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Create link on desktop - file not found

Posted: 2016-03-09, 20:18 UTC
by Cvulturbo
Hi. Some apps can not access files created by "Create link on desktop", if they located on the sdcard (CyanogenMod Editor, su binary, and others).

This is because TC defines sdcard as /storage/emulated/0, but there is no "0" in "emulated".

Is there possibility to safely redefine sdcard to /mnt/shell/emulated/0 instead?

My Android v 5.1 (same for 4.4). Thanks..

Posted: 2016-03-10, 10:29 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
TC doesn't use "/storage/emulated/0" directly, it uses an Android function to get the location. Maybe Cyanogenmod is returning the wrong directory?

Here is what I use:
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()) +

Posted: 2016-03-10, 14:02 UTC
by Cvulturbo
I think you are right. I checked EXTERNAL_STORAGE environment variable and it is "/storage/emulated/legacy". this path is correct for all apps.

Thank you for support. I'll ask Cyanogen for this thing.