anmelden. Ich habe um solche "social networks" immer einen riesigen Bogen gemacht, weil sie enorme Zeitkiller sind. Ich brauche die Zeit lieber zum Programmieren und für den Support...

Posted: 2014-01-21, 08:28 UTC
by HaPe
Wie wäre es zumindest mit einem automatischen Update-Check? Speziell auch bei der beta?

Posted: 2014-01-21, 10:44 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Ja, bei Google Play ist das sicher ein Vorteil. Direkt ins Programm möchte ich das lieber nicht einbauen - "Call to home" wird von vielen Usern (zu Recht) als Spionage angesehen.

Posted: 2014-01-30, 10:15 UTC
by zedde
Don't understand what you just sad but why 2 apps in the market? You control who run the beta via Google+ or Google group.

Posted: 2014-01-30, 14:05 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Yes, but I have to approve every single tester, and it opens another support location in addition to e-mail and this forum...

Posted: 2014-03-03, 23:23 UTC
by siealex
It would be better to download betas (and other updates) directly from this site inside the program. Many android devices (especially noname tablets and Nokia X) don't have Google Play at all.

Posted: 2014-03-05, 11:45 UTC
by VeronicaEllis
control the beta via Google+ or Google group

Posted: 2014-08-08, 15:04 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Good news: I found a way to offer the beta automatically! The trick is to create a Google Group, not a Google+ Community. And then, as a second step, make this group "Public"! This way, anyone who wants can join without being approved manually.

The group is here: