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TC MediaPlayer: random mode: better Song ''highlighting''?

Posted: 2015-09-14, 23:12 UTC
by sidefx88
Sometimes I walk around listening music in random mode.

If an unknown good song plays, I want to know artist and title, but using TC Media Player is a little bit hard to see which song in the playlist is the currently playing; and it is because of the poor highlighting: just a ♫ in green color instead of grey. In outdoor light condition or sunny days it is really hard to see which is the currently playing song on the playlist.

Maybe new method(s) of highlighting would help (a play icon instead of ♫), inverted colors (white on background, black on foreground)...

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 2015-09-15, 19:51 UTC
by ts4242

Posted: 2015-09-16, 08:12 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
This has been suggested before, but I haven't found a good solution yet. I tried with an inverted icon, but it looks very ugly.

Posted: 2015-10-01, 20:29 UTC
by matixx
A solution maybe: Highlight the playing track in bigger fontsize and/or always in the middle of the playlist.

Posted: 2015-10-05, 09:32 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Yes, I thought about that too - but the problem with larger fonts is that it could make the track entry higher (e.g. due to a line break).

Posted: 2015-10-06, 00:24 UTC
by Bartusg
Current version Playerpro highlights the now playing song in bright green on black, be it in a slightly thicker font. Not very pretty but clear enough.