Total commander for android access to google drive

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Total commander for android access to google drive

Post by *Pauly556 »

Apologies if this is posted in the wrong area.

New to total commander and trying to get it to do what I want. On the surface, it seems to and the blurb about it seems to imply that it can but....

I'm using it on an android tablet. Installed the google drive plugin and set it up. Can see the contents of the drive. Set up a bookmark for it and can access contents through it. I have added it to my home screen within total commander.

My problem arises when I try to copy or move files from the download directory in android to the google drive as I don't seem to be able to find it to select it. Can't see it when I select home. Can't see it in my bookmarks. In fact, I can't see the bookmark that I set up for my nas server anywhere when trying to copy or move either.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

You need to do the following:
1. Switch to Google drive
2. Swipe sideways to open the other file panel, or tap on button with 3 arrows
3. Switch to the download directory
4. Select the files you want to upload, e.g. by tapping on their icons
5. Tap on the copy button, it's the second from the left at the bottom
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