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[Feature Request] Something like the TCs cursor bar

Posted: 2014-08-30, 16:44 UTC
I need something like the TCs (for Windows) cursor bar in the TC for android.

From time to time I have to handle (edit) many files one after another within a structure of many folders. The problem is to remember - after I come back from editor - what is the next file/folder I have to handle.

So I need a mark "what's the current file/folder". A mark like the TCs (for Windows) cursor bar.


Posted: 2014-09-01, 09:20 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Unfortunately Android supports this only while NOT in touch mode. One you touch the touch screen, Android switches to touch mode and hides the current file indicator (which you get when scrolling with an external keyboard).

Posted: 2014-09-03, 16:43 UTC
ghisler(Author) wrote:Android switches to touch mode and hides the current file indicator
Thank you for your answer. I understand that android issue. But: My wish is not to have a standard indicator/cursor bar, but a mark like a star or something like this (something TC specific). I think/hope this is possible...

Posted: 2017-07-27, 08:01 UTC
by DrShark
Maybe a marker used for 134 (Keyboard for quick search) command, if possible to show it without keyboard opened, could be used as a cursor in file panel?