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Getting back the top bar

Posted: 2016-09-22, 08:31 UTC
by Laurent
I've disabled the top bar at some point, the one where the config button is, and since then I cannot get it back. Since the Config button is on it I also cannot open the option page.

Any idea how to get it back?

Posted: 2016-09-23, 18:52 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
TC for Android should have added a menu button to the lower button bar (or the secondary lower button bar in portrait mode). If it's missing, you will have to add it yourself:
1. Tap on the "+" button in the lower button bar.
2. Set the function type to "Iternal command"
3. Choose the last command via >> button: 500 main menu
4. Save the button
5. Tap on the button to get to the main settings