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Will an icon be added for Android TV

Posted: 2016-11-12, 22:43 UTC
by evalalave
Pretty straight forward. Will an icon be added to the Android TV leanback launcher as currently its the regular icon with the text Total Comm... and its really bugging the OCD in me. tnx in advance.

Posted: 2016-11-13, 11:36 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I will consider it.

Posted: 2016-11-13, 14:58 UTC
by evalalave
please do so sir. with the current bloatware that other explorers have become. total commander is a breath of fresh air. if the app becomes available in the leanback store and it has an proper icon it would be wondeful.

Posted: 2016-11-15, 19:27 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I don't think that adding an icon will be sufficient to get TC into the leanback store. For example, TC needs a menu button to work, and Android TV does not have one. The Amazon Fire TV remote has one, and TC is available there.

Posted: 2016-11-16, 05:26 UTC
by evalalave
It would be a start and the menu is now accessible from the long press of the middle button so its there in a way.

I have no idea of what or how much it takes to build it correctly but adding an icon doesn't seem hard ('seem' being the key word) - - slide 12. If you decide to do it I'll be happy if not i did my best.