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[REQUEST] Media Player loop button

Posted: 2014-09-28, 03:36 UTC
by ts4242
Please add new button with the following 3 states:
1- No loop (play the list from first song to last one and stop)
2- Loop all (play the list from first song to last one and start again)
3- Loop one (continuously play the current song)

I have downloaded TC 2.05 public beta 5 and found an option (in context menu) to repeat entire queue in a loop, it is good but i want to add another option Repeat current to loop the current playing song only, of course the two options will toggle each other.

My opinion adding a new button on the left of X button is better than hiding these options inside the context menu because it will be easy to toggle and recognize the loop mode, it is also exist in most players i had tried.