<![CDATA[Total Commander]]> https://ghisler.ch/board 2024-09-20T23:55:05+00:00 Smartfeed extension for phpBB <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Seit update des LAN-Plugin (android) keine Verbindung zum PC :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-22T09:05:42+00:00 2024-08-22T09:05:42+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83548&p=458857#p458857 2. Haben Sie das Passwort für die Verbindung gespeichert oder nicht?
3. Können Sie eine Logdatei erzeugen für die Verbindungsversuche? Das geht via Hauptmenü - Konfigurieren]]>
2. Haben Sie das Passwort für die Verbindung gespeichert oder nicht?
3. Können Sie eine Logdatei erzeugen für die Verbindungsversuche? Das geht via Hauptmenü - Konfigurieren]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Seit update des LAN-Plugin (android) keine Verbindung zum PC :: Reply by blaubaer11]]> 2024-08-22T11:27:47+00:00 2024-08-22T11:27:47+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83548&p=458862#p458862 vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung.
zu 1: der TC für Android hat die Version 3.50. Die Versionsnummer des LAN-Plugin lautet 3.54
wie geschrieben, das Update wurde vor 3-4 Tagen auf dem Handy und vor zwei Tagen auf dem Tablet angeboten und direkt durchgeführt
zu 2: ja, ist in den Eigenschaften der LAN-Verbindung gespeichert
PS: wenn ich das Passwort rausnehme und versuche die Verbindung aufzubauen läuft die gleiche Fehlermeldung ab; das Passwort wird aber nicht
zu 3: hab ich gerade erstellt. Auf welchem Weg kann ich Sie ihnen zukommen lassen?

vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung.
zu 1: der TC für Android hat die Version 3.50. Die Versionsnummer des LAN-Plugin lautet 3.54
wie geschrieben, das Update wurde vor 3-4 Tagen auf dem Handy und vor zwei Tagen auf dem Tablet angeboten und direkt durchgeführt
zu 2: ja, ist in den Eigenschaften der LAN-Verbindung gespeichert
PS: wenn ich das Passwort rausnehme und versuche die Verbindung aufzubauen läuft die gleiche Fehlermeldung ab; das Passwort wird aber nicht
zu 3: hab ich gerade erstellt. Auf welchem Weg kann ich Sie ihnen zukommen lassen?

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Seit update des LAN-Plugin (android) keine Verbindung zum PC :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-23T07:23:10+00:00 2024-08-23T07:23:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83548&p=458892#p458892 <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Seit update des LAN-Plugin (android) keine Verbindung zum PC :: Reply by blaubaer11]]> 2024-08-23T13:31:34+00:00 2024-08-23T13:31:34+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83548&p=458913#p458913 <![CDATA[Deu :: Kommando erstellen um eine Datei über "Print To PDF" zu drucken :: Author ska11ihati]]> 2024-08-26T08:45:56+00:00 2024-08-26T08:45:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83622&p=459040#p459040
ich bin ein begeisterter Totalcommander-Nutzer. Bin aber eher ein Standardnutzer, ohne tiefgreifene Erfahrungen in der Kommando-Erstellung.

Daher wende ich mich an dieses Forum. Ich möchte gerne ein Kommando erstellen über das ich eine Datei .TIF oder eine .PDF ausdrucken kann.
Als Drucker sollte der "Microsoft Print To PDF" angesteuert werden.

Meine ersten Recherchen haben mich auf das Kommando cm_PrintFile gebracht. Allerdings geht dann immer automatisch der Druckdialog von dem jeweiligen Standardprogramm auf. Gerne würde ich diesen Druckendialog umgehen.

Bei den Parametern habe ich dann folgendes ausprobiert, allerdings ohne Erfolg:
-print-to Microsoft Print To PDF -silent %S

Ich hoffe Ihr könnt mir da weiterhelfen :)

VG Matthias]]>

ich bin ein begeisterter Totalcommander-Nutzer. Bin aber eher ein Standardnutzer, ohne tiefgreifene Erfahrungen in der Kommando-Erstellung.

Daher wende ich mich an dieses Forum. Ich möchte gerne ein Kommando erstellen über das ich eine Datei .TIF oder eine .PDF ausdrucken kann.
Als Drucker sollte der "Microsoft Print To PDF" angesteuert werden.

Meine ersten Recherchen haben mich auf das Kommando cm_PrintFile gebracht. Allerdings geht dann immer automatisch der Druckdialog von dem jeweiligen Standardprogramm auf. Gerne würde ich diesen Druckendialog umgehen.

Bei den Parametern habe ich dann folgendes ausprobiert, allerdings ohne Erfolg:
-print-to Microsoft Print To PDF -silent %S

Ich hoffe Ihr könnt mir da weiterhelfen :)

VG Matthias]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Fotos und Filmchen nach Aufnahmezeit in einem Ordner sortieren :: Author Ziru26]]> 2024-08-24T08:02:41+00:00 2024-08-24T08:02:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83596&p=458947#p458947

Nutze schon sehr lange & sehr zufrieden den TC! Toll, was da alles möglich ist.

Aber leider habe ich für ein Problem noch immer keine Lösung finden können:

Ich möchte nach einem Urlaub alle Fotos und mp4-Filmchen aus meinem und dem Handy meiner Frau zeitlich geordnet nach dem Aufnahmedatum zusammenführen und dann entsprechend umbenennen.

Alle Dateien von den beiden Android-Handys sind in einem Ordner.
Bisher finde ich nur einen Lösungsansatz mit dem Plugin wdx_exif.zip.

Wenn ich dann mit "Ansicht/benutzerdefinierte Spalten" nach Digitalisierungsdatum alle Dateien ordne, schaffe ich nur die richtige Sortierung für die *.jpg, leider aber nicht auch die *.mp4. Warum?

Ich gehe eigentlich davon aus, dass ich nicht der Einzige sein kann,
der solchen Wunsch realisieren möchte.
Über eure Hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar!


Nutze schon sehr lange & sehr zufrieden den TC! Toll, was da alles möglich ist.

Aber leider habe ich für ein Problem noch immer keine Lösung finden können:

Ich möchte nach einem Urlaub alle Fotos und mp4-Filmchen aus meinem und dem Handy meiner Frau zeitlich geordnet nach dem Aufnahmedatum zusammenführen und dann entsprechend umbenennen.

Alle Dateien von den beiden Android-Handys sind in einem Ordner.
Bisher finde ich nur einen Lösungsansatz mit dem Plugin wdx_exif.zip.

Wenn ich dann mit "Ansicht/benutzerdefinierte Spalten" nach Digitalisierungsdatum alle Dateien ordne, schaffe ich nur die richtige Sortierung für die *.jpg, leider aber nicht auch die *.mp4. Warum?

Ich gehe eigentlich davon aus, dass ich nicht der Einzige sein kann,
der solchen Wunsch realisieren möchte.
Über eure Hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar!

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Fotos und Filmchen nach Aufnahmezeit in einem Ordner sortieren :: Reply by Wilhelm M.]]> 2024-08-24T09:44:50+00:00 2024-08-24T09:44:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83596&p=458949#p458949
Ziru26 wrote: 2024-08-24, 08:02 UTC Wenn ich dann mit "Ansicht/benutzerdefinierte Spalten" nach Digitalisierungsdatum alle Dateien ordne, schaffe ich nur die richtige Sortierung für die *.jpg, leider aber nicht auch die *.mp4. Warum?
Weil die Metadaten in mp4-Dateien keine exif sind?
Probiere doch TCMediainfo: https://totalcmd.net/plugring/tcmediainfo.html.
(Habe damit keine Erfahrung, nur die Beschreibung gelesen...)]]>
Ziru26 wrote: 2024-08-24, 08:02 UTC Wenn ich dann mit "Ansicht/benutzerdefinierte Spalten" nach Digitalisierungsdatum alle Dateien ordne, schaffe ich nur die richtige Sortierung für die *.jpg, leider aber nicht auch die *.mp4. Warum?
Weil die Metadaten in mp4-Dateien keine exif sind?
Probiere doch TCMediainfo: https://totalcmd.net/plugring/tcmediainfo.html.
(Habe damit keine Erfahrung, nur die Beschreibung gelesen...)]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Fotos und Filmchen nach Aufnahmezeit in einem Ordner sortieren :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-08-24T11:53:26+00:00 2024-08-24T11:53:26+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83596&p=458950#p458950 Ziru26

Wenn in den Dateieigenschaften einer .mp4 Datei auf Registerkarte "Details" unter "Ursprung"
das Feld "Medium erstellt" mit Datum und Uhrzeit befüllt ist, dann ist es möglich das Aufnahmedatum
in einer benutzerdefinierten Spaltenansicht in TC zB mit dem Plugin "ShellDetails" mit folgender Einstellung anzeigen zu lassen:

Code: Select all

[=shelldetails.Medium erstellt.YMD_h.m.s]
Sofern Fotos und Videos chronologisch sortiert werden sollen hilft das unter Umständen nicht weiter.
Es läßt sich mit diesem Feld jedoch feststellen ob bei einem Video ein Aufnahmedatum gespeichert wurde.

Option: Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool (MUT)
Um Fotos und Videos - aus verschiedenen Quellen - chronologisch anzeigen zu lassen benenne ich diese zB wie folgt um:
(Für eigene Videos ist bei mir eine Umbenennung nicht erforderlich, da das Aufnahmedatum/Uhrzeit im Dateinamen angegeben sind).

1. Fotos (Beispiel)
Button mit Kommando: em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 -> em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 - Kommando: MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2
Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool (MUT): Gespeicherte Vorlage "Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" >
Umbenennmaske: Dateiname -> [=jpg-comment.Exif_Image_DateTime.YMD_hms]_[N]

- Weitere Variante: [=jpg-comment.Exif_Image_DateTime.Y.M.D_h.m.s]_[N]
- Weitere Variante: MULTIRENAME Fotos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt ... verwende ich in jenen Fällen in welchen in den Dateieigenschaften
  auf Registerkarte "Details" unter "Ursprung" das Feld "Aufnahmedatum" nicht befüllt ist -> [=tc.Änderungsdatum.YMD_hms]_[N]
- Der em_Befehl "em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" ist in diesem Fall nur erforderlich um eine Tastenkombination zu definieren.
- Wird MULTIRENAME==NameDerGespeichertenVorlage ausgeführt erfolgt die Umbenennung sofort und OHNE Rückfrage.

2. Videos (Beispiel)
Button mit Kommando: MULTIRENAME Videos-Erstelldatum   ;Beginn der Aufnahme
Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool (MUT): Gespeicherte Vorlage "MULTIRENAME Videos-Erstelldatum"
Umbenennmaske: Dateiname -> ...
[N]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]

- Weitere Variante: MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum   ;Ende der Aufnahme
  [=shelldetails.Medium erstellt.YMD_hms]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]
- Weitere Variante: MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt ... verwende ich in jenen Fällen in welchen das Feld "Medium erstellt" NICHT befüllt ist.
  [=tc.Änderungsdatum.YMD_hms]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]
- Videos werden auf meinem Android Smartphone wie folgt erstellt: JJJJMMTT_HHMMSS.mp4
  und das Feld "Medium erstellt" ist befüllt (Format: TT.MM.JJJJ HH:MM).

Beispiel: Ordneransicht nach Umbenennung

Code: Select all

Name/Erw.						Größe		Datum			Attr.
20240710_220341_60_512x480_00.00.01_108 kB.mp4		  107 562	10.07.2024 22:03	-a--
20240716_150609.jpg					1 106 366	16.07.2024 15:06	-a--
20240816_160411_30_480x848_00.00.02_641 kB.mp4		  640 566	16.08.2024 16:04	-a--
20240820_165626_Screenshot_Chrome.jpg			  894 406	20.08.2024 16:56	-a--

Plugin "ShellDetails" - Version 1.26 | Plugin "DirSizeCalc 2.22"
Plugin "ImageMetaData for JPG comment, Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata" - (wdx-jpg-comment)
MediaInfo | Plugin "TCMediaInfo 1.1.0" | Plugin "MediaInfoWDX 2.04" | Plugin "MediaInfo 22.03"
MediaInfo - UPDATE(S) von MediaInfo.dll, MediaInfo64.dll und MediaInfo_x64.dll - Beispiel ...
  1. Download durchführen, zB Datei "MediaInfo_DLL_24.06_Windows_x64_WithoutInstaller.7z" -> MediaInfo
  2. Die Datei "MediaInfo_DLL_24.06_Windows_x64_WithoutInstaller.7z" entpacken [Strg + Bild-nach-unten Taste...].
  3. Die Datei "MediaInfo.dll" zB nach D:\TEMP\ kopieren.
  4. Von der Datei "MediaInfo.dll" zwei Kopien anfertigen und die Kopien umbenennen auf MediaInfo64.dll und MediaInfo_x64.dll.
    (Die Datei "MediaInfo_x64.dll" wird vom Plugin "TCMediaInfo" verwendet). In D:\TEMP\ befinden sich somit drei .dll Dateien.
  5. Die Suchabfrage direkt in Everything durchführen:
    Modifiers -> exact:, wfn:, wholefilename: -> Match the whole filename ("exact: is the same as wfn: and is easier to remember").
  6. Sortierung nach Spalte "Date Modified" ("Änderungsdatum") absteigend durchführen.
  7. Fokus auf D:\TEMP\MediaInfo.dll (aktuellste Datei!), dann Strg+C drücken (kopieren in Zwischenablage)
  8. Markieren der noch NICHT aktualisierten Dateien (Mediainfo.dll), dann Strg+V drücken:
    "✓ Dateien im Ziel ersetzen" anklicken und gegebenenfalls die UAC-Abfrage bestätigen.
  9. Die Suchabfrage direkt in Everything durchführen:
    Operator '|' = OR (oder)
  10. Weitere Vorgangsweise für MediaInfo_x64.dll und MediaInfo64.dll analog wie oben angegeben - Fortsetzung ab Punkt 6. ... (!)
  11. Anmerkung: Mit dieser Vorgangsweise können die .dll Dateien (inclusive Backups!) zu verschiedenen Plugins
    rasch aktualisiert werden, und zwar OHNE dass man die jeweiligen Verzeichnisse für die Plugins in TC aufrufen muß.

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4037) | TC 11.03 x64 | 'Everything' (x64)]]>

Wenn in den Dateieigenschaften einer .mp4 Datei auf Registerkarte "Details" unter "Ursprung"
das Feld "Medium erstellt" mit Datum und Uhrzeit befüllt ist, dann ist es möglich das Aufnahmedatum
in einer benutzerdefinierten Spaltenansicht in TC zB mit dem Plugin "ShellDetails" mit folgender Einstellung anzeigen zu lassen:

Code: Select all

[=shelldetails.Medium erstellt.YMD_h.m.s]
Sofern Fotos und Videos chronologisch sortiert werden sollen hilft das unter Umständen nicht weiter.
Es läßt sich mit diesem Feld jedoch feststellen ob bei einem Video ein Aufnahmedatum gespeichert wurde.

Option: Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool (MUT)
Um Fotos und Videos - aus verschiedenen Quellen - chronologisch anzeigen zu lassen benenne ich diese zB wie folgt um:
(Für eigene Videos ist bei mir eine Umbenennung nicht erforderlich, da das Aufnahmedatum/Uhrzeit im Dateinamen angegeben sind).

1. Fotos (Beispiel)
Button mit Kommando: em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 -> em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 - Kommando: MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2
Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool (MUT): Gespeicherte Vorlage "Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" >
Umbenennmaske: Dateiname -> [=jpg-comment.Exif_Image_DateTime.YMD_hms]_[N]

- Weitere Variante: [=jpg-comment.Exif_Image_DateTime.Y.M.D_h.m.s]_[N]
- Weitere Variante: MULTIRENAME Fotos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt ... verwende ich in jenen Fällen in welchen in den Dateieigenschaften
  auf Registerkarte "Details" unter "Ursprung" das Feld "Aufnahmedatum" nicht befüllt ist -> [=tc.Änderungsdatum.YMD_hms]_[N]
- Der em_Befehl "em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" ist in diesem Fall nur erforderlich um eine Tastenkombination zu definieren.
- Wird MULTIRENAME==NameDerGespeichertenVorlage ausgeführt erfolgt die Umbenennung sofort und OHNE Rückfrage.

2. Videos (Beispiel)
Button mit Kommando: MULTIRENAME Videos-Erstelldatum   ;Beginn der Aufnahme
Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool (MUT): Gespeicherte Vorlage "MULTIRENAME Videos-Erstelldatum"
Umbenennmaske: Dateiname -> ...
[N]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]

- Weitere Variante: MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum   ;Ende der Aufnahme
  [=shelldetails.Medium erstellt.YMD_hms]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]
- Weitere Variante: MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt ... verwende ich in jenen Fällen in welchen das Feld "Medium erstellt" NICHT befüllt ist.
  [=tc.Änderungsdatum.YMD_hms]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]
- Videos werden auf meinem Android Smartphone wie folgt erstellt: JJJJMMTT_HHMMSS.mp4
  und das Feld "Medium erstellt" ist befüllt (Format: TT.MM.JJJJ HH:MM).

Beispiel: Ordneransicht nach Umbenennung

Code: Select all

Name/Erw.						Größe		Datum			Attr.
20240710_220341_60_512x480_00.00.01_108 kB.mp4		  107 562	10.07.2024 22:03	-a--
20240716_150609.jpg					1 106 366	16.07.2024 15:06	-a--
20240816_160411_30_480x848_00.00.02_641 kB.mp4		  640 566	16.08.2024 16:04	-a--
20240820_165626_Screenshot_Chrome.jpg			  894 406	20.08.2024 16:56	-a--

Plugin "ShellDetails" - Version 1.26 | Plugin "DirSizeCalc 2.22"
Plugin "ImageMetaData for JPG comment, Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata" - (wdx-jpg-comment)
MediaInfo | Plugin "TCMediaInfo 1.1.0" | Plugin "MediaInfoWDX 2.04" | Plugin "MediaInfo 22.03"
MediaInfo - UPDATE(S) von MediaInfo.dll, MediaInfo64.dll und MediaInfo_x64.dll - Beispiel ...
  1. Download durchführen, zB Datei "MediaInfo_DLL_24.06_Windows_x64_WithoutInstaller.7z" -> MediaInfo
  2. Die Datei "MediaInfo_DLL_24.06_Windows_x64_WithoutInstaller.7z" entpacken [Strg + Bild-nach-unten Taste...].
  3. Die Datei "MediaInfo.dll" zB nach D:\TEMP\ kopieren.
  4. Von der Datei "MediaInfo.dll" zwei Kopien anfertigen und die Kopien umbenennen auf MediaInfo64.dll und MediaInfo_x64.dll.
    (Die Datei "MediaInfo_x64.dll" wird vom Plugin "TCMediaInfo" verwendet). In D:\TEMP\ befinden sich somit drei .dll Dateien.
  5. Die Suchabfrage direkt in Everything durchführen:
    Modifiers -> exact:, wfn:, wholefilename: -> Match the whole filename ("exact: is the same as wfn: and is easier to remember").
  6. Sortierung nach Spalte "Date Modified" ("Änderungsdatum") absteigend durchführen.
  7. Fokus auf D:\TEMP\MediaInfo.dll (aktuellste Datei!), dann Strg+C drücken (kopieren in Zwischenablage)
  8. Markieren der noch NICHT aktualisierten Dateien (Mediainfo.dll), dann Strg+V drücken:
    "✓ Dateien im Ziel ersetzen" anklicken und gegebenenfalls die UAC-Abfrage bestätigen.
  9. Die Suchabfrage direkt in Everything durchführen:
    Operator '|' = OR (oder)
  10. Weitere Vorgangsweise für MediaInfo_x64.dll und MediaInfo64.dll analog wie oben angegeben - Fortsetzung ab Punkt 6. ... (!)
  11. Anmerkung: Mit dieser Vorgangsweise können die .dll Dateien (inclusive Backups!) zu verschiedenen Plugins
    rasch aktualisiert werden, und zwar OHNE dass man die jeweiligen Verzeichnisse für die Plugins in TC aufrufen muß.

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4037) | TC 11.03 x64 | 'Everything' (x64)]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Fotos und Filmchen nach Aufnahmezeit in einem Ordner sortieren :: Reply by Ziru26]]> 2024-08-25T13:18:51+00:00 2024-08-25T14:19:08+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83596&p=458977#p458977 Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe :-)

Du hast dir so viel Mühe gemacht!!!
Bin immer wieder erstaunt, wie man zu so tiefgründigem Wissen kommen kann
und vor allem dann noch die Zeit aufbringt, anderen zu helfen.
Da wäre ich nie drauf gekommen, für mich alles Neuland.
Ein herzliches Dankeschön!

Am einfachsten umzusetzen war natürlich dein Hinweis:
Auch bei meinen 4 Dateiarten steckt die Aufnahmezeit schon im Dateinamen.
Also am einfachsten, die Namen nur anzupassen, dass von allen nur TMY hm... übrig blieb.
Die konnte ich dann ja nur nach Namen sortiert leicht neu durchnummerieren.

Wollte aber auch wissen, wie sich das mit [=shelldetails.Medium erstellt.YMD_h.m.s]
verhält. Mußte lang rumprobieren. Erst als ich dann die neue Version des Plugins "ShellDetails" - Version 1.26 runtergeladen hatte, funktionierte das :-)

Trotz viel Probiererei verstehe ich noch richtig,
wie ich für deine "1.Fotos (Beispiel)"zurecht kommen kann :-(
Was mache ich falsch?

Im TC füge ich in "Buttonbar ändern" einen Button an.
Unter dem Lupensymbol finde ich kein
em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 -> em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 ,
deshalb erstelle ich den hier neu.
Als Kommando füge ich dann ein "MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" mit einem beliebigen Icon ein.
Im MUT gebe ich in der "Umbenennungsmaske: Dateiname"
[=jpg-comment.Exif_Image_DateTime.YMD_hms]_[N] ein
und wähle Einstellungen speichern mit "Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" .
Wenn ich nun meinen Button starte geht das MUT-Fenster auf,
aber unter "Neuer Name" steht <Fehler!>

Nach "Start" erhalte ich "Fehler im Definitionsstring"
Zu deine anderen Ausführungen bin ich so noch gar nicht gekommen. Zum Glück sind aber die Aufnahmedatum usw. bei mir befüllt.]]>
Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe :-)

Du hast dir so viel Mühe gemacht!!!
Bin immer wieder erstaunt, wie man zu so tiefgründigem Wissen kommen kann
und vor allem dann noch die Zeit aufbringt, anderen zu helfen.
Da wäre ich nie drauf gekommen, für mich alles Neuland.
Ein herzliches Dankeschön!

Am einfachsten umzusetzen war natürlich dein Hinweis:
Auch bei meinen 4 Dateiarten steckt die Aufnahmezeit schon im Dateinamen.
Also am einfachsten, die Namen nur anzupassen, dass von allen nur TMY hm... übrig blieb.
Die konnte ich dann ja nur nach Namen sortiert leicht neu durchnummerieren.

Wollte aber auch wissen, wie sich das mit [=shelldetails.Medium erstellt.YMD_h.m.s]
verhält. Mußte lang rumprobieren. Erst als ich dann die neue Version des Plugins "ShellDetails" - Version 1.26 runtergeladen hatte, funktionierte das :-)

Trotz viel Probiererei verstehe ich noch richtig,
wie ich für deine "1.Fotos (Beispiel)"zurecht kommen kann :-(
Was mache ich falsch?

Im TC füge ich in "Buttonbar ändern" einen Button an.
Unter dem Lupensymbol finde ich kein
em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 -> em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 ,
deshalb erstelle ich den hier neu.
Als Kommando füge ich dann ein "MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" mit einem beliebigen Icon ein.
Im MUT gebe ich in der "Umbenennungsmaske: Dateiname"
[=jpg-comment.Exif_Image_DateTime.YMD_hms]_[N] ein
und wähle Einstellungen speichern mit "Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" .
Wenn ich nun meinen Button starte geht das MUT-Fenster auf,
aber unter "Neuer Name" steht <Fehler!>

Nach "Start" erhalte ich "Fehler im Definitionsstring"
Zu deine anderen Ausführungen bin ich so noch gar nicht gekommen. Zum Glück sind aber die Aufnahmedatum usw. bei mir befüllt.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Fotos und Filmchen nach Aufnahmezeit in einem Ordner sortieren :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-08-25T13:52:50+00:00 2024-08-25T13:52:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83596&p=458978#p458978
Ziru26 wrote: 2024-08-25, 13:18 UTC Als Kommando füge ich dann ein "MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" mit einem beliebigen Icon ein.
und wähle Einstellungen speichern mit "Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" .

Wenn ich nun meinen Button starte geht das MUT-Fenster auf,
aber unter "Neuer Name" steht <Fehler!>
Wie bereits oben erwähnt benötigst Du in diesem Fall einen em_Befehl nur wenn Du einen Shortcut für die Umbenennung verwenden möchtest.
D.h. es genügt auch bereits ein Button mit Kommando: MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 (nur Beispiel, beliebiger Name möglich).

Bitte ändere den Code auf Kommando (OHNE Anführungszeichen):

Code: Select all

MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2
Bitte ändere den Namen der gespeicherten Vorlage auf (OHNE Anführungszeichen):

Code: Select all

Prüfe gegenenfalls ob Du diese Einstellungen hast:


Code: Select all

cmd=MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2
wincmd.ini - Abschnitt [rename]

Code: Select all

Ziru26 wrote: 2024-08-25, 13:18 UTC Als Kommando füge ich dann ein "MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" mit einem beliebigen Icon ein.
und wähle Einstellungen speichern mit "Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2" .

Wenn ich nun meinen Button starte geht das MUT-Fenster auf,
aber unter "Neuer Name" steht <Fehler!>
Wie bereits oben erwähnt benötigst Du in diesem Fall einen em_Befehl nur wenn Du einen Shortcut für die Umbenennung verwenden möchtest.
D.h. es genügt auch bereits ein Button mit Kommando: MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 (nur Beispiel, beliebiger Name möglich).

Bitte ändere den Code auf Kommando (OHNE Anführungszeichen):

Code: Select all

MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2
Bitte ändere den Namen der gespeicherten Vorlage auf (OHNE Anführungszeichen):

Code: Select all

Prüfe gegenenfalls ob Du diese Einstellungen hast:


Code: Select all

cmd=MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2
wincmd.ini - Abschnitt [rename]

Code: Select all

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Fotos und Filmchen nach Aufnahmezeit in einem Ordner sortieren :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-08-25T20:16:57+00:00 2024-08-25T20:16:57+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83596&p=458997#p458997 Buttons - die Pfade im Feld "Icondatei:" sind gegebenenfalls anzupassen.
1. BUTTON - MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2

Code: Select all


FOTOS umbenennen: || JJJJMMTT_HHMMSS_Name.JPG|em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 || MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2|[=jpg-comment.Exif_Image_DateTime.YMD_hms]_[N]|https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=80633|https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=83596

2. BUTTON - MULTIRENAME Fotos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt

Code: Select all

MULTIRENAME Fotos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt

FOTOS umbenennen:|JJJJMMTT_HHMMSS_Name.JPG| |MULTIRENAME Fotos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt|Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool: Fotos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt|[=tc.Änderungsdatum.YMD_hms]_[N]|https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=83596|Fotos/Filme nach Aufnahmedatum sortieren

3. BUTTON - MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum

Code: Select all

MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum

%COMMANDER_PATH%\Tools\VLC media player\vlc.exe
VIDEOS Aufnahmedatum|Beispiel: 20161019_203039_50_1920x1080_00.01.08_224 MB.mp4|https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=83596| |Umbenennungen rückgängig machen:|MUT erneut aufrufen, Button "Rückgängig" drücken!|Mehrfach "Rückgängig" machen ist möglich!

4. BUTTON - MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt

Code: Select all

MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt

%COMMANDER_PATH%\Tools\VLC media player\vlc.exe
VIDEOS-Aufnahmedatum-FEHLT|Beispiel: 20240811_102943_30_478x850_00.00.38_8 MB.mp4|https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=83596| |Umbenennungen rückgängig machen:|MUT erneut aufrufen, Button "Rückgängig" drücken!|Mehrfach "Rückgängig" machen ist möglich!

>> Button in Buttonbar erstellen (CODE kopieren/einfügen) <<
  1. Rechts neben "CODE:" auf "ALLES AUSWÄHLEN" klicken, dann Strg+C drücken (kopieren in Zwischenablage).
  2. Rechtsklick auf einen beliebigen Platz in der Buttonbar tätigen, dann auf "Einfügen" klicken.
  3. Option1: Zeige mit dem Cursor (etwas länger) auf den neu erstellten Button: "Tooltip" erscheint (-> Beschreibung zum Button).
                  Beim Tooltip sind max. 259 Zeichen gestattet. | = Zeilenumbruch erzeugen, || = | als Trennzeichen erzeugen.
  4. Option2: Buttonbar - Feld "Tooltip": Ein einzelnes Leerzeichen deaktiviert die Anzeige des Tooltips.
                  Bei leerem Feld "Tooltip" wird der Inhalt von Feld "Kommando" angezeigt.
  5. Option3: Siehe FAQs und Erklärung: Button-code (TOTALCMD#BAR#DATA)  <-- <Strg+Klick auf den Link...>
Bezüglich des erwähnten Fehlers bitte ich Dich zu prüfen ob Du die in den Beispielen angegebenen Plugins installiert hast.
(Der Pluginname ist im Feldinhaltsnamen ersichtlich).

[=jpg-comment.Exif_Image_DateTime.YMD_hms]_[N] benötigt das
Plugin "ImageMetaData for JPG comment, Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata"- (wdx-jpg-comment).

[N]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]
benötigt Plugin "MediaInfoWDX 2.04" sowie Plugin "MediaInfo 22.03" bzw. MediaInfo und Plugin "DirSizeCalc 2.22".
[=shelldetails.Medium erstellt.YMD_hms]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]
benötigt zusätzlich Plugin "ShellDetails" - Version 1.26.]]>
Buttons - die Pfade im Feld "Icondatei:" sind gegebenenfalls anzupassen.
1. BUTTON - MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2

Code: Select all


FOTOS umbenennen: || JJJJMMTT_HHMMSS_Name.JPG|em_Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2 || MULTIRENAME Fotos-Datum-Zeit-Name2|[=jpg-comment.Exif_Image_DateTime.YMD_hms]_[N]|https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=80633|https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=83596

2. BUTTON - MULTIRENAME Fotos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt

Code: Select all

MULTIRENAME Fotos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt

FOTOS umbenennen:|JJJJMMTT_HHMMSS_Name.JPG| |MULTIRENAME Fotos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt|Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool: Fotos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt|[=tc.Änderungsdatum.YMD_hms]_[N]|https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=83596|Fotos/Filme nach Aufnahmedatum sortieren

3. BUTTON - MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum

Code: Select all

MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum

%COMMANDER_PATH%\Tools\VLC media player\vlc.exe
VIDEOS Aufnahmedatum|Beispiel: 20161019_203039_50_1920x1080_00.01.08_224 MB.mp4|https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=83596| |Umbenennungen rückgängig machen:|MUT erneut aufrufen, Button "Rückgängig" drücken!|Mehrfach "Rückgängig" machen ist möglich!

4. BUTTON - MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt

Code: Select all

MULTIRENAME Videos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt

%COMMANDER_PATH%\Tools\VLC media player\vlc.exe
VIDEOS-Aufnahmedatum-FEHLT|Beispiel: 20240811_102943_30_478x850_00.00.38_8 MB.mp4|https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=83596| |Umbenennungen rückgängig machen:|MUT erneut aufrufen, Button "Rückgängig" drücken!|Mehrfach "Rückgängig" machen ist möglich!

>> Button in Buttonbar erstellen (CODE kopieren/einfügen) <<
  1. Rechts neben "CODE:" auf "ALLES AUSWÄHLEN" klicken, dann Strg+C drücken (kopieren in Zwischenablage).
  2. Rechtsklick auf einen beliebigen Platz in der Buttonbar tätigen, dann auf "Einfügen" klicken.
  3. Option1: Zeige mit dem Cursor (etwas länger) auf den neu erstellten Button: "Tooltip" erscheint (-> Beschreibung zum Button).
                  Beim Tooltip sind max. 259 Zeichen gestattet. | = Zeilenumbruch erzeugen, || = | als Trennzeichen erzeugen.
  4. Option2: Buttonbar - Feld "Tooltip": Ein einzelnes Leerzeichen deaktiviert die Anzeige des Tooltips.
                  Bei leerem Feld "Tooltip" wird der Inhalt von Feld "Kommando" angezeigt.
  5. Option3: Siehe FAQs und Erklärung: Button-code (TOTALCMD#BAR#DATA)  <-- <Strg+Klick auf den Link...>
Bezüglich des erwähnten Fehlers bitte ich Dich zu prüfen ob Du die in den Beispielen angegebenen Plugins installiert hast.
(Der Pluginname ist im Feldinhaltsnamen ersichtlich).

[=jpg-comment.Exif_Image_DateTime.YMD_hms]_[N] benötigt das
Plugin "ImageMetaData for JPG comment, Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata"- (wdx-jpg-comment).

[N]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]
benötigt Plugin "MediaInfoWDX 2.04" sowie Plugin "MediaInfo 22.03" bzw. MediaInfo und Plugin "DirSizeCalc 2.22".
[=shelldetails.Medium erstellt.YMD_hms]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]
benötigt zusätzlich Plugin "ShellDetails" - Version 1.26.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Fotos und Filmchen nach Aufnahmezeit in einem Ordner sortieren :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-08-26T10:05:49+00:00 2024-08-26T10:05:49+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83596&p=459049#p459049 Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool (MUT) - Gespeicherte Suche (zu den 4 Buttons)

wincmd.ini - Abschnitt [rename]

Code: Select all



Code: Select all

Videos-Aufnahmedatum_name=[=shelldetails.Medium erstellt.YMD_hms]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]

Videos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt_name=[=tc.Änderungsdatum.YMD_hms]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]
Die vorangeführten Einträge können in die Datei "wincmd.ini" übertragen (kopiert) werden,
es ist jedoch zu beachten, dass der Abschnittsname "[rename]" (ohne Anführungszeichen!)
nur einmal in der Datei "wincmd.ini" vorkommen darf.

Bitte zusätzlich noch um Beachtung der Hinweise im vorherigen Beitrag bezüglich erforderlicher Plugin-Installationen(!).]]>
Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool (MUT) - Gespeicherte Suche (zu den 4 Buttons)

wincmd.ini - Abschnitt [rename]

Code: Select all



Code: Select all

Videos-Aufnahmedatum_name=[=shelldetails.Medium erstellt.YMD_hms]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]

Videos-Aufnahmedatum-fehlt_name=[=tc.Änderungsdatum.YMD_hms]_[=mediainfowdx.FrameRate_Video]_[=mediainfo.frame size]_[=mediainfo.duration.h.m.s]_[=dirsizecalc.kb_MB_GB.kb_MB_GB]
Die vorangeführten Einträge können in die Datei "wincmd.ini" übertragen (kopiert) werden,
es ist jedoch zu beachten, dass der Abschnittsname "[rename]" (ohne Anführungszeichen!)
nur einmal in der Datei "wincmd.ini" vorkommen darf.

Bitte zusätzlich noch um Beachtung der Hinweise im vorherigen Beitrag bezüglich erforderlicher Plugin-Installationen(!).]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Fotos und Filmchen nach Aufnahmezeit in einem Ordner sortieren :: Reply by Ziru26]]> 2024-08-26T12:11:31+00:00 2024-08-26T12:11:31+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83596&p=459054#p459054
ich kann mich nur bedanken für deine _so umfangreiche_ Hilfe!
Habe so viel Neues lernen können!

Lag tatsächlich wohl auch daran, dass Plugins bei mir nicht vorhanden, bzw. älter waren.

Ich denke, von deinem Wissen werden bestimmt hier auch noch andere User profitieren!

Danke - ziru]]>

ich kann mich nur bedanken für deine _so umfangreiche_ Hilfe!
Habe so viel Neues lernen können!

Lag tatsächlich wohl auch daran, dass Plugins bei mir nicht vorhanden, bzw. älter waren.

Ich denke, von deinem Wissen werden bestimmt hier auch noch andere User profitieren!

Danke - ziru]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: [LeftHistory] u. [RightHistory] in wincmd.ini bei mehrere TC-Instanzen ? :: Author Egust]]> 2024-08-26T13:26:52+00:00 2024-08-26T13:26:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83625&p=459060#p459060
Spielt die Reihenfolge des Auf- und Zumachens eine Rolle?
Oder ist es eher die Folge der Wechsel zwischen den einzelnen Tabs und deren Pfaden?

Ein Rätsel, über das ich mich schon eine Weile wundere ... ?:=)

Wahrscheinlich gibt es ja eine einfache Antwort.

Schöne Grüße

Spielt die Reihenfolge des Auf- und Zumachens eine Rolle?
Oder ist es eher die Folge der Wechsel zwischen den einzelnen Tabs und deren Pfaden?

Ein Rätsel, über das ich mich schon eine Weile wundere ... ?:=)

Wahrscheinlich gibt es ja eine einfache Antwort.

Schöne Grüße
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: [LeftHistory] u. [RightHistory] in wincmd.ini bei mehrere TC-Instanzen ? :: Reply by Horst.Epp]]> 2024-08-26T15:20:19+00:00 2024-08-26T15:20:19+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83625&p=459063#p459063 ]]> ]]> <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: [LeftHistory] u. [RightHistory] in wincmd.ini bei mehrere TC-Instanzen ? :: Reply by Egust]]> 2024-08-27T12:55:06+00:00 2024-08-27T12:55:06+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83625&p=459122#p459122
Ich bin dabei nur nicht wirklich schlau geworden ..

Für Leute, die an mehreren Themen arbeiten müssen, spielt es halt eine Rolle.
Deshalb die Frage an die Entwickler - oder eben erfahrenere User.

Schöne Grüße

Ich bin dabei nur nicht wirklich schlau geworden ..

Für Leute, die an mehreren Themen arbeiten müssen, spielt es halt eine Rolle.
Deshalb die Frage an die Entwickler - oder eben erfahrenere User.

Schöne Grüße
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: [LeftHistory] u. [RightHistory] in wincmd.ini bei mehrere TC-Instanzen ? :: Reply by Stefan2]]> 2024-08-27T13:18:01+00:00 2024-08-27T13:18:01+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83625&p=459125#p459125
Da gibt es kein Geheimnis , der TC speichert beim Beenden seine Einstellungen in seine INI.
Jede Instanz (mit der selben INI gestartet, (was den Normalfall darstellt) überschreibt das Vorhergehende.
Am Ende steht in der INI die Einstellungen der aller letzten Instanz (egal welche Reihenfolgenummer die hat).

Für Andere:
um dies zu umgehen, kann man die verschiedenen TC's jeweils mit einer eigenen INI starten. Siehe die TC-Hilfe.
Etwa so
totalcmd.exe /i="%TEMP%\myINI02.ini"
totalcmd.exe /i="%TEMP%\myINI03.ini"

Über ein Skript kann man sich die Ziffern auch automatisch hochzählen lassen.


Da gibt es kein Geheimnis , der TC speichert beim Beenden seine Einstellungen in seine INI.
Jede Instanz (mit der selben INI gestartet, (was den Normalfall darstellt) überschreibt das Vorhergehende.
Am Ende steht in der INI die Einstellungen der aller letzten Instanz (egal welche Reihenfolgenummer die hat).

Für Andere:
um dies zu umgehen, kann man die verschiedenen TC's jeweils mit einer eigenen INI starten. Siehe die TC-Hilfe.
Etwa so
totalcmd.exe /i="%TEMP%\myINI02.ini"
totalcmd.exe /i="%TEMP%\myINI03.ini"

Über ein Skript kann man sich die Ziffern auch automatisch hochzählen lassen.

<![CDATA[Deu :: Angeschlossenes Samsung S23 wird gelistet, kann aber nicht durchsucht werden :: Author kluth-family]]> 2024-08-26T05:53:47+00:00 2024-08-26T05:53:47+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83621&p=459033#p459033 mein am PC angeschlossenes S23 Handy wird von Total Commander gelistet, kann aber nicht durchsucht werden. Ich kann die Funktion "Suchen" öffnen und auch auch einen zu suchenden Text eingeben, allerdings führt jede Suche immer zu keinem Ergebnis.
Hat meiner Meinung nach damit zu tun, dass der Pfad des angeschlossenen Handys in der "Suchen in" Zeile gar nicht angezeigt wird und auch da unter "Laufwerke" nicht auswählbar ist.
Was mache ich falsch bzw. wie kann man das ändern?
Hätte gern einen zur Verdeutlichung einen screenshot vom PC hochgeladen, scheint aber nicht möglich zu sein.]]>
mein am PC angeschlossenes S23 Handy wird von Total Commander gelistet, kann aber nicht durchsucht werden. Ich kann die Funktion "Suchen" öffnen und auch auch einen zu suchenden Text eingeben, allerdings führt jede Suche immer zu keinem Ergebnis.
Hat meiner Meinung nach damit zu tun, dass der Pfad des angeschlossenen Handys in der "Suchen in" Zeile gar nicht angezeigt wird und auch da unter "Laufwerke" nicht auswählbar ist.
Was mache ich falsch bzw. wie kann man das ändern?
Hätte gern einen zur Verdeutlichung einen screenshot vom PC hochgeladen, scheint aber nicht möglich zu sein.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Angeschlossenes Samsung S23 wird gelistet, kann aber nicht durchsucht werden :: Reply by Stefan2]]> 2024-08-26T06:57:32+00:00 2024-08-26T06:57:32+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83621&p=459037#p459037
MTP-Modus (Media Transfer Protocol) und USB-Debugging aktivieren

Wenn Sie Ihr Telefon über ein USB-Kabel anschließen, erhalten Sie höchstwahrscheinlich nur den Lademodus.

Der MTP-Modus (Media Transfer Protocol) für die Android-Dateiübertragung muss im SmartPhone von Hand aktiviert werden.

Zum Beispiel etwa so (je nach Android-Version, schauen Sie in die Anleitung für Ihr Modell/Version):
- Das SmartPhone-Device entsperren
- Das SmartPhone mittels USB-Kabel mit dem Computer verbinden
- Im SmartPhone auf sowas wie “Verbunden als …” oder “Laden über USB” tippen
- dann auf sowas wie "USB Computer Connection" tippen
- und dann das "Media device (MTP) / Dateiübertragung" auswählen

Nun erkennt der Computer das SmartPhone als Multimediagerät

Zusätzlich muss (je nach Verwendungszweck) auf dem SmartPhone
die Entwickleroptionen, und darunter das USB-Debugging aktiviert werden.

Ohne diese Option könnte man nicht mal Dateien vom PC aufs Handy kopieren,

Zum Beispiel etwa so im SmartPhone (schauen Sie in die Anleitung für Ihr Modell/Version):
- Tippen auf Einstellungen (Zahnradsymbol)
- Tippen auf Telefoninfo
- Tippen auf Softwareinformationen
- 7 mal auf die Buildnummer tippen
- gehen Sie zwei Seiten zurück
- unter Telefoninfo sehen Sie jetzt die Entwickleroptionen
- darin aktivieren Sie das USB-Debugging

MTP-Modus (Media Transfer Protocol) und USB-Debugging aktivieren

Wenn Sie Ihr Telefon über ein USB-Kabel anschließen, erhalten Sie höchstwahrscheinlich nur den Lademodus.

Der MTP-Modus (Media Transfer Protocol) für die Android-Dateiübertragung muss im SmartPhone von Hand aktiviert werden.

Zum Beispiel etwa so (je nach Android-Version, schauen Sie in die Anleitung für Ihr Modell/Version):
- Das SmartPhone-Device entsperren
- Das SmartPhone mittels USB-Kabel mit dem Computer verbinden
- Im SmartPhone auf sowas wie “Verbunden als …” oder “Laden über USB” tippen
- dann auf sowas wie "USB Computer Connection" tippen
- und dann das "Media device (MTP) / Dateiübertragung" auswählen

Nun erkennt der Computer das SmartPhone als Multimediagerät

Zusätzlich muss (je nach Verwendungszweck) auf dem SmartPhone
die Entwickleroptionen, und darunter das USB-Debugging aktiviert werden.

Ohne diese Option könnte man nicht mal Dateien vom PC aufs Handy kopieren,

Zum Beispiel etwa so im SmartPhone (schauen Sie in die Anleitung für Ihr Modell/Version):
- Tippen auf Einstellungen (Zahnradsymbol)
- Tippen auf Telefoninfo
- Tippen auf Softwareinformationen
- 7 mal auf die Buildnummer tippen
- gehen Sie zwei Seiten zurück
- unter Telefoninfo sehen Sie jetzt die Entwickleroptionen
- darin aktivieren Sie das USB-Debugging

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Angeschlossenes Samsung S23 wird gelistet, kann aber nicht durchsucht werden :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-26T08:51:55+00:00 2024-08-26T08:51:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83621&p=459042#p459042 https://www.ghisler.com/dplugins.htm#dateisys
verwenden, oder das Plugin "Android ADB" von hier:

Installation: Im Total Commander ins Download-Verzeichnis wechseln, auf die Archivdatei mit dem Plugin doppelklicken und den Anweisungen folgen.
Nutzung: Via Netzwerkumgebung (Laufwerk "\"). Das ADB-Plugin benötigt den Debugmodus (nicht root) auf dem Telefon.]]>
verwenden, oder das Plugin "Android ADB" von hier:

Installation: Im Total Commander ins Download-Verzeichnis wechseln, auf die Archivdatei mit dem Plugin doppelklicken und den Anweisungen folgen.
Nutzung: Via Netzwerkumgebung (Laufwerk "\"). Das ADB-Plugin benötigt den Debugmodus (nicht root) auf dem Telefon.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Angeschlossenes Samsung S23 wird gelistet, kann aber nicht durchsucht werden :: Reply by kluth-family]]> 2024-08-27T05:41:36+00:00 2024-08-27T05:41:36+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83621&p=459107#p459107 vielen Dank für die Antworten und sorry für meine etwas verspätete Reaktion, wurde leider nicht per E-Mail über neue Antworten informiert, obwohl voreingestellt.
USB ist für den Zugriff aufs Handy entsprechend am Handy eingestellt.

Die beiden vorgeschlagenen Plugins habe ich beide installiert, leider bei mir ohne Erfolg, die Suchfunktion liefert nach wie vor keine Ergebnisse, bei Eingabe von Suchen in "\" kommt die Meldung, dass das "S23 von KH" nicht gefunden wurde, obwohl der virtuelle Ordner in Total Commander als Laufwerksbutton sichtbar ist. USB Debugging am Handy ist über Entwicklerumgebung eingestellt.
Was könnte es noch sein?]]>
vielen Dank für die Antworten und sorry für meine etwas verspätete Reaktion, wurde leider nicht per E-Mail über neue Antworten informiert, obwohl voreingestellt.
USB ist für den Zugriff aufs Handy entsprechend am Handy eingestellt.

Die beiden vorgeschlagenen Plugins habe ich beide installiert, leider bei mir ohne Erfolg, die Suchfunktion liefert nach wie vor keine Ergebnisse, bei Eingabe von Suchen in "\" kommt die Meldung, dass das "S23 von KH" nicht gefunden wurde, obwohl der virtuelle Ordner in Total Commander als Laufwerksbutton sichtbar ist. USB Debugging am Handy ist über Entwicklerumgebung eingestellt.
Was könnte es noch sein?]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Angeschlossenes Samsung S23 wird gelistet, kann aber nicht durchsucht werden :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-08-27T13:20:04+00:00 2024-08-27T16:59:17+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83621&p=459126#p459126
kluth-family wrote: 2024-08-27, 05:41 UTC Was könnte es noch sein?
ich habe diese Schritte – nach "USB-Debugging"-Einrichtung – erfolgreich durchgeführt:

- per Dropdown "\ Netzwerkumgebung" auswählen
- [MediaAudio2] anklicken
- das Smartphone anklicken, zB [Note10+ von ...]
- den Ordner "Interner Speicher" anklicken
  der Pfad lautet dann in etwa wie folgt: \\\MediaAudio2\Note10+ von ...\Interner Speicher\
- ab jetzt kann die Suche in Total Commander erfolgreich durchgeführt werden

Alternativ kann zB auch eine Suche in Echtzeit in Everything 1.5a (Suchwort) oder in
Total Commander mit Einbindung von Everything 1.5a durchgeführt werden: ev:Suchwort
Erfordernis: ... Everything Options > Folders > Add... > Dieser PC\Note10+ von ...\Interner Speicher -> Virtual folder indexing

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4037) | TC 11.03 x64 | 'Everything' (x64)
Desktop: MyPhoneExplorer Version: 2.1. - nightly 20.08.2024 18:34:02 | Smartphone: MPE Client: 3.14 | Verbindungsart: WLAN
Android-Version 12 / One UI-Version 4.1 / Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ SM-N975F/DS]]>
kluth-family wrote: 2024-08-27, 05:41 UTC Was könnte es noch sein?
ich habe diese Schritte – nach "USB-Debugging"-Einrichtung – erfolgreich durchgeführt:

- per Dropdown "\ Netzwerkumgebung" auswählen
- [MediaAudio2] anklicken
- das Smartphone anklicken, zB [Note10+ von ...]
- den Ordner "Interner Speicher" anklicken
  der Pfad lautet dann in etwa wie folgt: \\\MediaAudio2\Note10+ von ...\Interner Speicher\
- ab jetzt kann die Suche in Total Commander erfolgreich durchgeführt werden

Alternativ kann zB auch eine Suche in Echtzeit in Everything 1.5a (Suchwort) oder in
Total Commander mit Einbindung von Everything 1.5a durchgeführt werden: ev:Suchwort
Erfordernis: ... Everything Options > Folders > Add... > Dieser PC\Note10+ von ...\Interner Speicher -> Virtual folder indexing

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4037) | TC 11.03 x64 | 'Everything' (x64)
Desktop: MyPhoneExplorer Version: 2.1. - nightly 20.08.2024 18:34:02 | Smartphone: MPE Client: 3.14 | Verbindungsart: WLAN
Android-Version 12 / One UI-Version 4.1 / Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ SM-N975F/DS]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Angeschlossenes Samsung S23 wird gelistet, kann aber nicht durchsucht werden :: Reply by kluth-family]]> 2024-08-27T13:58:14+00:00 2024-08-27T13:58:14+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83621&p=459129#p459129
tuska wrote: 2024-08-27, 13:20 UTC
- per Dropdown "\ Netzwerkumgebung" auswählen
- [MediaAudio2] anklicken
- das Smartphone anklicken, zB [Note10+ von ...]
- den Ordner "Interner Speicher" anklicken
der Pfad lautet dann in etwa wie folgt: \\\MediaAudio2\Note10+ von ...\Interner Speicher\
- ab jetzt kann die Suche in Total Commander erfolgreich durchgeführt werden
die Netzwerkumgebung auswählen und dort "MediaAudio2" anklicken war das Geheimnis. In der anschließenden Auflistung kann ich mein Handy auswählen und bequem durchsuchen.
Vielen lieben Dank an @tuska für die Beschreibung der detaillierten Vorgehensweise und auch Danke an alle anderen, die ebenfalls unterstützt haben.]]>
tuska wrote: 2024-08-27, 13:20 UTC
- per Dropdown "\ Netzwerkumgebung" auswählen
- [MediaAudio2] anklicken
- das Smartphone anklicken, zB [Note10+ von ...]
- den Ordner "Interner Speicher" anklicken
der Pfad lautet dann in etwa wie folgt: \\\MediaAudio2\Note10+ von ...\Interner Speicher\
- ab jetzt kann die Suche in Total Commander erfolgreich durchgeführt werden
die Netzwerkumgebung auswählen und dort "MediaAudio2" anklicken war das Geheimnis. In der anschließenden Auflistung kann ich mein Handy auswählen und bequem durchsuchen.
Vielen lieben Dank an @tuska für die Beschreibung der detaillierten Vorgehensweise und auch Danke an alle anderen, die ebenfalls unterstützt haben.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: (solved, war asAdmin bei UAC) Drag&Drop nur in einer Richtung möglich :: Author mausebär]]> 2024-08-27T11:28:19+00:00 2024-08-27T11:28:19+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83636&p=459114#p459114 habe TC 11.03 (32).

Seit einiger Zeit fällt mir auf, daß Drag&Drop nur aus einem Commanderfenster (z.B auf den Desktop) möglich ist, aber nicht umgekehrt z.B. vom Desktop in ein geöffnetes Commanderfenster...

Ein Bug?

habe TC 11.03 (32).

Seit einiger Zeit fällt mir auf, daß Drag&Drop nur aus einem Commanderfenster (z.B auf den Desktop) möglich ist, aber nicht umgekehrt z.B. vom Desktop in ein geöffnetes Commanderfenster...

Ein Bug?

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Drag&Drop nur in einer Richtung möglich :: Reply by Stefan2]]> 2024-08-27T11:55:44+00:00 2024-08-27T11:55:44+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83636&p=459115#p459115
Google für >> Benutzerkontensteuerung UAC


Google für >> Benutzerkontensteuerung UAC

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Drag&Drop nur in einer Richtung möglich :: Reply by Horst.Epp]]> 2024-08-27T11:58:50+00:00 2024-08-27T11:58:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83636&p=459116#p459116 Kein Bug.
Du lässt den TC mit erhöhten Rechten laufen.
Damit verhindert Windows diesen Transfer von einem normalen Prozess in den privilegierten.]]>
Kein Bug.
Du lässt den TC mit erhöhten Rechten laufen.
Damit verhindert Windows diesen Transfer von einem normalen Prozess in den privilegierten.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Drag&Drop nur in einer Richtung möglich :: Reply by mausebär]]> 2024-08-29T12:38:55+00:00 2024-08-29T12:38:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83636&p=459231#p459231 Alles klar, wußte ich nicht.
Vielen Dank,
Alles klar, wußte ich nicht.
Vielen Dank,
<![CDATA[Deu :: Ein Vorschlag :: Author Krokodil]]> 2024-09-01T11:47:00+00:00 2024-09-01T11:47:00+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83684&p=459278#p459278 Ich hätte gerne eine Option, die NUR die über ein Filter ausgewählten, passenden Dateien/Ordner (z.B. *.JPEG") anzeigt, also alle nicht passenden Dateien/Ordner versteckt. Wenn man ein Verzeichnis hat mit zig Hundert Dateien darin, ist es etwas mühselig, die mitunter weit auseinander liegenden Fundstellen in einem Rutsch zu bearbeiten. Und welche sind das überhaupt? Wenn keine Datei paßt, OK, wird das angezeigt, aber welche passen denn nun? Man muß ggf. das gesamte Verzeichnis durchscrollen, um die paar gefundenen zu sehen. Doch etwas lästig.

Oder gibt es sowas bereits? Dann "Pardon!" und bitte sagen, wo und wie das geht. Danke!]]>
Ich hätte gerne eine Option, die NUR die über ein Filter ausgewählten, passenden Dateien/Ordner (z.B. *.JPEG") anzeigt, also alle nicht passenden Dateien/Ordner versteckt. Wenn man ein Verzeichnis hat mit zig Hundert Dateien darin, ist es etwas mühselig, die mitunter weit auseinander liegenden Fundstellen in einem Rutsch zu bearbeiten. Und welche sind das überhaupt? Wenn keine Datei paßt, OK, wird das angezeigt, aber welche passen denn nun? Man muß ggf. das gesamte Verzeichnis durchscrollen, um die paar gefundenen zu sehen. Doch etwas lästig.

Oder gibt es sowas bereits? Dann "Pardon!" und bitte sagen, wo und wie das geht. Danke!]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ein Vorschlag :: Reply by Sir_SiLvA]]> 2024-09-01T11:54:05+00:00 2024-09-01T11:54:05+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83684&p=459279#p459279 <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ein Vorschlag :: Reply by Lucky Joe]]> 2024-09-01T11:58:35+00:00 2024-09-01T11:58:35+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83684&p=459280#p459280 ich mache das über die Schnellsuche:
Konfigurieren - Schnellsuche ("Buchstaben - mit Suchen-Dialog" auswählen)
Damit kannst du in dem verzeichnisfenster einfach die Zeichen eingeben, nach denen gefiltert werden soll, in deinem Fall z.B. .JPEG ("A*.jpg" wäre eine Möglichkeit, mit Wildcards zu filtern).]]>
ich mache das über die Schnellsuche:
Konfigurieren - Schnellsuche ("Buchstaben - mit Suchen-Dialog" auswählen)
Damit kannst du in dem verzeichnisfenster einfach die Zeichen eingeben, nach denen gefiltert werden soll, in deinem Fall z.B. .JPEG ("A*.jpg" wäre eine Möglichkeit, mit Wildcards zu filtern).]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ein Vorschlag :: Reply by ZoSTeR]]> 2024-09-01T12:37:36+00:00 2024-09-01T12:37:36+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83684&p=459281#p459281 Für die Suche bzw Filterung direkt im Dateifenster eignet sich QuickSearch eXtended]]> Für die Suche bzw Filterung direkt im Dateifenster eignet sich QuickSearch eXtended]]> <![CDATA[Deu :: Dateioperation sofort/immer "im Hintergrund" ausführen? :: Author bandchef]]> 2024-09-02T09:32:01+00:00 2024-09-02T09:32:01+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83696&p=459316#p459316
immer wenn ich eine Datieoperation wie löschen, verschieben oder kopieren ausführe, blockiert mir der Fortschrittsbalken der jeweiligen Operation den gesamten Total Commander, erst wenn man auf Hintergrund klickt, verschwindet der Fortschrittsbalken eben in den Hintergrund und gibt den Total Commander zum Weiterarbeiten frei.

Daher: Wie/wo kann ich den Total Commander so konfigurieren, dass Datieoperation wie löschen, verschieben oder kopieren sofort im Hintergrund ausgeführt werden?

Nach Suche einer entsprechenden Option unter "Konfigurieren -> Einstellungen" habe ich nichts dergleichen gefunden... Ich kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, dass das nicht zu konfigurieren geht.


immer wenn ich eine Datieoperation wie löschen, verschieben oder kopieren ausführe, blockiert mir der Fortschrittsbalken der jeweiligen Operation den gesamten Total Commander, erst wenn man auf Hintergrund klickt, verschwindet der Fortschrittsbalken eben in den Hintergrund und gibt den Total Commander zum Weiterarbeiten frei.

Daher: Wie/wo kann ich den Total Commander so konfigurieren, dass Datieoperation wie löschen, verschieben oder kopieren sofort im Hintergrund ausgeführt werden?

Nach Suche einer entsprechenden Option unter "Konfigurieren -> Einstellungen" habe ich nichts dergleichen gefunden... Ich kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, dass das nicht zu konfigurieren geht.

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Dateioperation sofort/immer "im Hintergrund" ausführen? :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-02T09:54:10+00:00 2024-09-02T09:54:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83696&p=459317#p459317
drücke im Total Commander die F1-Taste für Hilfe und gib' dann auf Registerkarte "Suchen"
den Suchbegriff: AlwaysCopyInBackground ein.

Hier findest Du entsprechende Parameter, welche in der Datei wincmd.ini im Abschnitt [Configuration]
erfasst werden können.

Meine Einstellung lautet beispielsweise wie folgt:

Code: Select all


drücke im Total Commander die F1-Taste für Hilfe und gib' dann auf Registerkarte "Suchen"
den Suchbegriff: AlwaysCopyInBackground ein.

Hier findest Du entsprechende Parameter, welche in der Datei wincmd.ini im Abschnitt [Configuration]
erfasst werden können.

Meine Einstellung lautet beispielsweise wie folgt:

Code: Select all

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Dateioperation sofort/immer "im Hintergrund" ausführen? :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-02T10:01:41+00:00 2024-09-02T10:01:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83696&p=459319#p459319
TC-Hilfe, Abschnitt 4.b), Teil 1 wrote:AlwaysCopyInBackground=0
1: Immer im Hintergrund kopieren
2: Immer im Hintergrund-Transfermanager
Die Änderung in der wincmd.ini sieht also wie folgt aus:

Code: Select all

TC-Hilfe, Abschnitt 4.b), Teil 1 wrote:AlwaysCopyInBackground=0
1: Immer im Hintergrund kopieren
2: Immer im Hintergrund-Transfermanager
Die Änderung in der wincmd.ini sieht also wie folgt aus:

Code: Select all

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Dateioperation sofort/immer "im Hintergrund" ausführen? :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-02T10:05:32+00:00 2024-09-02T10:05:32+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83696&p=459321#p459321 bandchef

Siehe auch:
Kopieren per Warteschlange als Default einstellen]]>

Siehe auch:
Kopieren per Warteschlange als Default einstellen]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Listeransicht im Dateifenster :: Author EXELBONSAI]]> 2024-09-06T11:52:44+00:00 2024-09-06T11:52:44+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83732&p=459469#p459469
Neuer Rechner und wieder Mega viel Updategeschichten.
Iwi war mir so, dass wenn ich die F3 drücke mir die Infos im gegenüberliegenden Dateifenster angezeigt wurden. Ich habe nu das Problem, das sich jedes mal ein neues Fenster öffnet und ich bei jeder Datei es manuell schließen muss.
Hab ich da gerade einen Gedanken-Fehler ? Bin ja nun auch nicht mehr der Jüngste :D

Gruß von der Spree]]>

Neuer Rechner und wieder Mega viel Updategeschichten.
Iwi war mir so, dass wenn ich die F3 drücke mir die Infos im gegenüberliegenden Dateifenster angezeigt wurden. Ich habe nu das Problem, das sich jedes mal ein neues Fenster öffnet und ich bei jeder Datei es manuell schließen muss.
Hab ich da gerade einen Gedanken-Fehler ? Bin ja nun auch nicht mehr der Jüngste :D

Gruß von der Spree]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Listeransicht im Dateifenster :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-06T12:03:11+00:00 2024-09-06T12:03:11+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83732&p=459471#p459471
Aber ist es nicht einfacher, die wincmd.ini - und ggf. alle anderen zum TC gehörenden Einstellungsdateien - vom alten Rechner zu übernehmen statt alles von vorne einzustellen?]]>

Aber ist es nicht einfacher, die wincmd.ini - und ggf. alle anderen zum TC gehörenden Einstellungsdateien - vom alten Rechner zu übernehmen statt alles von vorne einzustellen?]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Listeransicht im Dateifenster :: Reply by EXELBONSAI]]> 2024-09-06T12:14:43+00:00 2024-09-06T12:14:43+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83732&p=459472#p459472 Natürlich bin ich mit dem kompletten TC Ordner umgezogen und schon allein um meine Bars und diversen Zusatz Programmen die ich im TC Ordner eingepflegt habe, gewohnt weiter zu nutzen. Mit den Lister Plugins beschäftige ich gerade sehr viel um es noch komfortabler zu machen und habe wohl irgendwo was verstellt.. cm_SrcQuickView schau ich mal gleich mal
erst mal danke nochmals]]>
Natürlich bin ich mit dem kompletten TC Ordner umgezogen und schon allein um meine Bars und diversen Zusatz Programmen die ich im TC Ordner eingepflegt habe, gewohnt weiter zu nutzen. Mit den Lister Plugins beschäftige ich gerade sehr viel um es noch komfortabler zu machen und habe wohl irgendwo was verstellt.. cm_SrcQuickView schau ich mal gleich mal
erst mal danke nochmals]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Überschreiboption 1 - Benutzer fragen wird nicht gespeichert :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-23T08:13:38+00:00 2024-08-23T08:13:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83336&p=458897#p458897 CopyOverwriteDefault=
Wenn ich mit dieser INI-Datei kopiere, wird deshalb als Standardoption bereits "Benutzer fragen" angezeigt.
Ich habe testweise die Zeile
in Ihre wincmd.ini eingetragen um die gleiche Ausgangslage wie bei Ihrem Video zu erhalten. Bei mir speichert er dann aber "Benutzer fragen", wenn ich Ihrem Video folge.

Ich habe das nur mit Version 11.03 getestet. Verwenden Sie eine ältere? Ich habe nur einen Hinweis auf Version 9.5x an Ihrem Arbeitsort gefunden.]]>
Wenn ich mit dieser INI-Datei kopiere, wird deshalb als Standardoption bereits "Benutzer fragen" angezeigt.
Ich habe testweise die Zeile
in Ihre wincmd.ini eingetragen um die gleiche Ausgangslage wie bei Ihrem Video zu erhalten. Bei mir speichert er dann aber "Benutzer fragen", wenn ich Ihrem Video folge.

Ich habe das nur mit Version 11.03 getestet. Verwenden Sie eine ältere? Ich habe nur einen Hinweis auf Version 9.5x an Ihrem Arbeitsort gefunden.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Überschreiboption 1 - Benutzer fragen wird nicht gespeichert :: Reply by Schelle]]> 2024-08-23T13:58:55+00:00 2024-08-23T13:58:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83336&p=458917#p458917 danke erstmal, alles gut.
Ich benutze hier zu hause auch die 11.03.
Wenn ich die 1 als Standard speichere verschwindet genau dieser Eintrag wieder aus der ini. Er benutzt dann in diesem Augenblick auch Benutzer fragen, aber bei der nächsten Kopieraktion habe ich wieder die 2.
Edit: In dem Augenblick des Speichers der 1 wird auch der PIN zurück gesetzt.]]>
danke erstmal, alles gut.
Ich benutze hier zu hause auch die 11.03.
Wenn ich die 1 als Standard speichere verschwindet genau dieser Eintrag wieder aus der ini. Er benutzt dann in diesem Augenblick auch Benutzer fragen, aber bei der nächsten Kopieraktion habe ich wieder die 2.
Edit: In dem Augenblick des Speichers der 1 wird auch der PIN zurück gesetzt.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Überschreiboption 1 - Benutzer fragen wird nicht gespeichert :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-26T08:47:32+00:00 2024-08-26T08:47:32+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83336&p=459041#p459041 1. Den Zustand vor dem Auftreten des Fehlers wiederherstellen
2. Konfigurieren - Einstellungen speichern
3. Die wincmd.ini woanders hin kopieren
4. Den Fehler nachstellen exakt wie im Video von Ihnen
5. Falls der Fehler wieder auftrat, mir die in Schritt 3 kopierte wincmd.ini zuschicken
Nur so gibt es Hoffnung, dass ich den Fehler nachstellen kann...]]>
1. Den Zustand vor dem Auftreten des Fehlers wiederherstellen
2. Konfigurieren - Einstellungen speichern
3. Die wincmd.ini woanders hin kopieren
4. Den Fehler nachstellen exakt wie im Video von Ihnen
5. Falls der Fehler wieder auftrat, mir die in Schritt 3 kopierte wincmd.ini zuschicken
Nur so gibt es Hoffnung, dass ich den Fehler nachstellen kann...]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Überschreiboption 1 - Benutzer fragen wird nicht gespeichert :: Reply by Schelle]]> 2024-09-05T16:29:14+00:00 2024-09-05T16:29:14+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83336&p=459438#p459438 Der Eintrag
sorgt dafür, dass sich der andere Eintrag (bzw. Nichteintrag) gemerkt wird. Setzt man ihn auf 1 oder entfernt ihn funktioniert es wie erwartet.]]>
Der Eintrag
sorgt dafür, dass sich der andere Eintrag (bzw. Nichteintrag) gemerkt wird. Setzt man ihn auf 1 oder entfernt ihn funktioniert es wie erwartet.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Überschreiboption 1 - Benutzer fragen wird nicht gespeichert :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-06T16:27:47+00:00 2024-09-06T16:27:47+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83336&p=459478#p459478 OverwriteFiles=0
hinzufüge merkt er sich die Änderung...]]>
hinzufüge merkt er sich die Änderung...]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Überschreiboption 1 - Benutzer fragen wird nicht gespeichert :: Reply by Schelle]]> 2024-09-07T14:29:20+00:00 2024-09-07T14:29:20+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83336&p=459507#p459507 Bei mir ist das jedenfalls der Grund, man kann das Ganze also gelöst betrachten.]]> Bei mir ist das jedenfalls der Grund, man kann das Ganze also gelöst betrachten.]]> <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Überschreiboption 1 - Benutzer fragen wird nicht gespeichert :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-09T16:12:42+00:00 2024-09-09T16:12:42+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83336&p=459593#p459593
Ich könnte nun CopyOverwriteDefault=1 durch den Benutzer speichern lassen und anders behandeln als wenn die Zeile fehlt, aber dann würde OverwriteFiles=0 ignoriert.]]>

Ich könnte nun CopyOverwriteDefault=1 durch den Benutzer speichern lassen und anders behandeln als wenn die Zeile fehlt, aber dann würde OverwriteFiles=0 ignoriert.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Ansicht / Benutzerdefinierte Spalte / Lens Model :: Author Desmo]]> 2024-09-09T11:04:40+00:00 2024-09-09T11:04:40+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83751&p=459555#p459555 Leider kann ich aus den exif Daten das Lens Model nicht anzeigen lassen.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit ggf mt Addon?]]>
Leider kann ich aus den exif Daten das Lens Model nicht anzeigen lassen.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit ggf mt Addon?]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ansicht / Benutzerdefinierte Spalte / Lens Model :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-09T16:20:50+00:00 2024-09-09T16:20:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83751&p=459596#p459596 Falls ja, welche Info benötigen Sie genau? Laut https://exiftool.org/TagNames/EXIF.html gibt es 4 verschiedene Einträge zur Linse:
0xa432 LensInfo rational64u[4] (4 rational values giving focal and aperture ranges, called LensSpecification by the EXIF spec.)
0xa433 LensMake string
0xa434 LensModel string
0xa435 LensSerialNumber string
0xafc1 ExpandLens ?
0xafc3 ExpandFilterLens ?
0xc630 DNGLensInfo rational64u[4]
0xfdea Lens string]]>
Falls ja, welche Info benötigen Sie genau? Laut https://exiftool.org/TagNames/EXIF.html gibt es 4 verschiedene Einträge zur Linse:
0xa432 LensInfo rational64u[4] (4 rational values giving focal and aperture ranges, called LensSpecification by the EXIF spec.)
0xa433 LensMake string
0xa434 LensModel string
0xa435 LensSerialNumber string
0xafc1 ExpandLens ?
0xafc3 ExpandFilterLens ?
0xc630 DNGLensInfo rational64u[4]
0xfdea Lens string]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ansicht / Benutzerdefinierte Spalte / Lens Model :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-09T16:36:25+00:00 2024-09-09T16:36:25+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83751&p=459600#p459600 ShellDetails Version 1.26
verfügt über das Feld "Objektivmodell" mit Feldinhalt: [=shelldetails.Objektivmodell].

Im Tool 'Everything 1.5a' kann man sich die Spalte "Lens Model" von den Everything Properties ebenfalls einblenden lassen.
Wählt man in 'Everything 1.5a' "Windows Property System" dann lautet der Spaltenname: "Objektivmodell".]]>
ShellDetails Version 1.26
verfügt über das Feld "Objektivmodell" mit Feldinhalt: [=shelldetails.Objektivmodell].

Im Tool 'Everything 1.5a' kann man sich die Spalte "Lens Model" von den Everything Properties ebenfalls einblenden lassen.
Wählt man in 'Everything 1.5a' "Windows Property System" dann lautet der Spaltenname: "Objektivmodell".]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ansicht / Benutzerdefinierte Spalte / Lens Model :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-09T17:09:54+00:00 2024-09-09T17:09:54+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83751&p=459602#p459602 0xa434 LensModel string]]> 0xa434 LensModel string]]> <![CDATA[Deu :: MS Cloud Plugin einrichten :: Author pendragon]]> 2024-09-11T08:52:51+00:00 2024-09-11T08:52:51+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83769&p=459688#p459688 Und nun? Ich sehe nirgends eine möglichkeit auf die Cloud zuzugreifen.
Für Tips wäre ich sehr dankbar.
Vielen Dank.

Und nun? Ich sehe nirgends eine möglichkeit auf die Cloud zuzugreifen.
Für Tips wäre ich sehr dankbar.
Vielen Dank.

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: MS Cloud Plugin einrichten :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-11T10:13:54+00:00 2024-09-11T10:13:54+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83769&p=459694#p459694
Dennoch hier die Kurzform: Doppelklick auf das Archiv des Plugins im TC, dann bietet dieser die Installation des Plugins an. Den Dialogen folgen. Dateisystemplugins, um die es in diesem Fall geht, finden sich danach in der Netzwerkumgebung (nicht Menü Netz).]]>

Dennoch hier die Kurzform: Doppelklick auf das Archiv des Plugins im TC, dann bietet dieser die Installation des Plugins an. Den Dialogen folgen. Dateisystemplugins, um die es in diesem Fall geht, finden sich danach in der Netzwerkumgebung (nicht Menü Netz).]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Einzelne Ordner mit anderem Benutzernamen öffnen? :: Author Peter]]> 2024-09-11T13:14:16+00:00 2024-09-11T13:14:16+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83774&p=459704#p459704 .. wie kann ich einzelne Ordner in einem Windows Netzwerk mit anderen Benutzernamen und Passworten öffnen?

Ich bin User "kasperl" mit Passwort "petzi"; ich möchte ..
- Verzeichnis "test", Zugriff für User "max" mit Passwort "1234"
- Verzeichnis "wichtig", Zugriff für User "susi" mit Passwort "abcd"
nebeneinander anzeigen?

Geht's? ;-)]]>
.. wie kann ich einzelne Ordner in einem Windows Netzwerk mit anderen Benutzernamen und Passworten öffnen?

Ich bin User "kasperl" mit Passwort "petzi"; ich möchte ..
- Verzeichnis "test", Zugriff für User "max" mit Passwort "1234"
- Verzeichnis "wichtig", Zugriff für User "susi" mit Passwort "abcd"
nebeneinander anzeigen?

Geht's? ;-)]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Einzelne Ordner mit anderem Benutzernamen öffnen? :: Reply by Horst.Epp]]> 2024-09-11T13:21:38+00:00 2024-09-11T13:21:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83774&p=459706#p459706 Ein Prozess (TC) kann nur mit einem Benutzer eingeloggt sein,
also nicht beide Verzeichnisse gleichzeitig anzeigen.
Normale Lösung ist ein Laufwerk mit dem gewünschten zweiten Benutzer zu mappen.]]>
Ein Prozess (TC) kann nur mit einem Benutzer eingeloggt sein,
also nicht beide Verzeichnisse gleichzeitig anzeigen.
Normale Lösung ist ein Laufwerk mit dem gewünschten zweiten Benutzer zu mappen.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Einzelne Ordner mit anderem Benutzernamen öffnen? :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-11T13:23:43+00:00 2024-09-11T13:23:43+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83774&p=459708#p459708
Wichtig zu wissen ist, dass Windows selbst nicht mehrere Verbindungen zum selben Server unter Verwendung verschiedener Nutzer zulässt. Beispiel: Verbindung auf \\server\freigabe1 mit Nutzer Hans und gleichzeitig eine Verbindung auf \\server\freigabe2 mit Nutzer Willi geht nicht. Der übliche Workaround ist, statt des Namens die IP-Adresse desselben Servers anzugeben, also z.B. \\\freigabe2. Dann sind das für Windows zwei verschiedene Server. Alternativ geht vielleicht auch ein Aliasname im DNS.]]>

Wichtig zu wissen ist, dass Windows selbst nicht mehrere Verbindungen zum selben Server unter Verwendung verschiedener Nutzer zulässt. Beispiel: Verbindung auf \\server\freigabe1 mit Nutzer Hans und gleichzeitig eine Verbindung auf \\server\freigabe2 mit Nutzer Willi geht nicht. Der übliche Workaround ist, statt des Namens die IP-Adresse desselben Servers anzugeben, also z.B. \\\freigabe2. Dann sind das für Windows zwei verschiedene Server. Alternativ geht vielleicht auch ein Aliasname im DNS.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Einzelne Ordner mit anderem Benutzernamen öffnen? :: Reply by Peter]]> 2024-09-11T14:54:18+00:00 2024-09-11T14:54:18+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83774&p=459712#p459712 Ist klar für mich.]]> Ist klar für mich.]]> <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: [gelöst] TC-Startfenster wiederherstellen nach Änderungen? :: Reply by Yukusoona]]> 2024-09-10T12:14:55+00:00 2024-09-10T12:14:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=52729&p=459617#p459617
ich würde mich gerne mit einer ähnlichen Frage anschließen. Bei mir geht es weniger um die Änderung von Fenstergrößen oder Spalten, sondern um die Verzeichnisstruktur.
Wenn ich TC starte, dann habe ich links zwei Tabs im Basisordner und rechts zwei Tabs im Basisordner. Im Laufe der Arbeit habe ich häufig links und rechts in beiden Tabs (und manchmal zusätzlichen Tabs) Unterordner geöffnet, mit denen ich arbeite.

Gibt es nun ein Möglichkeit, mit einem Shortcut/Hotkey TC in den Startzustand zurückzusetzen? Damit ich wieder sauber von vorne arbeiten kann? TC schließen und neu starten löst das Problem auch, aber vll. gibt es eine elegantere Lösung.

Herzlichen Dank im Voraus!

Keywords: Ordner-Tab, Verzeichnis, Verzeichnisbaum, Reset, Refresh, Ausgangszustand, Tastenkombination]]>

ich würde mich gerne mit einer ähnlichen Frage anschließen. Bei mir geht es weniger um die Änderung von Fenstergrößen oder Spalten, sondern um die Verzeichnisstruktur.
Wenn ich TC starte, dann habe ich links zwei Tabs im Basisordner und rechts zwei Tabs im Basisordner. Im Laufe der Arbeit habe ich häufig links und rechts in beiden Tabs (und manchmal zusätzlichen Tabs) Unterordner geöffnet, mit denen ich arbeite.

Gibt es nun ein Möglichkeit, mit einem Shortcut/Hotkey TC in den Startzustand zurückzusetzen? Damit ich wieder sauber von vorne arbeiten kann? TC schließen und neu starten löst das Problem auch, aber vll. gibt es eine elegantere Lösung.

Herzlichen Dank im Voraus!

Keywords: Ordner-Tab, Verzeichnis, Verzeichnisbaum, Reset, Refresh, Ausgangszustand, Tastenkombination]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: [gelöst] TC-Startfenster wiederherstellen nach Änderungen? :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-10T14:14:19+00:00 2024-09-10T14:14:19+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=52729&p=459621#p459621 Ich verwende grundsätzlich ausschließlich nur mehr Tabs, 'Gesperrt, aber Verzeichniswechsel erlaubt'.

Im linken TC-Fenster befindet sich als erster Tab "*D:Daten", im rechten TC-Fenster als erster Tab "*I:Daten".
Jeweils rechts davon befinden sich weitere Tabs, uzw auch in der zweiten Reihe oberhalb.
Links: 18 Tabs, Rechts: 19 Tabs.

Mein Ziel ist es, dass nach einem PC- und Total Commander-Neustart der Ordner "D:\Daten" im linken TC-Fenster (aktiv)
und I:\Daten im rechten TC-Fenster (inaktiv) angezeigt werden und die vorherige Tab-Reihenfolge ebenfalls erhalten bleibt.

Ich habe das wie folgt gelöst:
Linkes TC-Fenster: D:\Daten (aktiv), rechtes TC-Fenster: I:\Daten (inaktiv), dann speichere ich die Tabs
mit dem nachfolgenden Button an diesen Ort: %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab
BUTTON: Tabs speichern

Code: Select all


TABs in diese Datei SPEICHERN: STANDARD.tab ... |nach Klick auf diesen Button(!)  || TABs von linkem Fenster zuerst |SAVETABS2L %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab|S.a. https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=57549


Code: Select all

cmd=cm_FocusLeft,cm_SrcActivateTab1,em_D-Daten,cm_TrgActivateTab1,em_I-Daten,cm_FocusLeft,cm_rereadsource 3
menu=cm_FocusLeft,cm_SrcActivateTab1,em_D-Daten,cm_TrgActivateTab1,em_I-Daten,cm_FocusLeft,cm_rereadsource 3
menu=SAVETABS2L %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab|S.a. https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=441165#p441165
cmd=cd D:\Daten
menu=cd D:\Daten
cmd=cd I:\Daten
menu=cd I:\Daten
BUTTON: Tabs wiederherstellen

Code: Select all


TABs "STANDARD.tab" => Achtung!|Nach Klick werden sie SOFORT aktiviert und ERSETZEN vorhandene Tabs!|TABs v. linkem Fenster zuerst - Fokus: Linkes Fenster|OPENTABSL %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab|S.a. https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=73401

Button in Buttonbar erstellen (CODE kopieren/einfügen)
  1. Rechts neben "CODE:" auf "ALLES AUSWÄHLEN" klicken, dann Strg+C drücken (kopieren in Zwischenablage).
  2. Rechtsklick auf einen beliebigen Platz in der Buttonbar tätigen, dann auf "Einfügen" klicken.
  3. Option1: Zeige mit dem Cursor (etwas länger) auf den neu erstellten Button: "Tooltip" erscheint (-> Beschreibung zum Button).
                  Beim Tooltip sind max. 259 Zeichen gestattet. | = Zeilenumbruch erzeugen, || = | als Trennzeichen erzeugen.
  4. Option2: Buttonbar - Feld "Tooltip": Ein einzelnes Leerzeichen deaktiviert die Anzeige des Tooltips.
                  Bei leerem Feld "Tooltip" wird der Inhalt von Feld "Kommando" angezeigt.
  5. Option3: Siehe FAQs und Erklärung: Button-code (TOTALCMD#BAR#DATA)  <-- <Strg+Klick auf den Link...>
Für die Verwendung von Shortcuts wären zusätzlich noch em_Befehle (ohne Leerzeichen) erforderlich - Beispiel nachstehend...
Shortcut 'Alt + Umschalt + T' - Tabs wiederherstellen
  1. Aufruf des CommandBrowsers über die Total Commander Kommandozeile: cm_CommandBrowser ... enter drücken
  2. Unter "Kategorie" ... "usercmd.ini" anklicken, dann Button "Neu..." anklicken
  3. Neuer Name für Befehl (em_xyz): em_TabsWiederherstellen_ALT-Umschalt-T (wichtig: OHNE Leerzeichen; Name: Nur Beispiel),
    danach "OK" drücken
  5. Tooltip: OPENTABSL %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab | https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=52729
  6. Button "OK" anklicken, Button "OK" anklicken --- die Erfassung des em_Befehls ist hiemit ERLEDIGT!

    Anmerkung: In der Datei "%COMMANDER_PATH%\usercmd.ini" wurde folgendes ergänzt:

    Code: Select all

    menu=OPENTABSL %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab | https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=52729
  7. Menü "Konfigurieren" > Einstellungen... > Diverses > Tastenkombinationen umdefinieren > ✅ Alt + > ✅ Umschalt+ >
    Dropdown drücken > Buchstabe 'T' auswählen (nur Beispiel) > Befehl: Voreingestellter Befehl (keine Änderung) ... wird angezeigt >
    Klick auf die 🔎... > Kategorie: usercmd.ini auswählen > Filter: em_TabsWiederherstellen_ALT-Umsch-T ... <= einfügen > OK drücken >
    WICHTIG: Den grünen Haken anklicken(!) > danach auf "OK" klicken --- FERTIG!

    In der Datei "wincmd.ini" wurde im Abschnitt "[Shortcuts]" folgendes ergänzt:

    Code: Select all

  8. Total Commander neu starten mit dem Befehl: cm_exit 9 (stellt vorherige Ansicht nach einem TC-Neustart her)
  9. Den Shortcut ALT + UMSCHALT + T ausführen --> Die gewünschte "TAB"-Ansicht wird wiederhergestellt.
Konfigurieren > Einstellungen... > Operation > Speichern beim Beenden:
☑️ Verzeichnisse
☑️ Dateianzeige (kurz/lang usw)

VOR dem Beenden von Total Commander muß entweder der Button mit Kommando: OPENTABSL %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab
oder der Shortcut 'Alt + Umschalt + T' - (Tabs wiederherstellen) gedrückt werden.
Erst danach wird nach einem TC-Neustart der TC-Startzustand wiederhergestellt.
Startvariante über eine Verknüpfung (.lnk) auf dem Desktop
  1. Tätige einen Rechtsklick auf den Desktop > Neu > Verknüpfung
  2. Speicherort des Elements wie folgt erfassen, zB

    Code: Select all

    C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE /N /L=D:\Daten /R=I:\Daten /P=L
    Eine Erläuterung zu den Parametern erhält man wenn man die F1-Taste ("Hilfe") in TC drückt und dann unter
    Punkt 4.a. "Kommandozeilenparameter" anklickt. Ganz unten sind zusätzlich ein paar Beispiele angeführt.
  3. Klicke auf den Button "Weiter"
  4. Klicke auf den Button "Fertig stellen"
  5. Option: Tätige einen Rechtsklick auf die Verknüpfung "TOTALCMD64.EXE" und
    kopiere den Inhalt von Feld "Ziel" in das Feld "Kommentar"
  6. Klicke auf den Button "Übernehmen" und danach auf den Button "OK"
  7. Tätige einen Doppelklick auf die Verknüpfung "TOTALCMD64.EXE" um Total Commander mit den voreingestellten
    Verzeichnissen zu starten UND um den Ort der Einstellungsdatei(en) zu prüfen, und zwar im Menü "Hilfe" >
    "Über Total Commander..."
    Bei dieser Variante werden zwar die Startverzeichnisse automatisch wiederhergestellt,
    dennoch kann es erforderlich sein, Tätigkeit(en) durchzuführen, die in dem oberhalb gelisteten Punkt "WICHTIG"
    angeführt sind, d.h. ALT+Umsch+T 'Tabs wiederherstellen' durchzuführen.
    Denn erst danach wird gegebenenfalls der TC-Startzustand komplett wiederhergestellt.
Ich verwende grundsätzlich ausschließlich nur mehr Tabs, 'Gesperrt, aber Verzeichniswechsel erlaubt'.

Im linken TC-Fenster befindet sich als erster Tab "*D:Daten", im rechten TC-Fenster als erster Tab "*I:Daten".
Jeweils rechts davon befinden sich weitere Tabs, uzw auch in der zweiten Reihe oberhalb.
Links: 18 Tabs, Rechts: 19 Tabs.

Mein Ziel ist es, dass nach einem PC- und Total Commander-Neustart der Ordner "D:\Daten" im linken TC-Fenster (aktiv)
und I:\Daten im rechten TC-Fenster (inaktiv) angezeigt werden und die vorherige Tab-Reihenfolge ebenfalls erhalten bleibt.

Ich habe das wie folgt gelöst:
Linkes TC-Fenster: D:\Daten (aktiv), rechtes TC-Fenster: I:\Daten (inaktiv), dann speichere ich die Tabs
mit dem nachfolgenden Button an diesen Ort: %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab
BUTTON: Tabs speichern

Code: Select all


TABs in diese Datei SPEICHERN: STANDARD.tab ... |nach Klick auf diesen Button(!)  || TABs von linkem Fenster zuerst |SAVETABS2L %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab|S.a. https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=57549


Code: Select all

cmd=cm_FocusLeft,cm_SrcActivateTab1,em_D-Daten,cm_TrgActivateTab1,em_I-Daten,cm_FocusLeft,cm_rereadsource 3
menu=cm_FocusLeft,cm_SrcActivateTab1,em_D-Daten,cm_TrgActivateTab1,em_I-Daten,cm_FocusLeft,cm_rereadsource 3
menu=SAVETABS2L %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab|S.a. https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=441165#p441165
cmd=cd D:\Daten
menu=cd D:\Daten
cmd=cd I:\Daten
menu=cd I:\Daten
BUTTON: Tabs wiederherstellen

Code: Select all


TABs "STANDARD.tab" => Achtung!|Nach Klick werden sie SOFORT aktiviert und ERSETZEN vorhandene Tabs!|TABs v. linkem Fenster zuerst - Fokus: Linkes Fenster|OPENTABSL %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab|S.a. https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=73401

Button in Buttonbar erstellen (CODE kopieren/einfügen)
  1. Rechts neben "CODE:" auf "ALLES AUSWÄHLEN" klicken, dann Strg+C drücken (kopieren in Zwischenablage).
  2. Rechtsklick auf einen beliebigen Platz in der Buttonbar tätigen, dann auf "Einfügen" klicken.
  3. Option1: Zeige mit dem Cursor (etwas länger) auf den neu erstellten Button: "Tooltip" erscheint (-> Beschreibung zum Button).
                  Beim Tooltip sind max. 259 Zeichen gestattet. | = Zeilenumbruch erzeugen, || = | als Trennzeichen erzeugen.
  4. Option2: Buttonbar - Feld "Tooltip": Ein einzelnes Leerzeichen deaktiviert die Anzeige des Tooltips.
                  Bei leerem Feld "Tooltip" wird der Inhalt von Feld "Kommando" angezeigt.
  5. Option3: Siehe FAQs und Erklärung: Button-code (TOTALCMD#BAR#DATA)  <-- <Strg+Klick auf den Link...>
Für die Verwendung von Shortcuts wären zusätzlich noch em_Befehle (ohne Leerzeichen) erforderlich - Beispiel nachstehend...
Shortcut 'Alt + Umschalt + T' - Tabs wiederherstellen
  1. Aufruf des CommandBrowsers über die Total Commander Kommandozeile: cm_CommandBrowser ... enter drücken
  2. Unter "Kategorie" ... "usercmd.ini" anklicken, dann Button "Neu..." anklicken
  3. Neuer Name für Befehl (em_xyz): em_TabsWiederherstellen_ALT-Umschalt-T (wichtig: OHNE Leerzeichen; Name: Nur Beispiel),
    danach "OK" drücken
  5. Tooltip: OPENTABSL %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab | https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=52729
  6. Button "OK" anklicken, Button "OK" anklicken --- die Erfassung des em_Befehls ist hiemit ERLEDIGT!

    Anmerkung: In der Datei "%COMMANDER_PATH%\usercmd.ini" wurde folgendes ergänzt:

    Code: Select all

    menu=OPENTABSL %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab | https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=52729
  7. Menü "Konfigurieren" > Einstellungen... > Diverses > Tastenkombinationen umdefinieren > ✅ Alt + > ✅ Umschalt+ >
    Dropdown drücken > Buchstabe 'T' auswählen (nur Beispiel) > Befehl: Voreingestellter Befehl (keine Änderung) ... wird angezeigt >
    Klick auf die 🔎... > Kategorie: usercmd.ini auswählen > Filter: em_TabsWiederherstellen_ALT-Umsch-T ... <= einfügen > OK drücken >
    WICHTIG: Den grünen Haken anklicken(!) > danach auf "OK" klicken --- FERTIG!

    In der Datei "wincmd.ini" wurde im Abschnitt "[Shortcuts]" folgendes ergänzt:

    Code: Select all

  8. Total Commander neu starten mit dem Befehl: cm_exit 9 (stellt vorherige Ansicht nach einem TC-Neustart her)
  9. Den Shortcut ALT + UMSCHALT + T ausführen --> Die gewünschte "TAB"-Ansicht wird wiederhergestellt.
Konfigurieren > Einstellungen... > Operation > Speichern beim Beenden:
☑️ Verzeichnisse
☑️ Dateianzeige (kurz/lang usw)

VOR dem Beenden von Total Commander muß entweder der Button mit Kommando: OPENTABSL %COMMANDER_PATH%\TABs\STANDARD.tab
oder der Shortcut 'Alt + Umschalt + T' - (Tabs wiederherstellen) gedrückt werden.
Erst danach wird nach einem TC-Neustart der TC-Startzustand wiederhergestellt.
Startvariante über eine Verknüpfung (.lnk) auf dem Desktop
  1. Tätige einen Rechtsklick auf den Desktop > Neu > Verknüpfung
  2. Speicherort des Elements wie folgt erfassen, zB

    Code: Select all

    C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE /N /L=D:\Daten /R=I:\Daten /P=L
    Eine Erläuterung zu den Parametern erhält man wenn man die F1-Taste ("Hilfe") in TC drückt und dann unter
    Punkt 4.a. "Kommandozeilenparameter" anklickt. Ganz unten sind zusätzlich ein paar Beispiele angeführt.
  3. Klicke auf den Button "Weiter"
  4. Klicke auf den Button "Fertig stellen"
  5. Option: Tätige einen Rechtsklick auf die Verknüpfung "TOTALCMD64.EXE" und
    kopiere den Inhalt von Feld "Ziel" in das Feld "Kommentar"
  6. Klicke auf den Button "Übernehmen" und danach auf den Button "OK"
  7. Tätige einen Doppelklick auf die Verknüpfung "TOTALCMD64.EXE" um Total Commander mit den voreingestellten
    Verzeichnissen zu starten UND um den Ort der Einstellungsdatei(en) zu prüfen, und zwar im Menü "Hilfe" >
    "Über Total Commander..."
    Bei dieser Variante werden zwar die Startverzeichnisse automatisch wiederhergestellt,
    dennoch kann es erforderlich sein, Tätigkeit(en) durchzuführen, die in dem oberhalb gelisteten Punkt "WICHTIG"
    angeführt sind, d.h. ALT+Umsch+T 'Tabs wiederherstellen' durchzuführen.
    Denn erst danach wird gegebenenfalls der TC-Startzustand komplett wiederhergestellt.
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: [gelöst] TC-Startfenster wiederherstellen nach Änderungen? :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-12T15:47:51+00:00 2024-09-12T15:47:51+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=52729&p=459761#p459761 (im Idealfall in einer .LNK Datei):

Code: Select all

C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE /N /L=D:\Daten /R=I:\Daten /P=L
- UND -
Ich habe vieles versucht, unter anderem diese Kombinationen, und zwar mit/ohne Speichern beim Beenden: Verzeichnisse ...

Code: Select all

C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE /N /L=D:\Daten /R=I:\Daten /P=L"    bzw. ...
C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE /N /L=D:\Daten /R=I:\Daten /P=L" LOADLIST:C:\totalcmd\TABs\STANDARD.tab
Es funktioniert soweit, dass links und rechts die gewünschten Startverzeichnisse angezeigt werden,
jedoch zB in den zuletzt angezeigten Unterverzeichnissen von anderen Tabs, 'Gesperrt, aber Verzeichniswechsel erlaubt'.

Die Tabs, 'Gesperrt, aber Verzeichniswechsel erlaubt' werden nicht automatisch auf das Verzeichnis zurückgestellt
welches ansonsten nach Drücken des '\' Backslash-Buttons erfolgt.

D.h. derzeit ist nach wie vor ALT+Umsch+T 'Tabs wiederherstellen' erforderlich (ich weiß, jammern auf hohem Niveau).

Weiß jemand eine Lösung?]]>
(im Idealfall in einer .LNK Datei):

Code: Select all

C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE /N /L=D:\Daten /R=I:\Daten /P=L
- UND -
Ich habe vieles versucht, unter anderem diese Kombinationen, und zwar mit/ohne Speichern beim Beenden: Verzeichnisse ...

Code: Select all

C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE /N /L=D:\Daten /R=I:\Daten /P=L"    bzw. ...
C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD64.EXE /N /L=D:\Daten /R=I:\Daten /P=L" LOADLIST:C:\totalcmd\TABs\STANDARD.tab
Es funktioniert soweit, dass links und rechts die gewünschten Startverzeichnisse angezeigt werden,
jedoch zB in den zuletzt angezeigten Unterverzeichnissen von anderen Tabs, 'Gesperrt, aber Verzeichniswechsel erlaubt'.

Die Tabs, 'Gesperrt, aber Verzeichniswechsel erlaubt' werden nicht automatisch auf das Verzeichnis zurückgestellt
welches ansonsten nach Drücken des '\' Backslash-Buttons erfolgt.

D.h. derzeit ist nach wie vor ALT+Umsch+T 'Tabs wiederherstellen' erforderlich (ich weiß, jammern auf hohem Niveau).

Weiß jemand eine Lösung?]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: MUT Umlaute geht bei mir nicht :: Author bff]]> 2024-09-02T06:49:34+00:00 2024-09-02T06:49:34+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83694&p=459306#p459306 Ich versuche mit dem MUT Tool Umlaute von meiner auf USB (ExFAT) angeschlossenen Festplatte unter Windows 11 eine größere Datensammlung umzubenennen.
Dazu das Oberverzeichnis markiert, MUT aufgerufen mit "default" Einstellungen, das Oberverzeichnis erscheint auch in dem Fenster.
Dann nach Anleitung bei Search for: ä|ü|ö|ß| |--- geschrieben und bei Replace with: ae|ue|oe|ss|-|- eingefügt.
Wenn ich dann auf "Start!" klicke, verschwindet das markierte Verzeichnis im Fenster und "nichts" passiert...
Ich versuche mit dem MUT Tool Umlaute von meiner auf USB (ExFAT) angeschlossenen Festplatte unter Windows 11 eine größere Datensammlung umzubenennen.
Dazu das Oberverzeichnis markiert, MUT aufgerufen mit "default" Einstellungen, das Oberverzeichnis erscheint auch in dem Fenster.
Dann nach Anleitung bei Search for: ä|ü|ö|ß| |--- geschrieben und bei Replace with: ae|ue|oe|ss|-|- eingefügt.
Wenn ich dann auf "Start!" klicke, verschwindet das markierte Verzeichnis im Fenster und "nichts" passiert...
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: MUT Umlaute geht bei mir nicht :: Reply by Sir_SiLvA]]> 2024-09-02T07:19:42+00:00 2024-09-02T07:19:42+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83694&p=459309#p459309
bff wrote: 2024-09-02, 06:49 UTC Hi, mache ich irgend etwas falsch?
Ja, machst du!
Wenn du Dateien umbenennen willst musst du ins Verzeichnis rein
und die Dateien markieren und DANN Strg+M :!:

Nicht das "Oberverzeichnis" markieren..............]]>
bff wrote: 2024-09-02, 06:49 UTC Hi, mache ich irgend etwas falsch?
Ja, machst du!
Wenn du Dateien umbenennen willst musst du ins Verzeichnis rein
und die Dateien markieren und DANN Strg+M :!:

Nicht das "Oberverzeichnis" markieren..............]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: MUT Umlaute geht bei mir nicht :: Reply by bff]]> 2024-09-02T07:46:15+00:00 2024-09-02T07:46:15+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83694&p=459310#p459310
mein "Hauptproblem" ist eigentlich, dass ich zwei Verzeichnisse vergleichen will - und hier Totalcommander nicht klar kommt mit den Umlauten...]]>

mein "Hauptproblem" ist eigentlich, dass ich zwei Verzeichnisse vergleichen will - und hier Totalcommander nicht klar kommt mit den Umlauten...]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: MUT Umlaute geht bei mir nicht :: Reply by Horst.Epp]]> 2024-09-02T08:16:44+00:00 2024-09-02T08:16:44+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83694&p=459312#p459312 Was ist denn deine Code Page ?
Einfach mal in einem CMD Fenster CHCP eingeben.
Das Ergebnis sollte so aussehen:

Code: Select all

Active code page: 437
Was ist denn deine Code Page ?
Einfach mal in einem CMD Fenster CHCP eingeben.
Das Ergebnis sollte so aussehen:

Code: Select all

Active code page: 437
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: MUT Umlaute geht bei mir nicht :: Reply by Hainz]]> 2024-09-02T08:26:43+00:00 2024-09-02T08:26:43+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83694&p=459314#p459314 Also mit Strg-B die Zweigansicht aktivieren (alle Dateien anzeigen) und dann markieren und Strg-M.
(Oder alle Dateien mit Umlauten per Alt-F7 suchen und das Ergebnis anwenden, alles markieren und Strg-M )]]>
Also mit Strg-B die Zweigansicht aktivieren (alle Dateien anzeigen) und dann markieren und Strg-M.
(Oder alle Dateien mit Umlauten per Alt-F7 suchen und das Ergebnis anwenden, alles markieren und Strg-M )]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: MUT Umlaute geht bei mir nicht :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-02T09:54:24+00:00 2024-09-02T09:54:24+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83694&p=459318#p459318 nicht rekursiv. Wäre auch schlimm, wenn es das täte, denn dann könnte man gar nicht gezielt umbenennen.

Zitat aus der TC-Hilfe, wenn man im MUT die Taste F1 drückt:
Dialogbox - Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool

Mit dieser Dialogbox können Sie eine Liste von in Total Commander markierten Dateien umbenennen.
Also genau wie Hainz schon sagte: im Hauptfenster des TC Dateien markieren (ggf. in der Zweigansicht oder den Suchergebnissen) und dann erst das MUT aufrufen.

Und immer schön auf die Vorschau in der Spalte "Neuer Name" im MUT achten, daran sieht man, welche Objekte der TC in welcher Weise bearbeiten/umbenennen würde.

Bzgl. der Umlaute vermute ich einfach mal, dass einige davon von Smartphones stammen, wo die Umlaute sehr häufig aus mehreren Zeichen zusammengesetzt sind. Die sehen aus wie ein einzelnes Zeichen und wie ein normaler Umlaut, sind aber keine. Die Dinger haben auch einen spezifischen Namen, der ist mir aber gerade entfallen.]]>
nicht rekursiv. Wäre auch schlimm, wenn es das täte, denn dann könnte man gar nicht gezielt umbenennen.

Zitat aus der TC-Hilfe, wenn man im MUT die Taste F1 drückt:
Dialogbox - Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool

Mit dieser Dialogbox können Sie eine Liste von in Total Commander markierten Dateien umbenennen.
Also genau wie Hainz schon sagte: im Hauptfenster des TC Dateien markieren (ggf. in der Zweigansicht oder den Suchergebnissen) und dann erst das MUT aufrufen.

Und immer schön auf die Vorschau in der Spalte "Neuer Name" im MUT achten, daran sieht man, welche Objekte der TC in welcher Weise bearbeiten/umbenennen würde.

Bzgl. der Umlaute vermute ich einfach mal, dass einige davon von Smartphones stammen, wo die Umlaute sehr häufig aus mehreren Zeichen zusammengesetzt sind. Die sehen aus wie ein einzelnes Zeichen und wie ein normaler Umlaut, sind aber keine. Die Dinger haben auch einen spezifischen Namen, der ist mir aber gerade entfallen.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: MUT Umlaute geht bei mir nicht :: Reply by ZoSTeR]]> 2024-09-02T13:06:11+00:00 2024-09-02T13:06:11+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83694&p=459325#p459325
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-02, 09:54 UTCDie sehen aus wie ein einzelnes Zeichen und wie ein normaler Umlaut, sind aber keine. Die Dinger haben auch einen spezifischen Namen, der ist mir aber gerade entfallen.
Es handelt sich um verschieden Normalisierungsformen.

Apple verwendet zB NFD (Normalisierungs Form D), während Windows NFC verwendet.

Bei NFD werden Umlaute und andere Zeichen aus zwei (oder sogar mehr) Grundformen erzeugt (übereinandergelegt), bei NFC wird das Zeichen direkt verwendet.

Siehe Unicode Doku]]>
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-02, 09:54 UTCDie sehen aus wie ein einzelnes Zeichen und wie ein normaler Umlaut, sind aber keine. Die Dinger haben auch einen spezifischen Namen, der ist mir aber gerade entfallen.
Es handelt sich um verschieden Normalisierungsformen.

Apple verwendet zB NFD (Normalisierungs Form D), während Windows NFC verwendet.

Bei NFD werden Umlaute und andere Zeichen aus zwei (oder sogar mehr) Grundformen erzeugt (übereinandergelegt), bei NFC wird das Zeichen direkt verwendet.

Siehe Unicode Doku]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: MUT Umlaute geht bei mir nicht :: Reply by JFierce7]]> 2024-09-10T10:28:29+00:00 2024-09-10T10:28:29+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83694&p=459614#p459614
Ontopic: Wenn das Umbenennen tatsächlich rekursiv sein soll, kann die Zweigansicht verwendet werden. Aber auch da müssen die Dateien markiert werden.]]>

Ontopic: Wenn das Umbenennen tatsächlich rekursiv sein soll, kann die Zweigansicht verwendet werden. Aber auch da müssen die Dateien markiert werden.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: MUT Umlaute geht bei mir nicht :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-10T10:45:50+00:00 2024-09-10T10:45:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83694&p=459616#p459616
JFierce7 wrote: 2024-09-10, 10:28 UTCGibt es im/für den TC eine Möglichkeit, NFC und NFD ineinander umzuwandeln?
Gibt es: NFCname.]]>
JFierce7 wrote: 2024-09-10, 10:28 UTCGibt es im/für den TC eine Möglichkeit, NFC und NFD ineinander umzuwandeln?
Gibt es: NFCname.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: MUT Umlaute geht bei mir nicht :: Reply by JFierce7]]> 2024-09-12T19:51:45+00:00 2024-09-12T19:51:45+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83694&p=459776#p459776 <![CDATA[Deu :: Dateien suchen :: Author reneb1972]]> 2024-09-12T19:22:08+00:00 2024-09-12T19:22:08+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83792&p=459774#p459774
ich benutze ein MacBook Air.
Dort habe ich Windows 11 unter Parallels installiert, weil ich meine Laufwerke mit TotalCommander synchronisiere.

Ich habe gelesen, das beim Kopieren mit der MacOS App PathFinder immer eine Datei mit .-Name.endung zur normalen Datei Name.endung hinzugefügt wird.

Jetzt wollte ich 2 Laufwerke synchronisieren und mir wurden diese Dateien mit dem Anfang ._ mit angezeigt.
Diese Dateien wollte ich natürlich nicht synchronisieren und auf dem Laufwerk des Mac löschen.

Jetzt habe ich eine Suche auf dem Laufwerk vorgenommen mit ._*, was hoffentlich richtig ist, um Dateien, welche mit._ beginne zu finden.
Leider findet TotalCommander keine Dateien.

Diese Dateien sind versteckte Dateien.
Wo kann ich in der Suche beim TotalCommander einstellen, diese Dateien zu finden.
Wenn ich in der Registerkarte "Erweitert" bei Attribute Versteckt auswähle, werden diese Dateien nicht angezeigt.

Kann mir jemand helfen?

Rene B]]>

ich benutze ein MacBook Air.
Dort habe ich Windows 11 unter Parallels installiert, weil ich meine Laufwerke mit TotalCommander synchronisiere.

Ich habe gelesen, das beim Kopieren mit der MacOS App PathFinder immer eine Datei mit .-Name.endung zur normalen Datei Name.endung hinzugefügt wird.

Jetzt wollte ich 2 Laufwerke synchronisieren und mir wurden diese Dateien mit dem Anfang ._ mit angezeigt.
Diese Dateien wollte ich natürlich nicht synchronisieren und auf dem Laufwerk des Mac löschen.

Jetzt habe ich eine Suche auf dem Laufwerk vorgenommen mit ._*, was hoffentlich richtig ist, um Dateien, welche mit._ beginne zu finden.
Leider findet TotalCommander keine Dateien.

Diese Dateien sind versteckte Dateien.
Wo kann ich in der Suche beim TotalCommander einstellen, diese Dateien zu finden.
Wenn ich in der Registerkarte "Erweitert" bei Attribute Versteckt auswähle, werden diese Dateien nicht angezeigt.

Kann mir jemand helfen?

Rene B]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Dateien suchen :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-12T21:29:31+00:00 2024-09-12T21:29:31+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83792&p=459781#p459781 <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Dateien suchen :: Reply by reneb1972]]> 2024-09-13T04:32:41+00:00 2024-09-13T04:32:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83792&p=459819#p459819
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-12, 21:29 UTC Sind die Dateien denn im regulären Fenster von TC zu sehen? Wenn nicht, musst du in den Einstellungen unter Ansicht die Anzeige versteckter Dateien aktivieren.
Vielen Dank, das war mein Fehler. Anzeige versteckter Dateien aktiviert und schon funktioniers.

Vielen Dank und Gruß

Rene B]]>
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-12, 21:29 UTC Sind die Dateien denn im regulären Fenster von TC zu sehen? Wenn nicht, musst du in den Einstellungen unter Ansicht die Anzeige versteckter Dateien aktivieren.
Vielen Dank, das war mein Fehler. Anzeige versteckter Dateien aktiviert und schon funktioniers.

Vielen Dank und Gruß

Rene B]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Nicht alle Dateien werden angezeigt (versteckte, etc. schon ausprobiert) :: Author Chrissy_84]]> 2024-09-05T20:54:26+00:00 2024-09-05T20:54:26+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83725&p=459446#p459446
ich muss von einem alten Windows 7 Rechner einen Programmordner kopieren (55GB ca. 730.000 Dateien).
Soweit hat auch alles geklappt. Aber in einem von den Unterordnern ist ein Ordner, der laut Windows Explorer ca. 3100 Dateien haben soll.
Wenn ich ihn öffne, sehe ich nur etwa 900. Total Commander sieht auch nur diese 900.
Mit TreeSizeFree konnte ich aber alle ca. 3100 sehen.

Das übliche habe ich natürlich schon versucht. Also versteckte Dateien anzeigen, Systemdateien ausblenden Haken raus, TC Ignorelist, sowohl im Windows "Ansicht" Reiter, als auch in TotalCommander selbst.

Ich bekomme diese fehlenden 2000 Dateien aber nicht "gepackt". ich sehe sie halt nur im TreeSizeFree.

Kann ich da mit dem Total Commander noch was ausrichten, da ran zu kommen?

Total Commander Version ist die 11.03 (x64)

Ich danke euch schonmal!

Image: https://i.ibb.co/9GmByBs/exp1.jpg

Image: https://i.ibb.co/dLc3NPx/exp2.jpg

Image: https://i.ibb.co/JcwTzdF/exp3.jpg

Image: https://i.ibb.co/gZKwVZy/exp4.jpg]]>

ich muss von einem alten Windows 7 Rechner einen Programmordner kopieren (55GB ca. 730.000 Dateien).
Soweit hat auch alles geklappt. Aber in einem von den Unterordnern ist ein Ordner, der laut Windows Explorer ca. 3100 Dateien haben soll.
Wenn ich ihn öffne, sehe ich nur etwa 900. Total Commander sieht auch nur diese 900.
Mit TreeSizeFree konnte ich aber alle ca. 3100 sehen.

Das übliche habe ich natürlich schon versucht. Also versteckte Dateien anzeigen, Systemdateien ausblenden Haken raus, TC Ignorelist, sowohl im Windows "Ansicht" Reiter, als auch in TotalCommander selbst.

Ich bekomme diese fehlenden 2000 Dateien aber nicht "gepackt". ich sehe sie halt nur im TreeSizeFree.

Kann ich da mit dem Total Commander noch was ausrichten, da ran zu kommen?

Total Commander Version ist die 11.03 (x64)

Ich danke euch schonmal!

Image: https://i.ibb.co/9GmByBs/exp1.jpg

Image: https://i.ibb.co/dLc3NPx/exp2.jpg

Image: https://i.ibb.co/JcwTzdF/exp3.jpg

Image: https://i.ibb.co/gZKwVZy/exp4.jpg]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nicht alle Dateien werden angezeigt (versteckte, etc. schon ausprobiert) :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-06T10:41:12+00:00 2024-09-06T10:41:12+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83725&p=459466#p459466
BUTTON: TC mit Admin-Rechten

Code: Select all

%Z/N %X"%P" "%T"
TC as Admin || Separate TC-Instanz mit Admin-Rechten starten... |Administrator^ - wird in Titelzeile angezeigt |*%COMMANDER_EXE% %Z/N %X"%P" "%T"|https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=49620|https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=73777

Button in Buttonbar erstellen (CODE kopieren/einfügen)
  1. Rechts neben "CODE:" auf "ALLES AUSWÄHLEN" klicken, dann Strg+C drücken (kopieren in Zwischenablage).
  2. Rechtsklick auf einen beliebigen Platz in der Buttonbar tätigen, dann auf "Einfügen" klicken.
  3. Option1: Zeige mit dem Cursor (etwas länger) auf den neu erstellten Button: "Tooltip" erscheint (-> Beschreibung zum Button).
                  Beim Tooltip sind max. 259 Zeichen gestattet. | = Zeilenumbruch erzeugen, || = | als Trennzeichen erzeugen.
  4. Option2: Buttonbar - Feld "Tooltip": Ein einzelnes Leerzeichen deaktiviert die Anzeige des Tooltips.
                  Bei leerem Feld "Tooltip" wird der Inhalt von Feld "Kommando" angezeigt.
  5. Option3: Siehe FAQs und Erklärung: Button-code (TOTALCMD#BAR#DATA)  <-- <Strg+Klick auf den Link...>
BUTTON: TC mit Admin-Rechten

Code: Select all

%Z/N %X"%P" "%T"
TC as Admin || Separate TC-Instanz mit Admin-Rechten starten... |Administrator^ - wird in Titelzeile angezeigt |*%COMMANDER_EXE% %Z/N %X"%P" "%T"|https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=49620|https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=73777

Button in Buttonbar erstellen (CODE kopieren/einfügen)
  1. Rechts neben "CODE:" auf "ALLES AUSWÄHLEN" klicken, dann Strg+C drücken (kopieren in Zwischenablage).
  2. Rechtsklick auf einen beliebigen Platz in der Buttonbar tätigen, dann auf "Einfügen" klicken.
  3. Option1: Zeige mit dem Cursor (etwas länger) auf den neu erstellten Button: "Tooltip" erscheint (-> Beschreibung zum Button).
                  Beim Tooltip sind max. 259 Zeichen gestattet. | = Zeilenumbruch erzeugen, || = | als Trennzeichen erzeugen.
  4. Option2: Buttonbar - Feld "Tooltip": Ein einzelnes Leerzeichen deaktiviert die Anzeige des Tooltips.
                  Bei leerem Feld "Tooltip" wird der Inhalt von Feld "Kommando" angezeigt.
  5. Option3: Siehe FAQs und Erklärung: Button-code (TOTALCMD#BAR#DATA)  <-- <Strg+Klick auf den Link...>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nicht alle Dateien werden angezeigt (versteckte, etc. schon ausprobiert) :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-06T11:59:45+00:00 2024-09-06T11:59:45+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83725&p=459470#p459470 tuska
Adminrechte haben meiner Meinung nach nichts damit zu tun, denn es geht um ein einzelnes Verzeichnis und die Auflistung von dessen Inhalt funktioniert ja.

Die Einstellungen im Explorer bzw. den Ordneroptionen von Windows haben keinen Einfluss auf den TC. Ausnahme: virtuelle Ordner, aber um die geht es in diesem Fall ja nicht.

Ist die Anzeige versteckter und Systemdateien im TC aktiviert unter Einstellungen > Ansicht?]]>
Adminrechte haben meiner Meinung nach nichts damit zu tun, denn es geht um ein einzelnes Verzeichnis und die Auflistung von dessen Inhalt funktioniert ja.

Die Einstellungen im Explorer bzw. den Ordneroptionen von Windows haben keinen Einfluss auf den TC. Ausnahme: virtuelle Ordner, aber um die geht es in diesem Fall ja nicht.

Ist die Anzeige versteckter und Systemdateien im TC aktiviert unter Einstellungen > Ansicht?]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nicht alle Dateien werden angezeigt (versteckte, etc. schon ausprobiert) :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-06T16:29:58+00:00 2024-09-06T16:29:58+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83725&p=459479#p459479
Ist die Anzeige versteckter und Systemdateien im TC aktiviert unter Einstellungen > Ansicht?
Wichtig: Das sind 2 separate Optionen! Beide müssen aktiviert sein, damit man alle Dateien sieht!]]>
Ist die Anzeige versteckter und Systemdateien im TC aktiviert unter Einstellungen > Ansicht?
Wichtig: Das sind 2 separate Optionen! Beide müssen aktiviert sein, damit man alle Dateien sieht!]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nicht alle Dateien werden angezeigt (versteckte, etc. schon ausprobiert) :: Reply by Wilhelm M.]]> 2024-09-07T09:28:58+00:00 2024-09-07T09:28:58+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83725&p=459499#p459499
Das übliche habe ich natürlich schon versucht. Also versteckte Dateien anzeigen, Systemdateien ausblenden Haken raus, TC Ignorelist, sowohl im Windows "Ansicht" Reiter, als auch in TotalCommander selbst.
Die Dateien in den Screenshots sind offenbar keine Systemdateien, also fallen die als Erklärung weg. Wenn Chrissy_84 nicht versehentlich einen trivialen Irrtum begangen hat (z.B. "Versteckte Dateien anzeigen" mit ".... verstecken" verwechselt), dann weiß echt nicht, was da vorgeht.]]>
Das übliche habe ich natürlich schon versucht. Also versteckte Dateien anzeigen, Systemdateien ausblenden Haken raus, TC Ignorelist, sowohl im Windows "Ansicht" Reiter, als auch in TotalCommander selbst.
Die Dateien in den Screenshots sind offenbar keine Systemdateien, also fallen die als Erklärung weg. Wenn Chrissy_84 nicht versehentlich einen trivialen Irrtum begangen hat (z.B. "Versteckte Dateien anzeigen" mit ".... verstecken" verwechselt), dann weiß echt nicht, was da vorgeht.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nicht alle Dateien werden angezeigt (versteckte, etc. schon ausprobiert) :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-09T16:04:51+00:00 2024-09-09T16:04:51+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83725&p=459592#p459592
Die Dateien in den Screenshots sind offenbar keine Systemdateien
Die Dateien in den Screenshots werden sowohl vom Explorer als auch vom Total Commander angezeigt. Es geht aber darum herauszufinden, welche Dateien NICHT vom Total Commander angezeigt werden. Das könnten eben solche mit Attribut "versteckt" oder "System" sein.]]>
Die Dateien in den Screenshots sind offenbar keine Systemdateien
Die Dateien in den Screenshots werden sowohl vom Explorer als auch vom Total Commander angezeigt. Es geht aber darum herauszufinden, welche Dateien NICHT vom Total Commander angezeigt werden. Das könnten eben solche mit Attribut "versteckt" oder "System" sein.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nicht alle Dateien werden angezeigt (versteckte, etc. schon ausprobiert) :: Reply by Northman]]> 2024-09-13T12:08:34+00:00 2024-09-13T12:08:34+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83725&p=459832#p459832 Auch ein Adminprozess darf z.B. nicht in "c:\System Volume Information" reingucken.
Es könnte sein, daß auf den 2000 Dateien andere NTFS-Rechte drauf sind und sie deswegen nicht von normalen Prozessen angezeigt werden können.
Damit TreeSizeFree in alle Ordner reingucken kann, holt es sich das Privileg "SeBackupPrivilege". Dieses umgeht die NTFS-Berechtigungen und erlaubt den Zugriff auf die komplette Dateisystemstruktur.

Man kann sich die eigenen Privilegien in der CMD anzeigen lassen: whoami /priv
Bei mir sind es als normaler Benutzer nur fünf. Als Admin 24. Die wenigsten sind aktiv, aber der Prozess könnte sich das Privileg holen.

Welche Privilegien ein Prozess hat, sieht man im Process Explorer von Microsoft auf dem Security-Tab. Direkt nach dem Start hat TreeSizeFree (als Admin gestartet) bei SeBackupPrivilege noch "Disabled" stehen. Sobald man einen Scan startet und die Eigenschaften im Process Explorer neu öffnet, ist es "Enabled".

Vielleicht auch mal interessant: wieviele Files werden denn in der PowerShell angezeigt?
Als Admin starten und in das Verzeichnis wechseln:
(dir -file -force | measure).Count ; (dir -File | measure).Count

"-force" zeigt alles an, was normalerweise wegen System- oder Hidden-Attribut ausgeblendet wird. In meinem Windows-Verzeichnis sind es z.B. 53 zu 50 Files.

Bei Bedarf kann ich den passenden PowerShell-Code zur Verfügung stellen, mit dem sich einem Prozess Privilegien zuweisen lassen. Man kann also auch einem als Admin gestartetem TC-Prozess das Recht geben und danach darf er in "c:\System Volume Information" rein.

Such mal in TreeSizeFree eine der Dateien, welche im TC fehlen und ruf die Eigenschaften auf und schau Dir die Rechte an.]]>
Auch ein Adminprozess darf z.B. nicht in "c:\System Volume Information" reingucken.
Es könnte sein, daß auf den 2000 Dateien andere NTFS-Rechte drauf sind und sie deswegen nicht von normalen Prozessen angezeigt werden können.
Damit TreeSizeFree in alle Ordner reingucken kann, holt es sich das Privileg "SeBackupPrivilege". Dieses umgeht die NTFS-Berechtigungen und erlaubt den Zugriff auf die komplette Dateisystemstruktur.

Man kann sich die eigenen Privilegien in der CMD anzeigen lassen: whoami /priv
Bei mir sind es als normaler Benutzer nur fünf. Als Admin 24. Die wenigsten sind aktiv, aber der Prozess könnte sich das Privileg holen.

Welche Privilegien ein Prozess hat, sieht man im Process Explorer von Microsoft auf dem Security-Tab. Direkt nach dem Start hat TreeSizeFree (als Admin gestartet) bei SeBackupPrivilege noch "Disabled" stehen. Sobald man einen Scan startet und die Eigenschaften im Process Explorer neu öffnet, ist es "Enabled".

Vielleicht auch mal interessant: wieviele Files werden denn in der PowerShell angezeigt?
Als Admin starten und in das Verzeichnis wechseln:
(dir -file -force | measure).Count ; (dir -File | measure).Count

"-force" zeigt alles an, was normalerweise wegen System- oder Hidden-Attribut ausgeblendet wird. In meinem Windows-Verzeichnis sind es z.B. 53 zu 50 Files.

Bei Bedarf kann ich den passenden PowerShell-Code zur Verfügung stellen, mit dem sich einem Prozess Privilegien zuweisen lassen. Man kann also auch einem als Admin gestartetem TC-Prozess das Recht geben und danach darf er in "c:\System Volume Information" rein.

Such mal in TreeSizeFree eine der Dateien, welche im TC fehlen und ruf die Eigenschaften auf und schau Dir die Rechte an.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nicht alle Dateien werden angezeigt (versteckte, etc. schon ausprobiert) :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-13T13:10:02+00:00 2024-09-13T13:10:02+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83725&p=459835#p459835
Northman wrote: 2024-09-13, 12:08 UTCEs könnte sein, daß auf den 2000 Dateien andere NTFS-Rechte drauf sind und sie deswegen nicht von normalen Prozessen angezeigt werden können.
Nein. Wenn es einem Benutzer erlaubt ist, ein Verzeichnis anzuzeigen, dann sieht er auch alle darin enthaltenen Dateien. Ob er diese dann öffnen darf, ist eine andere Frage.

Für SMB-Freigaben gibt es sowas, dass man als zugreifender Nutzer nur die Dateien sieht, für die man mindestens Leserechte hat. Logischerweise wird dadurch das Auflisten von Verzeichnisinhalten deutlich langsamer, weil für jede Datei erst die Zugriffsrechte geprüft werden müssen, bevor sie zur Anzeige kommen. Es ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass es das auch für lokale NTFS-Dateisysteme gibt. Aber selbst wenn es das geben sollte, ist das definitiv nicht der Normalfall und man müsste das erst explizit so einrichten - daran habe ich in diesem Fall meine Zweifel.]]>
Northman wrote: 2024-09-13, 12:08 UTCEs könnte sein, daß auf den 2000 Dateien andere NTFS-Rechte drauf sind und sie deswegen nicht von normalen Prozessen angezeigt werden können.
Nein. Wenn es einem Benutzer erlaubt ist, ein Verzeichnis anzuzeigen, dann sieht er auch alle darin enthaltenen Dateien. Ob er diese dann öffnen darf, ist eine andere Frage.

Für SMB-Freigaben gibt es sowas, dass man als zugreifender Nutzer nur die Dateien sieht, für die man mindestens Leserechte hat. Logischerweise wird dadurch das Auflisten von Verzeichnisinhalten deutlich langsamer, weil für jede Datei erst die Zugriffsrechte geprüft werden müssen, bevor sie zur Anzeige kommen. Es ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass es das auch für lokale NTFS-Dateisysteme gibt. Aber selbst wenn es das geben sollte, ist das definitiv nicht der Normalfall und man müsste das erst explizit so einrichten - daran habe ich in diesem Fall meine Zweifel.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: "Umzug" des Total Commander auf einen neuen Rechner? :: Author fxsavini]]> 2024-09-13T22:32:27+00:00 2024-09-13T22:32:27+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83809&p=459840#p459840
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit alle Einstellungen, Plugins usw. vom alten Rechner auf den neuen Rechner "umzuziehen"?

Übrigens: Ein wirklich tolles Tool welches mich seit Jahren jeden Tag begleitet. Gerade wenn man erstmal ein paar Tage wieder mit dem Windows Explorer arbeitet, merkt man erstmal wieder was man am Total Commander hat!]]>

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit alle Einstellungen, Plugins usw. vom alten Rechner auf den neuen Rechner "umzuziehen"?

Übrigens: Ein wirklich tolles Tool welches mich seit Jahren jeden Tag begleitet. Gerade wenn man erstmal ein paar Tage wieder mit dem Windows Explorer arbeitet, merkt man erstmal wieder was man am Total Commander hat!]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: "Umzug" des Total Commander auf einen neuen Rechner? :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-13T22:45:28+00:00 2024-09-14T10:06:09+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83809&p=459841#p459841 https://www.ghisler.ch/wikide/index.php?title=Backup ist in jedem Fall ein guter Startpunkt. Viele Wege führen nach Rom und es kommt immer darauf an, wie TC eingerichtet war; bei einem "portablen" TC (UseIniInProgramDir=7) ist man mit Kopieren des gesamten TC-Verzeichnisses schon fertig.

Für Plugins empfehle ich, den Pfad selbiger in der wincmd.ini immer mit Umgebungsvariable(n) anzugeben, z.B. %COMMANDER_PATH%\Plugins\some\plugin.wdx. Das kann man (für neue Plugininstallationen) zur Standardeinstellung machen, siehe PluginBaseDir in der TC-Hilfe.]]>
https://www.ghisler.ch/wikide/index.php?title=Backup ist in jedem Fall ein guter Startpunkt. Viele Wege führen nach Rom und es kommt immer darauf an, wie TC eingerichtet war; bei einem "portablen" TC (UseIniInProgramDir=7) ist man mit Kopieren des gesamten TC-Verzeichnisses schon fertig.

Für Plugins empfehle ich, den Pfad selbiger in der wincmd.ini immer mit Umgebungsvariable(n) anzugeben, z.B. %COMMANDER_PATH%\Plugins\some\plugin.wdx. Das kann man (für neue Plugininstallationen) zur Standardeinstellung machen, siehe PluginBaseDir in der TC-Hilfe.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: "Umzug" des Total Commander auf einen neuen Rechner? :: Reply by fxsavini]]> 2024-09-14T08:16:24+00:00 2024-09-14T08:16:24+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83809&p=459856#p459856 <![CDATA[Deu :: Attribute ändern / shelldetail :: Author menne]]> 2024-09-14T09:11:45+00:00 2024-09-14T09:11:45+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83822&p=459858#p459858
in Attribute ändern erscheint nur das plugin TC.
bei alt F7 kann ich shelldetail nutzen und Markierungen wird angezeigt]]>

in Attribute ändern erscheint nur das plugin TC.
bei alt F7 kann ich shelldetail nutzen und Markierungen wird angezeigt]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Attribute ändern / shelldetail :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-14T10:10:41+00:00 2024-09-14T10:10:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83822&p=459859#p459859
Da wirst du dir ein anderes Plugin suchen müssen oder einen anderen Weg, um "Markierungen" zu ändern.]]>

Da wirst du dir ein anderes Plugin suchen müssen oder einen anderen Weg, um "Markierungen" zu ändern.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Attribute ändern / shelldetail :: Reply by Horst.Epp]]> 2024-09-14T12:52:24+00:00 2024-09-14T12:52:24+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83822&p=459862#p459862 Bei mir gibt es von Spezialfällen abgesehen nur
JPG-Comments, welches viele Image-Formate unterstützt.
Bei mir gibt es von Spezialfällen abgesehen nur
JPG-Comments, welches viele Image-Formate unterstützt.
<![CDATA[Deu :: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Author al123456]]> 2024-09-12T15:53:03+00:00 2024-09-12T15:53:03+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459762#p459762
seitdem ich mit TC auf einen anderen Computer umgezogen bin, bekomme ich ständig nervige Windows-"Pleng"-Sounds, deren Sinn sich mir nicht erschließt. Nicht nur, aber auch in TC.

Warum das gerade im TC-Forum steht? Am allerhäufigsten (und nervigsten) bekomme ich zu JEDEM Rechtsklick in TC (und nur in TC) ein - leicht verzögertes - "Pleng" serviert. Das war auf dem vorherigen PC nicht der Fall. Wahrscheinlich hatte ich dort irgendetwas abgeschaltet, woran ich mich nicht mehr erinnere.

Ich habe mich auch schon die TC-Einstellungen (nichts gefunden) und die Windows-Sounds (der Nerv-Sound ist "Windows Background.wav", der für "Hinweis", "Sternchen", "Standardton Warnsignal" und evlt. noch mehr zuständig ist) geblättert, aber bislang mich nicht getraut, etwas zu ändern, weil ich nicht weiß, ob ich damit nicht irgendetwas stummschalte, das besser mit einem Ton bedacht wird.

Deshalb frage ich jetzt erst einmal nach dem Grund für das "Pleng" beim TC-Rechtsklick, denn das nervt am meisten.

Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?]]>

seitdem ich mit TC auf einen anderen Computer umgezogen bin, bekomme ich ständig nervige Windows-"Pleng"-Sounds, deren Sinn sich mir nicht erschließt. Nicht nur, aber auch in TC.

Warum das gerade im TC-Forum steht? Am allerhäufigsten (und nervigsten) bekomme ich zu JEDEM Rechtsklick in TC (und nur in TC) ein - leicht verzögertes - "Pleng" serviert. Das war auf dem vorherigen PC nicht der Fall. Wahrscheinlich hatte ich dort irgendetwas abgeschaltet, woran ich mich nicht mehr erinnere.

Ich habe mich auch schon die TC-Einstellungen (nichts gefunden) und die Windows-Sounds (der Nerv-Sound ist "Windows Background.wav", der für "Hinweis", "Sternchen", "Standardton Warnsignal" und evlt. noch mehr zuständig ist) geblättert, aber bislang mich nicht getraut, etwas zu ändern, weil ich nicht weiß, ob ich damit nicht irgendetwas stummschalte, das besser mit einem Ton bedacht wird.

Deshalb frage ich jetzt erst einmal nach dem Grund für das "Pleng" beim TC-Rechtsklick, denn das nervt am meisten.

Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-12T16:23:50+00:00 2024-09-12T16:23:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459764#p459764
Ich denke hier sollte eine Lösung vorhanden sein:
Wie den nervenden Hinweiston abschalten? (Signal/Ton/Sound/Klang/Klänge)

Bei mir wird mit folgenden Einstellungen in Total Commander 11.03 x64 kein lästiger Ton abgespielt:

Code: Select all

Windows > Suchen nach: Sound > Systemsounds ändern > Programmereignisse:

- Windows .......: Standardton -> Warnsignal -> Sounds: Kein
- Total Commander: Sämtliche Menüpunkte .... -> Sounds: Kein

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4169)]]>

Ich denke hier sollte eine Lösung vorhanden sein:
Wie den nervenden Hinweiston abschalten? (Signal/Ton/Sound/Klang/Klänge)

Bei mir wird mit folgenden Einstellungen in Total Commander 11.03 x64 kein lästiger Ton abgespielt:

Code: Select all

Windows > Suchen nach: Sound > Systemsounds ändern > Programmereignisse:

- Windows .......: Standardton -> Warnsignal -> Sounds: Kein
- Total Commander: Sämtliche Menüpunkte .... -> Sounds: Kein

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4169)]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by al123456]]> 2024-09-12T17:06:05+00:00 2024-09-12T17:06:05+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459768#p459768
tuska wrote: 2024-09-12, 16:23 UTC

Code: Select all

Windows > Suchen nach: Sound > Systemsounds ändern > Programmereignisse:
- Windows .......: Standardton -> Warnsignal -> Sounds: Kein
- Total Commander: Sämtliche Menüpunkte .... -> Sounds: Kein
Ja, der erste war's wohl. Unter Total Commander waren keine Sounds aktiviert bzw. ich hatte die früher (den Rechner hatte ich vor Jahren schon einmal in Betrieb) abgeschaltet.

Nachdem jetzt klar ist, dass das Geplengel offenbar von Windows kam, würde mich noch interessieren, warum Windows eigentlich meint, bei jedem Rechtsklick in TC rumklingeln zu müssen. In anderen Programmen blieben Rechtsklicks unbeklingelt.]]>
tuska wrote: 2024-09-12, 16:23 UTC

Code: Select all

Windows > Suchen nach: Sound > Systemsounds ändern > Programmereignisse:
- Windows .......: Standardton -> Warnsignal -> Sounds: Kein
- Total Commander: Sämtliche Menüpunkte .... -> Sounds: Kein
Ja, der erste war's wohl. Unter Total Commander waren keine Sounds aktiviert bzw. ich hatte die früher (den Rechner hatte ich vor Jahren schon einmal in Betrieb) abgeschaltet.

Nachdem jetzt klar ist, dass das Geplengel offenbar von Windows kam, würde mich noch interessieren, warum Windows eigentlich meint, bei jedem Rechtsklick in TC rumklingeln zu müssen. In anderen Programmen blieben Rechtsklicks unbeklingelt.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-12T17:12:15+00:00 2024-09-12T17:12:15+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459769#p459769

Code: Select all

Menü-Popup    <-- ?

Code: Select all

Menü-Popup    <-- ?
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by al123456]]> 2024-09-12T18:35:31+00:00 2024-09-12T18:35:31+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459770#p459770 <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-12T18:38:22+00:00 2024-09-12T18:38:22+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459771#p459771 ShellExView die Kontextmenüerweiterungen schrittweise deaktiviert, bis der Ton nicht mehr kommt; die von Microsoft kann man ignorieren.]]> ShellExView die Kontextmenüerweiterungen schrittweise deaktiviert, bis der Ton nicht mehr kommt; die von Microsoft kann man ignorieren.]]> <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by al123456]]> 2024-09-12T18:40:37+00:00 2024-09-12T18:40:37+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459772#p459772 <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-12T21:18:21+00:00 2024-09-12T21:18:21+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459780#p459780 Sounds > Windows > Programmfehler > Sounds: (Kein)]]> Sounds > Windows > Programmfehler > Sounds: (Kein)]]> <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-12T21:32:21+00:00 2024-09-12T21:32:21+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459782#p459782 <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-13T10:28:13+00:00 2024-09-13T10:28:13+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459827#p459827
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-12, 21:32 UTC Für den Fall, dass du Win11 verwendest: Welches Kontextmenü lässt du denn im Explorer anzeigen, das neue oder das alte,
das man auch mittels Shift+F10 erhalten kann? Nicht, dass hier ein Vergleich völlig verschiedener Kontextmenüs erfolgt.
Diese Frage kann ich beantworten:
- Die Kontextmenüs (alt/neu) sind ident wenn sie in Total Commander aufgerufen werden
- Die Kontextmenüs (alt/neu) sind ident wenn sie in Windows Explorer aufgerufen werden

Windows Explorer
- Hier wird eine Auswahl an Kontextmenü-Einträgen angezeigt
- Erst mit Klick auf "Weitere Optionen anzeigen" werden weitere Kontextmenü-Einträge angezeigt

Die Kontextmenü-Einträge von Total Commander und Windows Explorer können sich unterscheiden.

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4169)]]>
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-12, 21:32 UTC Für den Fall, dass du Win11 verwendest: Welches Kontextmenü lässt du denn im Explorer anzeigen, das neue oder das alte,
das man auch mittels Shift+F10 erhalten kann? Nicht, dass hier ein Vergleich völlig verschiedener Kontextmenüs erfolgt.
Diese Frage kann ich beantworten:
- Die Kontextmenüs (alt/neu) sind ident wenn sie in Total Commander aufgerufen werden
- Die Kontextmenüs (alt/neu) sind ident wenn sie in Windows Explorer aufgerufen werden

Windows Explorer
- Hier wird eine Auswahl an Kontextmenü-Einträgen angezeigt
- Erst mit Klick auf "Weitere Optionen anzeigen" werden weitere Kontextmenü-Einträge angezeigt

Die Kontextmenü-Einträge von Total Commander und Windows Explorer können sich unterscheiden.

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4169)]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-13T10:56:44+00:00 2024-09-13T10:56:44+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459829#p459829 tuska
Nun bin ich verwirrt. Aktuell gehe ich davon aus, dass das neue Kontextmenü im TC gar nicht zu Verfügung steht. Oder vielleicht reden wir aneinander vorbei. Ich meine die hier beschriebene Unterscheidung: https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/windows-11-classic-context-menus, also das, was du mit "Weitere Optionen anzeigen" schon andeutest.]]>
Nun bin ich verwirrt. Aktuell gehe ich davon aus, dass das neue Kontextmenü im TC gar nicht zu Verfügung steht. Oder vielleicht reden wir aneinander vorbei. Ich meine die hier beschriebene Unterscheidung: https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/windows-11-classic-context-menus, also das, was du mit "Weitere Optionen anzeigen" schon andeutest.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-13T11:18:03+00:00 2024-09-13T11:18:03+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459830#p459830 Dalai

Die Kontextmenüeinträge sehen bei mir so aus:
- Total Commander
- Windows Explorer

Ich bin davon ausgegangen, dass Du mit SHIFT+F10 das alte Kontextmenü gemeint hast
und habe in diesem Sinne auch die Beschriftungen zu den Bildern vorgenommen.

Habe gerade festgestellt, dass ein Rechtsklick auf einen Ordner in TC weitere Kontextmenü-Einträge zum Vorschein bringt.]]>

Die Kontextmenüeinträge sehen bei mir so aus:
- Total Commander
- Windows Explorer

Ich bin davon ausgegangen, dass Du mit SHIFT+F10 das alte Kontextmenü gemeint hast
und habe in diesem Sinne auch die Beschriftungen zu den Bildern vorgenommen.

Habe gerade festgestellt, dass ein Rechtsklick auf einen Ordner in TC weitere Kontextmenü-Einträge zum Vorschein bringt.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-13T13:00:17+00:00 2024-09-13T13:00:17+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459833#p459833
Um es kurz zu machen: Ich meine mit "altes Kontextmenü" dasjenige ohne abgerundete Ecken, in dem Einträge wie "Senden an" und "Vorgängerversionen wiederherstellen" enthalten sind und wo Ausschneiden, Kopieren, Einfügen, Umbenennen und Löschen keine Symbole sondern textuell ausgeschrieben sind.]]>

Um es kurz zu machen: Ich meine mit "altes Kontextmenü" dasjenige ohne abgerundete Ecken, in dem Einträge wie "Senden an" und "Vorgängerversionen wiederherstellen" enthalten sind und wo Ausschneiden, Kopieren, Einfügen, Umbenennen und Löschen keine Symbole sondern textuell ausgeschrieben sind.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by Horst.Epp]]> 2024-09-13T13:06:02+00:00 2024-09-13T13:06:02+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459834#p459834
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-13, 13:00 UTC Bislang war ich davon ausgegangen, dass man mit Shift+F10 im Explorer das selbe (alte) Kontextmenü erhält wie im TC. Das ist in den Bildern im Artikel von Tom's Hardware so beschriftet: Show more options > Shift+F10. Offenbar hat MS da etwas geändert (was mich nicht wirklich wundert).
Wenn man wie ich das alte Kontextmenü zum Windows Default gemacht hat,
stimmt das auch noch :) .]]>
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-13, 13:00 UTC Bislang war ich davon ausgegangen, dass man mit Shift+F10 im Explorer das selbe (alte) Kontextmenü erhält wie im TC. Das ist in den Bildern im Artikel von Tom's Hardware so beschriftet: Show more options > Shift+F10. Offenbar hat MS da etwas geändert (was mich nicht wirklich wundert).
Wenn man wie ich das alte Kontextmenü zum Windows Default gemacht hat,
stimmt das auch noch :) .]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Nervige Windows-Sounds :: Reply by al123456]]> 2024-09-17T00:22:33+00:00 2024-09-17T00:22:33+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83791&p=459898#p459898 der Ordnung halber eine kurze Rückmeldung von mir.
Der Nerv-Sound ist jetzt ja weg (abgeschaltet in Windows). Auch wenn mich die eigentliche Ursache interessieren würde, habe ich momentan leider überhaupt keine Zeit für weitere Nachforschungen (ganz ehrlich), aber ich verfolge die weiteren Diskussionen (gelegentlich) mit Interesse. Danke bis hierher für die rege Teilnahme.
Ach ja, ich verwende Windows 10.]]>
der Ordnung halber eine kurze Rückmeldung von mir.
Der Nerv-Sound ist jetzt ja weg (abgeschaltet in Windows). Auch wenn mich die eigentliche Ursache interessieren würde, habe ich momentan leider überhaupt keine Zeit für weitere Nachforschungen (ganz ehrlich), aber ich verfolge die weiteren Diskussionen (gelegentlich) mit Interesse. Danke bis hierher für die rege Teilnahme.
Ach ja, ich verwende Windows 10.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: cm_CountDirContent funktioniert nicht in benutzerdefinierten Ansichten :: Author M.Morabito]]> 2024-09-15T18:49:58+00:00 2024-09-15T18:49:58+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83828&p=459877#p459877 in meinen benutzerdefinierte Ansichten funktioniert die Anzeige cm_CountDirContent nicht. Kann ich diese Funktionalität hinzufügen?
In den Ansichten cm_srcshort und cm_srclong funktioniert es noch.
Vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe.

Ciao, Marco]]>
in meinen benutzerdefinierte Ansichten funktioniert die Anzeige cm_CountDirContent nicht. Kann ich diese Funktionalität hinzufügen?
In den Ansichten cm_srcshort und cm_srclong funktioniert es noch.
Vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe.

Ciao, Marco]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: cm_CountDirContent funktioniert nicht in benutzerdefinierten Ansichten :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-15T19:29:27+00:00 2024-09-15T19:29:27+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83828&p=459878#p459878
PS: Ich nehme an, dass du mit benutzerdef. Ansicht die benutzerdef. Spalten meinst.]]>

PS: Ich nehme an, dass du mit benutzerdef. Ansicht die benutzerdef. Spalten meinst.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: cm_CountDirContent funktioniert nicht in benutzerdefinierten Ansichten :: Reply by M.Morabito]]> 2024-09-17T13:33:01+00:00 2024-09-17T13:33:01+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83828&p=459907#p459907 Ich hatte die Spalte "Größe" veregessen. :shock:
Jetzt geht alles wie erwartet.]]>
Ich hatte die Spalte "Größe" veregessen. :shock:
Jetzt geht alles wie erwartet.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Author praetor]]> 2024-09-10T10:00:41+00:00 2024-09-10T10:00:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459613#p459613
ich muss mich in eine sehr alte und tief geschachtelte Projekt-Ordnerstuktur einarbeiten und diese nutzen. Etliche Unterordner werden seit Langem nicht mehr genutzt. Ich möchte eine farbige Markierung von Ordnern erreichen, die Dateien enthalten, die jünger als ein Stichtag x sind. Idealerweise sollten dabei auch die Dateien in etwaigen Unterordnern geprüft werden. Mit dirsizecalc bin ich nicht weiter gekommen, die Suche im Forum hat mir auch nicht gegeholfen.
Danke und ...]]>

ich muss mich in eine sehr alte und tief geschachtelte Projekt-Ordnerstuktur einarbeiten und diese nutzen. Etliche Unterordner werden seit Langem nicht mehr genutzt. Ich möchte eine farbige Markierung von Ordnern erreichen, die Dateien enthalten, die jünger als ein Stichtag x sind. Idealerweise sollten dabei auch die Dateien in etwaigen Unterordnern geprüft werden. Mit dirsizecalc bin ich nicht weiter gekommen, die Suche im Forum hat mir auch nicht gegeholfen.
Danke und ...]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-10T10:40:43+00:00 2024-09-10T10:40:43+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459615#p459615 FileInDir sollte helfen, Verzeichnisse zu finden, die bestimmte Dateien enthalten. Sobald eine Suche damit funktioniert, kann diese auch zum Färben von Objekten benutzt werden.]]> FileInDir sollte helfen, Verzeichnisse zu finden, die bestimmte Dateien enthalten. Sobald eine Suche damit funktioniert, kann diese auch zum Färben von Objekten benutzt werden.]]> <![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-10T13:13:48+00:00 2024-09-10T13:13:48+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459619#p459619 praetor
Ich schlage Dir folgendes vor:
Plugin "filesys"
  1. Download: Plugin filesys
    Ein Doppelklick auf die Datei "wdx_filesys.zip" startet den Installationsprozeß...
  2. Wo finde ich dieses Plugin?
Beispiele: Suchabfragen in Total Commander | Suche speichern | Buttons
  1. Alt+Umschalt+F7: Suchen in separatem Prozess...
  2. Option: Unterverzeichnisse durchsuchen -> Nur aktuelles Verzeichnis
    Für einen Schnelltest kann ich diese Einstellung empfehlen.
  3. Registerkarte "Erweitert" > ✅ Attribute: > ✅ Verzeichnis
  4. Registerkarte "Plugins" > ✅ Suchen in Plugins > Kombinieren mit: ... (wähle gegebenenfalls Deine Einstellung aus)

    Code: Select all

    Plugin	  Eigenschaft	    OP	  Wert
    filesys	  Aenderungsdatum   <=	  31.12.2020
  5. Klick auf Button "Suche starten" ... zeigt Ordner an welche den Suchkriterien entsprechen.
  6. Registerkarte "Laden/Speichern" > Klick auf Button "Speichern" > Vorlagenname: Änderungsdatum_kleiner_31.12.2020 ...
  7. Option: BUTTON mit Kommando: LOADSEARCH==Änderungsdatum_kleiner_31.12.2020 ... bringt sofort das Suchergebnis
    danach Strg+R: Quelle neu einlesen ... drücken
  8. Option: BUTTON mit Kommando: LOADSEARCH=Änderungsdatum_kleiner_31.12.2020 ... bringt das "Dateien Suchen"-Fenster
    Einstellungen können noch geändert werden. Button "Suche starten" drücken erforderlich.
Ordner einfärben
  1. Konfigurieren > Einstellungen... > Farben > ✅ Definiere Farben nach Dateityp... > Hinzufügen..
    Änderungsdatum_kleiner_31.12.2020 > Definieren... > Registerkarte "Erweitert" > ✅ Attribute: > ✅ Verzeichnis >
    Registerkarte "Plugins" > ✅ Suchen in Plugins > Kombinieren mit: ... (wähle gegebenenfalls Deine Einstellung aus) >
    Plugin: filesys > Eigenschaft: Aenderungsdatum > OP: <= > Wert: 31.12.2020 > Klick auf Button "Speichern" >
    Vorlagenname: Änderungsdatum_kleiner_31.12.2020 > OK > OK > Farbe auswählen, zB Farbton: 32, Sättigung: 240, Helligkeit: 120 |
    Rot: 255, Grün: 204, Blau: 0 >

    Klick auf den Button "Dunkel<->Normal" um zu prüfen, ob die eingestellte Farbe sowohl für den Normalmodus als auch für
    den Dunkelmodus geeignet ist > Klick auf "OK", danach nochmals auf "OK". FERTIG!

    Sofern ein Wert zutrifft wird ein Ordner SOFORT (ohne Neustart von TC) in der gewählten Farbe angezeigt.

    Eine dezentere Farbe wäre zB folgende (die Farben können selbstverständlich nachträglich geändert werden):
    Farbton: 0, Sättigung: 240, Helligkeit: 216 | Rot: 255, Grün: 204, Blau: 204
Ich schlage Dir folgendes vor:
Plugin "filesys"
  1. Download: Plugin filesys
    Ein Doppelklick auf die Datei "wdx_filesys.zip" startet den Installationsprozeß...
  2. Wo finde ich dieses Plugin?
Beispiele: Suchabfragen in Total Commander | Suche speichern | Buttons
  1. Alt+Umschalt+F7: Suchen in separatem Prozess...
  2. Option: Unterverzeichnisse durchsuchen -> Nur aktuelles Verzeichnis
    Für einen Schnelltest kann ich diese Einstellung empfehlen.
  3. Registerkarte "Erweitert" > ✅ Attribute: > ✅ Verzeichnis
  4. Registerkarte "Plugins" > ✅ Suchen in Plugins > Kombinieren mit: ... (wähle gegebenenfalls Deine Einstellung aus)

    Code: Select all

    Plugin	  Eigenschaft	    OP	  Wert
    filesys	  Aenderungsdatum   <=	  31.12.2020
  5. Klick auf Button "Suche starten" ... zeigt Ordner an welche den Suchkriterien entsprechen.
  6. Registerkarte "Laden/Speichern" > Klick auf Button "Speichern" > Vorlagenname: Änderungsdatum_kleiner_31.12.2020 ...
  7. Option: BUTTON mit Kommando: LOADSEARCH==Änderungsdatum_kleiner_31.12.2020 ... bringt sofort das Suchergebnis
    danach Strg+R: Quelle neu einlesen ... drücken
  8. Option: BUTTON mit Kommando: LOADSEARCH=Änderungsdatum_kleiner_31.12.2020 ... bringt das "Dateien Suchen"-Fenster
    Einstellungen können noch geändert werden. Button "Suche starten" drücken erforderlich.
Ordner einfärben
  1. Konfigurieren > Einstellungen... > Farben > ✅ Definiere Farben nach Dateityp... > Hinzufügen..
    Änderungsdatum_kleiner_31.12.2020 > Definieren... > Registerkarte "Erweitert" > ✅ Attribute: > ✅ Verzeichnis >
    Registerkarte "Plugins" > ✅ Suchen in Plugins > Kombinieren mit: ... (wähle gegebenenfalls Deine Einstellung aus) >
    Plugin: filesys > Eigenschaft: Aenderungsdatum > OP: <= > Wert: 31.12.2020 > Klick auf Button "Speichern" >
    Vorlagenname: Änderungsdatum_kleiner_31.12.2020 > OK > OK > Farbe auswählen, zB Farbton: 32, Sättigung: 240, Helligkeit: 120 |
    Rot: 255, Grün: 204, Blau: 0 >

    Klick auf den Button "Dunkel<->Normal" um zu prüfen, ob die eingestellte Farbe sowohl für den Normalmodus als auch für
    den Dunkelmodus geeignet ist > Klick auf "OK", danach nochmals auf "OK". FERTIG!

    Sofern ein Wert zutrifft wird ein Ordner SOFORT (ohne Neustart von TC) in der gewählten Farbe angezeigt.

    Eine dezentere Farbe wäre zB folgende (die Farben können selbstverständlich nachträglich geändert werden):
    Farbton: 0, Sättigung: 240, Helligkeit: 216 | Rot: 255, Grün: 204, Blau: 204
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by praetor]]> 2024-09-10T16:14:11+00:00 2024-09-10T16:14:11+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459626#p459626
Zunächst habe ich „filesys“ ausprobiert. Das Plugin betrachtet aber m.E. nur den Ordner selbst, nicht aber die darin befindlichen Dateien.

Dann habe ich „FileInDir“ angeschaut. Das Plugin verspricht, tatsächlich die Dateien in dem Vereichnis zu analysieren (wenn auch nur auf der ersten Unterebene (s. dazu viewtopic.php?t=51500). Mir ist aber gänzlich unklar, wie ich hier in der zugehörigen fileindir.ini das Dateiänderungsdatum als Kriterium definieren kann.]]>

Zunächst habe ich „filesys“ ausprobiert. Das Plugin betrachtet aber m.E. nur den Ordner selbst, nicht aber die darin befindlichen Dateien.

Dann habe ich „FileInDir“ angeschaut. Das Plugin verspricht, tatsächlich die Dateien in dem Vereichnis zu analysieren (wenn auch nur auf der ersten Unterebene (s. dazu viewtopic.php?t=51500). Mir ist aber gänzlich unklar, wie ich hier in der zugehörigen fileindir.ini das Dateiänderungsdatum als Kriterium definieren kann.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-10T17:05:41+00:00 2024-09-10T17:05:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459629#p459629
praetor wrote: 2024-09-10, 16:14 UTC Zunächst habe ich „filesys“ ausprobiert.
Das Plugin betrachtet aber m.E. nur den Ordner selbst, nicht aber die darin befindlichen Dateien.
Tut mir leid, dass es nicht wunschgemäß funktioniert. :?

Bei meinen Schnelltests hat es noch gut ausgesehen, mittlerweile habe ich aber ebenfalls festgestellt,
dass es mit diesem Plugin NICHT verläßlich funktioniert.

Leider weiß ich sonst keine andere Lösung.]]>
praetor wrote: 2024-09-10, 16:14 UTC Zunächst habe ich „filesys“ ausprobiert.
Das Plugin betrachtet aber m.E. nur den Ordner selbst, nicht aber die darin befindlichen Dateien.
Tut mir leid, dass es nicht wunschgemäß funktioniert. :?

Bei meinen Schnelltests hat es noch gut ausgesehen, mittlerweile habe ich aber ebenfalls festgestellt,
dass es mit diesem Plugin NICHT verläßlich funktioniert.

Leider weiß ich sonst keine andere Lösung.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-10T17:41:24+00:00 2024-09-10T17:41:24+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459630#p459630
praetor wrote: 2024-09-10, 16:14 UTCMir ist aber gänzlich unklar, wie ich hier in der zugehörigen fileindir.ini das Dateiänderungsdatum als Kriterium definieren kann.
Das kann man nicht, siehe Readme.txt des Plugins.

Da wirst du wohl einen anderen Weg suchen müssen. Oder du arbeitest direkt mit den Suchergebnissen, die ggf. mit mehreren Suchvorgängen (Suche in Suchergebnissen) erzielt wurden; eine Einfärbung ist so natürlich nicht möglich.]]>
praetor wrote: 2024-09-10, 16:14 UTCMir ist aber gänzlich unklar, wie ich hier in der zugehörigen fileindir.ini das Dateiänderungsdatum als Kriterium definieren kann.
Das kann man nicht, siehe Readme.txt des Plugins.

Da wirst du wohl einen anderen Weg suchen müssen. Oder du arbeitest direkt mit den Suchergebnissen, die ggf. mit mehreren Suchvorgängen (Suche in Suchergebnissen) erzielt wurden; eine Einfärbung ist so natürlich nicht möglich.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-10T18:19:49+00:00 2024-09-10T18:19:49+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459632#p459632 praetor
Ein solches Plugin ist schädlich, weil die Analyse riesiger Strukturen aus Tausenden (oder sogar Millionen) von Ordnern zu TC-Hängern führen wird.
Kürzlich wurde das Thema der automatischen Datumsumstellung im englischen Abschnitt angesprochen. Ich konnte mir nichts Klügeres vorstellen, als die Daten höherer Ordner bei der automatischen Indizierung durch das Everything-Programm zu korrigieren.]]>
Ein solches Plugin ist schädlich, weil die Analyse riesiger Strukturen aus Tausenden (oder sogar Millionen) von Ordnern zu TC-Hängern führen wird.
Kürzlich wurde das Thema der automatischen Datumsumstellung im englischen Abschnitt angesprochen. Ich konnte mir nichts Klügeres vorstellen, als die Daten höherer Ordner bei der automatischen Indizierung durch das Everything-Programm zu korrigieren.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-10T19:57:10+00:00 2024-09-10T19:57:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459639#p459639 WinScript Advanced eigentlich ganz leicht realisieren. Wäre vielleicht nicht sehr schnell, sollte aber funktionieren.

WinScript Advanced eigentlich ganz leicht realisieren. Wäre vielleicht nicht sehr schnell, sollte aber funktionieren.

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-10T20:39:19+00:00 2024-09-10T20:39:19+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459643#p459643 WinScript Advanced geschrieben.
Der Options.ini muss man dann sowas hinzufügen:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

und dann dieses Skript als ContainsFileNewerThanDate.ahk abspeichern:

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1

DateConfigFile = C:\AHK Test Script\NewerThanDate.txt

FileGetAttrib, Attributes, %FileName%
IfInString, Attributes, D
	FileRead, NewerThanDate, %DateConfigFile%
	Content = False
	Loop, Files, %FileName%\*.*, FR
		DateDifference = %A_LoopFileTimeModified%
		EnvSub, DateDifference, %NewerThanDate%
		If (DateDifference > 0)
			Content = True
	Content = File
Den Pfad zu DateConfigFile muss man anpassen und die Datei natürlich erstellen. Der Inhalt von DateConfigFile für das Datum z.B. 1.9.2024 wäre dann:

Code: Select all

(also Jahr, Monat, Tag, Stunde, Minute, Sekunde).

Habe es nicht ausgiebig getestet. Für sehr kleine Ordnerstrukturen funktioniert es aber.
Falls es sich um NTFS handelt, könnte man vielleicht was mit Everything, bzw. ES basteln.

WinScript Advanced geschrieben.
Der Options.ini muss man dann sowas hinzufügen:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

und dann dieses Skript als ContainsFileNewerThanDate.ahk abspeichern:

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1

DateConfigFile = C:\AHK Test Script\NewerThanDate.txt

FileGetAttrib, Attributes, %FileName%
IfInString, Attributes, D
	FileRead, NewerThanDate, %DateConfigFile%
	Content = False
	Loop, Files, %FileName%\*.*, FR
		DateDifference = %A_LoopFileTimeModified%
		EnvSub, DateDifference, %NewerThanDate%
		If (DateDifference > 0)
			Content = True
	Content = File
Den Pfad zu DateConfigFile muss man anpassen und die Datei natürlich erstellen. Der Inhalt von DateConfigFile für das Datum z.B. 1.9.2024 wäre dann:

Code: Select all

(also Jahr, Monat, Tag, Stunde, Minute, Sekunde).

Habe es nicht ausgiebig getestet. Für sehr kleine Ordnerstrukturen funktioniert es aber.
Falls es sich um NTFS handelt, könnte man vielleicht was mit Everything, bzw. ES basteln.

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-10T22:21:13+00:00 2024-09-10T22:21:13+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459646#p459646
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-10, 20:39 UTC Falls es sich um NTFS handelt, könnte man vielleicht was mit Everything, bzw. ES basteln.
Everything 1.5a kann auch FAT (Local FAT/FAT32/exFAT volumes), ReFS, Network Drives, Folders.

Mit dieser Suchanfrage könnte man testen ob die Suchergebnisse erwartungsgemäß sind:
Suche auf Laufwerk D: nach Dateien die der angegebenen Suche entsprechen (Änderungsdatum >1.9.2024) und zeige die Ordner an.

- In Total Commander: ev:d: child-file-dm:>01.09.2024
- In 'Everything 1.5a':        d: child-file-dm:>01.09.2024

Wenn das Suchergebnis passt, dann ändert man die Suche in Total Commander zB auf:
ev:d: child-file-dm:<=31.12.2020 d.h. Änderungsdatum <=31.12.2020.

- ev: Präfix in Total Commander, um die Suchparameter von 'Everything' in Total Commander verwenden zu können
-  d:  Laufwerk D:

- child-file:
  Search for folders that contain a file or folder with a filename that matches the specified search.
  Use child-file: to match files only.

- dm: Date modified -> Änderungsdatum

In diesem Fall würde es sich meines Erachtens empfehlen die Dateien einzufärben,
denn es können sich auch andere Dateien in dem Ordner befinden als jene welche den Suchkriterien entsprechen (Änd.Datum >1.9.2024).
Die Ordner sind bekannt, denn sie werden im Suchergebnis gelistet, sie können jedoch NICHT eingefärbt werden.

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4112)
TC 11.03 x64 | 'Everything' (x64)
Suchabfragen: TC <=> 'Everything' <= Windows Suche]]>
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-10, 20:39 UTC Falls es sich um NTFS handelt, könnte man vielleicht was mit Everything, bzw. ES basteln.
Everything 1.5a kann auch FAT (Local FAT/FAT32/exFAT volumes), ReFS, Network Drives, Folders.

Mit dieser Suchanfrage könnte man testen ob die Suchergebnisse erwartungsgemäß sind:
Suche auf Laufwerk D: nach Dateien die der angegebenen Suche entsprechen (Änderungsdatum >1.9.2024) und zeige die Ordner an.

- In Total Commander: ev:d: child-file-dm:>01.09.2024
- In 'Everything 1.5a':        d: child-file-dm:>01.09.2024

Wenn das Suchergebnis passt, dann ändert man die Suche in Total Commander zB auf:
ev:d: child-file-dm:<=31.12.2020 d.h. Änderungsdatum <=31.12.2020.

- ev: Präfix in Total Commander, um die Suchparameter von 'Everything' in Total Commander verwenden zu können
-  d:  Laufwerk D:

- child-file:
  Search for folders that contain a file or folder with a filename that matches the specified search.
  Use child-file: to match files only.

- dm: Date modified -> Änderungsdatum

In diesem Fall würde es sich meines Erachtens empfehlen die Dateien einzufärben,
denn es können sich auch andere Dateien in dem Ordner befinden als jene welche den Suchkriterien entsprechen (Änd.Datum >1.9.2024).
Die Ordner sind bekannt, denn sie werden im Suchergebnis gelistet, sie können jedoch NICHT eingefärbt werden.

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4112)
TC 11.03 x64 | 'Everything' (x64)
Suchabfragen: TC <=> 'Everything' <= Windows Suche]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-11T03:43:55+00:00 2024-09-11T03:43:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459679#p459679 es.exe versucht, aber das Neuzeichnen kommt langsam heraus. Probieren Sie es aus, wenn es interessant ist:
  1. %COMMANDER_PATH%\Plugins\wdx\WinScriptsAdv\Scripts\NewDirs.vbs:
    Content = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run(_
    """%COMMANDER_PATH%\Utils\Everything\es.exe""" &_
    " -s folder:""" & FileName & """ count:1 childdm:>
    31.12.2023 -no-result-error", 0, 1)
  2. %COMMANDER_PATH%\Plugins\wdx\WinScriptsAdv\options.ini:

    content=Folder after
  3. wincmd.ini:
    ColorFilter=>New dirs

    New dirs_SearchFor=
    New dirs_SearchFlags=0|002002000020||||||||22221|0000|||
    New dirs_plugin="winscriptsadv.Folder after
    31.12.2023" = 0
  4. Shift+Left > cm_Exit 13 > Enter
es.exe versucht, aber das Neuzeichnen kommt langsam heraus. Probieren Sie es aus, wenn es interessant ist:
  1. %COMMANDER_PATH%\Plugins\wdx\WinScriptsAdv\Scripts\NewDirs.vbs:
    Content = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run(_
    """%COMMANDER_PATH%\Utils\Everything\es.exe""" &_
    " -s folder:""" & FileName & """ count:1 childdm:>
    31.12.2023 -no-result-error", 0, 1)
  2. %COMMANDER_PATH%\Plugins\wdx\WinScriptsAdv\options.ini:

    content=Folder after
  3. wincmd.ini:
    ColorFilter=>New dirs

    New dirs_SearchFor=
    New dirs_SearchFlags=0|002002000020||||||||22221|0000|||
    New dirs_plugin="winscriptsadv.Folder after
    31.12.2023" = 0
  4. Shift+Left > cm_Exit 13 > Enter
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-11T07:39:15+00:00 2024-09-11T07:39:15+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459687#p459687 tuska,
Everything 1.5a kann auch FAT (Local FAT/FAT32/exFAT volumes), ReFS, Network Drives, Folders.
Sicher, muss man aber vorher indexieren.

Everything 1.5a kann auch FAT (Local FAT/FAT32/exFAT volumes), ReFS, Network Drives, Folders.
Sicher, muss man aber vorher indexieren.

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-11T09:45:45+00:00 2024-09-11T09:45:45+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459691#p459691
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-11, 07:39 UTC tuska,
Everything 1.5a kann auch FAT (Local FAT/FAT32/exFAT volumes), ReFS, Network Drives, Folders.
Sicher, muss man aber vorher indexieren.

Du möchtest hoffentlich hiemit nicht andeuten, dass NTFS nicht indexiert werden muß...
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-10, 20:39 UTC Falls es sich um NTFS handelt, könnte man vielleicht was mit Everything, bzw. ES basteln.
Bei mir bringt zB die Suchabfrage in Everything 1.5a: i: child-file-dm:>01.09.2024
KEIN Ergebnis, da Laufwerk I: nicht indexiert wird.
(Asymmetrische Synchronisationen D:\ -> I:\, d.h. Laufwerk I: sollte ident mit Laufwerk D: sein).]]>
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-11, 07:39 UTC tuska,
Everything 1.5a kann auch FAT (Local FAT/FAT32/exFAT volumes), ReFS, Network Drives, Folders.
Sicher, muss man aber vorher indexieren.

Du möchtest hoffentlich hiemit nicht andeuten, dass NTFS nicht indexiert werden muß...
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-10, 20:39 UTC Falls es sich um NTFS handelt, könnte man vielleicht was mit Everything, bzw. ES basteln.
Bei mir bringt zB die Suchabfrage in Everything 1.5a: i: child-file-dm:>01.09.2024
KEIN Ergebnis, da Laufwerk I: nicht indexiert wird.
(Asymmetrische Synchronisationen D:\ -> I:\, d.h. Laufwerk I: sollte ident mit Laufwerk D: sein).]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-11T11:06:01+00:00 2024-09-11T11:06:01+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459698#p459698 tuska,
Du möchtest hoffentlich hiemit nicht andeuten, dass NTFS nicht indexiert werden muß...
Nein, nur dass es bei NTFS um Größenordnungen schneller geht.
Bei mir bringt zB die Suchabfrage in Everything 1.5a: i: child-file-dm:>01.09.2024
KEIN Ergebnis, da Laufwerk I: nicht indexiert wird.
(Asymmetrische Synchronisationen D:\ -> I:\, d.h. Laufwerk I: sollte ident mit Laufwerk D: sein).
Habe ja auch sowas nicht vorgeschlagen.

Du möchtest hoffentlich hiemit nicht andeuten, dass NTFS nicht indexiert werden muß...
Nein, nur dass es bei NTFS um Größenordnungen schneller geht.
Bei mir bringt zB die Suchabfrage in Everything 1.5a: i: child-file-dm:>01.09.2024
KEIN Ergebnis, da Laufwerk I: nicht indexiert wird.
(Asymmetrische Synchronisationen D:\ -> I:\, d.h. Laufwerk I: sollte ident mit Laufwerk D: sein).
Habe ja auch sowas nicht vorgeschlagen.

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by praetor]]> 2024-09-12T19:33:05+00:00 2024-09-12T19:33:05+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459775#p459775
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-10, 20:39 UTC Ich habe jetzt ein Skript für WinScript Advanced geschrieben.
Habe es nicht ausgiebig getestet. Für sehr kleine Ordnerstrukturen funktioniert es aber.
Hallo Roman,
ich wollte das ausprobieren und habe alles so installiert und eingerichtet, wie Du es beschrieben hast. Das AHK-Skript befüllt ja je nach Prüfergebnis
für einen Ordner die Variable "Content" Jetzt ist mir noch nicht ganz klar, wie das weiter genutzt wird. Ich habe versucht, die Information in einer zusätzlichen Spalte anzuzeigen. Und ich habe versucht, die Information für die Ordnerfarbe zu nutzen. In beiden Fällen schmiert TC aber nach wenigen Sekunden ab. Vermutlich mache ich da grundsätzlich noch was falsch?]]>
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-10, 20:39 UTC Ich habe jetzt ein Skript für WinScript Advanced geschrieben.
Habe es nicht ausgiebig getestet. Für sehr kleine Ordnerstrukturen funktioniert es aber.
Hallo Roman,
ich wollte das ausprobieren und habe alles so installiert und eingerichtet, wie Du es beschrieben hast. Das AHK-Skript befüllt ja je nach Prüfergebnis
für einen Ordner die Variable "Content" Jetzt ist mir noch nicht ganz klar, wie das weiter genutzt wird. Ich habe versucht, die Information in einer zusätzlichen Spalte anzuzeigen. Und ich habe versucht, die Information für die Ordnerfarbe zu nutzen. In beiden Fällen schmiert TC aber nach wenigen Sekunden ab. Vermutlich mache ich da grundsätzlich noch was falsch?]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by praetor]]> 2024-09-12T20:04:18+00:00 2024-09-12T20:04:18+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459777#p459777 P.S.
Die Angabe in einer nutzerdefinierten Spalte funktioniert jetzt, nachdem ich in die options.ini noch die Sektion

Code: Select all

ahk=c:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe
ahkStdOutFormat=FileAppend, %%%s%% `n, *
hinzugefügt habe. Aber das Einfärben der Ordner, was ja mein eigentliches Ziel ist, scheint mit der Methode wohl nicht zu gehen.]]>
Die Angabe in einer nutzerdefinierten Spalte funktioniert jetzt, nachdem ich in die options.ini noch die Sektion

Code: Select all

ahk=c:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe
ahkStdOutFormat=FileAppend, %%%s%% `n, *
hinzugefügt habe. Aber das Einfärben der Ordner, was ja mein eigentliches Ziel ist, scheint mit der Methode wohl nicht zu gehen.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-12T21:15:49+00:00 2024-09-12T21:15:49+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459779#p459779 praetor
Mit meinem Vorschlag ist keine ExeScriptParsers-Konfiguration erforderlich. Das Plugin interagiert schneller mit dem integrierten wscript als mit einem Drittanbieter-Interpreter.
Wichtig ist, dass Everything 1.5a läuft und der richtige Pfad zu es.exe im Skript angegeben ist.]]>
Mit meinem Vorschlag ist keine ExeScriptParsers-Konfiguration erforderlich. Das Plugin interagiert schneller mit dem integrierten wscript als mit einem Drittanbieter-Interpreter.
Wichtig ist, dass Everything 1.5a läuft und der richtige Pfad zu es.exe im Skript angegeben ist.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-13T17:19:02+00:00 2024-09-13T17:19:02+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459838#p459838 praetor,
Funktioniert es denn, wenn du eine Benutzerdefinierte Spalte einrichtest?

Funktioniert es denn, wenn du eine Benutzerdefinierte Spalte einrichtest?

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by praetor]]> 2024-09-15T17:05:22+00:00 2024-09-15T17:05:22+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459873#p459873
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-13, 17:19 UTC praetor,
Funktioniert es denn, wenn du eine Benutzerdefinierte Spalte einrichtest?
Ja, das funktioniert, aber das ist noch nicht was ich eigentlich wollte.]]>
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-13, 17:19 UTC praetor,
Funktioniert es denn, wenn du eine Benutzerdefinierte Spalte einrichtest?
Ja, das funktioniert, aber das ist noch nicht was ich eigentlich wollte.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by praetor]]> 2024-09-15T17:07:15+00:00 2024-09-15T17:07:15+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459874#p459874
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-12, 21:15 UTC 2praetor
Mit meinem Vorschlag ist keine ExeScriptParsers-Konfiguration erforderlich. Das Plugin interagiert schneller mit dem integrierten wscript als mit einem Drittanbieter-Interpreter.
Wichtig ist, dass Everything 1.5a läuft und der richtige Pfad zu es.exe im Skript angegeben ist.
Danke Fla$her, für Deinen Vorschlag. Aber Everything habe ich auf dem fraglichen Rechner nicht zur Verfügung.]]>
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-12, 21:15 UTC 2praetor
Mit meinem Vorschlag ist keine ExeScriptParsers-Konfiguration erforderlich. Das Plugin interagiert schneller mit dem integrierten wscript als mit einem Drittanbieter-Interpreter.
Wichtig ist, dass Everything 1.5a läuft und der richtige Pfad zu es.exe im Skript angegeben ist.
Danke Fla$her, für Deinen Vorschlag. Aber Everything habe ich auf dem fraglichen Rechner nicht zur Verfügung.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-15T19:51:35+00:00 2024-09-15T20:19:25+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459879#p459879
praetor wrote: 2024-09-15, 17:07 UTC Aber Everything habe ich auf dem fraglichen Rechner nicht zur Verfügung.
Aber Sie konnten das Plugin installieren. Ebenso kann man Everything portabel verwendet werden.

Und was hindert Sie daran, die Verzeichnisdaten in der angegebenen Ordnerstruktur einfach zu aktualisieren?
In dem Thema, auf das ich mich bezogen habe, wurden mehrere Lösungen aufgeführt.]]>
praetor wrote: 2024-09-15, 17:07 UTC Aber Everything habe ich auf dem fraglichen Rechner nicht zur Verfügung.
Aber Sie konnten das Plugin installieren. Ebenso kann man Everything portabel verwendet werden.

Und was hindert Sie daran, die Verzeichnisdaten in der angegebenen Ordnerstruktur einfach zu aktualisieren?
In dem Thema, auf das ich mich bezogen habe, wurden mehrere Lösungen aufgeführt.]]>
<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-15T20:04:28+00:00 2024-09-15T20:04:28+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459881#p459881 praetor,
Ja, das funktioniert, aber das ist noch nicht was ich eigentlich wollte.
Dann sollte eigentlich auch die Einfärbung funktionieren. Wenn das eine geht und das andere nicht, dann weiss ich leider nicht weiter.

Ja, das funktioniert, aber das ist noch nicht was ich eigentlich wollte.
Dann sollte eigentlich auch die Einfärbung funktionieren. Wenn das eine geht und das andere nicht, dann weiss ich leider nicht weiter.

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by praetor]]> 2024-09-18T14:52:44+00:00 2024-09-18T14:52:44+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459965#p459965 ich konnte per Skript (erstellt von ChatGPT 4 o) jetzt das Datum der Ordner selbst auf das jeweils jüngste Datum der enthalten Dateien oder Ordner setzen. Nun ist das farbige Markieren per filesys natürlich einfach.

Code: Select all

# Ordnerstuktur wird rekursiv durchlaufen. Das Datum eines jeden Ordners wird auf das jüngste Datum der darin befindlichen Dateien oder Ordner gesetzt.
# "Alte" Order, die länger nicht genutzt wurden, können so rasch erkannt werden
# 240913, praetor, ChatGPT 4o

# Set the start folder to the folder where this script is located
$startFolder = (Get-Location)

# Function to process folders recursively and update their last modified date
function Process-Folder {
    param ($folderPath)

    Write-Host "Bearbeite Ordner: $folderPath"

    # Get all files and subfolders in the current folder
    $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath

    # Initialize a variable to store the most recent date
    $newestDate = [datetime]'1900-01-01'

    # Recursively process subfolders first (bottom-up approach)
    $subfolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -Directory
    foreach ($subfolder in $subfolders) {
        Process-Folder $subfolder.FullName

        # After processing subfolders, get the modified date of the subfolder
        $subfolderModifiedDate = (Get-Item $subfolder.FullName).LastWriteTime
        if ($subfolderModifiedDate -gt $newestDate) {
            $newestDate = $subfolderModifiedDate

    # Now check the files in the current folder
    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -File
    foreach ($file in $files) {
        $fileModifiedDate = (Get-Item $file.FullName).LastWriteTime
        if ($fileModifiedDate -gt $newestDate) {
            $newestDate = $fileModifiedDate

    # Display the newest date found in the folder
    Write-Host "Jüngstes Datum im Ordner: $newestDate"

    # Set the last modified date of the current folder to the newest date found
    if ($newestDate -ne [datetime]'1900-01-01') {
        try {
            (Get-Item $folderPath).LastWriteTime = $newestDate
            Write-Host "Ordnerdatum erfolgreich auf $newestDate gesetzt."
        } catch {
            Write-Host "Fehler beim Setzen des Ordnerdatums."
    } else {
        Write-Host "Kein gültiges Datum gefunden, Ordnerdatum nicht geändert."

# Start processing the start folder
Process-Folder $startFolder

# Notify the user that all folders have been processed
Write-Host "Alle Ordner wurden bearbeitet. Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste zum Beenden."

ich konnte per Skript (erstellt von ChatGPT 4 o) jetzt das Datum der Ordner selbst auf das jeweils jüngste Datum der enthalten Dateien oder Ordner setzen. Nun ist das farbige Markieren per filesys natürlich einfach.

Code: Select all

# Ordnerstuktur wird rekursiv durchlaufen. Das Datum eines jeden Ordners wird auf das jüngste Datum der darin befindlichen Dateien oder Ordner gesetzt.
# "Alte" Order, die länger nicht genutzt wurden, können so rasch erkannt werden
# 240913, praetor, ChatGPT 4o

# Set the start folder to the folder where this script is located
$startFolder = (Get-Location)

# Function to process folders recursively and update their last modified date
function Process-Folder {
    param ($folderPath)

    Write-Host "Bearbeite Ordner: $folderPath"

    # Get all files and subfolders in the current folder
    $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath

    # Initialize a variable to store the most recent date
    $newestDate = [datetime]'1900-01-01'

    # Recursively process subfolders first (bottom-up approach)
    $subfolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -Directory
    foreach ($subfolder in $subfolders) {
        Process-Folder $subfolder.FullName

        # After processing subfolders, get the modified date of the subfolder
        $subfolderModifiedDate = (Get-Item $subfolder.FullName).LastWriteTime
        if ($subfolderModifiedDate -gt $newestDate) {
            $newestDate = $subfolderModifiedDate

    # Now check the files in the current folder
    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -File
    foreach ($file in $files) {
        $fileModifiedDate = (Get-Item $file.FullName).LastWriteTime
        if ($fileModifiedDate -gt $newestDate) {
            $newestDate = $fileModifiedDate

    # Display the newest date found in the folder
    Write-Host "Jüngstes Datum im Ordner: $newestDate"

    # Set the last modified date of the current folder to the newest date found
    if ($newestDate -ne [datetime]'1900-01-01') {
        try {
            (Get-Item $folderPath).LastWriteTime = $newestDate
            Write-Host "Ordnerdatum erfolgreich auf $newestDate gesetzt."
        } catch {
            Write-Host "Fehler beim Setzen des Ordnerdatums."
    } else {
        Write-Host "Kein gültiges Datum gefunden, Ordnerdatum nicht geändert."

# Start processing the start folder
Process-Folder $startFolder

# Notify the user that all folders have been processed
Write-Host "Alle Ordner wurden bearbeitet. Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste zum Beenden."

<![CDATA[Deu :: Re: Ordner einfärben nach Alter der Daten :: Reply by praetor]]> 2024-09-19T06:41:54+00:00 2024-09-19T06:41:54+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=83757&p=459969#p459969
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-15, 19:51 UTC Ebenso kann man Everything portabel verwendet werden.
Nein, per Gruppenrichtlinie ist der Start nicht autorisierter Programme unterbunden.]]>
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-15, 19:51 UTC Ebenso kann man Everything portabel verwendet werden.
Nein, per Gruppenrichtlinie ist der Start nicht autorisierter Programme unterbunden.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Search Within Listbox :: Author Alonzo Mosley]]> 2024-08-22T22:22:37+00:00 2024-08-22T22:22:37+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83573&p=458885#p458885
I did a search of my hard drive for a keyword. Got lots of hits. Fed to Listbox.

Now I'd like to search WITHIN that list.

I'm sure I can come up with some Boolean logic and do it the first time, but is there a way to do what I'm describing above.]]>

I did a search of my hard drive for a keyword. Got lots of hits. Fed to Listbox.

Now I'd like to search WITHIN that list.

I'm sure I can come up with some Boolean logic and do it the first time, but is there a way to do what I'm describing above.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search Within Listbox :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-08-22T22:48:30+00:00 2024-08-22T22:48:30+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83573&p=458886#p458886 <![CDATA[Eng :: Onedrive danger? I fear that I will break Onedrive and lose data. :: Author nn1k3]]> 2024-08-22T14:46:50+00:00 2024-08-22T14:46:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83569&p=458868#p458868
I regularly use Total Commander to rename files and reorganize folders. I might even change a file attribute.

Is there anything I should NOT do, or do very carefully?

I need to better understand the limitations of Onedrive, especially in relation to the way I use Total Commander.]]>

I regularly use Total Commander to rename files and reorganize folders. I might even change a file attribute.

Is there anything I should NOT do, or do very carefully?

I need to better understand the limitations of Onedrive, especially in relation to the way I use Total Commander.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Onedrive danger? I fear that I will break Onedrive and lose data. :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-23T07:42:16+00:00 2024-08-23T07:42:16+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83569&p=458895#p458895 - suspected viruses received via e-mail
- photos of (your own) children, especially at the beach
- any medical photos which show nude body parts]]>
- suspected viruses received via e-mail
- photos of (your own) children, especially at the beach
- any medical photos which show nude body parts]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Onedrive danger? I fear that I will break Onedrive and lose data. :: Reply by beb]]> 2024-08-23T18:40:03+00:00 2024-08-23T18:40:03+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83569&p=458924#p458924
The only thing I notice is that from time to time files deleted in Total Commander do not appear in the OneDrive Recycle Bin as such, though, I am not sure what side is responsible for that.]]>

The only thing I notice is that from time to time files deleted in Total Commander do not appear in the OneDrive Recycle Bin as such, though, I am not sure what side is responsible for that.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Looking for Plugin(s) for installer files (MSI, Inno, InstallShield, ...) :: Reply by ter]]> 2024-08-23T13:24:11+00:00 2024-08-23T19:44:08+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=74458&p=458911#p458911
When TotalObserver is installed, it doesn't see MSI files by default, probably total7zip intercepts this.
When using total7zip, files inside MSI archive may have wrong file names.
In INI file, MSI is not listed for total7zip.

Why many plugins are listed as associated extensions,
but TotalObserveris listed without extension as

When TotalObserver is installed, it doesn't see MSI files by default, probably total7zip intercepts this.
When using total7zip, files inside MSI archive may have wrong file names.
In INI file, MSI is not listed for total7zip.

Why many plugins are listed as associated extensions,
but TotalObserveris listed without extension as
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Looking for Plugin(s) for installer files (MSI, Inno, InstallShield, ...) :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-08-23T19:36:53+00:00 2024-08-23T19:36:53+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=74458&p=458931#p458931 ter
The 735 tells TC that the (Total7zip) plugin will detect the archive based on its contents. Since 7zip can work with MSI files it will be used. There are two ways to avoid that:
  • Subtract 64 from the 735, i.e. use 671, to disable the archive detection based on contents. You may need to define each archive type manually when doing this, e.g. 7z, wim, rpm and so on. You can find more information on the packer plugin flags in TC help, section 4.b, part 3, wincmd.ini section [packerplugins].
  • List the other packer plugin (TotalObserver) before the Total7zip plugin. Not sure if this works though because I don't know if packer plugins are ordered like Lister and Content plugins.
The 735 tells TC that the (Total7zip) plugin will detect the archive based on its contents. Since 7zip can work with MSI files it will be used. There are two ways to avoid that:
  • Subtract 64 from the 735, i.e. use 671, to disable the archive detection based on contents. You may need to define each archive type manually when doing this, e.g. 7z, wim, rpm and so on. You can find more information on the packer plugin flags in TC help, section 4.b, part 3, wincmd.ini section [packerplugins].
  • List the other packer plugin (TotalObserver) before the Total7zip plugin. Not sure if this works though because I don't know if packer plugins are ordered like Lister and Content plugins.
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: TCSumatraPDF Plugin <-> sLister Plugin | SumatraPDF :: Reply by wjharing]]> 2024-08-25T12:51:29+00:00 2024-08-25T12:51:29+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=79578&p=458976#p458976
First time I tried it. It is working for me, only the top of the interface seems to be missing, until I change window size, so it is redrawn.]]>

First time I tried it. It is working for me, only the top of the interface seems to be missing, until I change window size, so it is redrawn.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: In TC, how to copy a folder (with files and folders) and keep the creation date ? :: Reply by frank.j.a]]> 2024-08-25T20:03:44+00:00 2024-08-25T20:03:44+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=79418&p=458996#p458996
Checked filesystem target on both machines is NTFS.

Problem seems to be the file source. Copying a file locally on pc works, but copying from attached cameras folder - creation date changes....

So - the source is the key. Verified same camera causes same problem on both machines. Strange..... What to do??? Canon Powershot SX200 BYTW..

BR Frank]]>

Checked filesystem target on both machines is NTFS.

Problem seems to be the file source. Copying a file locally on pc works, but copying from attached cameras folder - creation date changes....

So - the source is the key. Verified same camera causes same problem on both machines. Strange..... What to do??? Canon Powershot SX200 BYTW..

BR Frank]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: In TC, how to copy a folder (with files and folders) and keep the creation date ? :: Reply by frank.j.a]]> 2024-08-25T20:19:07+00:00 2024-08-25T20:19:07+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=79418&p=458998#p458998
The problem is camera specific. Did same operation on my Canon EOS 550D - here copying with TC works fine.

Really strange....

BR Frank]]>

The problem is camera specific. Did same operation on my Canon EOS 550D - here copying with TC works fine.

Really strange....

BR Frank]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: In TC, how to copy a folder (with files and folders) and keep the creation date ? :: Reply by beb]]> 2024-08-26T05:58:56+00:00 2024-08-26T05:58:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=79418&p=459034#p459034
button bar:

Code: Select all


PowerShell: Redate folders by content recursively

user command (usercmd.ini):

Code: Select all

cmd=pwsh -c "%commander_path%\Plugins\app\Date\PowerShell\redateFolders_byContent.ps1"
PowerShell script (redateFolders_byContent.ps1):

Code: Select all

$timer = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
Get-ChildItem -force -recurse -directory|foreach {
Get-ChildItem $_ -force -recurse -file|Measure -property LastWriteTime -maximum|Tee -var max|out-null # latest
(Get-Item $_.FullName).LastWriteTime = Get-Date $max.Maximum # latest
"{0:yyyy}-{0:MM}-{0:dd} {0:hh}:{0:mm}:{0:ss} {1}" -f $_.LastWriteTime,$_
$timer.Stop();"";"Timer : {0:mm}:{0:ss}.{0:fff}" -f ($timer.Elapsed);sleep -s 3
The above code sets a folder's [Modification a.k.a. Write a.k.a. LastWriteTime*] date/time after the latest file inside.
To do the same after the earliest file inside, just change '-maximum' and '.Maximum' properties to '-minimum' and '.Minimum' ones.
A variable name '$max' doesn't actually matter, though you can also change it there to '$min' just respecting harmony.

* Understanding the Date/Time namings:

Code: Select all

PowerShell          Windows          Total Commander             
.LastWriteTime      Modification     tc.writedate,   tc.writetime
.CreationTime       Creation         tc.creationdate,tc.creationtime
.LastAccessTime     Access           tc.accessdate,  tc.accesstime
In Total Commander it is LastWriteTime/Modification/Write Date/Time ([=tc.writedate.D-M-Y h:m] or so) that we see in the 'Date' column by default.

'pwsh' in user command implies cross-platform PowerShell (v7+)** is being utilized here.


** It took me a while to make it work in Windows PowerShell (v5.1) as well. Explicitly putting .FullName property to the current pipeline item when getting its .LastWriteTime property value appeared to be enough to do the trick, so I changed the script to fit both v7 and v5.1 simultaneously.

user command for Windows PowerShell (v5.1) would be as follows (just to change the name of the executable from 'pwsh' to 'powershell'):

Code: Select all

cmd=powershell -c "%commander_path%\Plugins\app\Date\PowerShell\redateFolders_byContent.ps1"

button bar:

Code: Select all


PowerShell: Redate folders by content recursively

user command (usercmd.ini):

Code: Select all

cmd=pwsh -c "%commander_path%\Plugins\app\Date\PowerShell\redateFolders_byContent.ps1"
PowerShell script (redateFolders_byContent.ps1):

Code: Select all

$timer = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
Get-ChildItem -force -recurse -directory|foreach {
Get-ChildItem $_ -force -recurse -file|Measure -property LastWriteTime -maximum|Tee -var max|out-null # latest
(Get-Item $_.FullName).LastWriteTime = Get-Date $max.Maximum # latest
"{0:yyyy}-{0:MM}-{0:dd} {0:hh}:{0:mm}:{0:ss} {1}" -f $_.LastWriteTime,$_
$timer.Stop();"";"Timer : {0:mm}:{0:ss}.{0:fff}" -f ($timer.Elapsed);sleep -s 3
The above code sets a folder's [Modification a.k.a. Write a.k.a. LastWriteTime*] date/time after the latest file inside.
To do the same after the earliest file inside, just change '-maximum' and '.Maximum' properties to '-minimum' and '.Minimum' ones.
A variable name '$max' doesn't actually matter, though you can also change it there to '$min' just respecting harmony.

* Understanding the Date/Time namings:

Code: Select all

PowerShell          Windows          Total Commander             
.LastWriteTime      Modification     tc.writedate,   tc.writetime
.CreationTime       Creation         tc.creationdate,tc.creationtime
.LastAccessTime     Access           tc.accessdate,  tc.accesstime
In Total Commander it is LastWriteTime/Modification/Write Date/Time ([=tc.writedate.D-M-Y h:m] or so) that we see in the 'Date' column by default.

'pwsh' in user command implies cross-platform PowerShell (v7+)** is being utilized here.


** It took me a while to make it work in Windows PowerShell (v5.1) as well. Explicitly putting .FullName property to the current pipeline item when getting its .LastWriteTime property value appeared to be enough to do the trick, so I changed the script to fit both v7 and v5.1 simultaneously.

user command for Windows PowerShell (v5.1) would be as follows (just to change the name of the executable from 'pwsh' to 'powershell'):

Code: Select all

cmd=powershell -c "%commander_path%\Plugins\app\Date\PowerShell\redateFolders_byContent.ps1"
<![CDATA[Eng :: Does anyone know how to copy paths using AutoHotkey 2? :: Author ootoo]]> 2024-08-27T02:49:57+00:00 2024-08-27T02:49:57+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83633&p=459106#p459106
1. Copy the current folder path to the clipboard.
2. Copy the path of the selected file to the clipboard.
3. Copy the name of the selected file to the clipboard.

I know TC (Total Commander) has its own commands, but I don't want to use keystrokes. I just want to click on the script shortcut to copy the information because I prefer using the mouse, and the scripts can be placed as shortcuts in a quick launch program.

AutoHotkey 2 scripts]]>

1. Copy the current folder path to the clipboard.
2. Copy the path of the selected file to the clipboard.
3. Copy the name of the selected file to the clipboard.

I know TC (Total Commander) has its own commands, but I don't want to use keystrokes. I just want to click on the script shortcut to copy the information because I prefer using the mouse, and the scripts can be placed as shortcuts in a quick launch program.

AutoHotkey 2 scripts]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Does anyone know how to copy paths using AutoHotkey 2? :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-08-27T07:31:19+00:00 2024-08-27T07:31:19+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83633&p=459108#p459108
ootoo wrote: 2024-08-27, 02:49 UTC I know TC (Total Commander) has its own commands, but I don't want to use keystrokes.
Horkeys are only the part that interacts with TC commands. Nothing prevents you from adding such commands to the buttons (and not only):
1. cm_CopySrcPathToClip
2. cm_CopyFullNamesToClip
3. cm_CopyNamesToClip

You don't need AHK for this.]]>
ootoo wrote: 2024-08-27, 02:49 UTC I know TC (Total Commander) has its own commands, but I don't want to use keystrokes.
Horkeys are only the part that interacts with TC commands. Nothing prevents you from adding such commands to the buttons (and not only):
1. cm_CopySrcPathToClip
2. cm_CopyFullNamesToClip
3. cm_CopyNamesToClip

You don't need AHK for this.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Ctrl + Backspace in file rename to delete the previous word :: Author chicmatt]]> 2024-08-27T09:53:25+00:00 2024-08-27T09:53:25+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83635&p=459112#p459112
I have wondered for about 15 years why the following key doesn't work.

Ctrl + Backspace in a file rename to delete the previous word

For example,

I have a file name: abc 123 xyz.txt

I try to rename it.
With the cursor after "3", I press Ctrl + Backspace, but nothing happens.

With the cursor before "1", I press Ctrl + Delete, then the next word 123 is deleted, as I expected.

◆ Summary
① Ctrl + Backspace in a file rename to delete the previous word
② Ctrl + Delete in a file rename to delete the next word

Why does ① not work, while ② works?
How can I make it work by changing wincmd.ini?]]>

I have wondered for about 15 years why the following key doesn't work.

Ctrl + Backspace in a file rename to delete the previous word

For example,

I have a file name: abc 123 xyz.txt

I try to rename it.
With the cursor after "3", I press Ctrl + Backspace, but nothing happens.

With the cursor before "1", I press Ctrl + Delete, then the next word 123 is deleted, as I expected.

◆ Summary
① Ctrl + Backspace in a file rename to delete the previous word
② Ctrl + Delete in a file rename to delete the next word

Why does ① not work, while ② works?
How can I make it work by changing wincmd.ini?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Ctrl + Backspace in file rename to delete the previous word :: Reply by Stefan2]]> 2024-08-27T10:17:55+00:00 2024-08-27T10:17:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83635&p=459113#p459113
I am used to use

Shift+Ctrl + ArrowLeft followed by Del (or Backspace or Space)
Shift+Ctrl + ArrowRight followed by Del

as Fla$her pointed out (see below), there is already a tread for this feature in the "TC suggestions (English)" part of the forum.
Possibly this thread here will be merged soon.

I am used to use

Shift+Ctrl + ArrowLeft followed by Del (or Backspace or Space)
Shift+Ctrl + ArrowRight followed by Del

as Fla$her pointed out (see below), there is already a tread for this feature in the "TC suggestions (English)" part of the forum.
Possibly this thread here will be merged soon.
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Ctrl + Backspace in file rename to delete the previous word :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-08-27T13:05:42+00:00 2024-08-27T13:05:42+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83635&p=459124#p459124 the common fund.]]> the common fund.]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Ctrl + Backspace in file rename to delete the previous word :: Reply by chicmatt]]> 2024-08-27T16:03:20+00:00 2024-08-27T16:08:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83635&p=459137#p459137 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Ctrl + Backspace in file rename to delete the previous word :: Reply by chicmatt]]> 2024-08-27T16:04:29+00:00 2024-08-27T16:04:29+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83635&p=459138#p459138
Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-27, 13:05 UTC One more topic to the common fund.
Thank you for your reply :-)
I have read them and understood why it is not and will not be implemented.]]>
Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-27, 13:05 UTC One more topic to the common fund.
Thank you for your reply :-)
I have read them and understood why it is not and will not be implemented.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Author zupermario]]> 2024-08-22T18:43:28+00:00 2024-08-22T18:43:28+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=458874#p458874
I've had this problem for pretty much forever. I have a folder on my PC where my Samsung automatically saves photos as soon as I take them, via Dropbox. The photos accumulate, so periodically I set the view to thumbnails in Total Commander to quickly identify the photos I want to delete. As soon as I switch the view to thumbnails, all the JPEGs visible in the window correctly display their thumbnails. However, after scrolling down a few pages, the thumbnails stop appearing, and only icons are shown instead. The files are all JPEGs created by the same Samsung, so they all have the same compression format. This can also happen if I start from the last page and scroll up: after a short while, the thumbnails disappear. I've tried disabling the use of the database, and I've tried every possible combination of settings in the thumbnails options of Total Commander, but nothing has worked.
On my computer, I have installed and always used Irfanview as my default image viewer. I don't know what else to do.

Thank you for your attention.]]>

I've had this problem for pretty much forever. I have a folder on my PC where my Samsung automatically saves photos as soon as I take them, via Dropbox. The photos accumulate, so periodically I set the view to thumbnails in Total Commander to quickly identify the photos I want to delete. As soon as I switch the view to thumbnails, all the JPEGs visible in the window correctly display their thumbnails. However, after scrolling down a few pages, the thumbnails stop appearing, and only icons are shown instead. The files are all JPEGs created by the same Samsung, so they all have the same compression format. This can also happen if I start from the last page and scroll up: after a short while, the thumbnails disappear. I've tried disabling the use of the database, and I've tried every possible combination of settings in the thumbnails options of Total Commander, but nothing has worked.
On my computer, I have installed and always used Irfanview as my default image viewer. I don't know what else to do.

Thank you for your attention.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Reply by Stefan2]]> 2024-08-22T19:18:41+00:00 2024-08-22T19:18:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=458875#p458875
- what if you wait a minute after scrolling?
- is that "folder on my PC" on a internal HDD/SSD?
- how many JPEGs are in that "folder on my PC"?
--- what if you sort the JPEGs by year and next check the thumbnails in that folders?   (to work on fewer items)

- check menu "Configuration > Thumbnails" for possible settings (f.ex.: do you use the database there?)


- what if you wait a minute after scrolling?
- is that "folder on my PC" on a internal HDD/SSD?
- how many JPEGs are in that "folder on my PC"?
--- what if you sort the JPEGs by year and next check the thumbnails in that folders?   (to work on fewer items)

- check menu "Configuration > Thumbnails" for possible settings (f.ex.: do you use the database there?)

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Reply by zupermario]]> 2024-08-23T07:22:18+00:00 2024-08-23T07:22:18+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=458891#p458891 The folder currently contains 1200 JPG photos, each averaging 3 megabytes.
The folder is located on an SSD, and the computer is a Ryzen 5 with 12 cores at 3.6GHz, 32GB of RAM, and an RTX 3060 12GB graphics card.
Sorting is by date.
In "Configuration > Thumbnails" I also tried to remove the use of the database, or tried with or without internal preview, with or without the use of irfan/xn-view.]]>
The folder currently contains 1200 JPG photos, each averaging 3 megabytes.
The folder is located on an SSD, and the computer is a Ryzen 5 with 12 cores at 3.6GHz, 32GB of RAM, and an RTX 3060 12GB graphics card.
Sorting is by date.
In "Configuration > Thumbnails" I also tried to remove the use of the database, or tried with or without internal preview, with or without the use of irfan/xn-view.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-23T07:36:10+00:00 2024-08-23T07:36:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=458894#p458894
Please add the following line to the wincmd.ini below the [Configuration] header:
You can open the file via menu Configuration - Change settings files directly.
Then close and re-open Total Commander. This will create a file named tcicolog.txt in TEMP. Go there via command line:
cd %temp%

When loading of thumbnails stops, open the file tcicolog.txt with F3 and scroll to the end (Ctrl+End). Then search for
backwards. This should find the last image for which Total Commander tried to load the icon. Please copy the file elsewhere, then disable thumbnail mode, close and re-open Total Commander, and go to that directory. Now try enabling thumbnail mode there. Does it load the thumbnail?

This will slow down the loading of icons and thumbnails quite a bit, so remove the line after testing.]]>

Please add the following line to the wincmd.ini below the [Configuration] header:
You can open the file via menu Configuration - Change settings files directly.
Then close and re-open Total Commander. This will create a file named tcicolog.txt in TEMP. Go there via command line:
cd %temp%

When loading of thumbnails stops, open the file tcicolog.txt with F3 and scroll to the end (Ctrl+End). Then search for
backwards. This should find the last image for which Total Commander tried to load the icon. Please copy the file elsewhere, then disable thumbnail mode, close and re-open Total Commander, and go to that directory. Now try enabling thumbnail mode there. Does it load the thumbnail?

This will slow down the loading of icons and thumbnails quite a bit, so remove the line after testing.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Reply by zupermario]]> 2024-08-23T12:33:10+00:00 2024-08-23T12:33:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=458908#p458908
Then I removed DebugIconThread=3, closed and reopened TC, went back again to the image folder, activated the previews, and it still works. 🤔
This is great! Solved just like that! 🤷‍♂️
If it happens again, I'll try re-enabling the debug...

Thanks! 😅]]>

Then I removed DebugIconThread=3, closed and reopened TC, went back again to the image folder, activated the previews, and it still works. 🤔
This is great! Solved just like that! 🤷‍♂️
If it happens again, I'll try re-enabling the debug...

Thanks! 😅]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-08-23T21:00:02+00:00 2024-08-23T21:00:02+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=458938#p458938
I then enabled both the "Internal thumbnails from images" AND "Explorer (OLE2)" method for .jpg files, and it seems that the Explorer method takes over when the Internal method fails.

So make sure that "Internal thumbnails from images" and "Explorer (OLE2)" are both set to include.jpg

So it seems that the "Internal thumbnails from images" method does not work for .jpg files on the phone.

Since the phone's DCIM folder is a virtual folder, I tried it on a virtual folder on the PC (\\Documents) and it turns out that also here the "Internal thumbnails from images" method does not work - So it is apparently on all virtual folders that the "Internal thumbnails from images" method does not work.

This is my current thumbnail settings:

Code: Select all

ThumbGdiplusTypes=*.jpg *.dng *.crw *.arw *.cr2 *.cr3 *.nef *.orf *.pef *.raf *.rw2 *.jpeg
ThumbPlgTypes=*.* |*.jpg *.png *.avi *.mp3 *.mp4 *.wmv *.mov *.mpeg *mpg *.m4v
ThumbExplTypes=*.jpg *.png *.avi *.mp3 *.mp4 *.wmv *.mov *.mpeg *.mpg *.m4v | *.htm* *.lnk
ThumbTxtTypes=*.txt *.ini *.mnu *.inc *.lng *.htm*
ThumbsCustomField=[=tc.writedate.D-M-y]  [=tc.size.bkMG]\n[=shelldetails.Dimensioner]
I have filed a bug report about this: viewtopic.php?t=83591]]>

I then enabled both the "Internal thumbnails from images" AND "Explorer (OLE2)" method for .jpg files, and it seems that the Explorer method takes over when the Internal method fails.

So make sure that "Internal thumbnails from images" and "Explorer (OLE2)" are both set to include.jpg

So it seems that the "Internal thumbnails from images" method does not work for .jpg files on the phone.

Since the phone's DCIM folder is a virtual folder, I tried it on a virtual folder on the PC (\\Documents) and it turns out that also here the "Internal thumbnails from images" method does not work - So it is apparently on all virtual folders that the "Internal thumbnails from images" method does not work.

This is my current thumbnail settings:

Code: Select all

ThumbGdiplusTypes=*.jpg *.dng *.crw *.arw *.cr2 *.cr3 *.nef *.orf *.pef *.raf *.rw2 *.jpeg
ThumbPlgTypes=*.* |*.jpg *.png *.avi *.mp3 *.mp4 *.wmv *.mov *.mpeg *mpg *.m4v
ThumbExplTypes=*.jpg *.png *.avi *.mp3 *.mp4 *.wmv *.mov *.mpeg *.mpg *.m4v | *.htm* *.lnk
ThumbTxtTypes=*.txt *.ini *.mnu *.inc *.lng *.htm*
ThumbsCustomField=[=tc.writedate.D-M-y]  [=tc.size.bkMG]\n[=shelldetails.Dimensioner]
I have filed a bug report about this: viewtopic.php?t=83591]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Reply by zupermario]]> 2024-08-25T14:58:50+00:00 2024-08-25T14:58:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=458980#p458980 😅😅
At this point, I will leave the debug option enabled forever 🤷‍♂️]]>
At this point, I will leave the debug option enabled forever 🤷‍♂️]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Reply by zupermario]]> 2024-08-25T15:05:52+00:00 2024-08-25T15:05:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=458981#p458981 Here is the last part of the log.
After the file "d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.04.jpg" there are many others but the logo doesn't say anything about it.

Click to show
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-02 17.09.08.jpg OleExtractThumbFromIdlist returns: 18446744072233488720
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-02 17.09.08.jpg posting notification for bmp: 18446744073625997410
25/08/2024 17:00:17: RefreshBitmap notification received, index=84, bmp=-83554206
25/08/2024 17:00:17: Adding image to item list, index=84
25/08/2024 17:00:17: thumb: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.21.jpg
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.21.jpg extract called:
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.21.jpg OleExtractThumbFromIdlist returns: 18446744073441450658
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.21.jpg posting notification for bmp: 1694828577
25/08/2024 17:00:17: RefreshBitmap notification received, index=85, bmp=1694828577
25/08/2024 17:00:17: Adding image to item list, index=85
25/08/2024 17:00:17: thumb: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.07.jpg
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.07.jpg extract called:
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.07.jpg OleExtractThumbFromIdlist returns: 18446744073575667950
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.07.jpg posting notification for bmp: 1090851163
25/08/2024 17:00:17: RefreshBitmap notification received, index=86, bmp=1090851163
25/08/2024 17:00:17: Adding image to item list, index=86
25/08/2024 17:00:17: thumb: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.04.jpg
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.04.jpg extract called:
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.04.jpg OleExtractThumbFromIdlist returns: 18446744072132827157
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.04.jpg posting notification for bmp: 1711609986
25/08/2024 17:00:17: RefreshBitmap notification received, index=87, bmp=1711609986
25/08/2024 17:00:17: Adding image to item list, index=87
25/08/2024 17:00:42: Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
25/08/2024 17:00:42: Removing bitmaps and icons from background thread queue
25/08/2024 17:00:44: Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
25/08/2024 17:00:44: Removing bitmaps and icons from background thread queue
25/08/2024 17:00:54: Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
25/08/2024 17:00:54: Removing bitmaps and icons from background thread queue
25/08/2024 17:00:58: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\274d600c5.exe
25/08/2024 17:00:58: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\TodoBackup16.3_free.exe
25/08/2024 17:00:58: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\updatePkg.exe
25/08/2024 17:00:59: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\274d600c5.exe
25/08/2024 17:00:59: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\TodoBackup16.3_free.exe
25/08/2024 17:00:59: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\updatePkg.exe
25/08/2024 17:01:03: Lister: FormCreate
25/08/2024 17:01:03: Lister: FormShow
25/08/2024 17:01:54: Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
25/08/2024 17:01:54: Removing bitmaps and icons from background thread queue
25/08/2024 17:01:54: reload drive iconsdummy
25/08/2024 17:01:59: Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
25/08/2024 17:01:59: Removing bitmaps and icons from background thread queue
25/08/2024 17:02:02: Lister: FormCreate
25/08/2024 17:02:02: Lister: FormShow
Here is the last part of the log.
After the file "d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.04.jpg" there are many others but the logo doesn't say anything about it.

Click to show
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-02 17.09.08.jpg OleExtractThumbFromIdlist returns: 18446744072233488720
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-02 17.09.08.jpg posting notification for bmp: 18446744073625997410
25/08/2024 17:00:17: RefreshBitmap notification received, index=84, bmp=-83554206
25/08/2024 17:00:17: Adding image to item list, index=84
25/08/2024 17:00:17: thumb: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.21.jpg
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.21.jpg extract called:
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.21.jpg OleExtractThumbFromIdlist returns: 18446744073441450658
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.21.jpg posting notification for bmp: 1694828577
25/08/2024 17:00:17: RefreshBitmap notification received, index=85, bmp=1694828577
25/08/2024 17:00:17: Adding image to item list, index=85
25/08/2024 17:00:17: thumb: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.07.jpg
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.07.jpg extract called:
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.07.jpg OleExtractThumbFromIdlist returns: 18446744073575667950
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.07.jpg posting notification for bmp: 1090851163
25/08/2024 17:00:17: RefreshBitmap notification received, index=86, bmp=1090851163
25/08/2024 17:00:17: Adding image to item list, index=86
25/08/2024 17:00:17: thumb: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.04.jpg
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.04.jpg extract called:
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.04.jpg OleExtractThumbFromIdlist returns: 18446744072132827157
25/08/2024 17:00:17: d:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\2024-04-01 18.08.04.jpg posting notification for bmp: 1711609986
25/08/2024 17:00:17: RefreshBitmap notification received, index=87, bmp=1711609986
25/08/2024 17:00:17: Adding image to item list, index=87
25/08/2024 17:00:42: Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
25/08/2024 17:00:42: Removing bitmaps and icons from background thread queue
25/08/2024 17:00:44: Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
25/08/2024 17:00:44: Removing bitmaps and icons from background thread queue
25/08/2024 17:00:54: Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
25/08/2024 17:00:54: Removing bitmaps and icons from background thread queue
25/08/2024 17:00:58: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\274d600c5.exe
25/08/2024 17:00:58: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\TodoBackup16.3_free.exe
25/08/2024 17:00:58: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\updatePkg.exe
25/08/2024 17:00:59: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\274d600c5.exe
25/08/2024 17:00:59: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\TodoBackup16.3_free.exe
25/08/2024 17:00:59: icon: <idlist> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\updatePkg.exe
25/08/2024 17:01:03: Lister: FormCreate
25/08/2024 17:01:03: Lister: FormShow
25/08/2024 17:01:54: Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
25/08/2024 17:01:54: Removing bitmaps and icons from background thread queue
25/08/2024 17:01:54: reload drive iconsdummy
25/08/2024 17:01:59: Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
25/08/2024 17:01:59: Removing bitmaps and icons from background thread queue
25/08/2024 17:02:02: Lister: FormCreate
25/08/2024 17:02:02: Lister: FormShow
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Reply by zupermario]]> 2024-08-25T17:53:30+00:00 2024-08-25T17:53:30+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=458990#p458990
Image: https://ibb.co/kXcCKvb

The thumbnails ALREADY LOADED AND VISIBLE disappear after a few operations of moving/deleting photos.
This is exactly the sequence: I open Total Commander, I see all the thumbnails, I start scrolling, I identify a couple of photos to move or delete, I move/delete them, I resume scrolling, I identify a few more photos to delete/move, I move/delete them -> ALL thumbnails disappear from that point onwards.]]>

Image: https://ibb.co/kXcCKvb

The thumbnails ALREADY LOADED AND VISIBLE disappear after a few operations of moving/deleting photos.
This is exactly the sequence: I open Total Commander, I see all the thumbnails, I start scrolling, I identify a couple of photos to move or delete, I move/delete them, I resume scrolling, I identify a few more photos to delete/move, I move/delete them -> ALL thumbnails disappear from that point onwards.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-26T09:02:42+00:00 2024-08-26T09:02:42+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=459044#p459044
Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
This is a function which was removed after Total Commander 11.01. Could you retry with 11.03?

Btw, did you switch away from TC while it was loading thumbnails?]]>
Removing pending bitmap and icon notifications
This is a function which was removed after Total Commander 11.01. Could you retry with 11.03?

Btw, did you switch away from TC while it was loading thumbnails?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Reply by zupermario]]> 2024-08-26T13:14:28+00:00 2024-08-26T13:14:28+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=459059#p459059
Okay, I'll try to update TC.]]>

Okay, I'll try to update TC.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Incomprehensible: thumbnails stop appearing, icons are shown instead :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-28T07:38:47+00:00 2024-08-28T07:38:47+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83571&p=459165#p459165 <![CDATA[Eng :: Breadcrumb menu sort order ASC is hard-coded ? :: Author city_zen]]> 2024-08-27T17:25:49+00:00 2024-08-27T17:25:49+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83643&p=459141#p459141
I love the breadcrumb menu and use it very often. But it looks to me that folders, when the menu is displayed, are always shown by name and ASCENDING. Am I right? Is there any way to display them by name but DESCENDING? Is there such a setting, or is it hardcoded?

I ran a search in the forum but couldn't find any relevant posts

Thanks in advance]]>

I love the breadcrumb menu and use it very often. But it looks to me that folders, when the menu is displayed, are always shown by name and ASCENDING. Am I right? Is there any way to display them by name but DESCENDING? Is there such a setting, or is it hardcoded?

I ran a search in the forum but couldn't find any relevant posts

Thanks in advance]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Breadcrumb menu sort order ASC is hard-coded ? :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-28T07:43:13+00:00 2024-08-28T07:43:13+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83643&p=459167#p459167 <![CDATA[Eng :: can I copy for example 1 file to many folders? :: Author giulia]]> 2024-08-28T07:33:07+00:00 2024-08-28T07:33:07+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83650&p=459164#p459164
I have select a file on left panel and i have selected several folder on the right panel
on the left panel , i select the file -> copy ,but tc did save on the root

can I copy for example 1 file or more to many folders?


I have select a file on left panel and i have selected several folder on the right panel
on the left panel , i select the file -> copy ,but tc did save on the root

can I copy for example 1 file or more to many folders?

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: can I copy for example 1 file to many folders? :: Reply by Stefan2]]> 2024-08-28T07:40:13+00:00 2024-08-28T07:40:13+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83650&p=459166#p459166 "Copy to all selected folders/links in the target panel"

"Copy to all selected folders/links in the target panel"

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: can I copy for example 1 file to many folders? :: Reply by giulia]]> 2024-08-28T12:38:06+00:00 2024-08-28T12:38:06+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83650&p=459197#p459197
Stefan2 wrote: 2024-08-28, 07:40 UTC In the F5-Copy-Dialog check out the "[Options >>]" and choose
"Copy to all selected folders/links in the target panel"
yes that's right
Stefan2 wrote: 2024-08-28, 07:40 UTC In the F5-Copy-Dialog check out the "[Options >>]" and choose
"Copy to all selected folders/links in the target panel"
yes that's right
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: keep original creation and modified times and dates? :: Reply by nicolai78]]> 2024-08-28T10:49:12+00:00 2024-08-28T10:49:12+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=35269&p=459175#p459175
Image: https://imgur.com/MSqHqea

And I just tried again.

Image: https://imgur.com/0zWyGKK

I expect the date/time from source to be copied from left to right, but it's not happening.

Am I expecting too much? Am I misunderstanding how this work?

Thank you for taking the time to explain and/or fix :)]]>

Image: https://imgur.com/MSqHqea

And I just tried again.

Image: https://imgur.com/0zWyGKK

I expect the date/time from source to be copied from left to right, but it's not happening.

Am I expecting too much? Am I misunderstanding how this work?

Thank you for taking the time to explain and/or fix :)]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: keep original creation and modified times and dates? :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-08-28T20:22:10+00:00 2024-08-28T20:22:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=35269&p=459209#p459209 nicolai78
I would really like to have the source date/time copied (overwriting) the target.
Am I expecting too much? Am I misunderstanding how this work?
I think you are expecting too much - If you delete the "Test source" on the right side of you example (the "Test source" inside the "Test target dir") and then copy "Test source" from left to right - you will see that the newly created dir on the right side will have the same date as "Test source" on the left side - as you want.

But if you the change the date of "Test source" in the left side and then copy it to the right side again, then the "Test source" on the right side does not get it's date updated to the date of the left side - that is by design.

The "Copy date/time" option ONLY has effect for directories copied if the same directory does not already exist in the target.

Also be aware that on NTFS partitions (most common for drive C: on newer computers) the date of a directory is updated by the system if files are added or removed from the directory - There is nothing TC can do about that.]]>
I would really like to have the source date/time copied (overwriting) the target.
Am I expecting too much? Am I misunderstanding how this work?
I think you are expecting too much - If you delete the "Test source" on the right side of you example (the "Test source" inside the "Test target dir") and then copy "Test source" from left to right - you will see that the newly created dir on the right side will have the same date as "Test source" on the left side - as you want.

But if you the change the date of "Test source" in the left side and then copy it to the right side again, then the "Test source" on the right side does not get it's date updated to the date of the left side - that is by design.

The "Copy date/time" option ONLY has effect for directories copied if the same directory does not already exist in the target.

Also be aware that on NTFS partitions (most common for drive C: on newer computers) the date of a directory is updated by the system if files are added or removed from the directory - There is nothing TC can do about that.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: keep original creation and modified times and dates? :: Reply by nicolai78]]> 2024-08-28T21:25:59+00:00 2024-08-28T21:25:59+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=35269&p=459214#p459214
Also be aware that on NTFS partitions (most common for drive C: on newer computers) the date of a directory is updated by the system if files are added or removed from the directory - There is nothing TC can do about that.
This is perfectly fine, and as expected. This is default for many file systems I'm sure.
The "Copy date/time" option ONLY has effect for directories copied if the same directory does not already exist in the target.
I get that this is how TC is "working" right now, but I think we miss an extra option, if the default cannot be changed. At least it makes my life somewhat harder, since I have to enter a lot of directories to see if files have been updated. I would love to see date/time updated on directories like it is updated on files.

If have have a file inside any directory, and it already exists on the target, but with an older date/time, the date/time is updated on the file.

I "just" want the same to happen for directories.

Does this make sense?]]>
Also be aware that on NTFS partitions (most common for drive C: on newer computers) the date of a directory is updated by the system if files are added or removed from the directory - There is nothing TC can do about that.
This is perfectly fine, and as expected. This is default for many file systems I'm sure.
The "Copy date/time" option ONLY has effect for directories copied if the same directory does not already exist in the target.
I get that this is how TC is "working" right now, but I think we miss an extra option, if the default cannot be changed. At least it makes my life somewhat harder, since I have to enter a lot of directories to see if files have been updated. I would love to see date/time updated on directories like it is updated on files.

If have have a file inside any directory, and it already exists on the target, but with an older date/time, the date/time is updated on the file.

I "just" want the same to happen for directories.

Does this make sense?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: keep original creation and modified times and dates? :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-08-28T23:21:37+00:00 2024-08-28T23:21:37+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=35269&p=459217#p459217
Does this make sense?
Yes, you can make a post about your wish in TC suggestions (English)

I would love to see date/time updated on directories like it is updated on files.
What about subdirectories to the folder you are copying, should they also have their date changed?]]>
Does this make sense?
Yes, you can make a post about your wish in TC suggestions (English)

I would love to see date/time updated on directories like it is updated on files.
What about subdirectories to the folder you are copying, should they also have their date changed?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Pressing F2 after Feed to listbox resets the view to directory view :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-08-24T22:46:05+00:00 2024-08-24T22:46:05+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83529&p=458957#p458957 Moderator message from: Hacker

Moved to the English forum.
Moderator message from: Hacker

Moved to the English forum.
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Pressing F2 after Feed to listbox resets the view to directory view :: Reply by ter]]> 2024-08-29T11:42:20+00:00 2024-08-29T12:18:09+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83529&p=459226#p459226 Losing Search window results (Alt+F7) after feed to listbox is "intentional" too, but I disagree.
Read prev. post.
The request should be rephrased, but no one cares anyway.]]>
Losing Search window results (Alt+F7) after feed to listbox is "intentional" too, but I disagree.
Read prev. post.
The request should be rephrased, but no one cares anyway.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Pressing F2 after Feed to listbox resets the view to directory view :: Reply by Stefan2]]> 2024-08-29T12:09:56+00:00 2024-08-29T12:09:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83529&p=459228#p459228
But to late, already many use the habit to clear the "search result view" that way (F2 or Ctrl+R)

For more about "search result view" see our FAQ "View the search result in an "normal" file pane:" >> viewtopic.php?p=390483#p390483]]>

But to late, already many use the habit to clear the "search result view" that way (F2 or Ctrl+R)

For more about "search result view" see our FAQ "View the search result in an "normal" file pane:" >> viewtopic.php?p=390483#p390483]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Pressing F2 after Feed to listbox resets the view to directory view :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-08-29T14:11:50+00:00 2024-08-29T14:11:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83529&p=459233#p459233
But to late, already many use the habit to clear the "search result view" that way (F2 or Ctrl+R)
I've always used Backspace for that - easier to hit.

Re-reading a search result does not make sense anyway
I do not entirely agree - If I, in the search result, open a file and edit it - then the file date and attributes are not updated (in the status bar, and the colorization of the file name if I color files not older than 1 hour) - in this case it is not far fetched to press F2/Ctlr+R to have the status updated, to have a visual indication that the file was succesfully saved.]]>
But to late, already many use the habit to clear the "search result view" that way (F2 or Ctrl+R)
I've always used Backspace for that - easier to hit.

Re-reading a search result does not make sense anyway
I do not entirely agree - If I, in the search result, open a file and edit it - then the file date and attributes are not updated (in the status bar, and the colorization of the file name if I color files not older than 1 hour) - in this case it is not far fetched to press F2/Ctlr+R to have the status updated, to have a visual indication that the file was succesfully saved.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: search for folders that contain 3 or more files with the same extension :: Reply by rockberto]]> 2024-09-01T20:59:21+00:00 2024-09-01T20:59:21+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83222&p=459292#p459292 <![CDATA[Eng :: Can total commander use the thumbnail cached by explorer in AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\thumbcache_xxx.db? :: Author hrdom]]> 2024-09-02T03:17:34+00:00 2024-09-02T03:17:34+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83691&p=459301#p459301 Image: https://imgur.com/a/GUgiRLL
i have changed some settings in "Loading Thumbnails", but it doesn't seem to work.
i can see these heic pictures in explorer without generating delay.]]>
Image: https://imgur.com/a/GUgiRLL
i have changed some settings in "Loading Thumbnails", but it doesn't seem to work.
i can see these heic pictures in explorer without generating delay.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Can total commander use the thumbnail cached by explorer in AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\thumbcache_xxx. :: Reply by hrdom]]> 2024-09-02T05:42:15+00:00 2024-09-02T05:42:15+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83691&p=459304#p459304 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Can total commander use the thumbnail cached by explorer in AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\thumbcache_xxx. :: Reply by hrdom]]> 2024-09-02T05:49:56+00:00 2024-09-02T05:49:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83691&p=459305#p459305 viewtopic.php?t=34426
seems it should have this feature, i'm not sure where has a problem.]]>
seems it should have this feature, i'm not sure where has a problem.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir from command-line :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-01T16:25:11+00:00 2024-09-01T16:25:11+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459284#p459284
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-01, 15:47 UTC I searched a bit in Help and couldn't find anything
See the bottom of the page Dialog box: Choose command

Code: Select all

hh.exe %COMMANDER_PATH%\TOTALCMD.CHM::dlg_choosecommand.htm
The following internal commands support 3 states: 0 or no parameter=toggle, 1=set, -1 or 2=reset.
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-01, 15:47 UTC Why not also have a command-line switch to turn on cm_SyncChangeDir?
cm_SyncChangeDir 1 - set
cm_SyncChangeDir 2 - reset]]>
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-01, 15:47 UTC I searched a bit in Help and couldn't find anything
See the bottom of the page Dialog box: Choose command

Code: Select all

hh.exe %COMMANDER_PATH%\TOTALCMD.CHM::dlg_choosecommand.htm
The following internal commands support 3 states: 0 or no parameter=toggle, 1=set, -1 or 2=reset.
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-01, 15:47 UTC Why not also have a command-line switch to turn on cm_SyncChangeDir?
cm_SyncChangeDir 1 - set
cm_SyncChangeDir 2 - reset]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir from command-line :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-01T16:44:47+00:00 2024-09-01T16:44:47+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459285#p459285 Fla$her,
The request was about command-line parameters.

The request was about command-line parameters.

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir from command-line :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-01T16:53:30+00:00 2024-09-01T16:53:30+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459286#p459286 Hacker
Aren't 0/1/2 command-line parameters?]]>
Aren't 0/1/2 command-line parameters?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir from command-line :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-01T18:16:53+00:00 2024-09-01T18:16:53+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459289#p459289 Fla$her,
Of Total Commander? No. I think the request is about what can be found in Help 4.a).

Of Total Commander? No. I think the request is about what can be found in Help 4.a).

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir from command-line :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-01T19:42:30+00:00 2024-09-01T19:42:30+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459290#p459290
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-01, 18:16 UTC Of Total Commander? No.
Are you serious? :shock: :?
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-01, 18:16 UTC I think the request is about what can be found in Help 4.a).
What is 4.a?]]>
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-01, 18:16 UTC Of Total Commander? No.
Are you serious? :shock: :?
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-01, 18:16 UTC I think the request is about what can be found in Help 4.a).
What is 4.a?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir from command-line :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-01T20:38:29+00:00 2024-09-01T20:38:29+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459291#p459291 Fla$her,
What is 4.a?
It's the section of Total Commander's help describing TC's command line parameters.

What is 4.a?
It's the section of Total Commander's help describing TC's command line parameters.

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir from command-line :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-01T21:24:39+00:00 2024-09-01T21:24:39+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459293#p459293 Hacker
And where is "4.a"? In short, I don't see a connection between the topic title and this page. The command line is part of the TC interface. See "User interface" in the Help.

Here the author created a topic of the same name, but there it was about TC launch.]]>
And where is "4.a"? In short, I don't see a connection between the topic title and this page. The command line is part of the TC interface. See "User interface" in the Help.

Here the author created a topic of the same name, but there it was about TC launch.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir from command-line :: Reply by wanderer]]> 2024-09-01T21:51:49+00:00 2024-09-01T21:51:49+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459294#p459294
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-01, 21:24 UTC 2Hacker
And where is "4.a"? In short, I don't see a connection between the topic title and this page. The command line is part of the TC interface. See "User interface" in the Help.

Here the author created a topic of the same name, but there it was about TC launch.
Well, i can understand the confusion after checking section 3a of help. Fla$her understandably points that out, but indeed Hacker got what i was talking about, which was section 4.a of help, "command line parameters".

Didn't cross my mind at all that this could be confusing. I've changed the title of the thread and the OP to be more precise. Also, i didn't remember i had requested this again in the past. In any case, i still hope it can be implemented in TC.]]>
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-01, 21:24 UTC 2Hacker
And where is "4.a"? In short, I don't see a connection between the topic title and this page. The command line is part of the TC interface. See "User interface" in the Help.

Here the author created a topic of the same name, but there it was about TC launch.
Well, i can understand the confusion after checking section 3a of help. Fla$her understandably points that out, but indeed Hacker got what i was talking about, which was section 4.a of help, "command line parameters".

Didn't cross my mind at all that this could be confusing. I've changed the title of the thread and the OP to be more precise. Also, i didn't remember i had requested this again in the past. In any case, i still hope it can be implemented in TC.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir using command-line parameters :: Reply by AntonyD]]> 2024-09-02T07:13:00+00:00 2024-09-02T07:13:00+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459308#p459308 And the "command line" for the way how Total interacts with the operating system and other programs.
it's there - how are external parameters transferred to the Total, how are some of its internal tools called, etc.]]>
And the "command line" for the way how Total interacts with the operating system and other programs.
it's there - how are external parameters transferred to the Total, how are some of its internal tools called, etc.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir using command-line parameters :: Reply by wanderer]]> 2024-09-02T08:16:03+00:00 2024-09-02T08:16:03+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459311#p459311
AntonyD wrote: 2024-09-02, 07:13 UTCI think it would be more convenient to use the "command prompt" for the built-in 'editbox' that supports typing and executing printed commands.
And the "command line" for the way how Total interacts with the operating system and other programs.
Well, it's an idea. It would certainly make things more clear. In almost all cases, "command line" are the parameters you pass in an executable when you run it, so using it with a different meaning in TC, creates confusion...]]>
AntonyD wrote: 2024-09-02, 07:13 UTCI think it would be more convenient to use the "command prompt" for the built-in 'editbox' that supports typing and executing printed commands.
And the "command line" for the way how Total interacts with the operating system and other programs.
Well, it's an idea. It would certainly make things more clear. In almost all cases, "command line" are the parameters you pass in an executable when you run it, so using it with a different meaning in TC, creates confusion...]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir using command-line parameters :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-02T12:21:57+00:00 2024-09-02T12:21:57+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459324#p459324
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-02, 08:16 UTC In almost all cases, "command line" are the parameters you pass in an executable when you run it
In what kind of "almost all"? I see the exact opposite picture.
The problem of naming this topic is not so much in the command line as in specifying an internal command that has nothing to do with exe.
There is no ambiguity in such a title: TOTALCMD.EXE parameter for disabling synchronous directory change
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-01, 21:51 UTCAlso, i didn't remember i had requested this again in the past.
Getting rid of crossposting is the task of moderators.
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-01, 21:51 UTCIn any case, i still hope it can be implemented in TC.
Instead of hoping, you could have used the solution I suggested for a whole year.]]>
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-02, 08:16 UTC In almost all cases, "command line" are the parameters you pass in an executable when you run it
In what kind of "almost all"? I see the exact opposite picture.
The problem of naming this topic is not so much in the command line as in specifying an internal command that has nothing to do with exe.
There is no ambiguity in such a title: TOTALCMD.EXE parameter for disabling synchronous directory change
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-01, 21:51 UTCAlso, i didn't remember i had requested this again in the past.
Getting rid of crossposting is the task of moderators.
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-01, 21:51 UTCIn any case, i still hope it can be implemented in TC.
Instead of hoping, you could have used the solution I suggested for a whole year.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir using command-line parameters :: Reply by wanderer]]> 2024-09-02T13:56:52+00:00 2024-09-02T13:56:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459326#p459326
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-02, 12:21 UTC In what kind of "almost all"? I see the exact opposite picture.
If you post in a support forum of any application something about "command line", almost everybody will understand you are talking about parameters passed to an executable file. This is what i mean by "almost all". There may be some cases (like TC) in which this may mean something else but in general, it means "parameters passed when executing a file".
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-02, 12:21 UTCInstead of hoping, you could have used the solution I suggested for a whole year.
Well, that's true but i'm not 18 any more, so sometimes it may not be that easy to try such workarounds (no time, too much pressure @ work or a few other reasons). I do appreciate the proposed solutions and the time others spend to post them, but i'm at an age in which i expect some things to just work in a simple and built-in way to the tools i use. Thanks for it, i'll try to check your proposal but it's not a real solution to me, it's just a workaround, since i will have to use yet another plugin and spend more time implementing it to some additional machines i use.]]>
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-02, 12:21 UTC In what kind of "almost all"? I see the exact opposite picture.
If you post in a support forum of any application something about "command line", almost everybody will understand you are talking about parameters passed to an executable file. This is what i mean by "almost all". There may be some cases (like TC) in which this may mean something else but in general, it means "parameters passed when executing a file".
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-02, 12:21 UTCInstead of hoping, you could have used the solution I suggested for a whole year.
Well, that's true but i'm not 18 any more, so sometimes it may not be that easy to try such workarounds (no time, too much pressure @ work or a few other reasons). I do appreciate the proposed solutions and the time others spend to post them, but i'm at an age in which i expect some things to just work in a simple and built-in way to the tools i use. Thanks for it, i'll try to check your proposal but it's not a real solution to me, it's just a workaround, since i will have to use yet another plugin and spend more time implementing it to some additional machines i use.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir using command-line parameters :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-02T21:19:14+00:00 2024-09-02T21:19:14+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459335#p459335
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-02, 13:56 UTC of any application
There are a lot of applications that contain a command line in their interface. These are various file managers, launch managers, dock-stations, programs with their own interactive console. There are quite a few of them. The most famous ones in Windows are Win+R or a new task in the task manager.
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-02, 13:56 UTC Well, that's true but i'm not 18 any more, so sometimes it may not be that easy to try such workarounds (no time, too much pressure @ work or a few other reasons).
It takes much less time than writing posts, believe me. ;)
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-02, 13:56 UTC Thanks for it, i'll try to check your proposal but it's not a real solution to me, it's just a workaround, since i will have to use yet another plugin and spend more time implementing it to some additional machines i use.
This plugin solves a bunch of things that are very long or never destined to be seen in the TC implementation, so talking about additionality seems a bit reprehensible to me.
I don't think that age or anything like that can be an excuse for such a long and rather senseless expectation of what can be obtained now at the expense of the tools being expanded by the possibilities of the program.
It may seem like a workaround to you, but it completely satisfies your request, which means that calling it unreal is at least illogical.]]>
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-02, 13:56 UTC of any application
There are a lot of applications that contain a command line in their interface. These are various file managers, launch managers, dock-stations, programs with their own interactive console. There are quite a few of them. The most famous ones in Windows are Win+R or a new task in the task manager.
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-02, 13:56 UTC Well, that's true but i'm not 18 any more, so sometimes it may not be that easy to try such workarounds (no time, too much pressure @ work or a few other reasons).
It takes much less time than writing posts, believe me. ;)
wanderer wrote: 2024-09-02, 13:56 UTC Thanks for it, i'll try to check your proposal but it's not a real solution to me, it's just a workaround, since i will have to use yet another plugin and spend more time implementing it to some additional machines i use.
This plugin solves a bunch of things that are very long or never destined to be seen in the TC implementation, so talking about additionality seems a bit reprehensible to me.
I don't think that age or anything like that can be an excuse for such a long and rather senseless expectation of what can be obtained now at the expense of the tools being expanded by the possibilities of the program.
It may seem like a workaround to you, but it completely satisfies your request, which means that calling it unreal is at least illogical.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: cm_SyncChangeDir from command-line :: Reply by eltome]]> 2024-09-03T11:32:05+00:00 2024-09-03T11:32:05+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459352#p459352
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-01, 18:16 UTC
(...) Help 4.a).
confirmation :
TC help "index"]]>
Hacker wrote: 2024-09-01, 18:16 UTC
(...) Help 4.a).
confirmation :
TC help "index"]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: ENG: Small talk / Geplauder / Forum Moderation / Spam-Report / Off-Topic :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-04T21:07:52+00:00 2024-09-04T21:07:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=73047&p=459389#p459389 Moderator message from: Hacker

Moderator message from: Hacker

<![CDATA[Eng :: how to get a filelist with path ánd JUST size, date (cm_CopyFullNamesWithSizeToClip???) :: Author brian]]> 2024-09-02T15:11:19+00:00 2024-09-02T15:53:54+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83699&p=459327#p459327 [Ctrl+Shift+C). But the filelist then has just a path and filename. Not the correponding size in bytes, KB or MB, and no date. Now, I don't care about date info so much, but how do I save the filelist with path, filename and size?

EDIT: I found cm_CopyFpFileDetailsToClip
This almost does what I want, but I don't want the extra SIZE and ATRRIBUTE info, so how do I get a filelist to the clipboard with the
* path
* filename
* size
I see something about parameters, but how do I work with those?]]>
[Ctrl+Shift+C). But the filelist then has just a path and filename. Not the correponding size in bytes, KB or MB, and no date. Now, I don't care about date info so much, but how do I save the filelist with path, filename and size?

EDIT: I found cm_CopyFpFileDetailsToClip
This almost does what I want, but I don't want the extra SIZE and ATRRIBUTE info, so how do I get a filelist to the clipboard with the
* path
* filename
* size
I see something about parameters, but how do I work with those?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: how to get a filelist with path AND size, date (cm_CopyFullNamesWithSizeToClip???) :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-02T15:41:57+00:00 2024-09-02T15:41:57+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83699&p=459328#p459328
If you don't care about file date and attributes you can set up a custom columns view containing only the columns you want (i.e. name and size). The aforementioned commands will only copy what's visible in TC.]]>

If you don't care about file date and attributes you can set up a custom columns view containing only the columns you want (i.e. name and size). The aforementioned commands will only copy what's visible in TC.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: how to get a filelist with path ánd JUST size, date (cm_CopyFullNamesWithSizeToClip???) :: Reply by brian]]> 2024-09-02T15:54:39+00:00 2024-09-02T15:54:39+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83699&p=459329#p459329 PS
is there a way to separate the Path from the Filename with Tab, like it now does for Size and Date]]>
is there a way to separate the Path from the Filename with Tab, like it now does for Size and Date]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: how to get a filelist with path ánd JUST size, date (cm_CopyFullNamesWithSizeToClip???) :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-02T16:14:46+00:00 2024-09-02T16:14:46+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83699&p=459330#p459330 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: how to get a filelist with path ánd JUST size, date (cm_CopyFullNamesWithSizeToClip???) :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-03T09:54:21+00:00 2024-09-03T09:54:21+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83699&p=459346#p459346 1=Name+Extension
2=First additional column
4=Second additional column
is there a way to separate the Path from the Filename with Tab, like it now does for Size and Date
Create separate columns for path and name, and then only extract those columns.

Example: To copy only the first two additional columns without name+extension, use
cm_CopyFpFileDetailsToClip 6]]>
2=First additional column
4=Second additional column
is there a way to separate the Path from the Filename with Tab, like it now does for Size and Date
Create separate columns for path and name, and then only extract those columns.

Example: To copy only the first two additional columns without name+extension, use
cm_CopyFpFileDetailsToClip 6]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: how to get a filelist with path ánd JUST size, date (cm_CopyFullNamesWithSizeToClip???) :: Reply by brian]]> 2024-09-03T14:39:16+00:00 2024-09-03T14:39:16+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83699&p=459358#p459358
ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-03, 09:54 UTC The command also accepts a numeric parameter, which is a sum of the columns you want to copy:
2=First additional column
4=Second additional column
Example: To copy only the first two additional columns without name+extension, use
cm_CopyFpFileDetailsToClip 6
thank you, this was the exact answer I was looking for, especially your example was helpful, since it told me that I would have to separate the parameter with a simple space. I imagine can make several buttons with different selections of columns, like some with duration info or a button which copies name and FramesPerSecond, Subtitles etc. :D :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:]]>
ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-03, 09:54 UTC The command also accepts a numeric parameter, which is a sum of the columns you want to copy:
2=First additional column
4=Second additional column
Example: To copy only the first two additional columns without name+extension, use
cm_CopyFpFileDetailsToClip 6
thank you, this was the exact answer I was looking for, especially your example was helpful, since it told me that I would have to separate the parameter with a simple space. I imagine can make several buttons with different selections of columns, like some with duration info or a button which copies name and FramesPerSecond, Subtitles etc. :D :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: [Solved] Can search results display only file names? :: Reply by brian]]> 2024-09-05T10:43:19+00:00 2024-09-05T10:43:19+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83699&p=459428#p459428 Old Guard (i say this lovingly) was "stumped" or "surprised". It's almost as if they refused (?) to give the relatively easy answer (Custom Columns of one and cm_CopyFpFileDetailsToClip) before they understood what it was for. A great example of how very experienced people see a thing through a lens, and can't fathom if someone goes outside that lens. As a sociologist, this things are pearls.

Moderator message from: petermad » 2024-09-06, 12:06 UTC

Moved from "[Solved] Can search results display only file names?" to how to get a filelist with path ánd JUST size, date (cm_CopyFullNamesWithSizeToClip???) - since the post was obviously misplaced and off-topic in the other topic
Old Guard (i say this lovingly) was "stumped" or "surprised". It's almost as if they refused (?) to give the relatively easy answer (Custom Columns of one and cm_CopyFpFileDetailsToClip) before they understood what it was for. A great example of how very experienced people see a thing through a lens, and can't fathom if someone goes outside that lens. As a sociologist, this things are pearls.

Moderator message from: petermad » 2024-09-06, 12:06 UTC

Moved from "[Solved] Can search results display only file names?" to how to get a filelist with path ánd JUST size, date (cm_CopyFullNamesWithSizeToClip???) - since the post was obviously misplaced and off-topic in the other topic
<![CDATA[Eng :: Open external folder in TC :: Author bivs]]> 2024-09-06T07:55:21+00:00 2024-09-06T07:55:21+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83729&p=459456#p459456
I've made a button for easy access to a shared folder on an other pc - \\\SharedFolder and it functions ok.

However, instead of opening the shared folder in Explorer, is it possible to open it in the active pane and if so - how ? :wink:]]>

I've made a button for easy access to a shared folder on an other pc - \\\SharedFolder and it functions ok.

However, instead of opening the shared folder in Explorer, is it possible to open it in the active pane and if so - how ? :wink:]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Open external folder in TC :: Reply by ZoSTeR]]> 2024-09-06T08:13:57+00:00 2024-09-06T08:13:57+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83729&p=459458#p459458 Just enter

Code: Select all

cd \\\SharedFolder
in the command line or paste the address into the path field above the file list.]]>
Just enter

Code: Select all

cd \\\SharedFolder
in the command line or paste the address into the path field above the file list.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Open external folder in TC :: Reply by bivs]]> 2024-09-06T08:50:45+00:00 2024-09-06T08:50:45+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83729&p=459460#p459460 ]]> ]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Size / Calculated Space calculated by TC differs from Windows Calculation :: Author Wojtek]]> 2024-09-01T11:34:00+00:00 2024-09-01T11:34:00+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83683&p=459277#p459277
1) I wonder how TC calculates the size of drives / folders / files because what Windows shows differs.
Example 1:
128 GB SanDisk USB Drive
TC: 590.864.238 b
Win10: 626.032.640 bytes

Example 2:
Crucial 1 TB SSD internal
TC: 931.934.778.562 b
Win10: 878.914.691.072

2) I know it's possible to let TC calculate occupied Space by pressing the [SPACEBAR] (by default), but how about the two other calculations:
Free Space and Total Available Space?
Is it somehow possible to calculate and display these?
They are displayed above the tabs, but how can I copy those calculated sizes?

I am asking this because I'd like to create an Excel Workbook with the calculated space of some drives and when I use the calculated data from TC (occupied space) and the calculated data from Windows (total drive space, available drive space) I will get wrong results since the calculations don't match.

Example: Calculation for folders F1, F2, and F3 on drive X
occupied space (TC) = 111.222.333 b
occupied space (Win) = 100.200.300 bytes
total space (Win) = 123.456.789 bytes

123.456.789 - 100.200.300 = 23.256.489 bytes
123.456.789 - 111.222.333 = 12.234.456 bytes
23.256.4849 - 12.234.456 = 11.022.033 bytes

Any help appreciated]]>

1) I wonder how TC calculates the size of drives / folders / files because what Windows shows differs.
Example 1:
128 GB SanDisk USB Drive
TC: 590.864.238 b
Win10: 626.032.640 bytes

Example 2:
Crucial 1 TB SSD internal
TC: 931.934.778.562 b
Win10: 878.914.691.072

2) I know it's possible to let TC calculate occupied Space by pressing the [SPACEBAR] (by default), but how about the two other calculations:
Free Space and Total Available Space?
Is it somehow possible to calculate and display these?
They are displayed above the tabs, but how can I copy those calculated sizes?

I am asking this because I'd like to create an Excel Workbook with the calculated space of some drives and when I use the calculated data from TC (occupied space) and the calculated data from Windows (total drive space, available drive space) I will get wrong results since the calculations don't match.

Example: Calculation for folders F1, F2, and F3 on drive X
occupied space (TC) = 111.222.333 b
occupied space (Win) = 100.200.300 bytes
total space (Win) = 123.456.789 bytes

123.456.789 - 100.200.300 = 23.256.489 bytes
123.456.789 - 111.222.333 = 12.234.456 bytes
23.256.4849 - 12.234.456 = 11.022.033 bytes

Any help appreciated]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Size / Calculated Space calculated by TC differs from Windows Calculation :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-01T16:18:58+00:00 2024-09-01T16:18:58+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83683&p=459283#p459283
Wojtek wrote: 2024-09-01, 11:34 UTC They are displayed above the tabs, but how can I copy those calculated sizes?
You can use Textify or an analog.
You can apply a simple script like this and the ones above.
You can use Autorun (ControlSetMouseAction/SetHotkeyAction + ClipPut + SizeFormat + GetDriveSpace).
Wojtek wrote: 2024-09-01, 11:34 UTC the calculations don't match.
With /i=fake.ini too? Can you show it in the screenshots?]]>
Wojtek wrote: 2024-09-01, 11:34 UTC They are displayed above the tabs, but how can I copy those calculated sizes?
You can use Textify or an analog.
You can apply a simple script like this and the ones above.
You can use Autorun (ControlSetMouseAction/SetHotkeyAction + ClipPut + SizeFormat + GetDriveSpace).
Wojtek wrote: 2024-09-01, 11:34 UTC the calculations don't match.
With /i=fake.ini too? Can you show it in the screenshots?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Size / Calculated Space calculated by TC differs from Windows Calculation :: Reply by Wojtek]]> 2024-09-01T17:15:55+00:00 2024-09-01T17:15:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83683&p=459287#p459287 https://1drv.ms/i/s!AqriqoLzwEu5g6MReUZG-qYDrBhU7w?e=xu8jyn
I have highlighted some data, but as you can see some calculations don't match.

Is there any option other than "Textify" to copy the total/free space from TC?]]>
I have highlighted some data, but as you can see some calculations don't match.

Is there any option other than "Textify" to copy the total/free space from TC?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Size / Calculated Space calculated by TC differs from Windows Calculation :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-01T18:01:49+00:00 2024-09-01T18:01:49+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83683&p=459288#p459288
Wojtek wrote: 2024-09-01, 17:15 UTC I have highlighted some data, but as you can see some calculations don't match.
Both of these windows are system. I don't understand what you are comparing here? A few selected drive items with used space on the entire drive? What's the point of that? Even if you select everything, including hidden and system objects, it will not include MFT data, which you can only see with a special plugin.
Wojtek wrote: 2024-09-01, 17:15 UTC Is there any option other than "Textify" to copy the total/free space from TC?
Strange question. I gave 3 options above, not one.]]>
Wojtek wrote: 2024-09-01, 17:15 UTC I have highlighted some data, but as you can see some calculations don't match.
Both of these windows are system. I don't understand what you are comparing here? A few selected drive items with used space on the entire drive? What's the point of that? Even if you select everything, including hidden and system objects, it will not include MFT data, which you can only see with a special plugin.
Wojtek wrote: 2024-09-01, 17:15 UTC Is there any option other than "Textify" to copy the total/free space from TC?
Strange question. I gave 3 options above, not one.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Size / Calculated Space calculated by TC differs from Windows Calculation :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-02T00:02:43+00:00 2024-09-02T00:02:43+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83683&p=459296#p459296 https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/diskspaces.png

I get different sizes depending on whether 'Everything' is enabled in TC or not'

I also get other sizes when running TC as Administrator https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/diskspaces2.png

So administrator (in TC or via 'Everything') privileges increases the used space shown because more directories can be accessed.

Also there are changes from one minute to the next due to background disk activity.

I can even see different sizes for the same drive in left and right panel - if the drive is accessed at different times: https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/diskspaces3.png

And off course having dirs on TC's Ignore list affects the results too - but should not change the total space available

you can put SizeStyle1000=1 in the [Configuration] section of your wincmd.ini files - then the sizes will be very close to what Windows propertries shows.

That is opposite to what the Help says:
Help wrote:SizeStyle1000=0 0: Use binary units: 1k=1024bytes, 1M=1024k, 1G=1024M, 1T=1024G
1: Use decimal units: 1k=1000bytes, 1M=1000k, 1G=1000M, 1T=1000G
Note: Doesn't affect "Properties" dialog, which is part of Windows and always uses binary units.

I get different sizes depending on whether 'Everything' is enabled in TC or not'

I also get other sizes when running TC as Administrator https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/diskspaces2.png

So administrator (in TC or via 'Everything') privileges increases the used space shown because more directories can be accessed.

Also there are changes from one minute to the next due to background disk activity.

I can even see different sizes for the same drive in left and right panel - if the drive is accessed at different times: https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/diskspaces3.png

And off course having dirs on TC's Ignore list affects the results too - but should not change the total space available

you can put SizeStyle1000=1 in the [Configuration] section of your wincmd.ini files - then the sizes will be very close to what Windows propertries shows.

That is opposite to what the Help says:
Help wrote:SizeStyle1000=0 0: Use binary units: 1k=1024bytes, 1M=1024k, 1G=1024M, 1T=1024G
1: Use decimal units: 1k=1000bytes, 1M=1000k, 1G=1000M, 1T=1000G
Note: Doesn't affect "Properties" dialog, which is part of Windows and always uses binary units.
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Size / Calculated Space calculated by TC differs from Windows Calculation :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-02T10:32:58+00:00 2024-09-02T10:32:58+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83683&p=459322#p459322
petermad wrote: 2024-09-02, 00:02 UTC I get different sizes depending on whether 'Everything' is enabled in TC or not'
The main reason for this is that Everything takes hidden files into account by default.
Example: ‘descript.ion’ files for Total Commander comments (Ctrl+Z).

Other reasons may be the following:
- Everything Options - (x64) > View > Size default: ...
- Everything Options - (x64) > Indexes: Exclude
- Everything Options - (x64) > Indexes: NTFS > Include only: ...
- In Everything 1.5a there are also ‘ignore lists’ such as ‘Result omissions’ or ‘Temporary Result Omissions’.
- See also: Windows Hardlinks - "Everything will not detect deleted hard links."
  I would perform a "Force Rebuild" in this case (Everything Options > Indexes > Button "Force Rebuild").]]>
petermad wrote: 2024-09-02, 00:02 UTC I get different sizes depending on whether 'Everything' is enabled in TC or not'
The main reason for this is that Everything takes hidden files into account by default.
Example: ‘descript.ion’ files for Total Commander comments (Ctrl+Z).

Other reasons may be the following:
- Everything Options - (x64) > View > Size default: ...
- Everything Options - (x64) > Indexes: Exclude
- Everything Options - (x64) > Indexes: NTFS > Include only: ...
- In Everything 1.5a there are also ‘ignore lists’ such as ‘Result omissions’ or ‘Temporary Result Omissions’.
- See also: Windows Hardlinks - "Everything will not detect deleted hard links."
  I would perform a "Force Rebuild" in this case (Everything Options > Indexes > Button "Force Rebuild").]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Size / Calculated Space calculated by TC differs from Windows Calculation :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-02T21:51:03+00:00 2024-09-02T21:51:03+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83683&p=459336#p459336
The main reason for this is that Everything takes hidden files into account by default.
Example: ‘descript.ion’ files for Total Commander comments (Ctrl+Z).
If I press Space on my TC program folder, which has several hidden files I get the same size for the directory with and without 'Everything' enabled. I have always viewing of hidden/*system files enabled in TC

But if I run TC without elevated rights and go into C:\Users and press Shift+Alt+Enter to calculate dir space I get very different results with and without 'Everything' enabled in Configuration -> Operation.

Without 'Everything' I only get the size for the current user name, the Default dir and the Public dir
With 'Everything' I get the size for all the folders (except the LNK folders).

My 'Everything' is running as a service and therefore has elevated rights, hence 'sees' more files/folders than TC run without elevation.

None of the other reasons you mention for the 'Everything' settings apply to my setup - I haven't excluded, included only or ignored anything in 'Everything's settings]]>
The main reason for this is that Everything takes hidden files into account by default.
Example: ‘descript.ion’ files for Total Commander comments (Ctrl+Z).
If I press Space on my TC program folder, which has several hidden files I get the same size for the directory with and without 'Everything' enabled. I have always viewing of hidden/*system files enabled in TC

But if I run TC without elevated rights and go into C:\Users and press Shift+Alt+Enter to calculate dir space I get very different results with and without 'Everything' enabled in Configuration -> Operation.

Without 'Everything' I only get the size for the current user name, the Default dir and the Public dir
With 'Everything' I get the size for all the folders (except the LNK folders).

My 'Everything' is running as a service and therefore has elevated rights, hence 'sees' more files/folders than TC run without elevation.

None of the other reasons you mention for the 'Everything' settings apply to my setup - I haven't excluded, included only or ignored anything in 'Everything's settings]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Size / Calculated Space calculated by TC differs from Windows Calculation :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-03T15:07:25+00:00 2024-09-05T06:44:12+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83683&p=459360#p459360 Everything 1.5a
In a search query e.g. root: ... or ... d: files:, the following is displayed, for example,
in the following columns that you have set up yourself:

Code: Select all

Total Disk Size	......................................	  1.81 TiB   Storage capacity        (German: Speicherkapazität)
Used Disk Size .......................................	553.86 GiB   Occupied storage space  (German: Belegter Speicher)
Available Free Disk Size				  1.27 TiB   Free storage space      (German: Freier Speicher)
Size (Everything Options > View > Size format: Auto)      Bytes, Kibibytes (KiB), Mebibytes (MiB), Gibibytes (GiB), Tebibytes (TiB);
							             IEC 1024 bytes == 1KiB, JEDEC 1024 bytes == 1KB
Total Size ...........................................    Bytes
Examples of other search queries
Search Functions
  1. Search for the free disk space in bytes on the volume of the current file.
    root: available-free-disk-size:<10gb
  2. Search for files belonging to a volume with the specified free disk size in bytes.
    root: free-disk-size:<10gb
  3. Search for folders or files with no parent folder.
Indexing properties...
As a test, I have indexed the properties ‘Total Disk Size’, ‘Used Disk Size’ and ‘Available Free Disk Size’:
Everything Options - (x64) > Properties > Add... Property > Include only folders: C:\;D:\;G:\ ... [x] Fast Sort
and then noticed the following - Basis: RAM 32.0 GB (20.4 GB usable):

1. The RAM consumption has increased by ~3% (currently: 36%; installed RAM 32.0 GB (20.4 GB Physical storage space available))
    The RAM consumption should NOT exceed 50% of the available memory.
2. The file size has increased by ~28 MiB (28 993 750 Bytes) (currently: Everything.db 1 600 798 353 Bytes)

Since I do NOT need to index these properties, as I can display this data anyway by right-clicking on the drive
and clicking on ‘Properties’, I have excluded these properties from indexing again, i.e. removed them.

If these columns are displayed in Everything, indexing can still be detected in the background in Everything Options - 1.5a
in the ‘Properties’, e.g. Indexing: D: as Everything determines/updates the field contents. Indexing can take a very long time.
Indexing in the background for these columns only is terminated when the columns are hidden again, i.e. removed.
See also: ... Size formats & standards ... | - Size standard

An overview of the available columns [with field contents!] can be displayed as follows:
- Position the cursor on a file and select it
- Right-click on a column heading in Everything 1.5a and click on the menu item ‘Add Columns...’
  ‘Everything Properties’ is selected there by default
- Select Property > Search: size ... Enter as search term -> the display is filtered
- Right-click on a column heading and click on the ‘Preview’ menu item
- In the ‘Preview’ column that now also appears, you can now see which columns contain values
- You can also click on ‘Windows Property System’ to see if there are columns with values here as well.
  For ‘Size’, for example, there are the columns ‘Gesamtdateigröße <-> System.TotalFileSize’ or
  ‘Gesamtgröße <-> System.Software.NullPreview.TotalSize’. The name is already specified in the local language.

Please see also: Request: Number value exactness tolerance and approximation | Everything.ini /size_ceil_search=1

Everything - Drive D: (NTFS - Internal drive) | Everything Options 1.5a > Size standard: IEC | Everything.ini: size_ceil_search=1

Code: Select all

	  1.81 TiB	2 000 396 742 656  Bytes	Total Disk Size  (EV: 1.81 TiB; unit converter:  1 990 116 046 275 Bytes !)
      - 553.86 GiB	  594 703 978 496  Bytes	Used Disk Size   (553.8612403869629 GiB !)
      ------------      --------------------------	------------------------
          1.27 TiB      1 405 692 764 160  Bytes	Available Free Disk Size
      ============	==========================	========================
In the file properties for drive D: 553 GB, 1.27 TB and 1.81 TB are displayed.

Windows Explorer displays 1.81 TB and 1.27 TB for drive D:.

The following is displayed in Total Commander (Bytes) and correspond to file properties:

Code: Select all

	  1.27 TiB	1 405 692 764 160  Bytes	this corresponds to: 1.2784701213240623 TiB  (!)
	  1.81 TiB	2 000 396 742 656  Bytes	this corresponds to: 1.8193502388894558 TiB  (!)
A further detailed test to determine the differences in file sizes between Total Commander, Windows Explorer and Everything 1.5a
is too time-consuming for me personally. In my opinion, the key points for such a test have already been addressed
in various posts on this topic anyway. Furthermore, some serious differences can also be seen in the CODE examples.


Code: Select all

TiB		     GiB		  Bytes		      Column names     Everything   TC       Explorer  File properties
1.8193502388894558   1863.0146446228027	  2 000 396 742 656   Total Disk Size    1.81 TiB   Bytes    1.81 TB      1.81 TB + Bytes
0.5408801175653934    553.8612403869629	    594 703 978 496   Used Disk Size   553.86 GiB			553 GB    + Bytes
1.2784701213240623   1309.1534042358398	  1 405 692 764 160   Av.FreeDiskSize    1.27 TiB   Bytes    1.27 TB      1.27 TB + Bytes
Temporary Rounding difference in GiB (0,01) - regarding field contents as SHOWN in Everything 1.5a - found in another example (drive C:).
If the columns are displayed, they are updated continuously...

>>> Unit Converter (German) <<<]]>
Everything 1.5a
In a search query e.g. root: ... or ... d: files:, the following is displayed, for example,
in the following columns that you have set up yourself:

Code: Select all

Total Disk Size	......................................	  1.81 TiB   Storage capacity        (German: Speicherkapazität)
Used Disk Size .......................................	553.86 GiB   Occupied storage space  (German: Belegter Speicher)
Available Free Disk Size				  1.27 TiB   Free storage space      (German: Freier Speicher)
Size (Everything Options > View > Size format: Auto)      Bytes, Kibibytes (KiB), Mebibytes (MiB), Gibibytes (GiB), Tebibytes (TiB);
							             IEC 1024 bytes == 1KiB, JEDEC 1024 bytes == 1KB
Total Size ...........................................    Bytes
Examples of other search queries
Search Functions
  1. Search for the free disk space in bytes on the volume of the current file.
    root: available-free-disk-size:<10gb
  2. Search for files belonging to a volume with the specified free disk size in bytes.
    root: free-disk-size:<10gb
  3. Search for folders or files with no parent folder.
Indexing properties...
As a test, I have indexed the properties ‘Total Disk Size’, ‘Used Disk Size’ and ‘Available Free Disk Size’:
Everything Options - (x64) > Properties > Add... Property > Include only folders: C:\;D:\;G:\ ... [x] Fast Sort
and then noticed the following - Basis: RAM 32.0 GB (20.4 GB usable):

1. The RAM consumption has increased by ~3% (currently: 36%; installed RAM 32.0 GB (20.4 GB Physical storage space available))
    The RAM consumption should NOT exceed 50% of the available memory.
2. The file size has increased by ~28 MiB (28 993 750 Bytes) (currently: Everything.db 1 600 798 353 Bytes)

Since I do NOT need to index these properties, as I can display this data anyway by right-clicking on the drive
and clicking on ‘Properties’, I have excluded these properties from indexing again, i.e. removed them.

If these columns are displayed in Everything, indexing can still be detected in the background in Everything Options - 1.5a
in the ‘Properties’, e.g. Indexing: D: as Everything determines/updates the field contents. Indexing can take a very long time.
Indexing in the background for these columns only is terminated when the columns are hidden again, i.e. removed.
See also: ... Size formats & standards ... | - Size standard

An overview of the available columns [with field contents!] can be displayed as follows:
- Position the cursor on a file and select it
- Right-click on a column heading in Everything 1.5a and click on the menu item ‘Add Columns...’
  ‘Everything Properties’ is selected there by default
- Select Property > Search: size ... Enter as search term -> the display is filtered
- Right-click on a column heading and click on the ‘Preview’ menu item
- In the ‘Preview’ column that now also appears, you can now see which columns contain values
- You can also click on ‘Windows Property System’ to see if there are columns with values here as well.
  For ‘Size’, for example, there are the columns ‘Gesamtdateigröße <-> System.TotalFileSize’ or
  ‘Gesamtgröße <-> System.Software.NullPreview.TotalSize’. The name is already specified in the local language.

Please see also: Request: Number value exactness tolerance and approximation | Everything.ini /size_ceil_search=1

Everything - Drive D: (NTFS - Internal drive) | Everything Options 1.5a > Size standard: IEC | Everything.ini: size_ceil_search=1

Code: Select all

	  1.81 TiB	2 000 396 742 656  Bytes	Total Disk Size  (EV: 1.81 TiB; unit converter:  1 990 116 046 275 Bytes !)
      - 553.86 GiB	  594 703 978 496  Bytes	Used Disk Size   (553.8612403869629 GiB !)
      ------------      --------------------------	------------------------
          1.27 TiB      1 405 692 764 160  Bytes	Available Free Disk Size
      ============	==========================	========================
In the file properties for drive D: 553 GB, 1.27 TB and 1.81 TB are displayed.

Windows Explorer displays 1.81 TB and 1.27 TB for drive D:.

The following is displayed in Total Commander (Bytes) and correspond to file properties:

Code: Select all

	  1.27 TiB	1 405 692 764 160  Bytes	this corresponds to: 1.2784701213240623 TiB  (!)
	  1.81 TiB	2 000 396 742 656  Bytes	this corresponds to: 1.8193502388894558 TiB  (!)
A further detailed test to determine the differences in file sizes between Total Commander, Windows Explorer and Everything 1.5a
is too time-consuming for me personally. In my opinion, the key points for such a test have already been addressed
in various posts on this topic anyway. Furthermore, some serious differences can also be seen in the CODE examples.


Code: Select all

TiB		     GiB		  Bytes		      Column names     Everything   TC       Explorer  File properties
1.8193502388894558   1863.0146446228027	  2 000 396 742 656   Total Disk Size    1.81 TiB   Bytes    1.81 TB      1.81 TB + Bytes
0.5408801175653934    553.8612403869629	    594 703 978 496   Used Disk Size   553.86 GiB			553 GB    + Bytes
1.2784701213240623   1309.1534042358398	  1 405 692 764 160   Av.FreeDiskSize    1.27 TiB   Bytes    1.27 TB      1.27 TB + Bytes
Temporary Rounding difference in GiB (0,01) - regarding field contents as SHOWN in Everything 1.5a - found in another example (drive C:).
If the columns are displayed, they are updated continuously...

>>> Unit Converter (German) <<<]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Size / Calculated Space calculated by TC differs from Windows Calculation :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-04T22:50:53+00:00 2024-09-04T22:50:53+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83683&p=459402#p459402 Wojtek
I would proceed as follows:
    Take the number of bytes for ‘Used Disk Size’, ‘Available Free Disk Size’ and ‘Total Disk Size’
    from the properties (right-click on the drive...) and enter them in Excel.
    The number of bytes in Total Commander - displayed above the tabs -
    corresponds to the properties for ‘Available Free Disk Size’ and ‘Total Disk Size’.
    Take the number of bytes for ‘Size on disk:’ (‘Größe auf Datenträger’)
    from the properties (‘Alt+Enter’ or right-click on the folder...) and enter them in Excel.
    Alternatively, you can select a different value, which is displayed after
    ‘CTRL+L Calculate occupied space (of the selected files)’,
    e.g. "Total space occupied" which corresponds to Size’ (‘Größe’) field in the properties.
    ‘Alt+Enter’ or ‘CTRL+L’ is also useful for determining the size in bytes of several selected folders.

    In Windows Explorer, the value is displayed for a folder, e.g. in GB,
    which is entered in the properties for the folder in GB and bytes
    in the Size’ (‘Größe’) field.
In my opinion, this approach - based on the number of bytes - avoids rounding differences.

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4112) | TC 11.03 x64
Capture Text: Tool 'Textify' | Tool 'TextGrab' | FastStone Capture]]>
I would proceed as follows:
    Take the number of bytes for ‘Used Disk Size’, ‘Available Free Disk Size’ and ‘Total Disk Size’
    from the properties (right-click on the drive...) and enter them in Excel.
    The number of bytes in Total Commander - displayed above the tabs -
    corresponds to the properties for ‘Available Free Disk Size’ and ‘Total Disk Size’.
    Take the number of bytes for ‘Size on disk:’ (‘Größe auf Datenträger’)
    from the properties (‘Alt+Enter’ or right-click on the folder...) and enter them in Excel.
    Alternatively, you can select a different value, which is displayed after
    ‘CTRL+L Calculate occupied space (of the selected files)’,
    e.g. "Total space occupied" which corresponds to Size’ (‘Größe’) field in the properties.
    ‘Alt+Enter’ or ‘CTRL+L’ is also useful for determining the size in bytes of several selected folders.

    In Windows Explorer, the value is displayed for a folder, e.g. in GB,
    which is entered in the properties for the folder in GB and bytes
    in the Size’ (‘Größe’) field.
In my opinion, this approach - based on the number of bytes - avoids rounding differences.

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4112) | TC 11.03 x64
Capture Text: Tool 'Textify' | Tool 'TextGrab' | FastStone Capture]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Size / Calculated Space calculated by TC differs from Windows Calculation :: Reply by Wojtek]]> 2024-09-05T23:28:07+00:00 2024-09-05T23:28:07+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83683&p=459448#p459448
tuska wrote: 2024-09-04, 22:50 UTC...
petermad wrote: 2024-09-02, 21:51 UTC...
Many thanks to both of you.

I have tried TreeSize (https://www.jam-software.com/treesize/editions.shtml) which is very good for deep analysis.

But what I am trying to do now is actually some housekeeping. I have about 6 fixed HDDs (internal and external) which I always use with different sizes.
Right now all my data is spread across all drives and I need to do some calculations to manage and distribute my data so it fits on the various drives.

In my Excel WB there will be the total amount of data (by category like music, photos, movies, documents) and the total available storage of a drive so I can decide where I will finally put it.
The reason for this was a data loss due to hardware failure. Luckily I could restore most of it but with huge loss of information (like filenames).

So therefore I don't need continuous analysis, just a few sizes to work with.
for that I simply press [SPACE] on the desired files/folders.

Once my data is sorted and distributed I can proceed to step 2: identify, compare, rename, etc.

After data loss I was left with hundreds of thousands of files stripped of their actual filename and left with nothing but an index.

Should I start a new thread for this?]]>
tuska wrote: 2024-09-04, 22:50 UTC...
petermad wrote: 2024-09-02, 21:51 UTC...
Many thanks to both of you.

I have tried TreeSize (https://www.jam-software.com/treesize/editions.shtml) which is very good for deep analysis.

But what I am trying to do now is actually some housekeeping. I have about 6 fixed HDDs (internal and external) which I always use with different sizes.
Right now all my data is spread across all drives and I need to do some calculations to manage and distribute my data so it fits on the various drives.

In my Excel WB there will be the total amount of data (by category like music, photos, movies, documents) and the total available storage of a drive so I can decide where I will finally put it.
The reason for this was a data loss due to hardware failure. Luckily I could restore most of it but with huge loss of information (like filenames).

So therefore I don't need continuous analysis, just a few sizes to work with.
for that I simply press [SPACE] on the desired files/folders.

Once my data is sorted and distributed I can proceed to step 2: identify, compare, rename, etc.

After data loss I was left with hundreds of thousands of files stripped of their actual filename and left with nothing but an index.

Should I start a new thread for this?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Size / Calculated Space calculated by TC differs from Windows Calculation :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-06T09:35:56+00:00 2024-09-06T09:35:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83683&p=459462#p459462
Wojtek wrote: 2024-09-05, 23:28 UTC Should I start a new thread for this?
Yes, please.]]>
Wojtek wrote: 2024-09-05, 23:28 UTC Should I start a new thread for this?
Yes, please.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Search Same Folder but in different Paths :: Author Viktoren69]]> 2024-09-05T10:29:48+00:00 2024-09-05T10:29:48+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83720&p=459427#p459427
I work on a server with multiple users. Every user has identical folder structure.
I need to search for files inside a specific subfolder for every user.



I need to search inside all the 250 "Downloads" folders only, but I can't find a way.

Thank you]]>

I work on a server with multiple users. Every user has identical folder structure.
I need to search for files inside a specific subfolder for every user.



I need to search inside all the 250 "Downloads" folders only, but I can't find a way.

Thank you]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search Same Folder but in different Paths :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-05T11:11:55+00:00 2024-09-05T11:45:47+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83720&p=459430#p459430
Another way is to use the Plugins tab to search for names containing "Downloads" using either of these settings

Code: Select all

tc | fullname | contains | "\Downloads\"
tc | path | contains | "\Downloads\"
Set the files you want to search for in the General tab.

I'm certain there are other and faster ways to do this, especially when using Everything. Pretty sure other users will chime in and post something making use of that.]]>

Another way is to use the Plugins tab to search for names containing "Downloads" using either of these settings

Code: Select all

tc | fullname | contains | "\Downloads\"
tc | path | contains | "\Downloads\"
Set the files you want to search for in the General tab.

I'm certain there are other and faster ways to do this, especially when using Everything. Pretty sure other users will chime in and post something making use of that.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search Same Folder but in different Paths :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-05T11:34:04+00:00 2024-09-05T11:34:04+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83720&p=459431#p459431 Search for: ev:E:\Data\User*\Downloads\<mask>]]> Search for: ev:E:\Data\User*\Downloads\<mask>]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search Same Folder but in different Paths :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-05T11:40:59+00:00 2024-09-05T11:40:59+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83720&p=459432#p459432
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-05, 11:11 UTC Search for the "Downloads" directories first. It makes sense to limit search depth to 3 or 4 and use the Attributes on the Advanced tab to limit the search to directories. After the Downloads directories being found you can search in them for the files you're looking for.
Without any external tools (Everything), this is probably the best and most straightforward way at the moment. The option "F2 Search in found files/folder" just above the search results can easily be overlooked and is a useful option for this.

I think the next TC version will include improvements to searching using traverse filters. If that is implemented the way I suggested, that method can then be used as well.]]>
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-05, 11:11 UTC Search for the "Downloads" directories first. It makes sense to limit search depth to 3 or 4 and use the Attributes on the Advanced tab to limit the search to directories. After the Downloads directories being found you can search in them for the files you're looking for.
Without any external tools (Everything), this is probably the best and most straightforward way at the moment. The option "F2 Search in found files/folder" just above the search results can easily be overlooked and is a useful option for this.

I think the next TC version will include improvements to searching using traverse filters. If that is implemented the way I suggested, that method can then be used as well.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search Same Folder but in different Paths :: Reply by Viktoren69]]> 2024-09-05T15:19:56+00:00 2024-09-05T15:19:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83720&p=459437#p459437 If Everything is a plugin, I dont have it.
With the other method of searching the "Downloads" folders 1st, it does not work either, as it finds only few and not all.
I wanted to attach screenshots, but it's not possible.]]>
If Everything is a plugin, I dont have it.
With the other method of searching the "Downloads" folders 1st, it does not work either, as it finds only few and not all.
I wanted to attach screenshots, but it's not possible.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search Same Folder but in different Paths :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-05T16:59:17+00:00 2024-09-05T16:59:17+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83720&p=459439#p459439
Viktoren69 wrote: 2024-09-05, 15:19 UTC If Everything is a plugin, I dont have it.
The help (press F1 in the search dialog) says what it is and and what it is for.]]>
Viktoren69 wrote: 2024-09-05, 15:19 UTC If Everything is a plugin, I dont have it.
The help (press F1 in the search dialog) says what it is and and what it is for.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search Same Folder but in different Paths :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-05T17:51:18+00:00 2024-09-05T17:51:18+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83720&p=459443#p459443
Viktoren69 wrote: 2024-09-05, 15:19 UTC With the other method of searching the "Downloads" folders 1st, it does not work either, as it finds only few and not all.
Have you tried running TC as Administrator?]]>
Viktoren69 wrote: 2024-09-05, 15:19 UTC With the other method of searching the "Downloads" folders 1st, it does not work either, as it finds only few and not all.
Have you tried running TC as Administrator?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search Same Folder but in different Paths :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-05T20:33:55+00:00 2024-09-05T20:33:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83720&p=459445#p459445
Viktoren69 wrote: 2024-09-05, 15:19 UTCI wanted to attach screenshots, but it's not possible.
Upload it to a site of your choosing and link to it here.

For me the search works perfectly fine. However, it might be necessary to run TC (or just the search) as administrator; it depends on file-system permissions.]]>
Viktoren69 wrote: 2024-09-05, 15:19 UTCI wanted to attach screenshots, but it's not possible.
Upload it to a site of your choosing and link to it here.

For me the search works perfectly fine. However, it might be necessary to run TC (or just the search) as administrator; it depends on file-system permissions.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search Same Folder but in different Paths :: Reply by Viktoren69]]> 2024-09-06T07:51:44+00:00 2024-09-06T07:51:44+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83720&p=459455#p459455
1. I select 10 Users folders: E:\Data\User001\ to E:\Data\User010\ (every User has its Download folder)
2. Search For: Downloads
3. Search In: E:\Data\ (Only search in selected directories)
4. Advanced Tab: Attributes: Directory (flagged)
5. Star Search

Result: it finds the Downloads folder only in 2 Users, while they should be all 10. (ie. E:\Data\User003\Downloads and E:\Data\User008\Downloads)
I am sure it's me not using the correct procedure.]]>

1. I select 10 Users folders: E:\Data\User001\ to E:\Data\User010\ (every User has its Download folder)
2. Search For: Downloads
3. Search In: E:\Data\ (Only search in selected directories)
4. Advanced Tab: Attributes: Directory (flagged)
5. Star Search

Result: it finds the Downloads folder only in 2 Users, while they should be all 10. (ie. E:\Data\User003\Downloads and E:\Data\User008\Downloads)
I am sure it's me not using the correct procedure.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search Same Folder but in different Paths :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-06T08:20:56+00:00 2024-09-06T08:20:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83720&p=459459#p459459
(Run TC as Administrator)

In step 2 add a dot, so search for

Code: Select all

Replace step 4 with:
Set the option "Search in subdirectories" to 1 level(s)]]>

(Run TC as Administrator)

In step 2 add a dot, so search for

Code: Select all

Replace step 4 with:
Set the option "Search in subdirectories" to 1 level(s)]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search Same Folder but in different Paths :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-06T09:56:26+00:00 2024-09-06T09:56:26+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83720&p=459463#p459463 white
The search also finds junctions and probably also symlinks, even if the "Directory" attribute is enabled.

Did you disable all other attributes on the Advanced tab when enabling "Directory"? If so, leave the other attributes untouched (gray). Gray means the particular attribute doesn't matter, i.e. the found object can either have it or not have it. When an attribute is enabled the found object must have it. And when an attribute is disabled the found object must not have it.]]>
The search also finds junctions and probably also symlinks, even if the "Directory" attribute is enabled.

Did you disable all other attributes on the Advanced tab when enabling "Directory"? If so, leave the other attributes untouched (gray). Gray means the particular attribute doesn't matter, i.e. the found object can either have it or not have it. When an attribute is enabled the found object must have it. And when an attribute is disabled the found object must not have it.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Turning off autoplay within Lister's video player :: Author azumanga]]> 2024-09-06T01:32:26+00:00 2024-09-06T01:32:26+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83726&p=459449#p459449
I don't know if I'm missing something obvious but i could not find a setting to turn off the auto-play feature within the player itself or in options or in the help index.

Please help! Thank you! :D]]>

I don't know if I'm missing something obvious but i could not find a setting to turn off the auto-play feature within the player itself or in options or in the help index.

Please help! Thank you! :D]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Turning off autoplay within Lister's video player :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-06T09:56:42+00:00 2024-09-06T09:56:42+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83726&p=459464#p459464 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Turning off autoplay within Lister's video player :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-06T16:12:28+00:00 2024-09-06T16:12:28+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83726&p=459475#p459475 Another option is to use cm_SrcQuickInternalOnly.]]> Another option is to use cm_SrcQuickInternalOnly.]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Set to default: Copy NTFS Permissions :: Reply by silverqx]]> 2024-09-03T15:37:10+00:00 2024-09-03T15:37:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=75740&p=459364#p459364 ]]> ]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Set to default: Copy NTFS Permissions :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-06T16:38:02+00:00 2024-09-06T16:38:02+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=75740&p=459480#p459480
From the help file:
All the options shown in the dialog box can be passed as parameters (starting with a slash). Each of the checkbox options takes an optional parameter 1 or 0, e.g. V0 turns off verify if it was enabled before.
P: Copy NTFS permissions.
V: Verify after copy
B0: Copy in foreground (even when AlwaysCopyInBackground is set in wincmd.ini)
B1: Copy in background (like F5-Enter-Background)
B2: Copy in background transfer manager
O0..9: Overwrite options, numbers as in the dialog box
R: Preserve relative paths when copying from branch view (R or R1=yes, R0=no)
S: Skip all which cannot be opened for reading
H: Overwrite/delete hidden/system/read only files. Warning: H0 (warn if attribute present) will NOT re-enable confirmation if it was disabled in Configuration - Options - Misc for read only and/or hidden/system files.
A: Copy to all selected folders in the target panel
G: Go: Start copying immediately
T="path": Target path, MUST be put in double quotes, and end with a backslash if a directory, or with a file mask with wildcards to rename files
W="wildcards": Copy only files of this type.
Note: If you need double quotes around the wildcards, you need to put them in double quotes twice
Example: cm_Copy /V0H1T="c:\test\"W="""a test.*"" test2.*"

From the help file:
All the options shown in the dialog box can be passed as parameters (starting with a slash). Each of the checkbox options takes an optional parameter 1 or 0, e.g. V0 turns off verify if it was enabled before.
P: Copy NTFS permissions.
V: Verify after copy
B0: Copy in foreground (even when AlwaysCopyInBackground is set in wincmd.ini)
B1: Copy in background (like F5-Enter-Background)
B2: Copy in background transfer manager
O0..9: Overwrite options, numbers as in the dialog box
R: Preserve relative paths when copying from branch view (R or R1=yes, R0=no)
S: Skip all which cannot be opened for reading
H: Overwrite/delete hidden/system/read only files. Warning: H0 (warn if attribute present) will NOT re-enable confirmation if it was disabled in Configuration - Options - Misc for read only and/or hidden/system files.
A: Copy to all selected folders in the target panel
G: Go: Start copying immediately
T="path": Target path, MUST be put in double quotes, and end with a backslash if a directory, or with a file mask with wildcards to rename files
W="wildcards": Copy only files of this type.
Note: If you need double quotes around the wildcards, you need to put them in double quotes twice
Example: cm_Copy /V0H1T="c:\test\"W="""a test.*"" test2.*"
<![CDATA[Eng :: Asymmetric compare/synching directories/subdirs with differing files but identical filenames :: Author PRSchwob]]> 2024-09-04T20:06:56+00:00 2024-09-04T20:06:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83715&p=459386#p459386
These same-name files show in the compare list with empty little squares - and I must manually select these and press control-L to force these files to be copied from the source (left) to the destination (right). This is an issue when synching numerous subdirs.

What control can I use so differing duplicates have the left-to-right green arrows without having to
(1) deselect “singles”
(2) highlight all
(3) use control-L
(4) and select singles again?

Image: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pi35xyr0jbnm691bu4iqe/Compare.jpg?rlkey=vh6qg0nb94co6xrm6q2oq7kse&dl=0]]>

These same-name files show in the compare list with empty little squares - and I must manually select these and press control-L to force these files to be copied from the source (left) to the destination (right). This is an issue when synching numerous subdirs.

What control can I use so differing duplicates have the left-to-right green arrows without having to
(1) deselect “singles”
(2) highlight all
(3) use control-L
(4) and select singles again?

Image: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pi35xyr0jbnm691bu4iqe/Compare.jpg?rlkey=vh6qg0nb94co6xrm6q2oq7kse&dl=0]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Asymmetric compare/synching directories/subdirs with differing files but identical filenames :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-04T20:42:38+00:00 2024-09-04T20:42:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83715&p=459388#p459388 older than the files with the same name on the right. Apparently TC doesn't preselect the direction, and my guess is that it does this to avoid losing the newer files. This forces the user to select them manually, preferably after closer inspection.

I don't use asymmetric mode so this is just a guess.]]>
older than the files with the same name on the right. Apparently TC doesn't preselect the direction, and my guess is that it does this to avoid losing the newer files. This forces the user to select them manually, preferably after closer inspection.

I don't use asymmetric mode so this is just a guess.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Asymmetric compare/synching directories/subdirs with differing files but identical filenames :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-06T16:40:26+00:00 2024-09-06T16:40:26+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83715&p=459481#p459481 <![CDATA[Eng :: Change color of Tree View dropdown arrow? :: Author Big J Money]]> 2024-09-04T20:29:09+00:00 2024-09-04T20:29:09+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83716&p=459387#p459387 Image: https://i.postimg.cc/ZnwkTx0j/2024-09-04-16-24-48-Total-Commander-x64-11-03-NOT-REGISTERED.png

I've tried a fiew things under Color settings, but haven't found one that affects this. I'm referring to the unhighlighted arrow (but highlighted would also be helpful). I only highlighted this one for this screenshot because otherwise it's not visible with my current color settings, and it might be more difficult to point out what I'm asking about :).

edit: Not sure why the inline image link isn't showing the image in the post, but the link is good.]]>
Image: https://i.postimg.cc/ZnwkTx0j/2024-09-04-16-24-48-Total-Commander-x64-11-03-NOT-REGISTERED.png

I've tried a fiew things under Color settings, but haven't found one that affects this. I'm referring to the unhighlighted arrow (but highlighted would also be helpful). I only highlighted this one for this screenshot because otherwise it's not visible with my current color settings, and it might be more difficult to point out what I'm asking about :).

edit: Not sure why the inline image link isn't showing the image in the post, but the link is good.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Change color of Tree View dropdown arrow? :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-06T08:09:39+00:00 2024-09-06T08:09:39+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83716&p=459457#p459457 Big J Money
You canot change the color of the triangles, but you can change the style to little squares with a + or a - inside - you do that by placing the parameter TreeTriangles=0 in the [Colors] and the [ColorsDark] sections of your wincmd.ini file]]>
Big J Money
You canot change the color of the triangles, but you can change the style to little squares with a + or a - inside - you do that by placing the parameter TreeTriangles=0 in the [Colors] and the [ColorsDark] sections of your wincmd.ini file]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Change color of Tree View dropdown arrow? :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-06T16:42:45+00:00 2024-09-06T16:42:45+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83716&p=459482#p459482 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by louwin]]> 2024-08-24T12:47:47+00:00 2024-08-24T12:47:47+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=458951#p458951
Any other ideas? :)]]>

Any other ideas? :)]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-26T09:59:02+00:00 2024-08-26T09:59:02+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459048#p459048 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-08-26T11:05:04+00:00 2024-08-26T11:05:04+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459053#p459053 louwin
Please check the other things I listed above.

BTW, if opening such a file by double-clicking on it takes 20 seconds I doubt that it has something to do with TC.]]>
Please check the other things I listed above.

BTW, if opening such a file by double-clicking on it takes 20 seconds I doubt that it has something to do with TC.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-28T07:48:26+00:00 2024-08-28T07:48:26+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459168#p459168 - Refresh when files are created, deleted and renamed
- Also when size, date, or attributes change
- Update footer
- Update header]]>
- Refresh when files are created, deleted and renamed
- Also when size, date, or attributes change
- Update footer
- Update header]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by louwin]]> 2024-09-01T02:01:31+00:00 2024-09-01T02:01:31+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459263#p459263 - Refresh when files are created, deleted and renamed
- Also when size, date, or attributes change
- Update footer
- Update header"

Did ALL above....

Still - right panel folder with 81,036 epub books, left panel 865 epub books.

Renaming on the right panel happens in a couple of seconds. Opening a book in the right panel still takes a while - so much so that "Not responding" appears on the top left. "Moving" 6 books from left to right panels takes about 20 seconds.

I suspect I'll have to live with this as it IS A VERY old system. I am resisting updating as I can't find a system to my very large requirements.... I have 12 internal HDDs, 2 SSDs and a Bluray burner. 3 of my drives are RAID mirrored and 3 are manually synchronized. The drive (I:) concerned is RAID mirrored.

Thanks to all responders :)]]>
- Refresh when files are created, deleted and renamed
- Also when size, date, or attributes change
- Update footer
- Update header"

Did ALL above....

Still - right panel folder with 81,036 epub books, left panel 865 epub books.

Renaming on the right panel happens in a couple of seconds. Opening a book in the right panel still takes a while - so much so that "Not responding" appears on the top left. "Moving" 6 books from left to right panels takes about 20 seconds.

I suspect I'll have to live with this as it IS A VERY old system. I am resisting updating as I can't find a system to my very large requirements.... I have 12 internal HDDs, 2 SSDs and a Bluray burner. 3 of my drives are RAID mirrored and 3 are manually synchronized. The drive (I:) concerned is RAID mirrored.

Thanks to all responders :)]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-01T10:51:43+00:00 2024-09-01T10:51:43+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459275#p459275
"Moving" 6 books from left to right panels takes about 20 seconds.
Modifying something in the directory with the many files always causes a refresh of that directory.
However, just launching something from there shouldn't take that long. Does it depend on what program you open?]]>
"Moving" 6 books from left to right panels takes about 20 seconds.
Modifying something in the directory with the many files always causes a refresh of that directory.
However, just launching something from there shouldn't take that long. Does it depend on what program you open?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by louwin]]> 2024-09-03T07:02:03+00:00 2024-09-03T07:02:03+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459343#p459343
I copied the same "epub" onto my C: drive, an SSD, and it took the same 39 seconds to open. So it looks like it isn't the folder with lots of files causing the "slow" opening of the "epub" but the application itself.

The moves to and from the C: drive from the small folder (800 files) were instantaneous :)

The moves to and from the I: drive took a LONG time. Even highlighting the 6 files in the LARGE directory took about 10 seconds per file for the highlight to appear. It took about 20 seconds for the files to appear on the C: drive then 29 seconds to disappear from the I: drive then the directory was reread and redisplayed.

MY conclusions are that anything involving the the LARGE directory took a LONG time. The "epub" App is extremely slow regardless. If the LARGE directory was on display things would take a LONG time.

Are you in a position to test this on a more recent system? And/or a very old system too?

Thanks for all your efforts :)]]>

I copied the same "epub" onto my C: drive, an SSD, and it took the same 39 seconds to open. So it looks like it isn't the folder with lots of files causing the "slow" opening of the "epub" but the application itself.

The moves to and from the C: drive from the small folder (800 files) were instantaneous :)

The moves to and from the I: drive took a LONG time. Even highlighting the 6 files in the LARGE directory took about 10 seconds per file for the highlight to appear. It took about 20 seconds for the files to appear on the C: drive then 29 seconds to disappear from the I: drive then the directory was reread and redisplayed.

MY conclusions are that anything involving the the LARGE directory took a LONG time. The "epub" App is extremely slow regardless. If the LARGE directory was on display things would take a LONG time.

Are you in a position to test this on a more recent system? And/or a very old system too?

Thanks for all your efforts :)]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-03T10:27:48+00:00 2024-09-03T10:27:48+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459351#p459351 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-03T13:17:01+00:00 2024-09-03T13:17:01+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459354#p459354
Opening a similar sized "epub" 130K to 39 seconds.
What program do you use to open epub files? Maybe that viewer is just slow? Does it also take that long to open the file from Explorer?]]>
Opening a similar sized "epub" 130K to 39 seconds.
What program do you use to open epub files? Maybe that viewer is just slow? Does it also take that long to open the file from Explorer?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by louwin]]> 2024-09-03T13:49:43+00:00 2024-09-03T13:49:43+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459355#p459355
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-03, 10:27 UTC I suggest to boot Windows into Safe Mode and repeat the same TC actions there. If it's fast in Safe Mode, my assumption is correct.
WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! Dalai! You were SO RIGHT!!!! In Safe Mode!

Renaming files in the RH panel was instantaneous! Right clicking was instantaneous! Moving 6 files from RH panel to LH panel wasn't instantaneous but took 2 seconds! Displaying the 81K files directory (double clicking it) took 3 seconds!

Back in "Normal" mode and ALL the times were back to long long long!!!!

I had a good look at Task Manager and NOTHING was hogging the CPU but you have to be right! SOMETHING IS!!!!


Now I have to find the ******* process hogging my system!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dalai wrote: 2024-09-03, 10:27 UTC I suggest to boot Windows into Safe Mode and repeat the same TC actions there. If it's fast in Safe Mode, my assumption is correct.
WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! Dalai! You were SO RIGHT!!!! In Safe Mode!

Renaming files in the RH panel was instantaneous! Right clicking was instantaneous! Moving 6 files from RH panel to LH panel wasn't instantaneous but took 2 seconds! Displaying the 81K files directory (double clicking it) took 3 seconds!

Back in "Normal" mode and ALL the times were back to long long long!!!!

I had a good look at Task Manager and NOTHING was hogging the CPU but you have to be right! SOMETHING IS!!!!


Now I have to find the ******* process hogging my system!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by louwin]]> 2024-09-03T14:10:24+00:00 2024-09-03T14:10:24+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459357#p459357
ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-03, 13:17 UTC
Opening a similar sized "epub" 130K to 39 seconds.
What program do you use to open epub files? Maybe that viewer is just slow? Does it also take that long to open the file from Explorer?
I use "SumatraPDF" to read "epub" files and it is just as slow through Explorer!

Please read Dalai's response and my response to him.

In Safe mode the "epub" files took about 10 seconds to open....

Now the clincher!!!!!!!

In normal mode (when something was hogging my system) and TC was taking 20->30 seconds to read/display the 81K book directory - Explorer took a couple of seconds to do the same! So whatever was hogging the system didn't impact Explorer!!!!! So Explorer was the same speed in Safe Mode AND Normal Mode!!!

Strange or not????

Thanks AGAIN :)]]>
ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-03, 13:17 UTC
Opening a similar sized "epub" 130K to 39 seconds.
What program do you use to open epub files? Maybe that viewer is just slow? Does it also take that long to open the file from Explorer?
I use "SumatraPDF" to read "epub" files and it is just as slow through Explorer!

Please read Dalai's response and my response to him.

In Safe mode the "epub" files took about 10 seconds to open....

Now the clincher!!!!!!!

In normal mode (when something was hogging my system) and TC was taking 20->30 seconds to read/display the 81K book directory - Explorer took a couple of seconds to do the same! So whatever was hogging the system didn't impact Explorer!!!!! So Explorer was the same speed in Safe Mode AND Normal Mode!!!

Strange or not????

Thanks AGAIN :)]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by Horst.Epp]]> 2024-09-03T15:20:10+00:00 2024-09-03T15:20:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459361#p459361 The response times are always max a few seconds, regardless of the size.
The sizes of the larger once are in the range of megabytes, up to 16MB.]]>
The response times are always max a few seconds, regardless of the size.
The sizes of the larger once are in the range of megabytes, up to 16MB.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-03T16:26:27+00:00 2024-09-03T16:26:27+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459366#p459366
louwin wrote: 2024-09-03, 14:10 UTCIn Safe mode the "epub" files took about 10 seconds to open....
Does it always take this long or just the first time? Does it depend on the epub file? Or is your Windows system on a hard drive?]]>
louwin wrote: 2024-09-03, 14:10 UTCIn Safe mode the "epub" files took about 10 seconds to open....
Does it always take this long or just the first time? Does it depend on the epub file? Or is your Windows system on a hard drive?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-03T22:23:03+00:00 2024-09-03T22:23:03+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459369#p459369 louwin

Maybe it is your anti-malwre program that slows TC down - Maybe you could test with the virus scanner disabled.]]>

Maybe it is your anti-malwre program that slows TC down - Maybe you could test with the virus scanner disabled.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by louwin]]> 2024-09-03T23:22:07+00:00 2024-09-03T23:22:07+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459373#p459373
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-03, 16:26 UTC Does it always take this long or just the first time? Does it depend on the epub file? Or is your Windows system on a hard drive?
I'm tidying up a library of books. I do a few files at a time and they all take about the same time to open - in normal mode about 40 seconds and in safe mode (for the test) about 10 seconds. The filesize doesn't appear to have an effect on the opening time. My Windows 10 system is on an 250Gb SSD.

I vaguely remember doing this MANY years ago with a 100K book library and I didn't remember it taking such long times. :)

Thanks again :)]]>
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-03, 16:26 UTC Does it always take this long or just the first time? Does it depend on the epub file? Or is your Windows system on a hard drive?
I'm tidying up a library of books. I do a few files at a time and they all take about the same time to open - in normal mode about 40 seconds and in safe mode (for the test) about 10 seconds. The filesize doesn't appear to have an effect on the opening time. My Windows 10 system is on an 250Gb SSD.

I vaguely remember doing this MANY years ago with a 100K book library and I didn't remember it taking such long times. :)

Thanks again :)]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by louwin]]> 2024-09-03T23:27:31+00:00 2024-09-03T23:27:31+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459374#p459374
petermad wrote: 2024-09-03, 22:23 UTC 2louwin

Maybe it is your anti-malwre program that slows TC down - Maybe you could test with the virus scanner disabled.
I normally use two browsers - Firefox and Opera and I closed them both and the times remained long. I use free Avast and I'll try to work out how to disable it and test, once I find out how to do it.... :shock: :D :oops:

Edit: Disabled Avast for 10 minutes and had not effect on the long times :(]]>
petermad wrote: 2024-09-03, 22:23 UTC 2louwin

Maybe it is your anti-malwre program that slows TC down - Maybe you could test with the virus scanner disabled.
I normally use two browsers - Firefox and Opera and I closed them both and the times remained long. I use free Avast and I'll try to work out how to disable it and test, once I find out how to do it.... :shock: :D :oops:

Edit: Disabled Avast for 10 minutes and had not effect on the long times :(]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by louwin]]> 2024-09-04T00:24:09+00:00 2024-09-04T00:24:09+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459375#p459375
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-03, 16:26 UTC Does it always take this long or just the first time? Does it depend on the epub file?
A surprising response to Dalai and others who responded about SumatraPDF!!!!


I went into Settings/Options and unticked "Remember opened files" and the (epub) files NOW open ALMOST instantaneously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

So, basically my entire question now is on the time it takes to display a large directory and move files into a large directory...

Again, thanks to ALL responders :)]]>
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-03, 16:26 UTC Does it always take this long or just the first time? Does it depend on the epub file?
A surprising response to Dalai and others who responded about SumatraPDF!!!!


I went into Settings/Options and unticked "Remember opened files" and the (epub) files NOW open ALMOST instantaneously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

So, basically my entire question now is on the time it takes to display a large directory and move files into a large directory...

Again, thanks to ALL responders :)]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Extraneous "Reading Directories" of the other panel :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-06T16:48:51+00:00 2024-09-06T16:48:51+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83435&p=459484#p459484 Moderator message

Moved to English forum
Moderator message

Moved to English forum
<![CDATA[Eng :: solved - no error [TC 11.03] Possible misconception in TC help for wincmd.ini :: Author petermad]]> 2024-09-02T00:29:19+00:00 2024-09-02T00:29:19+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83687&p=459297#p459297
Help wrote:SizeStyle1000=0 0: Use binary units: 1k=1024bytes, 1M=1024k, 1G=1024M, 1T=1024G
1: Use decimal units: 1k=1000bytes, 1M=1000k, 1G=1000M, 1T=1000G
Note: Doesn't affect "Properties" dialog, which is part of Windows and always uses binary units.
The statement about Windows properties using binary units seems to be wrong - it is only after setting SizeStyle1000=1 that TC and Windows shows approximately the same sizes (for example total space on the disk).]]>
Help wrote:SizeStyle1000=0 0: Use binary units: 1k=1024bytes, 1M=1024k, 1G=1024M, 1T=1024G
1: Use decimal units: 1k=1000bytes, 1M=1000k, 1G=1000M, 1T=1000G
Note: Doesn't affect "Properties" dialog, which is part of Windows and always uses binary units.
The statement about Windows properties using binary units seems to be wrong - it is only after setting SizeStyle1000=1 that TC and Windows shows approximately the same sizes (for example total space on the disk).]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: [TC 11.03] Possible misconception in TC help for wincmd.ini :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-03T10:03:59+00:00 2024-09-03T10:03:59+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83687&p=459348#p459348 - Total Commander shows 9.41 k
- Alt+Enter shows: 9.41 KB (9'645 Bytes)
This is on Windows 11, and as you can see, the Properties dialog (Alt+Enter) clearly uses binary 1024 multipliers.]]>
- Total Commander shows 9.41 k
- Alt+Enter shows: 9.41 KB (9'645 Bytes)
This is on Windows 11, and as you can see, the Properties dialog (Alt+Enter) clearly uses binary 1024 multipliers.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: [TC 11.03] Possible misconception in TC help for wincmd.ini :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-03T22:53:32+00:00 2024-09-03T22:53:32+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83687&p=459372#p459372 ghisler(Author)

Yes - I was thinking of drive space - try and right-click on the C: button in the drive button bar and choose "Properties" - you will see numbers that are pretty far from the values in TC's "Free space on drive" bar. If you then set SizeStyle1000=1 then the numbers will be much closer to each other]]>

Yes - I was thinking of drive space - try and right-click on the C: button in the drive button bar and choose "Properties" - you will see numbers that are pretty far from the values in TC's "Free space on drive" bar. If you then set SizeStyle1000=1 then the numbers will be much closer to each other]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: [TC 11.03] Possible misconception in TC help for wincmd.ini :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-05T17:20:14+00:00 2024-09-05T17:20:14+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83687&p=459441#p459441 That's what I see here:

Code: Select all

Difference/Bytes     ADMINISTRATOR + HS files*	Available Free Disk Size (330 GB) - drive C:
         225 280     with    SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows LESS free space than Explorer
	 376 832     without SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows MORE free space than Explorer
       2 666 496     with    SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows LESS free space than Explorer
	  20 480     without SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows MORE free space than Explorer

Code: Select all

Difference/Bytes     USER + HS files*		Available Free Disk Size (330 GB) - drive C:
          65 536     with    SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows MORE free space than Explorer
	   4 096     without SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows MORE free space than Explorer

Code: Select all

*  ✅ Show hidden files
   ✅ Show system files
2024-09-05_wincmd.ini - SizeStyle1000 - 1_83687_ADMIN.png
2024-09-05_wincmd.ini - SizeStyle1000 - 1_83687_USER_without Admin.pngt

The values for drive C: have changed continuously (even with the Internet switched off).
For this reason, I have endeavoured to make the hard copies as quickly as possible.
That was certainly one of the reasons why, in my view, there were minor differences.

With a total ‘free memory’ of 330 GB, these differences between Total Commander and
Windows Explorer are negligible for me and I stick to the default setting, i.e.
NO entry in wincmd.ini [Configuration] of SizeStyle1000=1

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4112) | TC 11.03 x64]]>
That's what I see here:

Code: Select all

Difference/Bytes     ADMINISTRATOR + HS files*	Available Free Disk Size (330 GB) - drive C:
         225 280     with    SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows LESS free space than Explorer
	 376 832     without SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows MORE free space than Explorer
       2 666 496     with    SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows LESS free space than Explorer
	  20 480     without SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows MORE free space than Explorer

Code: Select all

Difference/Bytes     USER + HS files*		Available Free Disk Size (330 GB) - drive C:
          65 536     with    SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows MORE free space than Explorer
	   4 096     without SizeStyle1000=1	Total Commander shows MORE free space than Explorer

Code: Select all

*  ✅ Show hidden files
   ✅ Show system files
2024-09-05_wincmd.ini - SizeStyle1000 - 1_83687_ADMIN.png
2024-09-05_wincmd.ini - SizeStyle1000 - 1_83687_USER_without Admin.pngt

The values for drive C: have changed continuously (even with the Internet switched off).
For this reason, I have endeavoured to make the hard copies as quickly as possible.
That was certainly one of the reasons why, in my view, there were minor differences.

With a total ‘free memory’ of 330 GB, these differences between Total Commander and
Windows Explorer are negligible for me and I stick to the default setting, i.e.
NO entry in wincmd.ini [Configuration] of SizeStyle1000=1

Windows 11 Pro (x64) Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.4112) | TC 11.03 x64]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: [TC 11.03] Possible misconception in TC help for wincmd.ini :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-06T16:54:05+00:00 2024-09-06T16:54:05+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83687&p=459486#p459486 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: [TC 11.03] Possible misconception in TC help for wincmd.ini :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-06T17:50:55+00:00 2024-09-06T17:50:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83687&p=459490#p459490
ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-06, 16:54 UTC I cannot reproduce that. What size format do you use for headers/footers (Configuration - Options - Tabstops/Data Formats?
I'm not sure if you are referring to me.

I have the following settings:
- Header/footer: bytes
- Size display:  bytes]]>
ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-06, 16:54 UTC I cannot reproduce that. What size format do you use for headers/footers (Configuration - Options - Tabstops/Data Formats?
I'm not sure if you are referring to me.

I have the following settings:
- Header/footer: bytes
- Size display:  bytes]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: [TC 11.03] Possible misconception in TC help for wincmd.ini :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-06T23:02:57+00:00 2024-09-06T23:02:57+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83687&p=459492#p459492
What size format do you use for headers/footers (Configuration - Options - Tabstops/Data Formats?
If you are asking me: kbytes


This is on Windows 10, and can also be reproduced with a fresh ini-file.

There is almost a 12 Gb difference (out of 490 Gb) between the Capacity reported by Windows and TC when using SizeStyle1000=0

If I set SizeStyle1000=1 and SizeFooter=1 I get exactly the same disk capacity in TC as in Windows properties.]]>
What size format do you use for headers/footers (Configuration - Options - Tabstops/Data Formats?
If you are asking me: kbytes


This is on Windows 10, and can also be reproduced with a fresh ini-file.

There is almost a 12 Gb difference (out of 490 Gb) between the Capacity reported by Windows and TC when using SizeStyle1000=0

If I set SizeStyle1000=1 and SizeFooter=1 I get exactly the same disk capacity in TC as in Windows properties.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: [TC 11.03] Possible misconception in TC help for wincmd.ini :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-06T23:59:03+00:00 2024-09-06T23:59:03+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83687&p=459493#p459493 petermad
I don't see a problem here and certainly no missing gigabytes. Your picture with SizeStyle1000=0 shows 478,869,764 KiB - that's Kibibytes. Multiplying that number with 1024 gets bytes, and the resulting number matches the number shown in the Windows properties window exactly (490,362,638,336 bytes).

With SizeStyle1000=1 the number of bytes is divided by 1000 to get KB (no Kibibytes in this case). The 490,362,638,336 from Windows properties dialog divided by 1000 is 490,362,638 which TC shows. Note that the number in TC is three digits shorter because the unit is KB instead of bytes.]]>
I don't see a problem here and certainly no missing gigabytes. Your picture with SizeStyle1000=0 shows 478,869,764 KiB - that's Kibibytes. Multiplying that number with 1024 gets bytes, and the resulting number matches the number shown in the Windows properties window exactly (490,362,638,336 bytes).

With SizeStyle1000=1 the number of bytes is divided by 1000 to get KB (no Kibibytes in this case). The 490,362,638,336 from Windows properties dialog divided by 1000 is 490,362,638 which TC shows. Note that the number in TC is three digits shorter because the unit is KB instead of bytes.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: [TC 11.03] Possible misconception in TC help for wincmd.ini :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-07T10:50:07+00:00 2024-09-07T10:50:07+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83687&p=459501#p459501 Unit Converter (German) -> Byte (B): 490362638336 <enter>]]> Unit Converter (German) -> Byte (B): 490362638336 <enter>]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: [TC 11.03] Possible misconception in TC help for wincmd.ini :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-07T12:11:42+00:00 2024-09-07T12:11:42+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83687&p=459502#p459502 Dalai

You are right :oops: , I was erroneously comparing TC's header set to kbytes with Windows' properties bytes - when I set TC to show x.k/M/G and use SizeStyle1000=0 I get the same size in G as the GB shown in Windows' properties.

Moderator message from: petermad » 2024-09-07, 12:08 UTC

Moved to "Total Commander (English)" from "TC11.x bug reports (English)"

You are right :oops: , I was erroneously comparing TC's header set to kbytes with Windows' properties bytes - when I set TC to show x.k/M/G and use SizeStyle1000=0 I get the same size in G as the GB shown in Windows' properties.

Moderator message from: petermad » 2024-09-07, 12:08 UTC

Moved to "Total Commander (English)" from "TC11.x bug reports (English)"
<![CDATA[Eng :: Copy multiple folders with files without subfolders :: Author rockberto]]> 2024-09-02T16:21:41+00:00 2024-09-02T16:21:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83700&p=459331#p459331 is there a way to copy files (even if they are contained in subfolders) without the folder structure, manteining each parent folder?
For example I have a folder called "DEEP PURPLE IN ROCK" that contains a subfolder called "MEDIA" and inside the subfolder there are files like image.cue and image.flac
I would like to copy only the folder "DEEP PURPLE IN ROCK" and the two files without maintaining the structure, basically I would like the files to go into the main folder and the "MEDIA" folder to disappear.
The solution I use is a bit long: first I compress all the folders with winrar and then I unzip them with some parameters that remove the subfolders and keep only the files. But it becomes a very long procedure when there are many folders and you have to do it in two steps. It would be more useful to do it in one step.
Thanks in advance]]>
is there a way to copy files (even if they are contained in subfolders) without the folder structure, manteining each parent folder?
For example I have a folder called "DEEP PURPLE IN ROCK" that contains a subfolder called "MEDIA" and inside the subfolder there are files like image.cue and image.flac
I would like to copy only the folder "DEEP PURPLE IN ROCK" and the two files without maintaining the structure, basically I would like the files to go into the main folder and the "MEDIA" folder to disappear.
The solution I use is a bit long: first I compress all the folders with winrar and then I unzip them with some parameters that remove the subfolders and keep only the files. But it becomes a very long procedure when there are many folders and you have to do it in two steps. It would be more useful to do it in one step.
Thanks in advance]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Copy multiple folders with files without subfolders :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-02T22:39:47+00:00 2024-09-02T22:39:47+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83700&p=459337#p459337 Only files of this type" to:

Code: Select all

Only files of this type" to:

Code: Select all

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Copy multiple folders with files without subfolders :: Reply by rockberto]]> 2024-09-03T07:27:38+00:00 2024-09-03T07:27:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83700&p=459344#p459344 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Copy multiple folders with files without subfolders :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-03T10:00:13+00:00 2024-09-03T10:00:13+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83700&p=459347#p459347 You will still need to create the subfolders to which you want to copy. You can do this by placing the cursor on a folder, then press Shift+F7 to create a folder with the same name in the target panel.

To use branch view for a single folder, do the following:
1. Select the folder(s)
2. Press Ctrl+Shift+B
3. Select the files, e.g. with Ctrl+A
4. Press F5 to copy and uncheck the option to keep relative paths]]>
You will still need to create the subfolders to which you want to copy. You can do this by placing the cursor on a folder, then press Shift+F7 to create a folder with the same name in the target panel.

To use branch view for a single folder, do the following:
1. Select the folder(s)
2. Press Ctrl+Shift+B
3. Select the files, e.g. with Ctrl+A
4. Press F5 to copy and uncheck the option to keep relative paths]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Copy multiple folders with files without subfolders :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-03T22:27:11+00:00 2024-09-03T22:27:11+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83700&p=459370#p459370 rockberto
the problem is that I have many parent folders to copy and the subfolders inside them have different names. I would like to copy with a single command all the parent folders with the relative files inside but without the structure of the subfolders.
If it is a limited number of diffrent subfolder names, you could still use the approach:

For example set "Only files of this type" to:

Code: Select all

*|MEDIA\ foldername1\ foldername2\ foldername3\ foldername4\
Otherwise you could use Find files and set "Search in subdirectories" to 1 level(s) - Then Feed to listbox, mark the file but not the folders - and copy with the "Keep relative paths (relative to the current directory)" enabled - You will then get your folders copied without subfolders - but they will be placed in a folder with the name of the folder you are in when you start the Search - so you have to move the subfolders from the that folder to your final destination - so it is a 3 stage operation - but still much easier than your archive packing approach.

You can avoid the drive letter in the folder name by placing RelativePathCopy=8 in the [Configuration] section of your wincmd.ini file]]>
the problem is that I have many parent folders to copy and the subfolders inside them have different names. I would like to copy with a single command all the parent folders with the relative files inside but without the structure of the subfolders.
If it is a limited number of diffrent subfolder names, you could still use the approach:

For example set "Only files of this type" to:

Code: Select all

*|MEDIA\ foldername1\ foldername2\ foldername3\ foldername4\
Otherwise you could use Find files and set "Search in subdirectories" to 1 level(s) - Then Feed to listbox, mark the file but not the folders - and copy with the "Keep relative paths (relative to the current directory)" enabled - You will then get your folders copied without subfolders - but they will be placed in a folder with the name of the folder you are in when you start the Search - so you have to move the subfolders from the that folder to your final destination - so it is a 3 stage operation - but still much easier than your archive packing approach.

You can avoid the drive letter in the folder name by placing RelativePathCopy=8 in the [Configuration] section of your wincmd.ini file]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Copy multiple folders with files without subfolders :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-04T19:56:07+00:00 2024-09-04T19:56:07+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83700&p=459385#p459385 rockberto
Try this *.bat for a button or em_:

Code: Select all

::    Purpose: Copy selected dirs with found files without structure
:: Parameters: %F <target dir\> <file masks>
::    Example: %F "%T" "file name.ext" name.txt *.jpg *.pdf
::  Condition: empty start path in a button or custom command
@echo off&if "%1" lss "3" exit
set n=&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f tokens^=2* %%o in ('echo %*') do set "p=%%p"
for /f tokens^=*  %%d in ('^<%1 more') do (
   if exist "%%d\" (
      pushd "%%d"
      for /f tokens^=* %%# in ('dir/a-d/b/s !p!') do (
         call:loop "%~2%%~d%%~n#" %%~x#
         echo f|>nul xcopy /chikqry "%%#" "!f!"

set "f=%~1!n!%2"
if exist "!f!" (
   set /a c+=1&set n=_!c!
   goto loop
) else set c=&set n=
Try this *.bat for a button or em_:

Code: Select all

::    Purpose: Copy selected dirs with found files without structure
:: Parameters: %F <target dir\> <file masks>
::    Example: %F "%T" "file name.ext" name.txt *.jpg *.pdf
::  Condition: empty start path in a button or custom command
@echo off&if "%1" lss "3" exit
set n=&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f tokens^=2* %%o in ('echo %*') do set "p=%%p"
for /f tokens^=*  %%d in ('^<%1 more') do (
   if exist "%%d\" (
      pushd "%%d"
      for /f tokens^=* %%# in ('dir/a-d/b/s !p!') do (
         call:loop "%~2%%~d%%~n#" %%~x#
         echo f|>nul xcopy /chikqry "%%#" "!f!"

set "f=%~1!n!%2"
if exist "!f!" (
   set /a c+=1&set n=_!c!
   goto loop
) else set c=&set n=
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Copy multiple folders with files without subfolders :: Reply by rockberto]]> 2024-09-07T21:56:36+00:00 2024-09-07T21:56:36+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83700&p=459515#p459515 I copied the code into a .bat file, the difficulty now is how to use it inside total commander! :(]]> I copied the code into a .bat file, the difficulty now is how to use it inside total commander! :(]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Copy multiple folders with files without subfolders :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-07T22:06:53+00:00 2024-09-07T22:06:53+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83700&p=459517#p459517
rockberto wrote: 2024-09-07, 21:56 UTC the difficulty now is how to use it inside total commander! :(
Nothing difficult: drag to the button bar and follow the description.]]>
rockberto wrote: 2024-09-07, 21:56 UTC the difficulty now is how to use it inside total commander! :(
Nothing difficult: drag to the button bar and follow the description.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: open folder window in explorer :: Reply by ootoo]]> 2024-09-07T16:18:29+00:00 2024-09-07T16:18:29+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26751&p=459511#p459511 Parameters: %P

This command will open countless resource managers in the process. Each resource manager occupies 70M of memory and will not exit.
He does not open the current directory of TC in the only resource manager.
Instead, reopen a resource manager. You can open as many resource managers as you want. This is how I do it on win11.]]>
Parameters: %P

This command will open countless resource managers in the process. Each resource manager occupies 70M of memory and will not exit.
He does not open the current directory of TC in the only resource manager.
Instead, reopen a resource manager. You can open as many resource managers as you want. This is how I do it on win11.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: open folder window in explorer :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-07T18:14:13+00:00 2024-09-08T00:04:30+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26751&p=459512#p459512 ootoo
Run from cmd:

Code: Select all

reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /f /v SeparateProcess /d 0
gpupdate /force
And use this scheme:
Command: rundll32.exe url.dll, OpenURL
Parameters: "%P" (or %P%N, if you want the system to open a folder or file under the cursor)]]>
Run from cmd:

Code: Select all

reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /f /v SeparateProcess /d 0
gpupdate /force
And use this scheme:
Command: rundll32.exe url.dll, OpenURL
Parameters: "%P" (or %P%N, if you want the system to open a folder or file under the cursor)]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: open folder window in explorer :: Reply by ootoo]]> 2024-09-07T23:10:14+00:00 2024-09-07T23:10:14+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26751&p=459519#p459519
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-07, 18:14 UTC 2ootoo
Run from cmd:

Code: Select all

reg /add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /f /v SeparateProcess /d 0
 gpupdate /force
And use this scheme:
Command: rundll32.exe url.dll, OpenURL
Parameters: "%P" [color=#BFBFF](or[/color] %P%N, if you want the system to open a folder or file under the cursor)

The first code reg /add HKCU cannot be used,
The second method is perfect, thank you]]>
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-07, 18:14 UTC 2ootoo
Run from cmd:

Code: Select all

reg /add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /f /v SeparateProcess /d 0
 gpupdate /force
And use this scheme:
Command: rundll32.exe url.dll, OpenURL
Parameters: "%P" [color=#BFBFF](or[/color] %P%N, if you want the system to open a folder or file under the cursor)

The first code reg /add HKCU cannot be used,
The second method is perfect, thank you]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: open folder window in explorer :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-08T00:05:28+00:00 2024-09-08T00:05:28+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26751&p=459520#p459520
ootoo wrote: 2024-09-07, 23:10 UTC The first code reg /add HKCU cannot be used
I forgot to remove the slash before add. Fixed.]]>
ootoo wrote: 2024-09-07, 23:10 UTC The first code reg /add HKCU cannot be used
I forgot to remove the slash before add. Fixed.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: RegEx available in "Find" (Ctl-F) command in two-pane text comparison ? :: Author Hammillian7]]> 2024-09-06T17:40:34+00:00 2024-09-06T17:40:34+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83735&p=459489#p459489
Pressing Ctl-F, when watching the comparison of two text files, each one in one pane, the search dialog window appears, the "Help" button says that Regular Expressions are supported, but the dialog doesn't offer the "RegEx" option. Is there any way of using RegEx's for the text search, please?

I'm using Version 9.51 now.

An example of the syntax by showing the introduced text?]]>

Pressing Ctl-F, when watching the comparison of two text files, each one in one pane, the search dialog window appears, the "Help" button says that Regular Expressions are supported, but the dialog doesn't offer the "RegEx" option. Is there any way of using RegEx's for the text search, please?

I'm using Version 9.51 now.

An example of the syntax by showing the introduced text?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: RegEx available in "Find" (Ctl-F) command in two-pane text comparison ? :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-06T18:00:47+00:00 2024-09-06T18:00:47+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83735&p=459491#p459491
As a workaround you might be able to use a dedicated editor like Notepad++ which supports such a thing (via a plugin AFAIK). Or use WinMerge which also seems to support RegEx in its search. An external comparison tool can even be used in place of TC's internal one via

Code: Select all


As a workaround you might be able to use a dedicated editor like Notepad++ which supports such a thing (via a plugin AFAIK). Or use WinMerge which also seems to support RegEx in its search. An external comparison tool can even be used in place of TC's internal one via

Code: Select all

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: RegEx available in "Find" (Ctl-F) command in two-pane text comparison ? :: Reply by Hammillian7]]> 2024-09-08T05:47:54+00:00 2024-09-08T05:47:54+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83735&p=459523#p459523
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-06, 18:00 UTC The help page opened in this dialog is the same as the one opened via Lister's Find dialog. The RegEx support applies to the latter.

As a workaround you might be able to use a dedicated editor like Notepad++ which supports such a thing (via a plugin AFAIK). Or use WinMerge which also seems to support RegEx in its search. An external comparison tool can even be used in place of TC's internal one via

Code: Select all

Thanks, Dalai.

Do you mean Notepad++ within the 2-pane comparison? (for searching in individual file, I may already use the TC Lister).

Good idea using an external tool supporting RegEx and thanks for the info on how to configure it !]]>
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-06, 18:00 UTC The help page opened in this dialog is the same as the one opened via Lister's Find dialog. The RegEx support applies to the latter.

As a workaround you might be able to use a dedicated editor like Notepad++ which supports such a thing (via a plugin AFAIK). Or use WinMerge which also seems to support RegEx in its search. An external comparison tool can even be used in place of TC's internal one via

Code: Select all

Thanks, Dalai.

Do you mean Notepad++ within the 2-pane comparison? (for searching in individual file, I may already use the TC Lister).

Good idea using an external tool supporting RegEx and thanks for the info on how to configure it !]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: RegEx available in "Find" (Ctl-F) command in two-pane text comparison ? :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-08T10:47:37+00:00 2024-09-08T10:47:37+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83735&p=459526#p459526
Hammillian7 wrote: 2024-09-08, 05:47 UTCDo you mean Notepad++ within the 2-pane comparison?
No, I mean regular Notepad++ that can be extended via a plugin to have a similar comparison feature.]]>
Hammillian7 wrote: 2024-09-08, 05:47 UTCDo you mean Notepad++ within the 2-pane comparison?
No, I mean regular Notepad++ that can be extended via a plugin to have a similar comparison feature.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: EXT4 driver gives Error 0x800700FE on some files, :: Author HWAHKBERG]]> 2024-09-05T19:07:40+00:00 2024-09-05T19:07:40+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83724&p=459444#p459444 OMV is currently not so fond of recognizing it, so I have taken it out and connected it to my Win10 PC.
I'm using a EXT2/3/4 driver called "EX2 Volume Manager" which can mount the drive as a drive letter.

Most file copy runs smoothly but now and then i get A popup
"Error, Cannot write xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"Please remove the write protection"
"The specified extended attribute name was invalid"
BTW, Copy/paste in explorer gives the same error.

I understand the problem as the EXT4 attribute is not supported on NTFS so tell the user,

When reading the file with whatever tool capable of displaying it, no problem is reported.
(E.G. TC F3 works fine for a .JPG file, also a video file could be loaded in e.g. Avidemux and saved to the new location (without re-coding it) without problems.)

I also learned the TC ZIP can store a zip on the destination without issues. (Cumbersome, but doable)
  • 1) Is there a way to to tell TC queue copy [F2] function to disregard files with the above "problem"?
  • 2) Is there a smarter function than ZIP that would do the same?
When bulk copying I have set the overwrite to "3 skip all" and have checked "Skip all which cannot be opened for reading"

Best solution would be a way to tell TC to disregard extended attributes that is not supported on the destination, like ZIP does :-)

Ideas are be appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Henrik.]]>
OMV is currently not so fond of recognizing it, so I have taken it out and connected it to my Win10 PC.
I'm using a EXT2/3/4 driver called "EX2 Volume Manager" which can mount the drive as a drive letter.

Most file copy runs smoothly but now and then i get A popup
"Error, Cannot write xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"Please remove the write protection"
"The specified extended attribute name was invalid"
BTW, Copy/paste in explorer gives the same error.

I understand the problem as the EXT4 attribute is not supported on NTFS so tell the user,

When reading the file with whatever tool capable of displaying it, no problem is reported.
(E.G. TC F3 works fine for a .JPG file, also a video file could be loaded in e.g. Avidemux and saved to the new location (without re-coding it) without problems.)

I also learned the TC ZIP can store a zip on the destination without issues. (Cumbersome, but doable)
  • 1) Is there a way to to tell TC queue copy [F2] function to disregard files with the above "problem"?
  • 2) Is there a smarter function than ZIP that would do the same?
When bulk copying I have set the overwrite to "3 skip all" and have checked "Skip all which cannot be opened for reading"

Best solution would be a way to tell TC to disregard extended attributes that is not supported on the destination, like ZIP does :-)

Ideas are be appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Henrik.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: EXT4 driver gives Error 0x800700FE on some files, :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-06T11:28:52+00:00 2024-09-06T11:28:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83724&p=459467#p459467
Is there a smarter function than ZIP that would do the same?
Maybe you could first (temporarily) copy the files to a FAT partition...]]>
Is there a smarter function than ZIP that would do the same?
Maybe you could first (temporarily) copy the files to a FAT partition...]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: EXT4 driver gives Error 0x800700FE on some files, :: Reply by HWAHKBERG]]> 2024-09-08T20:34:59+00:00 2024-09-08T20:34:59+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83724&p=459537#p459537 That idea about using a FAT partition indeed worked :D
But still prefer not to that detour around a FAT partition for the majority of files without this problem, so it would be good if a tweak exists to let TC skip those "non copy-able" without further ado than (possibly) marking it in the log.

Thank you.]]>
That idea about using a FAT partition indeed worked :D
But still prefer not to that detour around a FAT partition for the majority of files without this problem, so it would be good if a tweak exists to let TC skip those "non copy-able" without further ado than (possibly) marking it in the log.

Thank you.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: [solved] Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Author azumanga]]> 2024-09-08T03:37:25+00:00 2024-09-09T09:53:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459521#p459521 Is there a shortcut I'm missing? I can't find anything in the command line keyboard shortcuts in Help so I'm a little stumped.]]> Is there a shortcut I'm missing? I can't find anything in the command line keyboard shortcuts in Help so I'm a little stumped.]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by nsp]]> 2024-09-08T04:59:18+00:00 2024-09-08T04:59:18+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459522#p459522 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-08T08:11:55+00:00 2024-09-08T08:11:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459525#p459525 azumanga
If you enter a directory path in the command line and press enter that directory will be opened in Windows Explorer.

What do you mean when you say that the directory "appears" on the left? - Do you mean that the panel on the left goes into that directory, or that it places the cursor on that directory if it is on the list? Or do you mean that the directory is created one the left side?

And what is it exactly you want to accomplish.

If you want to jump to a directory via the command line, you have to precede the directory path with cd: like cd c:\windows and the directory will be opened in the side that was active before you started typing in the command line]]>
If you enter a directory path in the command line and press enter that directory will be opened in Windows Explorer.

What do you mean when you say that the directory "appears" on the left? - Do you mean that the panel on the left goes into that directory, or that it places the cursor on that directory if it is on the list? Or do you mean that the directory is created one the left side?

And what is it exactly you want to accomplish.

If you want to jump to a directory via the command line, you have to precede the directory path with cd: like cd c:\windows and the directory will be opened in the side that was active before you started typing in the command line]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by azumanga]]> 2024-09-08T11:45:36+00:00 2024-09-08T11:45:36+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459528#p459528
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 08:11 UTC 2azumanga
If you enter a directory path in the command line and press enter that directory will be opened in Windows Explorer.

What do you mean when you say that the directory "appears" on the left? - Do you mean that the panel on the left goes into that directory, or that it places the cursor on that directory if it is on the list? Or do you mean that the directory is created one the left side?
In the little command line thing under the two file windows that allows you to quickly go to any directory. not the command prompt if thats what you are thinking of.
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 08:11 UTC And what is it exactly you want to accomplish.
What I'm trying to accomplish is being able to change the directory via this command line in the right file window. No matter what I do I can only change it in the left file window, unless I'm missing something in the Help index.
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 08:11 UTC If you want to jump to a directory via the command line, you have to precede the directory path with cd: like cd c:\windows and the directory will be opened in the side that was active before you started typing in the command line
I think thats done internally? unless you're refering to the command prompt.

I can try and create a gif to explain it to you visually if this doesn't clear things]]>
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 08:11 UTC 2azumanga
If you enter a directory path in the command line and press enter that directory will be opened in Windows Explorer.

What do you mean when you say that the directory "appears" on the left? - Do you mean that the panel on the left goes into that directory, or that it places the cursor on that directory if it is on the list? Or do you mean that the directory is created one the left side?
In the little command line thing under the two file windows that allows you to quickly go to any directory. not the command prompt if thats what you are thinking of.
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 08:11 UTC And what is it exactly you want to accomplish.
What I'm trying to accomplish is being able to change the directory via this command line in the right file window. No matter what I do I can only change it in the left file window, unless I'm missing something in the Help index.
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 08:11 UTC If you want to jump to a directory via the command line, you have to precede the directory path with cd: like cd c:\windows and the directory will be opened in the side that was active before you started typing in the command line
I think thats done internally? unless you're refering to the command prompt.

I can try and create a gif to explain it to you visually if this doesn't clear things]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-08T12:29:24+00:00 2024-09-08T12:29:24+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459530#p459530
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 11:45 UTC In the little command line thing under the two file windows that allows you to quickly go to any directory. not the command prompt if thats what you are thinking of.
The purpose of the little command line thing is not to quickly go to any directory, it's to execute commands. If you want to change directory, you need to use the cd command as explained by petermad.
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 11:45 UTC
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 08:11 UTC If you want to jump to a directory via the command line, you have to precede the directory path with cd: like cd c:\windows and the directory will be opened in the side that was active before you started typing in the command line
I think thats done internally?
Not it's not done internally, you have to type the cd command.
It's possible though, that you changed the Windows registry to open a directory in Total Commander when you execute a directory. That may be why the left panel always changes. Is that the case?]]>
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 11:45 UTC In the little command line thing under the two file windows that allows you to quickly go to any directory. not the command prompt if thats what you are thinking of.
The purpose of the little command line thing is not to quickly go to any directory, it's to execute commands. If you want to change directory, you need to use the cd command as explained by petermad.
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 11:45 UTC
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 08:11 UTC If you want to jump to a directory via the command line, you have to precede the directory path with cd: like cd c:\windows and the directory will be opened in the side that was active before you started typing in the command line
I think thats done internally?
Not it's not done internally, you have to type the cd command.
It's possible though, that you changed the Windows registry to open a directory in Total Commander when you execute a directory. That may be why the left panel always changes. Is that the case?]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-08T12:45:50+00:00 2024-09-08T12:45:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459531#p459531 azumanga,
white wrote: 2024-09-08, 12:29 UTC The purpose of the little command line thing is not to quickly go to any directory, it's to execute commands. If you want to change directory, you need to use the cd command as explained by petermad.
Or you can use the little path showing thingy above each of the two file windows to quickly go to any directory by entering a path.

white wrote: 2024-09-08, 12:29 UTC The purpose of the little command line thing is not to quickly go to any directory, it's to execute commands. If you want to change directory, you need to use the cd command as explained by petermad.
Or you can use the little path showing thingy above each of the two file windows to quickly go to any directory by entering a path.

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-08T19:22:38+00:00 2024-09-08T19:22:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459533#p459533 azumanga is maybe referring to the Quick search dialog when he is talking about the Command line.

See: https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/commandline1.png

If in doubt of the terminology see the Help: https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/commandline2.png

azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 11:45 UTCI can try and create a gif to explain it to you visually if this doesn't clear things
Yes please]]>
azumanga is maybe referring to the Quick search dialog when he is talking about the Command line.

See: https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/commandline1.png

If in doubt of the terminology see the Help: https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/commandline2.png

azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 11:45 UTCI can try and create a gif to explain it to you visually if this doesn't clear things
Yes please]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by azumanga]]> 2024-09-08T20:14:33+00:00 2024-09-08T20:14:33+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459535#p459535
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 19:22 UTC I think azumanga is maybe referring to the Quick search dialog when he is talking about the Command line.

See: https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/commandline1.png

If in doubt of the terminology see the Help: https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/commandline2.png
I am referring to the command line in the image you sent.
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 19:22 UTC
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 11:45 UTCI can try and create a gif to explain it to you visually if this doesn't clear things
Yes please
Image: https://i.imgur.com/tNWlUDw.gif
white wrote: 2024-09-08, 12:29 UTC The purpose of the little command line thing is not to quickly go to any directory, it's to execute commands. If you want to change directory, you need to use the cd command as explained by petermad.
Is the command line really for executing commands? I merely thought it was some sort of way to quickly cd to directories, in that case my mistake.]]>
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 19:22 UTC I think azumanga is maybe referring to the Quick search dialog when he is talking about the Command line.

See: https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/commandline1.png

If in doubt of the terminology see the Help: https://tcmd.madsenworld.dk/commandline2.png
I am referring to the command line in the image you sent.
petermad wrote: 2024-09-08, 19:22 UTC
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 11:45 UTCI can try and create a gif to explain it to you visually if this doesn't clear things
Yes please
Image: https://i.imgur.com/tNWlUDw.gif
white wrote: 2024-09-08, 12:29 UTC The purpose of the little command line thing is not to quickly go to any directory, it's to execute commands. If you want to change directory, you need to use the cd command as explained by petermad.
Is the command line really for executing commands? I merely thought it was some sort of way to quickly cd to directories, in that case my mistake.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-08T20:29:16+00:00 2024-09-08T20:29:16+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459536#p459536
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 20:14 UTCIs the command line really for executing commands? I merely thought it was some sort of way to quickly cd to directories [...]
It can be used for both. There are several other ways to quickly navigate to other directories: directory hotlist (Ctrl+D), breadcrumb bar, directory history (Alt+Down), button bar and so on. Some of these can also be used to execute commands.]]>
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 20:14 UTCIs the command line really for executing commands? I merely thought it was some sort of way to quickly cd to directories [...]
It can be used for both. There are several other ways to quickly navigate to other directories: directory hotlist (Ctrl+D), breadcrumb bar, directory history (Alt+Down), button bar and so on. Some of these can also be used to execute commands.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-08T20:39:06+00:00 2024-09-08T20:39:06+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459538#p459538

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files"
will make TC open an Explorer window with that directory.

Code: Select all

cd "C:\Program Files"
will make TC open that directory in the active TC panel.

Since your GIF clearly shows that the former opens the directory in TC, the only conclusion I can make is that you've probably modified Windows Registry to make the system open directories in TC. This is what gets in the way of opening the directory typed in TC's right hand side panel. You can work around this by using the latter command form (with the preceding "cd ").]]>

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files"
will make TC open an Explorer window with that directory.

Code: Select all

cd "C:\Program Files"
will make TC open that directory in the active TC panel.

Since your GIF clearly shows that the former opens the directory in TC, the only conclusion I can make is that you've probably modified Windows Registry to make the system open directories in TC. This is what gets in the way of opening the directory typed in TC's right hand side panel. You can work around this by using the latter command form (with the preceding "cd ").]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by azumanga]]> 2024-09-08T20:48:27+00:00 2024-09-08T20:48:27+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459539#p459539
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-08, 20:39 UTC Since your GIF clearly shows that the former opens the directory in TC, the only conclusion I can make is that you've probably modified Windows Registry to make the system open directories in TC. This is what gets in the way of opening the directory typed in TC's right hand side panel. You can work around this by using the latter command form (with the preceding "cd ").
Yes this is what I did. I changed the registry after downloading TC so that it opens in TC instead.
the cd command you sent seems to behave as I expected. I will try using that from now on if there isn't a way to fix it without reverting the registry changes.]]>
Dalai wrote: 2024-09-08, 20:39 UTC Since your GIF clearly shows that the former opens the directory in TC, the only conclusion I can make is that you've probably modified Windows Registry to make the system open directories in TC. This is what gets in the way of opening the directory typed in TC's right hand side panel. You can work around this by using the latter command form (with the preceding "cd ").
Yes this is what I did. I changed the registry after downloading TC so that it opens in TC instead.
the cd command you sent seems to behave as I expected. I will try using that from now on if there isn't a way to fix it without reverting the registry changes.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-08T20:49:33+00:00 2024-09-08T20:49:33+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459540#p459540
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 20:14 UTC Is the command line really for executing commands? I merely thought it was some sort of way to quickly cd to directories, in that case my mistake.
Yes really. That's why it is called Command line. :)
To type in a directory you would normally click behind the path just above the file panel. Or put the cursor on the ".." entry and press Shift+F6. Or click the path above the file panel (or press Alt+F11 or Alt+F12) and then press Shift+F6. Or assign a hotkey or button to the command cm_EditPath and use that.

But executing a folder would normally open Windows Explorer, so it seems your Windows registry settings were altered to use Total Commander instead. If that is the case, the parameter /S should be added to open the directory in the source panel rather than the left panel.]]>
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 20:14 UTC Is the command line really for executing commands? I merely thought it was some sort of way to quickly cd to directories, in that case my mistake.
Yes really. That's why it is called Command line. :)
To type in a directory you would normally click behind the path just above the file panel. Or put the cursor on the ".." entry and press Shift+F6. Or click the path above the file panel (or press Alt+F11 or Alt+F12) and then press Shift+F6. Or assign a hotkey or button to the command cm_EditPath and use that.

But executing a folder would normally open Windows Explorer, so it seems your Windows registry settings were altered to use Total Commander instead. If that is the case, the parameter /S should be added to open the directory in the source panel rather than the left panel.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Command line only working in Left-side directory :: Reply by azumanga]]> 2024-09-08T20:56:05+00:00 2024-09-08T20:56:05+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83741&p=459541#p459541
white wrote: 2024-09-08, 20:49 UTC
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 20:14 UTC Is the command line really for executing commands? I merely thought it was some sort of way to quickly cd to directories, in that case my mistake.
Yes really. That's why it is called Command line. :)
To type in a directory you would normally click behind the path just above the file panel. Or put the cursor on the ".." entry and press Shift+F6. Or click the path above the file panel (or press Alt+F11 or Alt+F12) and then press Shift+F6. Or assign a hotkey or button to the command cm_EditPath and use that.
I didn't know you could that. hahaha....
It makes sense though, I'm just used to cd-ing directories in programs like Midnight commander via the command line. I guess I don't have to do that anymore :lol:
Thanks a bunch for the help though I really appreciate it]]>
white wrote: 2024-09-08, 20:49 UTC
azumanga wrote: 2024-09-08, 20:14 UTC Is the command line really for executing commands? I merely thought it was some sort of way to quickly cd to directories, in that case my mistake.
Yes really. That's why it is called Command line. :)
To type in a directory you would normally click behind the path just above the file panel. Or put the cursor on the ".." entry and press Shift+F6. Or click the path above the file panel (or press Alt+F11 or Alt+F12) and then press Shift+F6. Or assign a hotkey or button to the command cm_EditPath and use that.
I didn't know you could that. hahaha....
It makes sense though, I'm just used to cd-ing directories in programs like Midnight commander via the command line. I guess I don't have to do that anymore :lol:
Thanks a bunch for the help though I really appreciate it]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Hotlist folders shortcuts :: Reply by ebbelwoi]]> 2024-09-09T09:32:41+00:00 2024-09-09T09:32:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=47970&p=459551#p459551
one follow-up on the above replies, please: when having shortcuts structured in submenus, is it possible to quickly call an item within a submenu by just pressing CTRL+D and respective character?

Having this example:

-Set A
&1 item 1
&2 item 2
-Set B
&3 item 3
&4 item 4

...I want to be able to just hit CTRL+D and 1 to open item 1 under Set A. At the moment I am not able to, I have to press
1. CTRL-D,
2. select Set A
3. press nr. 1

Is it possible to get rid of step #2 in above sequence and go directly to an item in a submenu?
Thanks in advance for any hints!]]>

one follow-up on the above replies, please: when having shortcuts structured in submenus, is it possible to quickly call an item within a submenu by just pressing CTRL+D and respective character?

Having this example:

-Set A
&1 item 1
&2 item 2
-Set B
&3 item 3
&4 item 4

...I want to be able to just hit CTRL+D and 1 to open item 1 under Set A. At the moment I am not able to, I have to press
1. CTRL-D,
2. select Set A
3. press nr. 1

Is it possible to get rid of step #2 in above sequence and go directly to an item in a submenu?
Thanks in advance for any hints!]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Hotlist folders shortcuts :: Reply by nsp]]> 2024-09-09T13:10:38+00:00 2024-09-09T13:10:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=47970&p=459558#p459558 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Hotlist folders shortcuts :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-09T16:28:47+00:00 2024-09-09T16:28:47+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=47970&p=459597#p459597 <![CDATA[Eng :: scroll pdf page in irfanviewer option :: Author Hurdet]]> 2024-09-10T15:19:42+00:00 2024-09-10T15:19:42+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83759&p=459623#p459623 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: scroll pdf page in irfanviewer option :: Reply by Horst.Epp]]> 2024-09-10T15:36:28+00:00 2024-09-10T15:36:28+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83759&p=459624#p459624 But there is a good solution for this, use the TC IrfanView plugin 1.15.

Personally, I prefer the TC_SumatraPDF plugin to view PDF files.
But there is a good solution for this, use the TC IrfanView plugin 1.15.

Personally, I prefer the TC_SumatraPDF plugin to view PDF files.
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: WDX - Content Plugins // Inhaltsplugins: the most useful, sorted by file type :: Reply by brian]]> 2024-09-03T14:47:49+00:00 2024-09-03T14:47:49+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53043&p=459359#p459359
"plugin detect string error 1 at offset WMV"

I can OK out of it, but it's annoying.

It invariably happens after I start a new instance of WindowsCommander, and then I open the Search window... it then doesn't popup anymore until I start another instance.]]>
"plugin detect string error 1 at offset WMV"

I can OK out of it, but it's annoying.

It invariably happens after I start a new instance of WindowsCommander, and then I open the Search window... it then doesn't popup anymore until I start another instance.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: WDX - Content Plugins // Inhaltsplugins: the most useful, sorted by file type :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-03T15:31:11+00:00 2024-09-03T15:31:11+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53043&p=459363#p459363
In the [ContentPlugins] section, for example, I have the following entries (the line number will be different for you).
In column 187 (cursor position in an editor) there is the entry: EXT="WMV"
Please check this entry.

Code: Select all


In the [ContentPlugins] section, for example, I have the following entries (the line number will be different for you).
In column 187 (cursor position in an editor) there is the entry: EXT="WMV"
Please check this entry.

Code: Select all

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: WDX - Content Plugins // Inhaltsplugins: the most useful, sorted by file type :: Reply by brian]]> 2024-09-10T19:39:21+00:00 2024-09-10T19:39:21+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53043&p=459638#p459638 I used the QUOTE tags instead of the CODE tags to make the error, which I've colored red etc, ... visible
My code:
0_detect="EXT="AVI" | EXT="DIVX" | EXT="MPEG" | EXT="MPG" | EXT="ASF" | EXT="VOB" | EXT="MP1" | EXT="MP2" | EXT="MP3" | EXT="WAV" | EXT="AIFF" | EXT="OGG" | EXT="WMA" | EXT="MOV" | EXT="WMV" | EXT="AC3" | EXT="AU" | EXT="D2V" | EXT="RA""
1_detect="EXT="MP3" | EXT="MP2" | EXT="MP1" | EXT="OGG" | EXT="WMA" | EXT="WAV" | EXT="VQF" | EXT="AAC" | EXT="APE" | EXT="MPC" | EXT="FLAC" | EXT="CDA" | EXT="IT" | EXT="XM" | EXT="S3M" | EXT="MTM" | EXT="MOD" | EXT="UMX""
Your code:
I used the QUOTE tags instead of the CODE tags to make the error, which I've colored red etc, ... visible
My code:
0_detect="EXT="AVI" | EXT="DIVX" | EXT="MPEG" | EXT="MPG" | EXT="ASF" | EXT="VOB" | EXT="MP1" | EXT="MP2" | EXT="MP3" | EXT="WAV" | EXT="AIFF" | EXT="OGG" | EXT="WMA" | EXT="MOV" | EXT="WMV" | EXT="AC3" | EXT="AU" | EXT="D2V" | EXT="RA""
1_detect="EXT="MP3" | EXT="MP2" | EXT="MP1" | EXT="OGG" | EXT="WMA" | EXT="WAV" | EXT="VQF" | EXT="AAC" | EXT="APE" | EXT="MPC" | EXT="FLAC" | EXT="CDA" | EXT="IT" | EXT="XM" | EXT="S3M" | EXT="MTM" | EXT="MOD" | EXT="UMX""
Your code:
<![CDATA[Eng :: How to make a folder as a dropdown menu in Totalcmd :: Author huouer]]> 2024-09-09T03:52:00+00:00 2024-09-09T03:52:00+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83745&p=459545#p459545 Is there any other way to make it without an execution file?]]> Is there any other way to make it without an execution file?]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to make a folder as a dropdown menu in Totalcmd :: Reply by patxiku]]> 2024-09-09T08:07:21+00:00 2024-09-09T08:07:21+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83745&p=459549#p459549

<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to make a folder as a dropdown menu in Totalcmd :: Reply by huouer]]> 2024-09-10T05:13:48+00:00 2024-09-10T05:13:48+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83745&p=459608#p459608
patxiku wrote: 2024-09-09, 08:07 UTC Click on the path/breadcumb. It appears a thin button with an arrow down. If you click on it, it shows the forlders inside as a menu. See the linked image.

It is a good work around. Thank you. However, this way can only list all subfolders but not the files.]]>
patxiku wrote: 2024-09-09, 08:07 UTC Click on the path/breadcumb. It appears a thin button with an arrow down. If you click on it, it shows the forlders inside as a menu. See the linked image.

It is a good work around. Thank you. However, this way can only list all subfolders but not the files.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to make a folder as a dropdown menu in Totalcmd :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-10T09:23:16+00:00 2024-09-10T09:23:16+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83745&p=459612#p459612
If you want to display the contents of a folder in the opposite TC window with Ctrl+Q 'Quick View'
you could also use the Lister plugin (.WLX) ‘HtmlView’. In this case, folders and files are displayed in the preview.

See here.

If this plugin is used, it should be positioned high up if necessary because the plugins are processed from top to bottom.
In the ‘Lister plugins’ window, the arrows (up and down) are located to the left of the ‘Add’ button to change the order.]]>

If you want to display the contents of a folder in the opposite TC window with Ctrl+Q 'Quick View'
you could also use the Lister plugin (.WLX) ‘HtmlView’. In this case, folders and files are displayed in the preview.

See here.

If this plugin is used, it should be positioned high up if necessary because the plugins are processed from top to bottom.
In the ‘Lister plugins’ window, the arrows (up and down) are located to the left of the ‘Add’ button to change the order.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to make a folder as a dropdown menu in Totalcmd :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-09-10T13:30:52+00:00 2024-09-10T13:30:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83745&p=459620#p459620
huouer wrote: 2024-09-10, 05:13 UTC but not the files.
Breadcrumbs can only be associated with folders. And in any case, the files can overload such menus too much.
tuska wrote: 2024-09-10, 09:23 UTC If you want to display the contents of a folder in the opposite TC window with Ctrl+Q 'Quick View'
From the request and the title, it's obvious that he wants something completely different.]]>
huouer wrote: 2024-09-10, 05:13 UTC but not the files.
Breadcrumbs can only be associated with folders. And in any case, the files can overload such menus too much.
tuska wrote: 2024-09-10, 09:23 UTC If you want to display the contents of a folder in the opposite TC window with Ctrl+Q 'Quick View'
From the request and the title, it's obvious that he wants something completely different.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to make a folder as a dropdown menu in Totalcmd :: Reply by huouer]]> 2024-09-10T22:05:05+00:00 2024-09-10T22:05:05+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83745&p=459644#p459644
tuska wrote: 2024-09-10, 09:23 UTC Hi,

If you want to display the contents of a folder in the opposite TC window with Ctrl+Q 'Quick View'
you could also use the Lister plugin (.WLX) ‘HtmlView’. In this case, folders and files are displayed in the preview.

See here.

If this plugin is used, it should be positioned high up if necessary because the plugins are processed from top to bottom.
In the ‘Lister plugins’ window, the arrows (up and down) are located to the left of the ‘Add’ button to change the order.
I want to open the file from the dropdown menu.]]>
tuska wrote: 2024-09-10, 09:23 UTC Hi,

If you want to display the contents of a folder in the opposite TC window with Ctrl+Q 'Quick View'
you could also use the Lister plugin (.WLX) ‘HtmlView’. In this case, folders and files are displayed in the preview.

See here.

If this plugin is used, it should be positioned high up if necessary because the plugins are processed from top to bottom.
In the ‘Lister plugins’ window, the arrows (up and down) are located to the left of the ‘Add’ button to change the order.
I want to open the file from the dropdown menu.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to make a folder as a dropdown menu in Totalcmd :: Reply by huouer]]> 2024-09-10T22:09:12+00:00 2024-09-10T22:09:12+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83745&p=459645#p459645
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-10, 13:30 UTC Breadcrumbs can only be associated with folders. And in any case, the files can overload such menus too much.
Agree. It is too much for most folders.]]>
Fla$her wrote: 2024-09-10, 13:30 UTC Breadcrumbs can only be associated with folders. And in any case, the files can overload such menus too much.
Agree. It is too much for most folders.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to make a folder as a dropdown menu in Totalcmd :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-11T00:41:13+00:00 2024-09-11T00:41:13+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83745&p=459678#p459678 huouer
You can use TC's internal associations to open a button bar menu that you can choose when you right-click the folder

Set the full path to the folder with trailing \ as the file type
Set **path\file.bar as the Open action.

You will have to make the bar file yourself.]]>
You can use TC's internal associations to open a button bar menu that you can choose when you right-click the folder

Set the full path to the folder with trailing \ as the file type
Set **path\file.bar as the Open action.

You will have to make the bar file yourself.]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Search files NOT containing name :: Author greta1193]]> 2024-09-10T22:25:15+00:00 2024-09-10T22:25:15+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83762&p=459647#p459647
I have this Excel list with approximately 200 names and I would like to perform a file explorer search of the files not containing any of the names in this list.

Any idea how to do this?

Thank you very much,]]>

I have this Excel list with approximately 200 names and I would like to perform a file explorer search of the files not containing any of the names in this list.

Any idea how to do this?

Thank you very much,]]>
<![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search files NOT containing name :: Reply by nsp]]> 2024-09-11T05:21:57+00:00 2024-09-11T05:21:57+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83762&p=459683#p459683
  • Search or all your files using mask, folder,... and on find text type your first term only and tick "Find file Not containing the text"
  • <for each term>feed to listbox, and select all
  • <for each term>Search in selected file/directory only, find text <your next term only> and tick "Find file Not containing the text"
  • <loop for each term> until no files or no more term
  • To to opimize the search, if you have average occurence of each term is common text, search from the most frequent to the less.

    Another way could be to use a content plugin exposing your file content and use operator "not contain" and "and" between each content pluging call.... (Not sure if you can add up to 200 times)
    If the list is common and you have to redo the search frequently, you could save this search.]]>
  • Search or all your files using mask, folder,... and on find text type your first term only and tick "Find file Not containing the text"
  • <for each term>feed to listbox, and select all
  • <for each term>Search in selected file/directory only, find text <your next term only> and tick "Find file Not containing the text"
  • <loop for each term> until no files or no more term
  • To to opimize the search, if you have average occurence of each term is common text, search from the most frequent to the less.

    Another way could be to use a content plugin exposing your file content and use operator "not contain" and "and" between each content pluging call.... (Not sure if you can add up to 200 times)
    If the list is common and you have to redo the search frequently, you could save this search.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search files NOT containing name :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-11T10:24:55+00:00 2024-09-11T10:24:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83762&p=459695#p459695 greta1193
    If you are interested in a solution using Total Commander with the ‘Everything 1.5a’ tool please let me know.

    The solution would look something like this:
    1. Copy (Names in Excel) / Paste (Names) in Everything 1.5a search box
      (Note: ‘Search for:’ field in Total Commander: Max. Number of characters: 2046 characters)
    2. Complete search query in Everything 1.5a
    3. Option: Transfer search results to Total Commander (AHK script) OR transfer individually (setting in 'Context Menu')
    If you are interested in a solution using Total Commander with the ‘Everything 1.5a’ tool please let me know.

    The solution would look something like this:
    1. Copy (Names in Excel) / Paste (Names) in Everything 1.5a search box
      (Note: ‘Search for:’ field in Total Commander: Max. Number of characters: 2046 characters)
    2. Complete search query in Everything 1.5a
    3. Option: Transfer search results to Total Commander (AHK script) OR transfer individually (setting in 'Context Menu')
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search files NOT containing name :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-11T10:52:59+00:00 2024-09-11T10:52:59+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83762&p=459697#p459697
    greta1193 wrote: 2024-09-10, 22:25 UTC I have this Excel list with approximately 200 names and I would like to perform a file explorer search of the files not containing any of the names in this list.
    What exactly does "file explorer search" mean? A file search in Total Commander? A search only in a folder or also in its subfolders?]]>
    greta1193 wrote: 2024-09-10, 22:25 UTC I have this Excel list with approximately 200 names and I would like to perform a file explorer search of the files not containing any of the names in this list.
    What exactly does "file explorer search" mean? A file search in Total Commander? A search only in a folder or also in its subfolders?]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: move files like a drop target :: Author terrmos]]> 2024-09-11T12:11:08+00:00 2024-09-11T12:11:08+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83773&p=459701#p459701
    I want to select certain files and drop them to a button in Total Commander's button bar, which in return moves them to a target location without confirmation.

    What I have tried so far is, I made a move_files.bat file, I dragged the .bat file to TC's button bar, but the problem is it only moves the first file no matter the .bat code. I got help from Chat GPT but it still doesn't move more files then one. I tried Windows Power Shell, and I got the same result: just one file.

    Is there any other way i can accomplish this? Maybe some internal command that I am not aware of?
    I tried the cm_MoveFiles from TC but I couldn't make it work - Chat GPT was a pain guiding me to make that possible.

    here is my .bat code generated by Chat GPT:

    @echo off

    :: Check if any files were passed as arguments
    if "%~1"=="" (
    echo No files selected.
    exit /b

    :: Set destination directory
    set "destination=C:\0"

    :: Loop through each file passed as an argument and move it
    if "%~1"=="" goto endloop
    echo Moving "%~1" to "%destination%"
    move "%~1" "%destination%"
    goto loop


    I am running on Windows 10 if that's important.

    Thank you for any suggestion]]>

    I want to select certain files and drop them to a button in Total Commander's button bar, which in return moves them to a target location without confirmation.

    What I have tried so far is, I made a move_files.bat file, I dragged the .bat file to TC's button bar, but the problem is it only moves the first file no matter the .bat code. I got help from Chat GPT but it still doesn't move more files then one. I tried Windows Power Shell, and I got the same result: just one file.

    Is there any other way i can accomplish this? Maybe some internal command that I am not aware of?
    I tried the cm_MoveFiles from TC but I couldn't make it work - Chat GPT was a pain guiding me to make that possible.

    here is my .bat code generated by Chat GPT:

    @echo off

    :: Check if any files were passed as arguments
    if "%~1"=="" (
    echo No files selected.
    exit /b

    :: Set destination directory
    set "destination=C:\0"

    :: Loop through each file passed as an argument and move it
    if "%~1"=="" goto endloop
    echo Moving "%~1" to "%destination%"
    move "%~1" "%destination%"
    goto loop


    I am running on Windows 10 if that's important.

    Thank you for any suggestion]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: move files like a drop target :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-11T12:33:41+00:00 2024-09-11T12:33:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83773&p=459702#p459702

    Code: Select all

    @echo off
    echo %*
    No matter how many files you select and drop onto a button that calls this script, you'll always see only the first one. That's just the way it is.

    The only way around that is as follows:
    1. Create a button with %L in its parameters field
    2. Change your script to process the list file passed by TC (%L), e.g. with a for /F loop.
    3. Select the files and click the button (instead of dropping them onto it)
    You could use %S instead of %L but you'll run into the command line length limit very very quickly, so I suggest to avoid doing that.]]>

    Code: Select all

    @echo off
    echo %*
    No matter how many files you select and drop onto a button that calls this script, you'll always see only the first one. That's just the way it is.

    The only way around that is as follows:
    1. Create a button with %L in its parameters field
    2. Change your script to process the list file passed by TC (%L), e.g. with a for /F loop.
    3. Select the files and click the button (instead of dropping them onto it)
    You could use %S instead of %L but you'll run into the command line length limit very very quickly, so I suggest to avoid doing that.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: move files like a drop target :: Reply by terrmos]]> 2024-09-11T13:04:30+00:00 2024-09-11T13:04:30+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83773&p=459703#p459703
    I finally made it with to work with your help, I was stuck for few days on this and it was really frustrating.

    Once again, a big thank you and have a nice day :)


    For anyone who might use this information, here is what I did to make it work:

    My .bat file is located here C:\1 and my target folder is this c:\0 [ you need to change this with your location/target, obviously , and in the code you need to change the "targetDir=" with your target]

    1. I made a move_file.bat with next code in it:

    @echo off
    set targetDir="C:\0\"

    for /F "usebackq delims=" %%f in ("%~1") do (
    move "%%f" %targetDir%

    2. I drag the move_file.bat in the TC's button bar / right click on it / change / in the Parameters I have: %L
    3. optional - I can pick an icon file for this button. / click ok

    Back to TC main window / I select the files I want to move / click on the new button to move them]]>

    I finally made it with to work with your help, I was stuck for few days on this and it was really frustrating.

    Once again, a big thank you and have a nice day :)


    For anyone who might use this information, here is what I did to make it work:

    My .bat file is located here C:\1 and my target folder is this c:\0 [ you need to change this with your location/target, obviously , and in the code you need to change the "targetDir=" with your target]

    1. I made a move_file.bat with next code in it:

    @echo off
    set targetDir="C:\0\"

    for /F "usebackq delims=" %%f in ("%~1") do (
    move "%%f" %targetDir%

    2. I drag the move_file.bat in the TC's button bar / right click on it / change / in the Parameters I have: %L
    3. optional - I can pick an icon file for this button. / click ok

    Back to TC main window / I select the files I want to move / click on the new button to move them]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: move files like a drop target :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-11T13:28:38+00:00 2024-09-11T13:28:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83773&p=459709#p459709
    terrmos wrote: 2024-09-11, 13:04 UTC Back to TC main window / I select the files I want to move / click on the new button to move them
    You could also utilize the cm_RenMov command with parameters. Search the help for "cm_RenMov" for more information.
    For example, in its most basic form you could use parameter:

    Code: Select all

    terrmos wrote: 2024-09-11, 13:04 UTC Back to TC main window / I select the files I want to move / click on the new button to move them
    You could also utilize the cm_RenMov command with parameters. Search the help for "cm_RenMov" for more information.
    For example, in its most basic form you could use parameter:

    Code: Select all

    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: move files like a drop target :: Reply by terrmos]]> 2024-09-11T16:59:08+00:00 2024-09-11T16:59:08+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83773&p=459716#p459716 .

    Thank you again for taking time to respond.]]>

    Thank you again for taking time to respond.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: command line and DOSkey :: Author KozakMak]]> 2024-09-12T10:49:12+00:00 2024-09-12T10:49:12+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83787&p=459745#p459745 e.g. DOSKEY pg=ping google.com -t

    How can I use this alias in TotalCmd command line ?]]>
    e.g. DOSKEY pg=ping google.com -t

    How can I use this alias in TotalCmd command line ?]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: command line and DOSkey :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-12T10:55:54+00:00 2024-09-12T10:55:54+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83787&p=459746#p459746
    May use a pg.cmd script placed in %SystemRoot% directory.]]>

    May use a pg.cmd script placed in %SystemRoot% directory.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: command line and DOSkey :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-12T11:46:52+00:00 2024-09-12T11:46:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83787&p=459748#p459748 www.google.com -t.

    www.google.com -t.

    <![CDATA[Eng :: Search files containing certain text but not certain other text :: Author wanderer]]> 2024-09-12T11:36:32+00:00 2024-09-12T11:36:32+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83788&p=459747#p459747
    Example of what i'm trying to achieve:

    Find files containing text "<LINK>" but not "<LINK>Properties"]]>

    Example of what i'm trying to achieve:

    Find files containing text "<LINK>" but not "<LINK>Properties"]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search files containing certain text but not certain other text :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-12T11:58:04+00:00 2024-09-12T11:58:04+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83788&p=459749#p459749

    Code: Select all

    [X] RegEx (2)]]>

    Code: Select all

    [X] RegEx (2)]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search files containing certain text but not certain other text :: Reply by wanderer]]> 2024-09-12T12:01:53+00:00 2024-09-12T12:01:53+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83788&p=459750#p459750 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search files containing certain text but not certain other text :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-12T12:16:08+00:00 2024-09-12T12:16:08+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83788&p=459751#p459751 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search files containing certain text but not certain other text :: Reply by wanderer]]> 2024-09-12T13:08:27+00:00 2024-09-12T13:08:27+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83788&p=459754#p459754 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Search files containing certain text but not certain other text :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-12T14:13:39+00:00 2024-09-12T14:13:39+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83788&p=459756#p459756 wanderer

    Just out of interest:
    Does this query also work in Everything 1.5a?

    Code: Select all

    "Path" content*:<LINK>
    ; Operator: < > Grouping
    ; Use a * before the : to treat the rest of the search as the value:]]>

    Just out of interest:
    Does this query also work in Everything 1.5a?

    Code: Select all

    "Path" content*:<LINK>
    ; Operator: < > Grouping
    ; Use a * before the : to treat the rest of the search as the value:]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: How to open TC with two files selected? :: Author mbodicker]]> 2024-09-12T15:12:17+00:00 2024-09-12T15:12:17+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83790&p=459757#p459757
    I'm trying to open Total Commander from a C# program I'm writing.

    When I issue the following command

    Code: Select all

    tocalcmd .exe /n /l=<leftdirectory> /r=<rightdirectory>
    everything works fine. Only the directories are selected.
    When I issue the following command

    Code: Select all

    tocalcmd .exe /n /l=<left-fullfilename> /r=<right-fullfilename>
    it works, but still only the directories are selected. No files are selected left or right.

    I found a post here on this forum (https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=80055) where someone basically asks the same thing, and the answer is to use the /A switch. But in the documentation, this is only for archives, and when I try it, it doesn't work.

    Code: Select all

    tocalcmd .exe /n /A /l=<left-fullfilename> /r=<right-fullfilename>
    basically does the same as the previous commands.

    What am I missing here? How can I open Total Commander and select a file left and right?



    I'm trying to open Total Commander from a C# program I'm writing.

    When I issue the following command

    Code: Select all

    tocalcmd .exe /n /l=<leftdirectory> /r=<rightdirectory>
    everything works fine. Only the directories are selected.
    When I issue the following command

    Code: Select all

    tocalcmd .exe /n /l=<left-fullfilename> /r=<right-fullfilename>
    it works, but still only the directories are selected. No files are selected left or right.

    I found a post here on this forum (https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=80055) where someone basically asks the same thing, and the answer is to use the /A switch. But in the documentation, this is only for archives, and when I try it, it doesn't work.

    Code: Select all

    tocalcmd .exe /n /A /l=<left-fullfilename> /r=<right-fullfilename>
    basically does the same as the previous commands.

    What am I missing here? How can I open Total Commander and select a file left and right?


    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to open TC with two files selected? :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-12T15:29:19+00:00 2024-09-12T15:29:19+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83790&p=459759#p459759 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to open TC with two files selected? :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-12T15:39:16+00:00 2024-09-12T15:39:16+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83790&p=459760#p459760 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to open TC with two files selected? :: Reply by mbodicker]]> 2024-09-12T16:30:13+00:00 2024-09-12T16:30:13+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83790&p=459765#p459765
    Dalai wrote: 2024-09-12, 15:29 UTC Did you try to quote the paths to /L and /R when they contain spaces? And you do need /A when specifying files to avoid TC treating the files passed as archive(s).
    Hello Dalai,

    Yes, both paths are always enclosed in quotes, so it's actually

    Code: Select all

    /l="<left-fullfilename>" /r="<right-fullfilename>"
    I'm not quite sure what you mean by the second part - in the past I've used this piece of code to open Total Commander and show both directories (by passing full filenames), and TC has always shown the directories. I've never used the /A switch, I've only learned about it today when I found this forum.

    If I understand you correctly, the /A switch is mandatory in order to show and select the files?


    Dalai wrote: 2024-09-12, 15:29 UTC Did you try to quote the paths to /L and /R when they contain spaces? And you do need /A when specifying files to avoid TC treating the files passed as archive(s).
    Hello Dalai,

    Yes, both paths are always enclosed in quotes, so it's actually

    Code: Select all

    /l="<left-fullfilename>" /r="<right-fullfilename>"
    I'm not quite sure what you mean by the second part - in the past I've used this piece of code to open Total Commander and show both directories (by passing full filenames), and TC has always shown the directories. I've never used the /A switch, I've only learned about it today when I found this forum.

    If I understand you correctly, the /A switch is mandatory in order to show and select the files?


    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to open TC with two files selected? :: Reply by mbodicker]]> 2024-09-12T16:36:32+00:00 2024-09-12T16:36:32+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83790&p=459766#p459766
    petermad wrote: 2024-09-12, 15:39 UTC You can use /P instead of /A to place the cursor on a directory instead of going into the directory.
    Hello Petermad,

    Thanks for the information, but I actually want to go into the directory. Suppose I pass two filenames (c:\photos-new\image0005.jpg for left, and c:\photos-old\image0060.jpg for right), I want the left part of TC to show all files in c:\photos-new with image0005.jpg selected, and the right part of TC to show all files in c:\photos-old, with image0060.jpg selected.

    I'm working on a piece of software which scans my hard drives and finds duplicate files, but which does not automatically deletes duplicates. I've made this in the past, and it automatically deleted the duplicates. This works to regain hard disk space, but cannot decide (for example) which file has the most descriptive name. My code would for example delete "Cover image of Random Album by Random Band.jpg", but keep "0x85efa40.jpg".

    At the moment, Total Commander is opened so I can choose which file to delete, and which to keep, but I need to look at the output of my program to read the filenames, and then I have to find the files manually in both left and right part of Total Commander. With small directories this is easy, but when a directory holds thousands of files, it gets incredibly tedious. Hence why I want the files to be selected (if possible, obviously).

    petermad wrote: 2024-09-12, 15:39 UTC You can use /P instead of /A to place the cursor on a directory instead of going into the directory.
    Hello Petermad,

    Thanks for the information, but I actually want to go into the directory. Suppose I pass two filenames (c:\photos-new\image0005.jpg for left, and c:\photos-old\image0060.jpg for right), I want the left part of TC to show all files in c:\photos-new with image0005.jpg selected, and the right part of TC to show all files in c:\photos-old, with image0060.jpg selected.

    I'm working on a piece of software which scans my hard drives and finds duplicate files, but which does not automatically deletes duplicates. I've made this in the past, and it automatically deleted the duplicates. This works to regain hard disk space, but cannot decide (for example) which file has the most descriptive name. My code would for example delete "Cover image of Random Album by Random Band.jpg", but keep "0x85efa40.jpg".

    At the moment, Total Commander is opened so I can choose which file to delete, and which to keep, but I need to look at the output of my program to read the filenames, and then I have to find the files manually in both left and right part of Total Commander. With small directories this is easy, but when a directory holds thousands of files, it gets incredibly tedious. Hence why I want the files to be selected (if possible, obviously).

    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to open TC with two files selected? :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-12T16:56:39+00:00 2024-09-12T16:56:39+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83790&p=459767#p459767
    mbodicker wrote: 2024-09-12, 16:30 UTCI'm not quite sure what you mean by the second part - in the past I've used this piece of code to open Total Commander and show both directories (by passing full filenames), and TC has always shown the directories.
    If I understand you correctly, the /A switch is mandatory in order to show and select the files?
    The switch /A doesn't matter for directories, but it matters for files. Example:

    Code: Select all

    totalcmd.exe /L=C:\pagefile.sys
    Let's make one assumption for this example: There's a packer plugin installed that is either associated with .sys files or will try to detect the archive type by content (e.g. 7z or Total7zip plugin). In this example TC will try to open C:\pagefile.sys as an archive and since it can't do that (because it's exclusively locked by the system), TC will show an error message.

    Another example:

    Code: Select all

    totalcmd.exe /L=C:\some_document.docx
    TC will open that document as an archive because it's just a ZIP archive.

    Conclusion: To avoid that error message and to avoid TC treating files as archives the switch /A is required.

    I suggest to build up and test the full command on a CMD first. Once it works properly there you can incorporate it into your program.

    mbodicker wrote: 2024-09-12, 16:30 UTCI'm not quite sure what you mean by the second part - in the past I've used this piece of code to open Total Commander and show both directories (by passing full filenames), and TC has always shown the directories.
    If I understand you correctly, the /A switch is mandatory in order to show and select the files?
    The switch /A doesn't matter for directories, but it matters for files. Example:

    Code: Select all

    totalcmd.exe /L=C:\pagefile.sys
    Let's make one assumption for this example: There's a packer plugin installed that is either associated with .sys files or will try to detect the archive type by content (e.g. 7z or Total7zip plugin). In this example TC will try to open C:\pagefile.sys as an archive and since it can't do that (because it's exclusively locked by the system), TC will show an error message.

    Another example:

    Code: Select all

    totalcmd.exe /L=C:\some_document.docx
    TC will open that document as an archive because it's just a ZIP archive.

    Conclusion: To avoid that error message and to avoid TC treating files as archives the switch /A is required.

    I suggest to build up and test the full command on a CMD first. Once it works properly there you can incorporate it into your program.

    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to open TC with two files selected? :: Reply by beb]]> 2024-09-12T19:17:43+00:00 2024-09-12T19:17:43+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83790&p=459773#p459773 mbodicker
    I don't know what to say. As for me, everything does work as intended.
    I have tested it in those ways:
    tc.ps1 (PowerShell)

    Code: Select all

    $l = "c:\Program Files"
    $r = "c:\ProgramData"
    & $bin /n /l=$l /r=$r
    $l = "c:\Windows\explorer.exe"
    $r = "c:\Windows\regedit.exe"
    & $bin /n /A /l=$l /r=$r
    sleep -s 3
    tc.cmd (CMD)

    Code: Select all

    set "bin=%commander_exe%"
    set "l=c:\Program Files"
    set "r=c:\ProgramData"
    start %bin% /n /l="%l%" /r="%r%"
    set "l=c:\Windows\explorer.exe"
    set "r=c:\Windows\regedit.exe"
    start %bin% /n /A /l="%l%" /r="%r%"
    timeout 3
    In each case, upon launching the script/batch I can see TotalCommander being opened with:
    a. the cursor set on the "c:\Windows\explorer.exe", and "c:\Windows\regedit.exe" files in the left and right panes respectively.
    b. "c:\Program Files" and "c:\ProgramData" folders opened in the left and right panes respectively.

    Note: the "commander_exe" variable implies a copy of TotalCommander has already been running, otherwise a literal path should be put there.]]>
    I don't know what to say. As for me, everything does work as intended.
    I have tested it in those ways:
    tc.ps1 (PowerShell)

    Code: Select all

    $l = "c:\Program Files"
    $r = "c:\ProgramData"
    & $bin /n /l=$l /r=$r
    $l = "c:\Windows\explorer.exe"
    $r = "c:\Windows\regedit.exe"
    & $bin /n /A /l=$l /r=$r
    sleep -s 3
    tc.cmd (CMD)

    Code: Select all

    set "bin=%commander_exe%"
    set "l=c:\Program Files"
    set "r=c:\ProgramData"
    start %bin% /n /l="%l%" /r="%r%"
    set "l=c:\Windows\explorer.exe"
    set "r=c:\Windows\regedit.exe"
    start %bin% /n /A /l="%l%" /r="%r%"
    timeout 3
    In each case, upon launching the script/batch I can see TotalCommander being opened with:
    a. the cursor set on the "c:\Windows\explorer.exe", and "c:\Windows\regedit.exe" files in the left and right panes respectively.
    b. "c:\Program Files" and "c:\ProgramData" folders opened in the left and right panes respectively.

    Note: the "commander_exe" variable implies a copy of TotalCommander has already been running, otherwise a literal path should be put there.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: :: Reply by jakub33]]> 2024-09-12T12:42:10+00:00 2024-09-12T12:42:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49377&p=459752#p459752
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2018-02-08, 10:39 UTC You can tell them to restrict these functions in Total Commander via a registry entry. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is normally not writable by restricted users.

    For this, add a registry key named:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ghisler\Total Commander\Configuration
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Ghisler\Total Commander\Configuration

    And inside, a numeric value named RestrictInterface with the functions you want to restrict. If both keys are present, they will be combined, so the users cannot remove restrictions, just add more.

    Here are the available values:

    RestrictInterface= Disable parts of the user interface.
    Just build the sum of the following options:
    1=Start menu
    2=Command line
    4=Buttonbar change
    8=Drive right click menu
    16=File right click menu
    32=Directory hotlist change
    64=FTP (CTRL+N, CTRL+F)
    128=ENTER key (run programs, open files)
    256=File system plugins
    512=Port connection (via USB or LPT)
    1024=Disable update checks (manual and automatic)

    To restrict the access to drives, add the registry value
    to one of the above keys, with CDEF the allowed drives, and \ the network neighborhood and file systems plugins.


    please could you have a look, why setting 64=FTP (CTRL+N, CTRL+F) also disables the ability to edit the button bar?

    Thanks in advance]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2018-02-08, 10:39 UTC You can tell them to restrict these functions in Total Commander via a registry entry. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is normally not writable by restricted users.

    For this, add a registry key named:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ghisler\Total Commander\Configuration
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Ghisler\Total Commander\Configuration

    And inside, a numeric value named RestrictInterface with the functions you want to restrict. If both keys are present, they will be combined, so the users cannot remove restrictions, just add more.

    Here are the available values:

    RestrictInterface= Disable parts of the user interface.
    Just build the sum of the following options:
    1=Start menu
    2=Command line
    4=Buttonbar change
    8=Drive right click menu
    16=File right click menu
    32=Directory hotlist change
    64=FTP (CTRL+N, CTRL+F)
    128=ENTER key (run programs, open files)
    256=File system plugins
    512=Port connection (via USB or LPT)
    1024=Disable update checks (manual and automatic)

    To restrict the access to drives, add the registry value
    to one of the above keys, with CDEF the allowed drives, and \ the network neighborhood and file systems plugins.


    please could you have a look, why setting 64=FTP (CTRL+N, CTRL+F) also disables the ability to edit the button bar?

    Thanks in advance]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: TC not allowed because of built-in FTP client :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-12T13:03:34+00:00 2024-09-12T13:03:34+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49377&p=459753#p459753 jakub33
    You most likely set the value to 64 hex instead of 64 decimal. 64 hex is equal to 100 decimal which is the sum of 64+32+4, thus disabling button bar change and directory hotlist configuration along with the FTP client.]]>
    You most likely set the value to 64 hex instead of 64 decimal. 64 hex is equal to 100 decimal which is the sum of 64+32+4, thus disabling button bar change and directory hotlist configuration along with the FTP client.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: TC not allowed because of built-in FTP client :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-12T15:27:36+00:00 2024-09-12T15:27:36+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49377&p=459758#p459758 jakub33
    why setting 64=FTP (CTRL+N, CTRL+F) also disables the ability to edit the button bar
    No such problem here. RestrictInterface=68 has that effect (as expected)

    Maybe you have 64 set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ and 4 set in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ or vice versa]]>
    why setting 64=FTP (CTRL+N, CTRL+F) also disables the ability to edit the button bar
    No such problem here. RestrictInterface=68 has that effect (as expected)

    Maybe you have 64 set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ and 4 set in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ or vice versa]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: TC not allowed because of built-in FTP client :: Reply by jakub33]]> 2024-09-12T15:53:56+00:00 2024-09-12T15:53:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49377&p=459763#p459763 ]]> ]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: TC not allowed because of built-in FTP client :: Reply by HerbieH]]> 2024-09-13T01:40:52+00:00 2024-09-13T01:40:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49377&p=459785#p459785
    setting 64=FTP (CTRL+N, CTRL+F) also disables the ability to edit the button bar
    NOT confirmed.

    Works as it should for me on the following specs:

    TC 11.03 64bit.
    Windows 10 latest version with all updates.
    HW: ASUS PRIME A620M-A CPU: Ryzen 7 7700X]]>
    setting 64=FTP (CTRL+N, CTRL+F) also disables the ability to edit the button bar
    NOT confirmed.

    Works as it should for me on the following specs:

    TC 11.03 64bit.
    Windows 10 latest version with all updates.
    HW: ASUS PRIME A620M-A CPU: Ryzen 7 7700X]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Changing Copylinks value - does TC need to be restarted? :: Author wanderer]]> 2024-09-13T10:22:39+00:00 2024-09-13T10:22:39+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83804&p=459826#p459826 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Changing Copylinks value - does TC need to be restarted? :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-13T10:52:50+00:00 2024-09-13T10:52:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83804&p=459828#p459828 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Trying to view files inside ASAR with Total7zip results in "Disk read error!" :: Reply by cheming]]> 2024-09-14T05:33:20+00:00 2024-09-14T05:33:20+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=81225&p=459851#p459851 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Trying to view files inside ASAR with Total7zip results in "Disk read error!" :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-14T10:18:37+00:00 2024-09-14T10:18:37+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=81225&p=459860#p459860 <![CDATA[Eng :: How to untar... :: Author commodore]]> 2024-09-14T06:52:49+00:00 2024-09-14T06:52:49+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83819&p=459852#p459852
    Is there anything else that needs to be set up in order for tar (un)packing to work in TotalCmd?

    Unless the issue might be elsewhere - namely if I use "tar -xvf diagnose_enc.tar" in command prompt, I also get an error: "tar: Error opening archive: Unrecognized archive format".]]>

    Is there anything else that needs to be set up in order for tar (un)packing to work in TotalCmd?

    Unless the issue might be elsewhere - namely if I use "tar -xvf diagnose_enc.tar" in command prompt, I also get an error: "tar: Error opening archive: Unrecognized archive format".]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to untar... :: Reply by nsp]]> 2024-09-14T08:07:02+00:00 2024-09-14T08:07:02+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83819&p=459855#p459855 trid .
    Renanme the extension to match the best guessed format tgz, tar.bzip2,... Normally 7zip should be able to decompress at least to the next step. Using total7zip plugin should probably help to decompress inside TC once renamed...

    You can also give a try to bsdtar from libarchive project on github. (msvc compilded artifact)
    --Edited ]]>
    trid .
    Renanme the extension to match the best guessed format tgz, tar.bzip2,... Normally 7zip should be able to decompress at least to the next step. Using total7zip plugin should probably help to decompress inside TC once renamed...

    You can also give a try to bsdtar from libarchive project on github. (msvc compilded artifact)
    --Edited ]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to untar... :: Reply by commodore]]> 2024-09-14T09:04:09+00:00 2024-09-14T09:04:09+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83819&p=459857#p459857 98.1% (.PGC) PGN (Portable Gaming Notation) Compressed format (1000/1)
    1.8% (.DBF) Sybase iAnywhere database files (19/3)

    Could it also be possible it's some sort of Huawei proprietary encryption (so that "only they" can open it)?]]>
    98.1% (.PGC) PGN (Portable Gaming Notation) Compressed format (1000/1)
    1.8% (.DBF) Sybase iAnywhere database files (19/3)

    Could it also be possible it's some sort of Huawei proprietary encryption (so that "only they" can open it)?]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to untar... :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-14T10:27:30+00:00 2024-09-14T10:27:30+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83819&p=459861#p459861
    commodore wrote: 2024-09-14, 06:52 UTCIs there anything else that needs to be set up in order for tar (un)packing to work in TotalCmd?
    No, there's nothing to do since TC can work with .tar archives out of the box. However, the archive is highly likely to be encrypted, obfuscated or a proprietary archive format if it contains sensitive data. I'm not saying this is the case, but it's possible.

    Have you tried opening or extracting it with 7-zip?]]>
    commodore wrote: 2024-09-14, 06:52 UTCIs there anything else that needs to be set up in order for tar (un)packing to work in TotalCmd?
    No, there's nothing to do since TC can work with .tar archives out of the box. However, the archive is highly likely to be encrypted, obfuscated or a proprietary archive format if it contains sensitive data. I'm not saying this is the case, but it's possible.

    Have you tried opening or extracting it with 7-zip?]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to untar... :: Reply by Horst.Epp]]> 2024-09-14T12:55:28+00:00 2024-09-14T12:55:28+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83819&p=459863#p459863 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: How to untar... :: Reply by nsp]]> 2024-09-15T05:08:59+00:00 2024-09-15T05:08:59+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83819&p=459866#p459866 huawei support if it is possible to decompress the file and if you can get the proprietary pgm. You can also ask if it is possible to access your router with an ssh console and get raw log files if not encoded.]]> huawei support if it is possible to decompress the file and if you can get the proprietary pgm. You can also ask if it is possible to access your router with an ssh console and get raw log files if not encoded.]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Board updated to phpbb 3.3.9 :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-13T09:05:19+00:00 2024-09-13T09:05:19+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=78120&p=459824#p459824
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-06-17, 15:43 UTC I have updated the forum to 3.3.12 now.
    phpBB version 3.3.13 was released 2 weeks ago.

    Bug in the new version:
    When the board is configured to let moderators approve new posts, the option to approve / disapprove is now missing for new topics.
    Fix can be found here: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=16028845#p16028845]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-06-17, 15:43 UTC I have updated the forum to 3.3.12 now.
    phpBB version 3.3.13 was released 2 weeks ago.

    Bug in the new version:
    When the board is configured to let moderators approve new posts, the option to approve / disapprove is now missing for new topics.
    Fix can be found here: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=16028845#p16028845]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Board updated to phpbb 3.3.9 :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-15T09:16:53+00:00 2024-09-15T09:16:53+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=78120&p=459868#p459868 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Board updated to phpbb 3.3.9 :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-15T10:02:00+00:00 2024-09-15T10:02:00+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=78120&p=459869#p459869
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-15, 09:16 UTC Is there anything security-related in the update? Otherwise I will probably wait a bit longer.
    I think there is 1 issue that may qualify as a security issue. There is way to bypass the maximum number of allowed keywords for a search, allowing users to run extremely large queries that may lock databases or stall under-resourced servers.]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-15, 09:16 UTC Is there anything security-related in the update? Otherwise I will probably wait a bit longer.
    I think there is 1 issue that may qualify as a security issue. There is way to bypass the maximum number of allowed keywords for a search, allowing users to run extremely large queries that may lock databases or stall under-resourced servers.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Board updated to phpbb 3.3.9 :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-18T08:44:08+00:00 2024-09-18T08:44:08+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=78120&p=459956#p459956 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Board updated to phpbb 3.3.9 :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-18T08:51:14+00:00 2024-09-18T08:51:14+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=78120&p=459958#p459958
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-18, 08:44 UTC I have updated the board to phpBB version 3.3.13 now and applied the moderator patch. Please let me know if you encounter any problems.
    Confirmed and works so far.]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-18, 08:44 UTC I have updated the board to phpBB version 3.3.13 now and applied the moderator patch. Please let me know if you encounter any problems.
    Confirmed and works so far.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Renaming multiple files :: Author grindnoise]]> 2024-09-18T18:05:34+00:00 2024-09-18T18:05:34+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83859&p=459966#p459966 353338.jpg



    And i have to rename only these, which don't have underscore to get _1 added.

    So the result i want to achieve should like this:



    Please, can you help me?]]>



    And i have to rename only these, which don't have underscore to get _1 added.

    So the result i want to achieve should like this:



    Please, can you help me?]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Renaming multiple files :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-18T18:53:59+00:00 2024-09-18T18:53:59+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83859&p=459967#p459967
  • Search for these files specifically, i.e. files without an underscore in their name. This can be done via the Plugins tab:

    Code: Select all

    tc | name | !contains | _
    After feeding the results to the listbox, select all files (Ctrl+A) and call MRT (Ctrl+M) and set the search term to

    Code: Select all

  • Select all files and call MRT (Ctrl+M) and use these settings:
    Search for:

    Code: Select all

    Replace with:

    Code: Select all

    [ ] E
    [X] RegEx

    This replaces names which don't contain an underscore with themselves and adds "_1" at the end before the extension.
  • Pretty sure these are not the only ways.]]>
  • Search for these files specifically, i.e. files without an underscore in their name. This can be done via the Plugins tab:

    Code: Select all

    tc | name | !contains | _
    After feeding the results to the listbox, select all files (Ctrl+A) and call MRT (Ctrl+M) and set the search term to

    Code: Select all

  • Select all files and call MRT (Ctrl+M) and use these settings:
    Search for:

    Code: Select all

    Replace with:

    Code: Select all

    [ ] E
    [X] RegEx

    This replaces names which don't contain an underscore with themselves and adds "_1" at the end before the extension.
  • Pretty sure these are not the only ways.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Renaming multiple files :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-18T18:56:18+00:00 2024-09-18T18:56:18+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83859&p=459968#p459968

    Code: Select all

    Search for:     ^\d+$
    Replace with:   $0_1
    ☐ [E]
    ☑ RegEx
    ☐ Subst

    Code: Select all

    Search for:     ^\d+$
    Replace with:   $0_1
    ☐ [E]
    ☑ RegEx
    ☐ Subst
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Renaming multiple files :: Reply by sa16]]> 2024-09-19T06:42:23+00:00 2024-09-19T06:42:23+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83859&p=459970#p459970 [N1-6]_1[N7-]
    Search for: _1_
    Replace with: _]]>
    Search for: _1_
    Replace with: _]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Focus not on TC after closing internal viewer due to bug in Windows :: Author white]]> 2024-09-17T13:07:30+00:00 2024-09-17T13:07:30+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83843&p=459906#p459906 If I view a file in TC and then close it, or press F1 and then close the help, or start an external program and close it, the focus is not returned to the TC window and I have to press Alt+Tab or click the TC window. This is very annoying, but I found out when this happens. I share this so it may help others encountering the same thing.

    The issue is not specifically related to TC, but also happens with other programs, for example with Windows Explorer.

    Steps to reproduce:
    • Press the Windows key on the keyboard to open the Start menu.
    • Right-click a pinned app on the task bar and choose one of the options to open the app.
      The app is opened. The right-click menu and the Start menu that were open are closed, but apparently not properly which causes the issue.
    • Now open TC without using the Start menu, for example by using a shortcut on the Desktop or using a pinned icon on the taskbar.
    • Select a file or folder and press F3 to view, and then close with Esc.
      The focus is not returned to TC, but the Explorer process has focus. If I press Alt+F4, the Windows Shutdown window opens.
    The focus is also put on Explorer when you search something using search in TC's internal viewer and the search string cannot be found.

    To return to Windows behaving normally do this:
    • Press the Window key twice to open and then close the Start menu properly.
    If I view a file in TC and then close it, or press F1 and then close the help, or start an external program and close it, the focus is not returned to the TC window and I have to press Alt+Tab or click the TC window. This is very annoying, but I found out when this happens. I share this so it may help others encountering the same thing.

    The issue is not specifically related to TC, but also happens with other programs, for example with Windows Explorer.

    Steps to reproduce:
    • Press the Windows key on the keyboard to open the Start menu.
    • Right-click a pinned app on the task bar and choose one of the options to open the app.
      The app is opened. The right-click menu and the Start menu that were open are closed, but apparently not properly which causes the issue.
    • Now open TC without using the Start menu, for example by using a shortcut on the Desktop or using a pinned icon on the taskbar.
    • Select a file or folder and press F3 to view, and then close with Esc.
      The focus is not returned to TC, but the Explorer process has focus. If I press Alt+F4, the Windows Shutdown window opens.
    The focus is also put on Explorer when you search something using search in TC's internal viewer and the search string cannot be found.

    To return to Windows behaving normally do this:
    • Press the Window key twice to open and then close the Start menu properly.
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Focus not on TC after closing internal viewer due to bug in Windows :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-17T16:32:48+00:00 2024-09-17T16:32:48+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83843&p=459912#p459912 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Focus not on TC after closing internal viewer due to bug in Windows :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-17T17:46:07+00:00 2024-09-17T17:46:07+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83843&p=459917#p459917
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-17, 16:32 UTC Your trick with the Windows key doesn't seem to work here.
    You mean pressing the Windows key twice to have Windows behave normally again?
    If so, try restarting the Explorer process in task manager.]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-17, 16:32 UTC Your trick with the Windows key doesn't seem to work here.
    You mean pressing the Windows key twice to have Windows behave normally again?
    If so, try restarting the Explorer process in task manager.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Focus not on TC after closing internal viewer due to bug in Windows :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-18T08:47:36+00:00 2024-09-18T08:47:36+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83843&p=459957#p459957 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Focus not on TC after closing internal viewer due to bug in Windows :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-18T09:10:35+00:00 2024-09-18T09:10:35+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83843&p=459959#p459959
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-18, 08:47 UTC Even after restarting the Explorer, opening a text file with Enter or F4 and closing the new app style editor would often not return focus to Total Commander. But it also doesn't go to Explorer, Alt+F4 does nothing.
    Confirmed. Probably this is a similar but different issue. Instead of Notepad, try running calc.exe by typing it in the address bar of Explorer, or on TC's command line. Can you then confirm the issue and fix? Or when using TC's internal viewer?]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-18, 08:47 UTC Even after restarting the Explorer, opening a text file with Enter or F4 and closing the new app style editor would often not return focus to Total Commander. But it also doesn't go to Explorer, Alt+F4 does nothing.
    Confirmed. Probably this is a similar but different issue. Instead of Notepad, try running calc.exe by typing it in the address bar of Explorer, or on TC's command line. Can you then confirm the issue and fix? Or when using TC's internal viewer?]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Focus not on TC after closing internal viewer due to bug in Windows :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-20T10:07:25+00:00 2024-09-20T10:07:25+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83843&p=460025#p460025 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: Focus not on TC after closing internal viewer due to bug in Windows :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-20T10:26:27+00:00 2024-09-20T10:26:27+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83843&p=460030#p460030
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-20, 10:07 UTC No, when I run calc.exe from the TC command line and then close it, the focus always returns to TC, even after following your procedure of opening something from the context menu in the start menu. Windows 11 pro 23H2.
    Who said anything about a context menu in the Start menu? I described the procedure of pressing the Windows key and then ignoring the Start menu and right-clicking a pinned app on the task bar.]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-20, 10:07 UTC No, when I run calc.exe from the TC command line and then close it, the focus always returns to TC, even after following your procedure of opening something from the context menu in the start menu. Windows 11 pro 23H2.
    Who said anything about a context menu in the Start menu? I described the procedure of pressing the Windows key and then ignoring the Start menu and right-clicking a pinned app on the task bar.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Test, just a XRumer 23 StrongAI test! :: Author Cecilheiny]]> 2024-09-20T17:13:04+00:00 2024-09-20T17:13:04+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83874&p=460067#p460067 https://farmlandinvestmentpartnership.com/making-love-on-the-beach-22509

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    <![CDATA[Eng :: File search and Diacritics :: Author Izibia]]> 2024-09-19T09:58:08+00:00 2024-09-19T09:58:08+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=459972#p459972 - Everything is installed
    - "Match diacritics" in Everything is OFF
    - TC still matches diacritics within file names in Alt-F7 search

    Maybe I am doing something wrong, or this is intended ...?]]>
    - Everything is installed
    - "Match diacritics" in Everything is OFF
    - TC still matches diacritics within file names in Alt-F7 search

    Maybe I am doing something wrong, or this is intended ...?]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-19T10:28:27+00:00 2024-09-19T10:28:27+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=459973#p459973 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by Izibia]]> 2024-09-19T11:42:42+00:00 2024-09-19T11:42:42+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=459976#p459976
    Dalai wrote: 2024-09-19, 10:28 UTC Do you have an example?
    Image: https://i.postimg.cc/VkYkhrRM/tc-diacritics.jpg]]>
    Dalai wrote: 2024-09-19, 10:28 UTC Do you have an example?
    Image: https://i.postimg.cc/VkYkhrRM/tc-diacritics.jpg]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-19T13:37:11+00:00 2024-09-19T13:37:11+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=459979#p459979 <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by Izibia]]> 2024-09-19T14:34:12+00:00 2024-09-19T14:34:12+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=459980#p459980
    Dalai wrote: 2024-09-19, 13:37 UTC Does Everything itself get the same results? If so, I don't see any problem.
    :) Me too, in such situation I wouldn't see any problem with TC.

    But standalone Everything (running besides TC) works as expected, in the same moment when TC fails.

    I tried several tests within one computer.
    TC 11.03 64-bit
    Everything (x64)]]>
    Dalai wrote: 2024-09-19, 13:37 UTC Does Everything itself get the same results? If so, I don't see any problem.
    :) Me too, in such situation I wouldn't see any problem with TC.

    But standalone Everything (running besides TC) works as expected, in the same moment when TC fails.

    I tried several tests within one computer.
    TC 11.03 64-bit
    Everything (x64)]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-19T17:30:23+00:00 2024-09-19T17:30:23+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=459982#p459982 Everything 1.5a --- diacritics: - no-diacritics:
    diacritics: - no-diacritics - diac: - no-diac:

    Match or ignore accent marks.

    For example:
    diacritics:"Déjà Vu"

    Default: Use the Match Diacritics setting under the Search menu.
    Everything (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds
    diacritics:článek.txt		článek.txt
    no-diacritics:článek.txt	clanek.txt, článek.txt
    Total Commander 11.03 (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds				  My Default			 Check
    ed:diacritics:článek.txt	článek.txt
    ed:no-diacritics:článek.txt	clanek.txt, článek.txt
    ed:článek.txt			clanek.txt, článek.txt		) Match Diacritics: DISABLED    ) OK
    ed:clanek.txt			clanek.txt, článek.txt		) in Everything x64	) OK

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds				 
    ✅ 'Everything' in TC
    článek.txt			článek.txt
    clanek.txt			clanek.txt
    🔲 'Everything' in TC
    článek.txt			článek.txt
    clanek.txt			clanek.txt

    'Everything' (x64) portable on systemdrive C: | Troubleshooting
    Search queries: Total Commander <=> 'Everything' <= Windows Search]]>
    Everything 1.5a --- diacritics: - no-diacritics:
    diacritics: - no-diacritics - diac: - no-diac:

    Match or ignore accent marks.

    For example:
    diacritics:"Déjà Vu"

    Default: Use the Match Diacritics setting under the Search menu.
    Everything (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds
    diacritics:článek.txt		článek.txt
    no-diacritics:článek.txt	clanek.txt, článek.txt
    Total Commander 11.03 (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds				  My Default			 Check
    ed:diacritics:článek.txt	článek.txt
    ed:no-diacritics:článek.txt	clanek.txt, článek.txt
    ed:článek.txt			clanek.txt, článek.txt		) Match Diacritics: DISABLED    ) OK
    ed:clanek.txt			clanek.txt, článek.txt		) in Everything x64	) OK

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds				 
    ✅ 'Everything' in TC
    článek.txt			článek.txt
    clanek.txt			clanek.txt
    🔲 'Everything' in TC
    článek.txt			článek.txt
    clanek.txt			clanek.txt

    'Everything' (x64) portable on systemdrive C: | Troubleshooting
    Search queries: Total Commander <=> 'Everything' <= Windows Search]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-19T21:59:27+00:00 2024-09-19T21:59:27+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=459984#p459984 Everything (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds				Context menu <->	Footer
    diacritics:článek.txt		článek.txt			- 			-
    článek.txt			článek.txt			Match Diacritics	DIACRITICS
    článek.txt			clanek.txt, článek.txt		-			-

    Total Commander 11.03 (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds				  My Default			 Check
    ed:diacritics:článek.txt	článek.txt
    ed:článek.txt			clanek.txt, článek.txt		) Match Diacritics: DISABLED   ) OK
    								) in Everything x64 ) OK

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds
    ✅ 'Everything' in TC
    článek.txt			článek.txt
    clanek.txt			clanek.txt
    🔲 'Everything' in TC
    článek.txt			článek.txt
    clanek.txt			clanek.txt
    Everything (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds				Context menu <->	Footer
    diacritics:článek.txt		článek.txt			- 			-
    článek.txt			článek.txt			Match Diacritics	DIACRITICS
    článek.txt			clanek.txt, článek.txt		-			-

    Total Commander 11.03 (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds				  My Default			 Check
    ed:diacritics:článek.txt	článek.txt
    ed:článek.txt			clanek.txt, článek.txt		) Match Diacritics: DISABLED   ) OK
    								) in Everything x64 ) OK

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds
    ✅ 'Everything' in TC
    článek.txt			článek.txt
    clanek.txt			clanek.txt
    🔲 'Everything' in TC
    článek.txt			článek.txt
    clanek.txt			clanek.txt
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-19T22:13:09+00:00 2024-09-19T22:13:09+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=459985#p459985
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 09:58 UTC - "Match diacritics" in Everything is OFF
    - TC still matches diacritics within file names in Alt-F7 search
    You can exclude diacritical marks in the search results as follows:

    Code: Select all

    "Path\" !diacritics:článek.txt
    ! = NOT
    In this case, only e.g. the file: clanek.txt is found.

    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 11:42 UTC Image: https://i.postimg.cc/VkYkhrRM/tc-diacritics.jpg
    As a search result, I would have expected clanek.txt in your image.

    Is the drive F: or the folder F:\00\ indexed in Everything?
    Everything Options > Indexes > NTFS -or- Folders

    Everything Options > Exclude ?]]>
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 09:58 UTC - "Match diacritics" in Everything is OFF
    - TC still matches diacritics within file names in Alt-F7 search
    You can exclude diacritical marks in the search results as follows:

    Code: Select all

    "Path\" !diacritics:článek.txt
    ! = NOT
    In this case, only e.g. the file: clanek.txt is found.

    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 11:42 UTC Image: https://i.postimg.cc/VkYkhrRM/tc-diacritics.jpg
    As a search result, I would have expected clanek.txt in your image.

    Is the drive F: or the folder F:\00\ indexed in Everything?
    Everything Options > Indexes > NTFS -or- Folders

    Everything Options > Exclude ?]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by Izibia]]> 2024-09-19T23:29:06+00:00 2024-09-20T10:38:51+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=459986#p459986
    tuska wrote: 2024-09-19, 22:13 UTC  
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 11:42 UTC Image: https://i.postimg.cc/VkYkhrRM/tc-diacritics.jpg
    As a search result, I would have expected clanek.txt in your image.
    Yes. This was the reason why I started this thread.
    Everything found clanek.txt článek.txt (corrected), TC didn't.
    Is the drive F: or the folder F:\00\ indexed in Everything?
    Everything Options > Indexes > NTFS -or- Folders

    Everything Options > Exclude ?
    The drive was listed among indexed NTFS disks.
    "Exclude" was empty.

    My doubts:
    1) "Automatically include new removable volumes" was off, the searched drive was an USB drive. Still Everyting indexes such disks without my interference and lists them among NTFS volumes, with "Include in database" and "Monitor changes" checked

    2) I was curious how Everything could perform (and find results) almost immediately after a new large removable disk was attached. Especially if compared to TC without Everything: TC crawls files quite long

    Anyway, I don't understand how TC can perform another way than Everything?]]>
    tuska wrote: 2024-09-19, 22:13 UTC  
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 11:42 UTC Image: https://i.postimg.cc/VkYkhrRM/tc-diacritics.jpg
    As a search result, I would have expected clanek.txt in your image.
    Yes. This was the reason why I started this thread.
    Everything found clanek.txt článek.txt (corrected), TC didn't.
    Is the drive F: or the folder F:\00\ indexed in Everything?
    Everything Options > Indexes > NTFS -or- Folders

    Everything Options > Exclude ?
    The drive was listed among indexed NTFS disks.
    "Exclude" was empty.

    My doubts:
    1) "Automatically include new removable volumes" was off, the searched drive was an USB drive. Still Everyting indexes such disks without my interference and lists them among NTFS volumes, with "Include in database" and "Monitor changes" checked

    2) I was curious how Everything could perform (and find results) almost immediately after a new large removable disk was attached. Especially if compared to TC without Everything: TC crawls files quite long

    Anyway, I don't understand how TC can perform another way than Everything?]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by Izibia]]> 2024-09-19T23:53:19+00:00 2024-09-19T23:53:19+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=459987#p459987
    tuska wrote: 2024-09-19, 21:59 UTC Everything (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds				Context menu <->	Footer
    diacritics:článek.txt		článek.txt			- 			-
    I thought that Search Modifiers (like diacritics) were expected to work in version 1.5 only?
    void wrote in https://www.voidtools.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10860 wrote: All search modifiers available in Everything 1.5.
    Probably the meaning was "some modifiers are functional in 1.4"?

    tuska wrote: 2024-09-19, 22:13 UTC You can exclude diacritical marks in the search results as follows:

    Code: Select all

    "Path\" !diacritics:článek.txt
    You are talking about TC or Everything? And what represents "Path\" here?

    I am sorry, I am not digged in TC and in Everything much.]]>
    tuska wrote: 2024-09-19, 21:59 UTC Everything (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search				Finds				Context menu <->	Footer
    diacritics:článek.txt		článek.txt			- 			-
    I thought that Search Modifiers (like diacritics) were expected to work in version 1.5 only?
    void wrote in https://www.voidtools.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10860 wrote: All search modifiers available in Everything 1.5.
    Probably the meaning was "some modifiers are functional in 1.4"?

    tuska wrote: 2024-09-19, 22:13 UTC You can exclude diacritical marks in the search results as follows:

    Code: Select all

    "Path\" !diacritics:článek.txt
    You are talking about TC or Everything? And what represents "Path\" here?

    I am sorry, I am not digged in TC and in Everything much.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-20T08:36:26+00:00 2024-09-20T08:36:26+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=460021#p460021
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 23:29 UTC
    tuska wrote: 2024-09-19, 22:13 UTC
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 11:42 UTC Image: https://i.postimg.cc/VkYkhrRM/tc-diacritics.jpg
    As a search result, I would have expected clanek.txt in your image.
    Yes. This was the reason why I started this thread.
    Everything found clanek.txt, TC didn't.
    If the file ‘clanek.txt’ exists (and not just ‘článek.txt’), then ‘clanek.txt’ should also be found in Total Commander.
    This is also confirmed by my test results.
    It is interesting that the picture does NOT show a file ‘clanek.txt’. Where (in which path) is this file?
    Did you perhaps want to search for ‘clanek.txt’ in TC and expected ‘článek.txt’ as the search result?
    Do you find the file ‘clanek.txt’ in TC when you uncheck ‘Everything’ in the ‘Find Files (separate)’ window?
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 23:29 UTC
    Is the drive F: or the folder F:\00\ indexed in Everything?
    Everything Options > Indexes > NTFS -or- Folders
    The drive was listed among indexed NTFS disks.

    2) I was curious how Everything could perform (and find results) almost immediately
    ... after a new large removable disk was attached. Especially if compared to TC without Everything: TC crawls files quite long
    Anyway, I don't understand how TC can perform another way than Everything?
    The search in Everything is INDEXED, but NOT indexed in Total Commander. That's what makes the difference.
    A search result in Total Commander - using the ‘Everything’ tool! - can be obtained in real time.
    (Everything 1.5a is even faster than Everything 1.4). See also the linked documentation above.
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 23:53 UTC I thought that Search Modifiers (like diacritics) were expected to work in version 1.5 only?
    void wrote in https://www.voidtools.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10860 wrote: All search modifiers available in Everything 1.5.
    Probably the meaning was "some modifiers are functional in 1.4"?
    This is just a description of Everything 1.5 Alpha.
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 23:53 UTC
    tuska wrote: 2024-09-19, 22:13 UTC You can exclude diacritical marks in the search results as follows:

    Code: Select all

    "Path\" !diacritics:článek.txt
    You are talking about TC or Everything? And what represents "Path\" here?
    "Path\" means that you can insert your path here, e.g. "f:\00\" searchtext
    This is recommended for those [test] cases in which you want to narrow down the search.

    In Everything, the search query is as follows, for example:

    Code: Select all

    "f:\00\" diacritics:článek.txt
    Search result: článek.txt

    In Total Commander, the (TC) prefix ed: or ev: is required when using Everything Parameters.
    (A description of the respective prefix is available in the linked documentation).

    In Total Commander, the search query is as follows, for example:

    Code: Select all

    ed:diacritics:článek.txt		; e.g. when you are in the TC directory: f:\00\
    - OR -
    ev:"f:\00\" diacritics:článek.txt
    Search result: článek.txt]]>
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 23:29 UTC
    tuska wrote: 2024-09-19, 22:13 UTC
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 11:42 UTC Image: https://i.postimg.cc/VkYkhrRM/tc-diacritics.jpg
    As a search result, I would have expected clanek.txt in your image.
    Yes. This was the reason why I started this thread.
    Everything found clanek.txt, TC didn't.
    If the file ‘clanek.txt’ exists (and not just ‘článek.txt’), then ‘clanek.txt’ should also be found in Total Commander.
    This is also confirmed by my test results.
    It is interesting that the picture does NOT show a file ‘clanek.txt’. Where (in which path) is this file?
    Did you perhaps want to search for ‘clanek.txt’ in TC and expected ‘článek.txt’ as the search result?
    Do you find the file ‘clanek.txt’ in TC when you uncheck ‘Everything’ in the ‘Find Files (separate)’ window?
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 23:29 UTC
    Is the drive F: or the folder F:\00\ indexed in Everything?
    Everything Options > Indexes > NTFS -or- Folders
    The drive was listed among indexed NTFS disks.

    2) I was curious how Everything could perform (and find results) almost immediately
    ... after a new large removable disk was attached. Especially if compared to TC without Everything: TC crawls files quite long
    Anyway, I don't understand how TC can perform another way than Everything?
    The search in Everything is INDEXED, but NOT indexed in Total Commander. That's what makes the difference.
    A search result in Total Commander - using the ‘Everything’ tool! - can be obtained in real time.
    (Everything 1.5a is even faster than Everything 1.4). See also the linked documentation above.
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 23:53 UTC I thought that Search Modifiers (like diacritics) were expected to work in version 1.5 only?
    void wrote in https://www.voidtools.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10860 wrote: All search modifiers available in Everything 1.5.
    Probably the meaning was "some modifiers are functional in 1.4"?
    This is just a description of Everything 1.5 Alpha.
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 23:53 UTC
    tuska wrote: 2024-09-19, 22:13 UTC You can exclude diacritical marks in the search results as follows:

    Code: Select all

    "Path\" !diacritics:článek.txt
    You are talking about TC or Everything? And what represents "Path\" here?
    "Path\" means that you can insert your path here, e.g. "f:\00\" searchtext
    This is recommended for those [test] cases in which you want to narrow down the search.

    In Everything, the search query is as follows, for example:

    Code: Select all

    "f:\00\" diacritics:článek.txt
    Search result: článek.txt

    In Total Commander, the (TC) prefix ed: or ev: is required when using Everything Parameters.
    (A description of the respective prefix is available in the linked documentation).

    In Total Commander, the search query is as follows, for example:

    Code: Select all

    ed:diacritics:článek.txt		; e.g. when you are in the TC directory: f:\00\
    - OR -
    ev:"f:\00\" diacritics:článek.txt
    Search result: článek.txt]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-20T10:10:25+00:00 2024-09-20T10:10:25+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=460027#p460027
    In Total Commander, the (TC) prefix ed: or ev: is required when using Everything Parameters.
    This will show you unfiltered results from 'Everything'. If you just make a search without these prefixes and just check the 'Everything' option, TC will filter the returned files according to its own rules.]]>
    In Total Commander, the (TC) prefix ed: or ev: is required when using Everything Parameters.
    This will show you unfiltered results from 'Everything'. If you just make a search without these prefixes and just check the 'Everything' option, TC will filter the returned files according to its own rules.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by Izibia]]> 2024-09-20T10:45:46+00:00 2024-09-20T10:45:46+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=460031#p460031
    tuska wrote: 2024-09-20, 08:36 UTC
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 23:29 UTC Yes. This was the reason why I started this thread.
    Everything found clanek.txt, TC didn't.
    I am very sorry for the confusion!

    I should write
    Everything found článek.txt during the search of clanek.txt, TC didn't.
    And there was no file with the name clanek.txt

    (The original post is corrected now)

    I will comment other text later.]]>
    tuska wrote: 2024-09-20, 08:36 UTC
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-19, 23:29 UTC Yes. This was the reason why I started this thread.
    Everything found clanek.txt, TC didn't.
    I am very sorry for the confusion!

    I should write
    Everything found článek.txt during the search of clanek.txt, TC didn't.
    And there was no file with the name clanek.txt

    (The original post is corrected now)

    I will comment other text later.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by Izibia]]> 2024-09-20T11:09:37+00:00 2024-09-20T11:09:37+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=460033#p460033 I will have to find way how to reproduce the issue (my suspicion: several large external disks were connected when the issue arose)]]> I will have to find way how to reproduce the issue (my suspicion: several large external disks were connected when the issue arose)]]> <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-20T17:23:52+00:00 2024-09-20T17:23:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=460068#p460068
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-20, 10:10 UTC
    In Total Commander, the (TC) prefix ed: or ev: is required when using Everything Parameters.
    This will show you unfiltered results from 'Everything'.
    If you just make a search without these prefixes and just check the 'Everything' option,
    TC will filter the returned files according to its own rules.
    If Everything Parameters, such as diacritics:, are used in Total Commander
    it is absolutely necessary to use either the Total Commander prefix ed: or ev:.

    I can't see any connection with unfiltered search results of ‘Everything’.
    I'm sorry, but I don't understand this statement.

    Can you please give an example so that I can try to understand what you meant here?]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-20, 10:10 UTC
    In Total Commander, the (TC) prefix ed: or ev: is required when using Everything Parameters.
    This will show you unfiltered results from 'Everything'.
    If you just make a search without these prefixes and just check the 'Everything' option,
    TC will filter the returned files according to its own rules.
    If Everything Parameters, such as diacritics:, are used in Total Commander
    it is absolutely necessary to use either the Total Commander prefix ed: or ev:.

    I can't see any connection with unfiltered search results of ‘Everything’.
    I'm sorry, but I don't understand this statement.

    Can you please give an example so that I can try to understand what you meant here?]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: Re: File search and Diacritics :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-20T17:32:40+00:00 2024-09-20T17:32:40+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83861&p=460069#p460069
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-20, 10:45 UTC ...
    I should write
    Everything found článek.txt during the search of clanek.txt, TC didn't.
    And there was no file with the name clanek.txt
    Here are a few more tests on this topic:
    Total Commander also finds článek.txt (I think it was only up from the second search query).

    Everything (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search		Finds											Footer
    clanek.txt	clanek.txt, článek.txt									–
    clanek.txt	clanek.txt										DIACRITICS

    Total Commander 11.03 (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search		Finds			✅ 'Everything' in TC		🔲 'Everything' in TC		EV-Footer
    ed:clanek.txt	clanek.txt, článek.txt	    X				    –				-
    ed:clanek.txt	clanek.txt, článek.txt	    X				    –				DIACRITICS
    ed:clanek.txt	článek.txt  *)		    X				    -				-
    			    *) The file clanek.txt was NOT in the directory (!), only článek.txt!
    clanek.txt	clanek.txt		    –				    X				-
    článek.txt	článek.txt 		    –				    X				-
    My conclusion:
    So far, I haven't been able to find any bugs.]]>
    Izibia wrote: 2024-09-20, 10:45 UTC ...
    I should write
    Everything found článek.txt during the search of clanek.txt, TC didn't.
    And there was no file with the name clanek.txt
    Here are a few more tests on this topic:
    Total Commander also finds článek.txt (I think it was only up from the second search query).

    Everything (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search		Finds											Footer
    clanek.txt	clanek.txt, článek.txt									–
    clanek.txt	clanek.txt										DIACRITICS

    Total Commander 11.03 (x64)

    Code: Select all

    Search		Finds			✅ 'Everything' in TC		🔲 'Everything' in TC		EV-Footer
    ed:clanek.txt	clanek.txt, článek.txt	    X				    –				-
    ed:clanek.txt	clanek.txt, článek.txt	    X				    –				DIACRITICS
    ed:clanek.txt	článek.txt  *)		    X				    -				-
    			    *) The file clanek.txt was NOT in the directory (!), only článek.txt!
    clanek.txt	clanek.txt		    –				    X				-
    článek.txt	článek.txt 		    –				    X				-
    My conclusion:
    So far, I haven't been able to find any bugs.]]>
    <![CDATA[Eng :: читать R7 Казино Официальный Сайт :: Author RalphRaifs]]> 2024-09-20T18:05:49+00:00 2024-09-20T18:05:49+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83875&p=460070#p460070 R7 Казино Официальный Сайт]]> R7 Казино Официальный Сайт]]> <![CDATA[TC (Français) :: Outil comparaison contenu de dossiers :: Author esso]]> 2024-08-29T12:51:40+00:00 2024-08-29T12:51:40+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=83662&p=459232#p459232
    J'ai posté la question ci dessous dans un forum windows, où il m'a été suggéré d'utiliser Total Commander.
    Je comprends l'outil de synchronisation, mais je ne trouve pas la fonction de comparaison du contenu de 2 dossiers, si les arborescences sont différentes.
    Je cherche un outil de comparaison de dossiers qui me permette de vérifier que tous les éléments du dossier 1 se retrouvent dans l'un des sous dossiers du dossier 2:

    Dossier 1

    - Fichier A

    - Fichier B

    - Fichier C


    Dossier 2

    - Dossier 2a: Fichier A, FIchier D, Fichier W

    - Dossier 2b: Fichier B, Fichier C

    - Dossier 2c: Fichier E,

    - ...

    Les logiciels de sync sont capables de comparer des structures similaires, mais pas des structures différentes.

    Est ce que ce type d'outil existe?

    l'alternative serait de basculer tous les fichiers des sous dossiers de Dossier 2 dans le dossier 2, et de comparer ensuite Dossier 1 et Dossier 2.

    Mais il s'agit d'un volume très significatif de fichiers et de sous dossiers: il faudrait alors un traitement en batch, si ca existe?

    Merci beaucoup!]]>

    J'ai posté la question ci dessous dans un forum windows, où il m'a été suggéré d'utiliser Total Commander.
    Je comprends l'outil de synchronisation, mais je ne trouve pas la fonction de comparaison du contenu de 2 dossiers, si les arborescences sont différentes.
    Je cherche un outil de comparaison de dossiers qui me permette de vérifier que tous les éléments du dossier 1 se retrouvent dans l'un des sous dossiers du dossier 2:

    Dossier 1

    - Fichier A

    - Fichier B

    - Fichier C


    Dossier 2

    - Dossier 2a: Fichier A, FIchier D, Fichier W

    - Dossier 2b: Fichier B, Fichier C

    - Dossier 2c: Fichier E,

    - ...

    Les logiciels de sync sont capables de comparer des structures similaires, mais pas des structures différentes.

    Est ce que ce type d'outil existe?

    l'alternative serait de basculer tous les fichiers des sous dossiers de Dossier 2 dans le dossier 2, et de comparer ensuite Dossier 1 et Dossier 2.

    Mais il s'agit d'un volume très significatif de fichiers et de sous dossiers: il faudrait alors un traitement en batch, si ca existe?

    Merci beaucoup!]]>
    <![CDATA[TC (Français) :: Re: Outil comparaison contenu de dossiers :: Reply by nsp]]> 2024-08-29T15:22:46+00:00 2024-08-29T15:22:46+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=83662&p=459236#p459236
    Il existe une astuce dans TC pour faire ce que vous voulez. Mais c'e n'est pas la synchronisation de répertoire car il est impossible de prédire un répertoire source/cible.

    Vous pouvez mettre de chaque coté le répertoire de référence (Source) et le répertoire Cible. De chaque coté vous passez en mode à plat touche [ctrl]+b [tab] [ctrl]+b, puis comparer les fichiers de chaque onglet [shift]+[f2].

    Ensuite, il faudra copier/effacer les fichiers manquant puis mettre à jour les fichier modifiés à la main...
    Il sera possible d'extraire des listes pour faire des scripts.]]>

    Il existe une astuce dans TC pour faire ce que vous voulez. Mais c'e n'est pas la synchronisation de répertoire car il est impossible de prédire un répertoire source/cible.

    Vous pouvez mettre de chaque coté le répertoire de référence (Source) et le répertoire Cible. De chaque coté vous passez en mode à plat touche [ctrl]+b [tab] [ctrl]+b, puis comparer les fichiers de chaque onglet [shift]+[f2].

    Ensuite, il faudra copier/effacer les fichiers manquant puis mettre à jour les fichier modifiés à la main...
    Il sera possible d'extraire des listes pour faire des scripts.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC (Français) :: Re: Outil comparaison contenu de dossiers :: Reply by esso]]> 2024-08-29T20:04:44+00:00 2024-08-29T20:04:44+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=83662&p=459240#p459240 <![CDATA[TC (Français) :: Configuration :: Author JCG50]]> 2024-09-06T08:56:14+00:00 2024-09-06T08:56:14+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=83730&p=459461#p459461 <![CDATA[TC (Français) :: Re: Configuration :: Reply by tuska]]> 2024-09-06T14:50:51+00:00 2024-09-06T14:50:51+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=83730&p=459474#p459474
    Onglet de répertoire - Verrouillé, mais changement de répertoire permis :?:
    Folder Tabs - Locked, but directory changes allowed

    Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator]]>

    Onglet de répertoire - Verrouillé, mais changement de répertoire permis :?:
    Folder Tabs - Locked, but directory changes allowed

    Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator]]>
    <![CDATA[TC (Français) :: Re: Configuration :: Reply by nsp]]> 2024-09-07T14:22:00+00:00 2024-09-07T14:22:00+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=83730&p=459506#p459506 Pour ne pas avoir ce comportement il faut aller dans Options -> Configuration -> Opérations, dans la section
    Enregistrer la config. en quittant
    Désélectionner les choix suivants.
    [] Répertoires
    [] Fenetres Resume; Complet' Arbre ...

    Vous sélectionner les chemins et onglets que vous désirez. Dans Options vous savegarder la configuration. C'est cette sauvegarde qui sera utilisée la prochaine fois que TC sera lancé.

    Pour avoir une autre configuration, il suffira de réarranger puis de sauvegarder de nouveau. Dans le cas ou vous voulez alterner plusieurs configuration, vous pouvez sauvegarder les onglets dans un fichier tab spécifique (autant de conf que vous voulez). Rechargez celle que vous voulez juste avant de sauvegarder la conf par défaut.]]>
    Pour ne pas avoir ce comportement il faut aller dans Options -> Configuration -> Opérations, dans la section
    Enregistrer la config. en quittant
    Désélectionner les choix suivants.
    [] Répertoires
    [] Fenetres Resume; Complet' Arbre ...

    Vous sélectionner les chemins et onglets que vous désirez. Dans Options vous savegarder la configuration. C'est cette sauvegarde qui sera utilisée la prochaine fois que TC sera lancé.

    Pour avoir une autre configuration, il suffira de réarranger puis de sauvegarder de nouveau. Dans le cas ou vous voulez alterner plusieurs configuration, vous pouvez sauvegarder les onglets dans un fichier tab spécifique (autant de conf que vous voulez). Rechargez celle que vous voulez juste avant de sauvegarder la conf par défaut.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC Pocket :: Mastering NCIDQ: Sample Questions for Test-Takers :: Author hellengolding]]> 2024-09-20T10:51:25+00:00 2024-09-20T10:51:25+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=83870&p=460032#p460032 2. Create a Study Schedule: Allocate specific times for practicing sample questions, ensuring that you cover all sections of the exam. Consistent practice is key to reinforcing your knowledge.
    3. Simulate Exam Conditions: When practicing, try to mimic actual exam conditions. Set a timer for each section NCIDQ exam sample questions to improve your time management skills.
    4. Join a Study Group: Collaborating with peers can provide support and additional resources. Discussing questions and concepts can enhance understanding and retention.
    5. Utilize Additional Resources: In addition to sample questions, consider using NCIDQ prep books, online NCIDQ exam sample questions courses, and webinars. These resources can provide a broader understanding of the exam content.]]>
    2. Create a Study Schedule: Allocate specific times for practicing sample questions, ensuring that you cover all sections of the exam. Consistent practice is key to reinforcing your knowledge.
    3. Simulate Exam Conditions: When practicing, try to mimic actual exam conditions. Set a timer for each section NCIDQ exam sample questions to improve your time management skills.
    4. Join a Study Group: Collaborating with peers can provide support and additional resources. Discussing questions and concepts can enhance understanding and retention.
    5. Utilize Additional Resources: In addition to sample questions, consider using NCIDQ prep books, online NCIDQ exam sample questions courses, and webinars. These resources can provide a broader understanding of the exam content.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: TC keeps forgetting plugins :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-22T09:01:24+00:00 2024-08-22T09:01:24+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=82372&p=458856#p458856 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: TC keeps forgetting plugins :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-08-22T12:04:56+00:00 2024-08-22T12:04:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=82372&p=458864#p458864 ghisler(Author)
    it looks like Samsung doesn't remove the apps from that list when they are awakened
    Well, they seem to be removed from the list when you open the app from for example the Home screen - but only if the app was put on the list automatically, not if it was pot there manually by the user.]]>
    it looks like Samsung doesn't remove the apps from that list when they are awakened
    Well, they seem to be removed from the list when you open the app from for example the Home screen - but only if the app was put on the list automatically, not if it was pot there manually by the user.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: TC keeps forgetting plugins :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-22T16:54:26+00:00 2024-08-22T16:54:26+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=82372&p=458872#p458872 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: TC keeps forgetting plugins :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-08-23T10:24:10+00:00 2024-08-23T10:24:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=82372&p=458902#p458902
    Well, my phone doesn't seem to put any plugins on there automatically, so I can't test that.
    My phone only does that if a plugin hasn't been used for a long time (more than a month I guess) and I have enabled: Battery -> Background usage limits -> Put unused apps to sleep.

    Once in awhile I get a push notification from my phone that plugins are going to be put into deep sleep - I can then do nothing and it is done, or I can tap on the notification and remove apps from the shown list of apps that are going to be put to sleep.]]>
    Well, my phone doesn't seem to put any plugins on there automatically, so I can't test that.
    My phone only does that if a plugin hasn't been used for a long time (more than a month I guess) and I have enabled: Battery -> Background usage limits -> Put unused apps to sleep.

    Once in awhile I get a push notification from my phone that plugins are going to be put into deep sleep - I can then do nothing and it is done, or I can tap on the notification and remove apps from the shown list of apps that are going to be put to sleep.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: It is recommended that TC Android version add some functions :: Author thomasmolover]]> 2024-08-29T03:59:05+00:00 2024-08-29T03:59:05+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83658&p=459220#p459220 2. Insufficient file permissions in root mode. For example, when decompressing the compressed package file to other directories, it cannot be written. It needs to be decompressed to the storage card before operation. Similarly, you cannot use TC to open the compressed package in a non-storage card directory;
    3. It is recommended to add file verification, such as MD5, sha256, etc.]]>
    2. Insufficient file permissions in root mode. For example, when decompressing the compressed package file to other directories, it cannot be written. It needs to be decompressed to the storage card before operation. Similarly, you cannot use TC to open the compressed package in a non-storage card directory;
    3. It is recommended to add file verification, such as MD5, sha256, etc.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Author Hurdet]]> 2024-08-23T10:58:50+00:00 2024-08-23T10:58:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=458905#p458905 I can open it with "open as music", but I can't associate every to TC here.
    If I instead try "open with" TC is missing.]]>
    I can open it with "open as music", but I can't associate every to TC here.
    If I instead try "open with" TC is missing.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by Stefan2]]> 2024-08-23T12:39:55+00:00 2024-08-23T12:39:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=458909#p458909 -- how is the file extension of such an OPUS file?
    -- how is the path to the interpreter for OPUS files?
    FORGET THIS below writing

    Sorry, missed again this was about Android

    Do you know the "Internal Associations"-page from the help?
    "Internal Associations (Total Commander Only)"

    Me think, the normal behavior is like this:
    Stefan2 wrote: 2019-02-15, 09:32 UTC  
    For installed Office, try to associate Excel internal in TC with file type XLSX:

    Menu "Files >"Internal Associations (Total Commander Only)"
    - [Add...]
    - Specify file type: *.xlsx (((on default, the extension of the selected file while open this dialog, is taken)))
    - [OK]

    - Open [_____] [>>] choose your application >>>> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\OfficeXX\EXCEL.EXE" >>> [OK]

    - Note that there is a "%1" added, to pass the selected file(s) as argument to that application.
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\OfficeXX\EXCEL.EXE" "%1"
    - [OK]

    - [OK]

    -- how is the file extension of such an OPUS file?
    -- how is the path to the interpreter for OPUS files?
    FORGET THIS below writing

    Sorry, missed again this was about Android

    Do you know the "Internal Associations"-page from the help?
    "Internal Associations (Total Commander Only)"

    Me think, the normal behavior is like this:
    Stefan2 wrote: 2019-02-15, 09:32 UTC  
    For installed Office, try to associate Excel internal in TC with file type XLSX:

    Menu "Files >"Internal Associations (Total Commander Only)"
    - [Add...]
    - Specify file type: *.xlsx (((on default, the extension of the selected file while open this dialog, is taken)))
    - [OK]

    - Open [_____] [>>] choose your application >>>> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\OfficeXX\EXCEL.EXE" >>> [OK]

    - Note that there is a "%1" added, to pass the selected file(s) as argument to that application.
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\OfficeXX\EXCEL.EXE" "%1"
    - [OK]

    - [OK]

    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by Hurdet]]> 2024-08-23T13:26:56+00:00 2024-08-23T13:26:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=458912#p458912 .OPUS is a audio format extension.
    Also if internally associtate to TC player I have every to confirm when open and not run directly.]]>
    .OPUS is a audio format extension.
    Also if internally associtate to TC player I have every to confirm when open and not run directly.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by Stefan2]]> 2024-08-23T14:57:13+00:00 2024-08-23T14:57:13+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=458919#p458919
    Hurdet wrote: 2024-08-23, 13:26 UTC I'm writing about android TC.

    Sorry, missed again this is about Android

    Hurdet wrote: 2024-08-23, 13:26 UTC I'm writing about android TC.

    Sorry, missed again this is about Android

    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by Usher]]> 2024-08-23T16:46:05+00:00 2024-08-23T16:46:05+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=458921#p458921 Hurdet
    Did you read topic about dots in filename?
    Did you read topic about dots in filename?
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by Hurdet]]> 2024-08-23T18:01:20+00:00 2024-08-23T18:01:20+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=458923#p458923 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by Usher]]> 2024-08-24T02:20:14+00:00 2024-08-24T02:20:14+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=458941#p458941 Hurdet
    There is no "extension" on Android.]]>
    There is no "extension" on Android.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by Hurdet]]> 2024-08-24T06:27:55+00:00 2024-08-24T06:27:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=458946#p458946
    Usher wrote: 2024-08-24, 02:20 UTC There is no "extension" on Android.
    I have not written about this, the question is like opening the opus file with a click.
    If rename .opus to .ogg TC open it directly.]]>
    Usher wrote: 2024-08-24, 02:20 UTC There is no "extension" on Android.
    I have not written about this, the question is like opening the opus file with a click.
    If rename .opus to .ogg TC open it directly.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-26T08:41:56+00:00 2024-08-26T08:41:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=459038#p459038 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by Hurdet]]> 2024-08-26T12:29:25+00:00 2024-08-26T12:29:25+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=459056#p459056 &TotalCmd (Queue):com.ghisler.android.TotalCommander:.MediaPlayerActivity:audio/*
    but when click the file byt when I click, TC still asks me how to open it instead of doing it directly.]]>
    &TotalCmd (Queue):com.ghisler.android.TotalCommander:.MediaPlayerActivity:audio/*
    but when click the file byt when I click, TC still asks me how to open it instead of doing it directly.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-28T06:51:00+00:00 2024-08-28T06:51:00+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=459156#p459156 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by Hurdet]]> 2024-08-28T07:14:58+00:00 2024-08-28T07:14:58+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=459161#p459161 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: How to associate an "opus" file to TC? :: Reply by Usher]]> 2024-08-31T11:35:35+00:00 2024-08-31T11:35:35+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83579&p=459257#p459257
    Hurdet wrote: 2024-08-24, 06:27 UTC If rename .opus to .ogg TC open it directly.
    So it wasn't a problem with dots in a filename. However, this problem really exist, see messages about .json extension:

    Using internal association may help also in such cases.]]>
    Hurdet wrote: 2024-08-24, 06:27 UTC If rename .opus to .ogg TC open it directly.
    So it wasn't a problem with dots in a filename. However, this problem really exist, see messages about .json extension:

    Using internal association may help also in such cases.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin notification doesn't go away after closing Total Commander :: Reply by Pudah]]> 2024-08-22T12:30:41+00:00 2024-08-22T12:30:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83549&p=458865#p458865
    No, it has always been meant to be like this
    Are you saying that in version 3.50 the LAN connection was still active when Total Commander was closed and the notification went away?]]>
    No, it has always been meant to be like this
    Are you saying that in version 3.50 the LAN connection was still active when Total Commander was closed and the notification went away?]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin notification doesn't go away after closing Total Commander :: Reply by Stefan2]]> 2024-08-22T15:39:36+00:00 2024-08-22T15:39:36+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83549&p=458869#p458869
    Pudah wrote: 2024-08-22, 12:30 UTC
    No, it has always been meant to be like this
    Are you saying that ... the LAN connection was still active when ..... the notification went away?

    No, he said:
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-08-21, 06:49 UTC ... the notification shows that the plugin is still connected to the internet, ...
    So, if the notification went away, you must be disconnected.

    Pudah wrote: 2024-08-22, 12:30 UTC
    No, it has always been meant to be like this
    Are you saying that ... the LAN connection was still active when ..... the notification went away?

    No, he said:
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-08-21, 06:49 UTC ... the notification shows that the plugin is still connected to the internet, ...
    So, if the notification went away, you must be disconnected.

    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin notification doesn't go away after closing Total Commander :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-22T19:23:04+00:00 2024-08-22T19:23:04+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83549&p=458876#p458876 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin notification doesn't go away after closing Total Commander :: Reply by Pudah]]> 2024-09-01T08:49:00+00:00 2024-09-01T08:49:00+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83549&p=459268#p459268
    Thanks for the update. Much appreciated]]>

    Thanks for the update. Much appreciated]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id :: Reply by Yuta]]> 2024-08-27T01:42:58+00:00 2024-08-27T01:42:58+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=82382&p=459105#p459105 What extension should the .json file should have?
    When I select Settings&Privacy -> JSON -> Open json file...
    My .json file is grayed out and I can't select it.
    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin.

    The name of my file is:
    What extension should the .json file should have?
    When I select Settings&Privacy -> JSON -> Open json file...
    My .json file is grayed out and I can't select it.
    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin.

    The name of my file is:
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-28T06:59:20+00:00 2024-08-28T06:59:20+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=82382&p=459158#p459158 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id :: Reply by Yuta]]> 2024-08-29T00:12:42+00:00 2024-08-29T00:12:42+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=82382&p=459218#p459218 I have a Samsung S23 phone less than a year old.
    Do you prefer that I raise a bug report for better follow up?
    If there's a way to check what mime types are available on my phone, let me know. I'm willing to install a little app if needed.]]>
    I have a Samsung S23 phone less than a year old.
    Do you prefer that I raise a bug report for better follow up?
    If there's a way to check what mime types are available on my phone, let me know. I'm willing to install a little app if needed.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id :: Reply by Yuta]]> 2024-08-30T22:59:35+00:00 2024-08-30T22:59:35+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=82382&p=459250#p459250
    I just renamed the file as:

    And I was able to select it. Thanks for this excellent plugin.
    Keep up the good work! You've helped countless of people to be productive with all your apps.]]>

    I just renamed the file as:

    And I was able to select it. Thanks for this excellent plugin.
    Keep up the good work! You've helped countless of people to be productive with all your apps.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-01T10:33:00+00:00 2024-09-01T10:33:00+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=82382&p=459271#p459271 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Is aac streaming supported or not? :: Reply by Renem70]]> 2024-09-01T08:10:14+00:00 2024-09-01T08:10:14+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=45936&p=459266#p459266
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2016-10-12, 14:53 UTC Total Commander uses the Android MediaPlayer control. It supports the following formats:

    AAC should be supported, but your stream may be using an unsupported format.
    Sorry for responding to an 7 year old topic. But will this ever be implemented in the software? I really want to use the TC Media Player for streaming media but I need AAC+ support.

    The stream I want to use is fully working in VLC but not in TC. Since VLC is also freeware I cannot believe that AAC+ support will cost millions of dollars.]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2016-10-12, 14:53 UTC Total Commander uses the Android MediaPlayer control. It supports the following formats:

    AAC should be supported, but your stream may be using an unsupported format.
    Sorry for responding to an 7 year old topic. But will this ever be implemented in the software? I really want to use the TC Media Player for streaming media but I need AAC+ support.

    The stream I want to use is fully working in VLC but not in TC. Since VLC is also freeware I cannot believe that AAC+ support will cost millions of dollars.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Is aac streaming supported or not? :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-01T10:36:15+00:00 2024-09-01T10:36:15+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=45936&p=459272#p459272 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Android 14 and lost access to /Android/data :: Reply by TGeRi]]> 2024-09-04T13:07:50+00:00 2024-09-04T13:07:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=80230&p=459380#p459380
    mjakobi wrote: 2024-05-11, 20:17 UTC Hi there,
    I'm on TC 3.5 with a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra on Android 14.
    Had similar problems to access folders under /android/data on my device.
    My goal was to simply copy a folder for an app called MyBible from my old device to the S24 to transfer all settings, bookmarks and modules. I wasn't able to do it with TC but I found two ways around the limitation.
    First one is to connect the device over USB to a computer and access the folder /android/data on the device. At least through Windows Explorer on Win 11 I had read/write access to the folder on the phone.
    The second solution involves an app called "Marc Files" that has to be installed on the phone e.g. from Google Playstore (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.marc.files). As far as I understand this does not install an app but adds a shortcut to a filemanager that already exists on the phone but is somehow hidden.
    Once installed there is an additional icon "Files" (or "Dateien" in German). When started it looks similar to the app "Eigene Dateien" (German, not sure what it's called on english devices) but has write permission to the folder /android/data.
    If you need to copy files from another folder, start the app and navigate to the folder in /android/data where you want to copy your files to.
    Then tap on the three dots in the upper right corner and choose "New window". You'll see two instances of the Files-App in the recent apps then. Open one of them in "split view" and choose the other one as the second window of the split view. Then navigate to the source folder in one of both and simply drag and drop the desired files / folders to the window that shows the destination folder.
    Found this solution with some additional information on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidQuestions/comments/192vfjt/is_there_a_way_to_access_the_datadata_folder_in/

    Hope this helps.

    Regards -- Markus
    mjakobi wrote: 2024-05-11, 20:17 UTC Hi there,
    I'm on TC 3.5 with a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra on Android 14.
    Had similar problems to access folders under /android/data on my device.
    My goal was to simply copy a folder for an app called MyBible from my old device to the S24 to transfer all settings, bookmarks and modules. I wasn't able to do it with TC but I found two ways around the limitation.
    First one is to connect the device over USB to a computer and access the folder /android/data on the device. At least through Windows Explorer on Win 11 I had read/write access to the folder on the phone.
    The second solution involves an app called "Marc Files" that has to be installed on the phone e.g. from Google Playstore (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.marc.files). As far as I understand this does not install an app but adds a shortcut to a filemanager that already exists on the phone but is somehow hidden.
    Once installed there is an additional icon "Files" (or "Dateien" in German). When started it looks similar to the app "Eigene Dateien" (German, not sure what it's called on english devices) but has write permission to the folder /android/data.
    If you need to copy files from another folder, start the app and navigate to the folder in /android/data where you want to copy your files to.
    Then tap on the three dots in the upper right corner and choose "New window". You'll see two instances of the Files-App in the recent apps then. Open one of them in "split view" and choose the other one as the second window of the split view. Then navigate to the source folder in one of both and simply drag and drop the desired files / folders to the window that shows the destination folder.
    Found this solution with some additional information on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidQuestions/comments/192vfjt/is_there_a_way_to_access_the_datadata_folder_in/

    Hope this helps.

    Regards -- Markus
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin Connection Error :: Reply by MikeHungerford]]> 2024-08-24T18:56:09+00:00 2024-08-24T18:56:09+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83409&p=458954#p458954
    Whenever I try to connect to my home network I get the following error:

    Error connecting to server! Reported error:
    SMB2_CREATE returned 3221225506

    MIKEREDUX is the correct server name.

    Installing the beta LAN app did not help.]]>

    Whenever I try to connect to my home network I get the following error:

    Error connecting to server! Reported error:
    SMB2_CREATE returned 3221225506

    MIKEREDUX is the correct server name.

    Installing the beta LAN app did not help.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin Connection Error :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-26T10:19:36+00:00 2024-08-26T10:19:36+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83409&p=459050#p459050 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin Connection Error :: Reply by cookiemasta]]> 2024-08-26T17:30:06+00:00 2024-08-26T17:30:06+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83409&p=459066#p459066
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-08-26, 10:19 UTC Please update to the latest plugin version 3.56 from the Play Store, it should fix the problem.
    Please add 2 simple features as copying files from archive to let's say /data/user or any /data or /system folder
    because it's not supported in TC
    it says error unpacking files when i open archive in left panel chose one file and then copy it to right panel where /data/user folder is opened
    it's mounted as rw and given the root access rights

    and 2nd request is to show amount of files inside folders and sorting based on it
    and show folders size and sort them on that basis
    ghost commander and solid explorer are capable of doing latter
    I'm now thinking of switch to them but if TC will implement this functions it will become best and irreplaceable file explorer on Android (just like it is on windows)]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-08-26, 10:19 UTC Please update to the latest plugin version 3.56 from the Play Store, it should fix the problem.
    Please add 2 simple features as copying files from archive to let's say /data/user or any /data or /system folder
    because it's not supported in TC
    it says error unpacking files when i open archive in left panel chose one file and then copy it to right panel where /data/user folder is opened
    it's mounted as rw and given the root access rights

    and 2nd request is to show amount of files inside folders and sorting based on it
    and show folders size and sort them on that basis
    ghost commander and solid explorer are capable of doing latter
    I'm now thinking of switch to them but if TC will implement this functions it will become best and irreplaceable file explorer on Android (just like it is on windows)]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin Connection Error :: Reply by JOUBE]]> 2024-08-26T19:57:37+00:00 2024-08-26T19:57:37+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83409&p=459074#p459074
    cookiemasta wrote: 2024-08-26, 17:30 UTC ghost commander and solid explorer are capable of doing latter
    I'm now thinking of switch to them
    If they can do that and you need it, then use them.]]>
    cookiemasta wrote: 2024-08-26, 17:30 UTC ghost commander and solid explorer are capable of doing latter
    I'm now thinking of switch to them
    If they can do that and you need it, then use them.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin Connection Error :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-28T06:54:17+00:00 2024-08-28T06:54:17+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83409&p=459157#p459157
    Please add 2 simple features as copying files from archive to let's say /data/user or any /data or /system folder
    That's not possible because copying there requires root rights. It doesn't mean that all functions can be used from root, they need to run as a shell command on a hidden command line. Total Commander would have to unpack the file to a temporary directory with normal rights, and then move them to the root folder with root rights. This would only be possible if the file isn't very large.
    and show folders size and sort them on that basis
    This is supported, add a button with function type "Internal command", then click >> and pick command 115.]]>
    Please add 2 simple features as copying files from archive to let's say /data/user or any /data or /system folder
    That's not possible because copying there requires root rights. It doesn't mean that all functions can be used from root, they need to run as a shell command on a hidden command line. Total Commander would have to unpack the file to a temporary directory with normal rights, and then move them to the root folder with root rights. This would only be possible if the file isn't very large.
    and show folders size and sort them on that basis
    This is supported, add a button with function type "Internal command", then click >> and pick command 115.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin Connection Error :: Reply by MikeHungerford]]> 2024-08-31T23:09:53+00:00 2024-08-31T23:09:53+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83409&p=459262#p459262
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-08-26, 10:19 UTC Please update to the latest plugin version 3.56 from the Play Store, it should fix the problem.
    That did the trick! Thank you.]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-08-26, 10:19 UTC Please update to the latest plugin version 3.56 from the Play Store, it should fix the problem.
    That did the trick! Thank you.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin Connection Error :: Reply by cookiemasta]]> 2024-09-05T02:27:57+00:00 2024-09-05T02:27:57+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83409&p=459423#p459423
    JOUBE wrote: 2024-08-26, 19:57 UTC
    cookiemasta wrote: 2024-08-26, 17:30 UTC ghost commander and solid explorer are capable of doing latter
    I'm now thinking of switch to them
    If they can do that and you need it, then use them.
    would you be kind to not answer if you weren't asked?]]>
    JOUBE wrote: 2024-08-26, 19:57 UTC
    cookiemasta wrote: 2024-08-26, 17:30 UTC ghost commander and solid explorer are capable of doing latter
    I'm now thinking of switch to them
    If they can do that and you need it, then use them.
    would you be kind to not answer if you weren't asked?]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: LAN Plugin Connection Error :: Reply by cookiemasta]]> 2024-09-05T02:28:22+00:00 2024-09-05T02:28:22+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83409&p=459424#p459424
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-08-28, 06:54 UTC
    Please add 2 simple features as copying files from archive to let's say /data/user or any /data or /system folder
    That's not possible because copying there requires root rights. It doesn't mean that all functions can be used from root, they need to run as a shell command on a hidden command line. Total Commander would have to unpack the file to a temporary directory with normal rights, and then move them to the root folder with root rights. This would only be possible if the file isn't very large.
    and show folders size and sort them on that basis
    This is supported, add a button with function type "Internal command", then click >> and pick command 115.
    thank you Mr Ghisler for your answers]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-08-28, 06:54 UTC
    Please add 2 simple features as copying files from archive to let's say /data/user or any /data or /system folder
    That's not possible because copying there requires root rights. It doesn't mean that all functions can be used from root, they need to run as a shell command on a hidden command line. Total Commander would have to unpack the file to a temporary directory with normal rights, and then move them to the root folder with root rights. This would only be possible if the file isn't very large.
    and show folders size and sort them on that basis
    This is supported, add a button with function type "Internal command", then click >> and pick command 115.
    thank you Mr Ghisler for your answers]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Can't change file dates via properties dialog :: Author Tcny]]> 2024-08-29T00:56:31+00:00 2024-08-29T00:56:31+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83657&p=459219#p459219
    I have tried to change the dates of many files via the property dialog, and never get any error message, but it never works.

    The files are all files in non system folders that I created, either images or text files.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated

    Thank you]]>

    I have tried to change the dates of many files via the property dialog, and never get any error message, but it never works.

    The files are all files in non system folders that I created, either images or text files.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated

    Thank you]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Can't change file dates via properties dialog :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-01T10:31:35+00:00 2024-09-01T10:31:35+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83657&p=459270#p459270 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Can't change file dates via properties dialog :: Reply by Tcny]]> 2024-09-08T19:01:38+00:00 2024-09-08T19:01:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83657&p=459532#p459532
    Any suggestions ?


    Any suggestions ?

    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Can't change file dates via properties dialog :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-08T19:53:47+00:00 2024-09-08T19:53:47+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83657&p=459534#p459534 Tcny
    I go to post images on some other website
    And how do you post the images on that other website?]]>
    I go to post images on some other website
    And how do you post the images on that other website?]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: ftp download issue :: Author lneam]]> 2024-08-26T05:50:32+00:00 2024-08-26T05:50:32+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83620&p=459032#p459032 both routers has usb port with usb stick as a NAS

    router 1 wifi 4
    smartphone 1 android 10 test OK
    smartphone 2 android 13 test OK

    router 2 wifi 6 with 2.4G & 5G (both tested)
    smartphone 1 android 10 test OK

    smartphone 2 android 13 test OK only for upload
    the issue is
    - when i download i face the follow issue. After 3-5 seconds the bar of progress pause (not moving). I wait ... and when the transfer of files has done, the transfer window of wincmd dissapper. The files are OK.
    - if i press "cancel" to stop the transfer, there is no stop. I press many times to stop
    If .... i press the android home button and after 2 seconds or more return to totalcmd ... the transfer has terminate with an error massage
    If .... i close the device screen durring transfer, when i open again the transfer has fail.]]>
    both routers has usb port with usb stick as a NAS

    router 1 wifi 4
    smartphone 1 android 10 test OK
    smartphone 2 android 13 test OK

    router 2 wifi 6 with 2.4G & 5G (both tested)
    smartphone 1 android 10 test OK

    smartphone 2 android 13 test OK only for upload
    the issue is
    - when i download i face the follow issue. After 3-5 seconds the bar of progress pause (not moving). I wait ... and when the transfer of files has done, the transfer window of wincmd dissapper. The files are OK.
    - if i press "cancel" to stop the transfer, there is no stop. I press many times to stop
    If .... i press the android home button and after 2 seconds or more return to totalcmd ... the transfer has terminate with an error massage
    If .... i close the device screen durring transfer, when i open again the transfer has fail.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: ftp download issue :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-26T08:43:57+00:00 2024-08-26T08:43:57+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83620&p=459039#p459039 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: ftp download issue :: Reply by lneam]]> 2024-08-26T11:00:52+00:00 2024-08-26T11:00:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83620&p=459052#p459052 it is folders. From 1.5GB up to 20GB. For files up to few MB there is no issue. The transfer rate is from 50-60MB /sec. Write is 15-22MB. But the write can work with no problem, even with screen off]]> it is folders. From 1.5GB up to 20GB. For files up to few MB there is no issue. The transfer rate is from 50-60MB /sec. Write is 15-22MB. But the write can work with no problem, even with screen off]]> <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: ftp download issue :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-28T06:48:38+00:00 2024-08-28T06:48:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83620&p=459155#p459155 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: ftp download issue :: Reply by lneam]]> 2024-08-28T09:18:45+00:00 2024-08-28T09:18:45+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83620&p=459173#p459173
    - both routers have USB sticks with exfat

    - both smartphones have only internal storage
    smartphone 1 has ext4 format
    smartphone 2 has f2fs format]]>

    - both routers have USB sticks with exfat

    - both smartphones have only internal storage
    smartphone 1 has ext4 format
    smartphone 2 has f2fs format]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: ftp download issue :: Reply by lneam]]> 2024-09-08T11:00:59+00:00 2024-09-08T11:00:59+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83620&p=459527#p459527
    now the window with transfer progress bar freeze after 18-20 seconds. It has copy 3GB of data]]>

    now the window with transfer progress bar freeze after 18-20 seconds. It has copy 3GB of data]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: ftp download issue :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-09T15:48:10+00:00 2024-09-09T15:48:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83620&p=459590#p459590 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: ftp download issue :: Reply by lneam]]> 2024-09-09T20:19:16+00:00 2024-09-09T20:19:16+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83620&p=459605#p459605
    what i know so far
    - both devices has ALL the battery optimizations at OFF
    - both devices advertise that they have almost pure android version

    with router No2
    last tests with android device No1 shows that when i close the screen, the transfer stops at once. With screen ON, there is no issue
    i don't remember with tcandroidftp248 what it was going on. Maybe i haven't test it. I don't remember.

    anyway, now i know all the possible combinations of what is going on. I can accept all the file transfer issues but it would be nice if everything worked properly


    what i know so far
    - both devices has ALL the battery optimizations at OFF
    - both devices advertise that they have almost pure android version

    with router No2
    last tests with android device No1 shows that when i close the screen, the transfer stops at once. With screen ON, there is no issue
    i don't remember with tcandroidftp248 what it was going on. Maybe i haven't test it. I don't remember.

    anyway, now i know all the possible combinations of what is going on. I can accept all the file transfer issues but it would be nice if everything worked properly

    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Textdatei erzeugen Android :: Author alfware17]]> 2024-09-09T07:30:38+00:00 2024-09-09T07:30:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83748&p=459548#p459548
    Also am PC mache ich dann den Kniff mit copy con beispiel.txt, dann gleich ^Z und schon habe ich eine Textdatei mit 0 Bytes und kann loslegen.
    Gibt es im Android etwas Ähnliches. Ja, ich könnte mir immer so eine Vorlage mit 0 Bytes oder auch mit Inhalt vorhalten - aber wie gesagt meistens ist die Vorlage wech wenn man sie denn braucht]]>

    Also am PC mache ich dann den Kniff mit copy con beispiel.txt, dann gleich ^Z und schon habe ich eine Textdatei mit 0 Bytes und kann loslegen.
    Gibt es im Android etwas Ähnliches. Ja, ich könnte mir immer so eine Vorlage mit 0 Bytes oder auch mit Inhalt vorhalten - aber wie gesagt meistens ist die Vorlage wech wenn man sie denn braucht]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Textdatei erzeugen Android :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-09-09T10:42:25+00:00 2024-09-09T10:42:25+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83748&p=459553#p459553
    alfware17 wrote: 2024-09-09, 07:30 UTCBei letzterem suche ich jedoch nach einer einfachen Möglichkeit, wenn man denn keine Textdatei zur Hand hat und den Editor starten könnte und zB Speicher unter, diese Textdatei erstmalig zu erzeugen. Beispiel für diese Anforderung wäre, man möchte schnell mal eine Notiz erfassen [...]
    Womit wolltest du die Datei auf Android denn bearbeiten? Mobilbetriebssysteme arbeiten nicht dateibasiert wie Windows oder Linux. Für Notizen gibt es eine Vielzahl dedizierter Apps für Mobilgeräte.
    Also am PC mache ich dann den Kniff mit copy con beispiel.txt, dann gleich ^Z und schon habe ich eine Textdatei mit 0 Bytes und kann loslegen.
    Das geht doch einfacher und ohne Umweg über die CMD: Shift+F4, Dateiname eingeben und Enter drücken.]]>
    alfware17 wrote: 2024-09-09, 07:30 UTCBei letzterem suche ich jedoch nach einer einfachen Möglichkeit, wenn man denn keine Textdatei zur Hand hat und den Editor starten könnte und zB Speicher unter, diese Textdatei erstmalig zu erzeugen. Beispiel für diese Anforderung wäre, man möchte schnell mal eine Notiz erfassen [...]
    Womit wolltest du die Datei auf Android denn bearbeiten? Mobilbetriebssysteme arbeiten nicht dateibasiert wie Windows oder Linux. Für Notizen gibt es eine Vielzahl dedizierter Apps für Mobilgeräte.
    Also am PC mache ich dann den Kniff mit copy con beispiel.txt, dann gleich ^Z und schon habe ich eine Textdatei mit 0 Bytes und kann loslegen.
    Das geht doch einfacher und ohne Umweg über die CMD: Shift+F4, Dateiname eingeben und Enter drücken.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Textdatei erzeugen Android :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-09T16:15:31+00:00 2024-09-09T16:15:31+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83748&p=459595#p459595 1. Im Total Commander ins gewünschte Verzeichnis wechseln und dort auf [..] lange tippen, bis das Kontextmenü erscheint. Dort können Sie dann auswählen, ob Sie eine ANSI-Textdatei (reiner Text) oder eine UTF-8-Textdatei erzeugen möchten. Dabei legen Sie den Namen schon vor dem Bearbeiten fest.
    2. Sie tippen lange auf das Total Commander-Symbol im Launcher (Android-Desktop oder Liste aller Apps). Dort können Sie dann entweder den Editor starten, oder den Menüeintrag auf einen freien Platz im Launcher ziehen.]]>
    1. Im Total Commander ins gewünschte Verzeichnis wechseln und dort auf [..] lange tippen, bis das Kontextmenü erscheint. Dort können Sie dann auswählen, ob Sie eine ANSI-Textdatei (reiner Text) oder eine UTF-8-Textdatei erzeugen möchten. Dabei legen Sie den Namen schon vor dem Bearbeiten fest.
    2. Sie tippen lange auf das Total Commander-Symbol im Launcher (Android-Desktop oder Liste aller Apps). Dort können Sie dann entweder den Editor starten, oder den Menüeintrag auf einen freien Platz im Launcher ziehen.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Textdatei erzeugen Android :: Reply by Hacker]]> 2024-09-09T18:07:48+00:00 2024-09-09T18:07:48+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83748&p=459603#p459603 Moderator message from: Hacker

    Ins Android Forum verschoben.
    Moderator message from: Hacker

    Ins Android Forum verschoben.
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Textdatei erzeugen Android :: Reply by alfware17]]> 2024-09-10T16:13:25+00:00 2024-09-10T16:13:25+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83748&p=459625#p459625
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-09, 16:15 UTC Das geht unter Android auf 2 Arten:
    1. Im Total Commander ins gewünschte Verzeichnis wechseln und dort auf [..] lange tippen, bis das Kontextmenü erscheint. Dort können Sie dann auswählen, ob Sie eine ANSI-Textdatei (reiner Text) oder eine UTF-8-Textdatei erzeugen möchten. Dabei legen Sie den Namen schon vor dem Bearbeiten fest.
    2. Sie tippen lange auf das Total Commander-Symbol im Launcher (Android-Desktop oder Liste aller Apps). Dort können Sie dann entweder den Editor starten, oder den Menüeintrag auf einen freien Platz im Launcher ziehen.
    Wow danke für die schnelle und umfassende Antwort. GENAU DIESE 2 MÖGLICHKEITEN habe ich gesucht. Die machen das was ich möchte,
    Gut wenn man die Brille aufhat und/oder einem der Autor Bescheid sagt wo die verborgenen Perlen/Funktionen sind.
    Ich glaube ich werde 1. benutzen wenn das so einfach geht, die zwei Punkte habe ich ehrlich gesagt bisher nicht gesehen.

    Weil hier gefragt wurde, warum und wie ich die Dateien bearbeiten will - also genau mit dem tcEditor und warum nun weil ich öfters mal auf dem Sofa oder im Zug 2-3 oder mehr Sätze formulieren muß als Gedankenstütze, die ich sogar noch nächsten Tag aktualisiere. Beispiel die Gutscheinnummern für Fahrkarten der deutschen Bahn oder monetäre Einnahmen/Ausgaben die ich nach 10 Tagen ohne PC noch wissen sollte. Später übertrage ich sowas dann in Excel und oder andere Dateien wie Lazarus (ja ich benutze eure Sprache auch).
    Ja ich weiß, man kann sich da auch beliebig luxuriöse Varianten basteln, aber so geheim ist das alles bei mir nicht.
    Als Workaround hatte ich übrigens gerade eine reine Notiz-App genommen und dann Speichern unter - aber okay das kann der tcEditor genauso und gleich besser, Danke!]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-09-09, 16:15 UTC Das geht unter Android auf 2 Arten:
    1. Im Total Commander ins gewünschte Verzeichnis wechseln und dort auf [..] lange tippen, bis das Kontextmenü erscheint. Dort können Sie dann auswählen, ob Sie eine ANSI-Textdatei (reiner Text) oder eine UTF-8-Textdatei erzeugen möchten. Dabei legen Sie den Namen schon vor dem Bearbeiten fest.
    2. Sie tippen lange auf das Total Commander-Symbol im Launcher (Android-Desktop oder Liste aller Apps). Dort können Sie dann entweder den Editor starten, oder den Menüeintrag auf einen freien Platz im Launcher ziehen.
    Wow danke für die schnelle und umfassende Antwort. GENAU DIESE 2 MÖGLICHKEITEN habe ich gesucht. Die machen das was ich möchte,
    Gut wenn man die Brille aufhat und/oder einem der Autor Bescheid sagt wo die verborgenen Perlen/Funktionen sind.
    Ich glaube ich werde 1. benutzen wenn das so einfach geht, die zwei Punkte habe ich ehrlich gesagt bisher nicht gesehen.

    Weil hier gefragt wurde, warum und wie ich die Dateien bearbeiten will - also genau mit dem tcEditor und warum nun weil ich öfters mal auf dem Sofa oder im Zug 2-3 oder mehr Sätze formulieren muß als Gedankenstütze, die ich sogar noch nächsten Tag aktualisiere. Beispiel die Gutscheinnummern für Fahrkarten der deutschen Bahn oder monetäre Einnahmen/Ausgaben die ich nach 10 Tagen ohne PC noch wissen sollte. Später übertrage ich sowas dann in Excel und oder andere Dateien wie Lazarus (ja ich benutze eure Sprache auch).
    Ja ich weiß, man kann sich da auch beliebig luxuriöse Varianten basteln, aber so geheim ist das alles bei mir nicht.
    Als Workaround hatte ich übrigens gerade eine reine Notiz-App genommen und dann Speichern unter - aber okay das kann der tcEditor genauso und gleich besser, Danke!]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Textdatei erzeugen Android :: Reply by alfware17]]> 2024-09-10T16:15:10+00:00 2024-09-10T16:15:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83748&p=459627#p459627 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Textdatei erzeugen Android :: Reply by white]]> 2024-09-10T16:46:18+00:00 2024-09-10T16:46:18+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83748&p=459628#p459628 Moderator message from: white » 2024-09-10, 16:45 UTC

    alfware17 wrote: 2024-09-10, 16:15 UTC Huch, warum ist mein Zitat kaputt? Kann nichts sehen?
    Du hattest den BBCode deaktiviert.
    Ich habe das Problem für dich behoben.
    Moderator message from: white » 2024-09-10, 16:45 UTC

    alfware17 wrote: 2024-09-10, 16:15 UTC Huch, warum ist mein Zitat kaputt? Kann nichts sehen?
    Du hattest den BBCode deaktiviert.
    Ich habe das Problem für dich behoben.
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: WiFi plugin does not pick up QR code :: Author Elfje]]> 2024-08-27T20:11:50+00:00 2024-08-27T20:11:50+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83646&p=459149#p459149 The issue is with a new Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 (android 14). Tested also with a Tab with android 11 and a phone with android 14.
    Only WiFi plugin v4.4 and also when started from TC 3.50d.

    WiFi plugin transfers between android 11 tab and phone successful in both directions.
    Transfer from S9 to phone works.
    Transfer from phone to S9 does not. The QR produced by the phone is visible in the plugin at the S9 but nothing happens. The QR is not picked up.

    Any idea how to fix this?]]>
    The issue is with a new Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 (android 14). Tested also with a Tab with android 11 and a phone with android 14.
    Only WiFi plugin v4.4 and also when started from TC 3.50d.

    WiFi plugin transfers between android 11 tab and phone successful in both directions.
    Transfer from S9 to phone works.
    Transfer from phone to S9 does not. The QR produced by the phone is visible in the plugin at the S9 but nothing happens. The QR is not picked up.

    Any idea how to fix this?]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: WiFi plugin does not pick up QR code :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-28T07:00:04+00:00 2024-08-28T07:00:04+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83646&p=459159#p459159 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: WiFi plugin does not pick up QR code :: Reply by Elfje]]> 2024-08-28T21:43:51+00:00 2024-08-28T21:43:51+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83646&p=459215#p459215 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: WiFi plugin does not pick up QR code :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-01T10:30:26+00:00 2024-09-01T10:30:26+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83646&p=459269#p459269
    Maybe you scanned the QR code with the photos app and not my the wifi transfer app?]]>

    Maybe you scanned the QR code with the photos app and not my the wifi transfer app?]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: WiFi plugin does not pick up QR code :: Reply by Elfje]]> 2024-09-03T19:27:15+00:00 2024-09-03T19:27:15+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83646&p=459367#p459367 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: WiFi plugin does not pick up QR code :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-06T16:21:06+00:00 2024-09-06T16:21:06+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83646&p=459476#p459476 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: WiFi plugin does not pick up QR code :: Reply by Elfje]]> 2024-09-07T16:02:10+00:00 2024-09-07T16:02:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83646&p=459509#p459509 In the mean time I tried all plugin versions starting at 3.5. Same issue. I tried a different camera app but apparently the plugin uses the camera directly. The stock version is the same between the android 14 devices.
    Now I cannot use the plugin I know how much I rely on it...]]>
    In the mean time I tried all plugin versions starting at 3.5. Same issue. I tried a different camera app but apparently the plugin uses the camera directly. The stock version is the same between the android 14 devices.
    Now I cannot use the plugin I know how much I rely on it...]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: WiFi plugin does not pick up QR code :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-09T15:43:59+00:00 2024-09-09T15:43:59+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83646&p=459589#p459589 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: WiFi plugin does not pick up QR code :: Reply by Elfje]]> 2024-09-10T19:36:41+00:00 2024-09-10T19:36:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83646&p=459637#p459637 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Inconsistent Storage Usage :: Author jcbell3]]> 2024-09-14T20:38:03+00:00 2024-09-14T20:38:03+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83823&p=459864#p459864 in the Internal Shared Storage. If i go to Settings / Storage, it reports that i am using
    85GB out of 256GB. Why the large difference in usage?]]>
    in the Internal Shared Storage. If i go to Settings / Storage, it reports that i am using
    85GB out of 256GB. Why the large difference in usage?]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Inconsistent Storage Usage :: Reply by petermad]]> 2024-09-15T09:02:07+00:00 2024-09-15T09:02:07+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83823&p=459867#p459867
    So, according to TC you are using 30% of the storage and according to the Settings you are using 33% - not that much of a difference.]]>

    So, according to TC you are using 30% of the storage and according to the Settings you are using 33% - not that much of a difference.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Drag and drop files in multi-window. :: Reply by monxdev]]> 2024-09-17T03:47:35+00:00 2024-09-17T03:47:35+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=80190&p=459901#p459901 ]]> ]]> <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Suggest adding custom toolbar icons to be able to use icl zip files. :: Reply by Li Yongzhen]]> 2024-09-17T09:16:55+00:00 2024-09-17T09:16:55+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83291&p=459904#p459904 Because customizing toolbar buttons for the sake of intuition usually involves using custom icons, and if there are many custom buttons, you need to use a lot of custom icons, which will be displayed one by one in your phone's image browser, which is both cluttered and easy to delete. If you can use a Zip file in ICL format, it would be very clean in the phone's image browser.
    I can see why no one agreed with my proposal, most likely you guys don't or rarely use custom buttons when using TC for Android, so you don't run into the problems I ran into.]]>
    Because customizing toolbar buttons for the sake of intuition usually involves using custom icons, and if there are many custom buttons, you need to use a lot of custom icons, which will be displayed one by one in your phone's image browser, which is both cluttered and easy to delete. If you can use a Zip file in ICL format, it would be very clean in the phone's image browser.
    I can see why no one agreed with my proposal, most likely you guys don't or rarely use custom buttons when using TC for Android, so you don't run into the problems I ran into.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Suggest adding custom toolbar icons to be able to use icl zip files. :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-17T16:21:27+00:00 2024-09-17T16:21:27+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83291&p=459910#p459910 .nomedia
    to the directory with the icons, and they will not appear in the image browser.]]>
    to the directory with the icons, and they will not appear in the image browser.]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Show transfer speed :: Reply by AntonyD]]> 2024-09-17T17:18:48+00:00 2024-09-17T17:18:48+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=53657&p=459915#p459915
    Currently it's not implemented, but I could add it.
    Probably this feature request can be done already? Isn't it?]]>
    Currently it's not implemented, but I could add it.
    Probably this feature request can be done already? Isn't it?]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Ordner - Größe anzeigen :: Author Wega]]> 2024-09-11T07:24:06+00:00 2024-09-11T07:24:06+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83767&p=459685#p459685
    Ich hab den TC auch auf einem Tablet (kein Netz, nur Bilder, Videos schauen, PDFs lesen, etc.).
    Nun ist die Speicherkarte voll und zum Aufräumen würde ich gerne die Ordnergrößen anzeigen lassen - finde aber kein "Einstellungsmenü".
    Ich hoffe, das geht dennoch irgendwie?

    SG, Wega]]>

    Ich hab den TC auch auf einem Tablet (kein Netz, nur Bilder, Videos schauen, PDFs lesen, etc.).
    Nun ist die Speicherkarte voll und zum Aufräumen würde ich gerne die Ordnergrößen anzeigen lassen - finde aber kein "Einstellungsmenü".
    Ich hoffe, das geht dennoch irgendwie?

    SG, Wega]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Ordner - Größe anzeigen :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-11T09:37:27+00:00 2024-09-11T09:37:27+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83767&p=459689#p459689 1. Auf Knopf ganz rechts tippen
    2. Falls das einen zweiten Toolbar öffnet, dort auch auf den Knopf ganz rechts tippen
    3. Den Funktionstyp auf "Internen Befehl" stellen
    4. Auf >> tippen und Befehl Nr. 115 auswählen]]>
    1. Auf Knopf ganz rechts tippen
    2. Falls das einen zweiten Toolbar öffnet, dort auch auf den Knopf ganz rechts tippen
    3. Den Funktionstyp auf "Internen Befehl" stellen
    4. Auf >> tippen und Befehl Nr. 115 auswählen]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Ordner - Größe anzeigen :: Reply by Wega]]> 2024-09-16T08:42:05+00:00 2024-09-16T08:42:05+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83767&p=459887#p459887
    Danke, funktioniert - aber ich bin nicht ganz sicher, ob so sein soll?
    Der ganz rechte Knopf (2 Quadrate mit 2 Pfeilen ?) blendet eine weitere (vorletzte) Leiste ein (auf Kosten der oberen Anzeige). Dort gibts dann ein "+", mit dem man den zusätzlichen Knopf anlegt. Dieser bewirkt aber nicht die ständige Anzeige der Ordnergrößen, sondern blendet sie nur auf "Abruf" ein? Und obwohl in der untersten Leiste genug Platz wäre - 8 Knöpfe vorhanden, möglich wären wohl 20 - wird der neue Knopf in der oberen plaziert und verschwindet somit, wenn man diese Leiste wieder ausblendet?

    SG, Wega]]>

    Danke, funktioniert - aber ich bin nicht ganz sicher, ob so sein soll?
    Der ganz rechte Knopf (2 Quadrate mit 2 Pfeilen ?) blendet eine weitere (vorletzte) Leiste ein (auf Kosten der oberen Anzeige). Dort gibts dann ein "+", mit dem man den zusätzlichen Knopf anlegt. Dieser bewirkt aber nicht die ständige Anzeige der Ordnergrößen, sondern blendet sie nur auf "Abruf" ein? Und obwohl in der untersten Leiste genug Platz wäre - 8 Knöpfe vorhanden, möglich wären wohl 20 - wird der neue Knopf in der oberen plaziert und verschwindet somit, wenn man diese Leiste wieder ausblendet?

    SG, Wega]]>
    <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Ordner - Größe anzeigen :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-17T16:24:22+00:00 2024-09-17T16:24:22+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83767&p=459911#p459911 <![CDATA[TC for Android :: Re: Ordner - Größe anzeigen :: Reply by Wega]]> 2024-09-19T12:50:24+00:00 2024-09-19T12:50:24+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=83767&p=459978#p459978 <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: :: Reply by Masutin]]> 2024-08-22T19:24:28+00:00 2024-08-22T19:24:28+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3100&p=458877#p458877 2) If you don't mind, is there a driver/tool/plugin that doesn't need a restart to mount ISO?]]> 2) If you don't mind, is there a driver/tool/plugin that doesn't need a restart to mount ISO?]]> <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: FS-plugin: VirtualDisk :: Reply by Flint]]> 2024-08-22T21:47:43+00:00 2024-08-22T21:47:43+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3100&p=458884#p458884 Masutin
    1. Yes, 1.3.3 is the latest published version. If you follow the readme instructions, then yes, driver installation will require a reboot. However, the same driver can actually be installed without reboot. To do so, you need to skip the INF driver installation procedure, and instead run the following commands from the elevated console:

    Code: Select all

    sc create vd_filedisk binPath= "C:\Program Files\TotalCmd\plugins\wfx\VirtualDisk\VD_Driver\amd64\vd_filedisk.sys" start= system type= kernel
    sc start vd_filedisk
    (Of course, the path to the driver file will depend on where you installed the plugin, and if you're using a 32-bit OS, you need to use the driver from the i386 subdir rather than amd64; oh, and "amd64" does not mean AMD only, it's just the name of the architecture that both AMD and Intel 64-bit CPUs implemented.)

    2. In the current Windows versions you can mount ISO images without any external tools, it's built into the OS itself. There are lots of instructions in the Internet; one possible solution is the following PowerShell command:

    Code: Select all

    & mountvol.exe w: $(Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "c:\path\to\image.iso" -NoDriveLetter -PassThru -StorageType ISO | Get-Volume).UniqueId
    Unmounting is then performed using the command

    Code: Select all

    Dismount-DiskImage "c:\path\to\image.iso"
    Path to ISO file and the chosen disk letter in the mountvol command are, of course, up to you.]]>
    1. Yes, 1.3.3 is the latest published version. If you follow the readme instructions, then yes, driver installation will require a reboot. However, the same driver can actually be installed without reboot. To do so, you need to skip the INF driver installation procedure, and instead run the following commands from the elevated console:

    Code: Select all

    sc create vd_filedisk binPath= "C:\Program Files\TotalCmd\plugins\wfx\VirtualDisk\VD_Driver\amd64\vd_filedisk.sys" start= system type= kernel
    sc start vd_filedisk
    (Of course, the path to the driver file will depend on where you installed the plugin, and if you're using a 32-bit OS, you need to use the driver from the i386 subdir rather than amd64; oh, and "amd64" does not mean AMD only, it's just the name of the architecture that both AMD and Intel 64-bit CPUs implemented.)

    2. In the current Windows versions you can mount ISO images without any external tools, it's built into the OS itself. There are lots of instructions in the Internet; one possible solution is the following PowerShell command:

    Code: Select all

    & mountvol.exe w: $(Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "c:\path\to\image.iso" -NoDriveLetter -PassThru -StorageType ISO | Get-Volume).UniqueId
    Unmounting is then performed using the command

    Code: Select all

    Dismount-DiskImage "c:\path\to\image.iso"
    Path to ISO file and the chosen disk letter in the mountvol command are, of course, up to you.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: eBookInfo WDX/WLX :: Author beb]]> 2024-08-23T08:41:53+00:00 2024-08-23T08:41:53+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=83577&p=458898#p458898 Author: dimasic

    Lister plugin for ebook file headers:
    MOBI/AZW/AZW3 (Amazon Kindle), FB2, EPUB, PRC.
    Displays cover image(jpeg, png) and basic headers.
    2016.06.12: release
    2022.01.27: last update (v.

    Content plugin for ebook files:
    MOBI/AZW/AZW3 (Amazon Kindle), FB2, EPUB, PRC.
    Displays basic metadata fields.
    2016.06.12: release
    2018.09.24: last update (v.1.0.4)

    Similar plugin by Psychedelic:

    NB Once the author decides to develop the plugins further I would ask to add a WDX info field:
    cover [presence] = yes|no]]>
    Author: dimasic

    Lister plugin for ebook file headers:
    MOBI/AZW/AZW3 (Amazon Kindle), FB2, EPUB, PRC.
    Displays cover image(jpeg, png) and basic headers.
    2016.06.12: release
    2022.01.27: last update (v.

    Content plugin for ebook files:
    MOBI/AZW/AZW3 (Amazon Kindle), FB2, EPUB, PRC.
    Displays basic metadata fields.
    2016.06.12: release
    2018.09.24: last update (v.1.0.4)

    Similar plugin by Psychedelic:

    NB Once the author decides to develop the plugins further I would ask to add a WDX info field:
    cover [presence] = yes|no]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: eBookInfo WDX/WLX :: Reply by Usher]]> 2024-08-23T17:13:33+00:00 2024-08-24T02:31:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=83577&p=458922#p458922 https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=44145
    And in the Germsn subforum:
    And in the Germsn subforum:
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: eBookInfo WDX/WLX :: Reply by beb]]> 2024-08-23T18:53:59+00:00 2024-08-23T18:53:59+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=83577&p=458925#p458925 Usher
    If one compares my message to that of yours, they will find the exact correspondence as to a link to the FastFb2_Epub.wdx plugin discussion.
    Though, they are the different pictures (two different sets of plugins by two authors, one of whom abandoned the lister functions, while the other one didn't).
    If one compares my message to that of yours, they will find the exact correspondence as to a link to the FastFb2_Epub.wdx plugin discussion.
    Though, they are the different pictures (two different sets of plugins by two authors, one of whom abandoned the lister functions, while the other one didn't).
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: eBookInfo WDX/WLX :: Reply by Usher]]> 2024-08-24T02:36:52+00:00 2024-08-24T02:36:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=83577&p=458943#p458943 beb
    My bad. I have copied wrong link in my previous comment. Fixed now.

    Both plugins seem to have limited functionality and both seem to be abandoned. I will do some tests and report my findings soon.]]>
    My bad. I have copied wrong link in my previous comment. Fixed now.

    Both plugins seem to have limited functionality and both seem to be abandoned. I will do some tests and report my findings soon.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WDX] Autorun Plugin: Run commands/set envvars on TC start :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-08-21T23:58:36+00:00 2024-08-21T23:58:36+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32427&p=458849#p458849 funkymonk
    Does GetValue support arrays of some type as return value?
    Not yet.
    Since the documentation is not yet complete and I don't want to "try and error" things that are *maybe* not yet implemented:
    How to access such arrays?
    In fact, the WMIQuery documentation (excluding examples) is complete. Working with the resulting arrays in values was not actualized, although it came to mind earlier. It will be considered.

    Some notes:
    1. Instead of Outstr = "", it's better to write Local Outstr.
    2. In the help example, the WMIQuery() constructor is declared globally for a reason, since it doesn't require repeated calls, therefore it is incorrect to write it to the function.
    3. You don't need to put wq.Next() in parentheses.
    Since autorun itself blocks unloading and continues running, why should the threads be stopped?
    Perhaps it was not taken into account. I'll find out.]]>
    Does GetValue support arrays of some type as return value?
    Not yet.
    Since the documentation is not yet complete and I don't want to "try and error" things that are *maybe* not yet implemented:
    How to access such arrays?
    In fact, the WMIQuery documentation (excluding examples) is complete. Working with the resulting arrays in values was not actualized, although it came to mind earlier. It will be considered.

    Some notes:
    1. Instead of Outstr = "", it's better to write Local Outstr.
    2. In the help example, the WMIQuery() constructor is declared globally for a reason, since it doesn't require repeated calls, therefore it is incorrect to write it to the function.
    3. You don't need to put wq.Next() in parentheses.
    Since autorun itself blocks unloading and continues running, why should the threads be stopped?
    Perhaps it was not taken into account. I'll find out.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WDX] Autorun Plugin: Run commands/set envvars on TC start :: Reply by funkymonk]]> 2024-08-22T00:12:51+00:00 2024-08-22T00:12:51+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32427&p=458850#p458850
    Thank you for the quick response.

    Regarding WMIQuery / GetValue: it would be great to have array support (or some other way to process such arrays)...
    BTW: GetWMIValue should be improved in the same regard:
    SomeVAR = GetWMIValue('Caption', 'SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration', '', someNumber) --> ok
    SomeVAR = GetWMIValue('IPAddress', 'SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration', '', someNumber) --> error, as described above

    Regarding your notes: right. I need to tidy up anyways...

    Regarding Threads / AutorunBlockUnload: Let's see what can be found out...]]>

    Thank you for the quick response.

    Regarding WMIQuery / GetValue: it would be great to have array support (or some other way to process such arrays)...
    BTW: GetWMIValue should be improved in the same regard:
    SomeVAR = GetWMIValue('Caption', 'SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration', '', someNumber) --> ok
    SomeVAR = GetWMIValue('IPAddress', 'SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration', '', someNumber) --> error, as described above

    Regarding your notes: right. I need to tidy up anyways...

    Regarding Threads / AutorunBlockUnload: Let's see what can be found out...]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WDX] Autorun Plugin: Run commands/set envvars on TC start :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-08-22T21:15:12+00:00 2024-08-22T21:15:12+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32427&p=458883#p458883 funkymonk
    The thread problem seems to have arisen from this:

    Code: Select all

    * starting and stopping script moved from DllMain to ContentSetDefaultParams and ContentPluginUnloading functions
    So far, everything is under consideration.

    In the meantime, we have one unresolved issue:
    Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-21, 14:49 UTC But first of all, I would like you to test what we discussed — the proposed script with SysInfo functions
    I hope you won't ignore it.]]>
    The thread problem seems to have arisen from this:

    Code: Select all

    * starting and stopping script moved from DllMain to ContentSetDefaultParams and ContentPluginUnloading functions
    So far, everything is under consideration.

    In the meantime, we have one unresolved issue:
    Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-21, 14:49 UTC But first of all, I would like you to test what we discussed — the proposed script with SysInfo functions
    I hope you won't ignore it.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WDX] Autorun Plugin: Run commands/set envvars on TC start :: Reply by funkymonk]]> 2024-08-23T20:07:03+00:00 2024-08-23T20:07:03+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32427&p=458937#p458937
    I have tested the code from https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=32427&start=120#p458832.
    The script and the new functions (including functionality related to RestartScript) seem to work in general. However, I have found some issues so far:
    1. Not a problem with autorun but with the script: According to help_en.chm, LngRead requires a filename upon the first call. Thus, I had to change the script as follows to work:

      Code: Select all

      If AUTORUN_TCLANG = 'eng' Then
         sUnit = ' kB/s'
         sUnit = ' ' & LngRead(1657, "*"&AUTORUN_TCLANG)
         Units = StrFormat('LU:%s,%s,%s,%s,%s', LngRead(1450), LngRead(1451), LngRead(1452), LngRead(1453), LngRead(1449))
         ERROR = 0
    2. It seems that Time() returns UTC+0 time independent from the system time zone. help_en.chm has no information about using time zones.

      I will do more testing soon.
    Meanwhile, I have already changed parts of my own autorun script. The new functions I have used so far seem to work as expected.
    I'm not yet done with my changes/tests but I will certainly post issues once I find them.

    So far, I just want to report some missing English documentation for

    Code: Select all

    2.2.13 beta
    + Runtime: ClipGet, ClipPut
    + Runtime: WinGetPos, WinSetPos, WinSetState, index 7 was added to WinGetState
    + API: SetVar function can set variables in local scope
    + /ELEVATE switch in ShellExec for forced privilege escalation
    And: In autorun.lng, the [DEU] section is outdated/incomplete/buggy. Is there already a more recent German translation?]]>

    I have tested the code from https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=32427&start=120#p458832.
    The script and the new functions (including functionality related to RestartScript) seem to work in general. However, I have found some issues so far:
    1. Not a problem with autorun but with the script: According to help_en.chm, LngRead requires a filename upon the first call. Thus, I had to change the script as follows to work:

      Code: Select all

      If AUTORUN_TCLANG = 'eng' Then
         sUnit = ' kB/s'
         sUnit = ' ' & LngRead(1657, "*"&AUTORUN_TCLANG)
         Units = StrFormat('LU:%s,%s,%s,%s,%s', LngRead(1450), LngRead(1451), LngRead(1452), LngRead(1453), LngRead(1449))
         ERROR = 0
    2. It seems that Time() returns UTC+0 time independent from the system time zone. help_en.chm has no information about using time zones.

      I will do more testing soon.
    Meanwhile, I have already changed parts of my own autorun script. The new functions I have used so far seem to work as expected.
    I'm not yet done with my changes/tests but I will certainly post issues once I find them.

    So far, I just want to report some missing English documentation for

    Code: Select all

    2.2.13 beta
    + Runtime: ClipGet, ClipPut
    + Runtime: WinGetPos, WinSetPos, WinSetState, index 7 was added to WinGetState
    + API: SetVar function can set variables in local scope
    + /ELEVATE switch in ShellExec for forced privilege escalation
    And: In autorun.lng, the [DEU] section is outdated/incomplete/buggy. Is there already a more recent German translation?]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WDX] Autorun Plugin: Run commands/set envvars on TC start :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-08-25T15:13:03+00:00 2024-08-25T15:13:03+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32427&p=458982#p458982 funkymonk
    Thanks for the tests! Is the rest of the title displayed correctly? Do the hotkeys work?
    1. I just forgot to insert one line. Sorry. Fixed the code. Your option is not always suitable, because there may be different versions of <lang>.lng in the same folder.
    2. It's strange that I didn't notice it myself before. We'll figure it out.
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-23, 20:07 UTC So far, I just want to report some missing English documentation for

    2.2.13 beta
    + Runtime: ClipGet, ClipPut
    + Runtime: WinGetPos, WinSetPos, WinSetState, index 7 was added to WinGetState
    + API: SetVar function can set variables in local scope
    + /ELEVATE switch in ShellExec for forced privilege escalation
    Good. We will update the help later. I crossed out the unnecessary ones.
    There are many things that have not yet been completed. This will be finalized in betas.
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-23, 20:07 UTC I'm not yet done with my changes/tests but I will certainly post issues once I find them.
    Good. Thanks for the help!
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-23, 20:07 UTC And: In autorun.lng, the [DEU] section is outdated/incomplete/buggy. Is there already a more recent German translation?
    I know about it. We will try to add to the next version.]]>
    Thanks for the tests! Is the rest of the title displayed correctly? Do the hotkeys work?
    1. I just forgot to insert one line. Sorry. Fixed the code. Your option is not always suitable, because there may be different versions of <lang>.lng in the same folder.
    2. It's strange that I didn't notice it myself before. We'll figure it out.
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-23, 20:07 UTC So far, I just want to report some missing English documentation for

    2.2.13 beta
    + Runtime: ClipGet, ClipPut
    + Runtime: WinGetPos, WinSetPos, WinSetState, index 7 was added to WinGetState
    + API: SetVar function can set variables in local scope
    + /ELEVATE switch in ShellExec for forced privilege escalation
    Good. We will update the help later. I crossed out the unnecessary ones.
    There are many things that have not yet been completed. This will be finalized in betas.
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-23, 20:07 UTC I'm not yet done with my changes/tests but I will certainly post issues once I find them.
    Good. Thanks for the help!
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-23, 20:07 UTC And: In autorun.lng, the [DEU] section is outdated/incomplete/buggy. Is there already a more recent German translation?
    I know about it. We will try to add to the next version.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WDX] Autorun Plugin: Run commands/set envvars on TC start :: Reply by funkymonk]]> 2024-08-25T16:03:40+00:00 2024-08-25T16:03:40+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32427&p=458984#p458984
    It is about configuring/saving the position of the "copy in background" windows.
    I have posted this TC suggestion some time ago, but there is currently no native support in TC: https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=81869

    At the moment, the "copy in background" windows are placed behind the TC main window. Starting from the top left corner, every new window gets placed next to the previous one. This is ok in general, but in a multi-monitor environment I would like to have these windows on another screen.

    Can the ModifyDialogs plugin help with that?
    There is some special windows defined for use with AddDialog (e.g., DIALOG_COPYMOVE) but nothing seems to relate to the "copy in background" windows.
    It would be great if the "copy in background" window positions could be saved. Of course, since these windows pile up next to each other, there is no single position.
    But: Would it be possible to define a screen number for these windows or the position of the first of these windows?

    I have thought about scripting something but couldn't fine the time yet.]]>

    It is about configuring/saving the position of the "copy in background" windows.
    I have posted this TC suggestion some time ago, but there is currently no native support in TC: https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=81869

    At the moment, the "copy in background" windows are placed behind the TC main window. Starting from the top left corner, every new window gets placed next to the previous one. This is ok in general, but in a multi-monitor environment I would like to have these windows on another screen.

    Can the ModifyDialogs plugin help with that?
    There is some special windows defined for use with AddDialog (e.g., DIALOG_COPYMOVE) but nothing seems to relate to the "copy in background" windows.
    It would be great if the "copy in background" window positions could be saved. Of course, since these windows pile up next to each other, there is no single position.
    But: Would it be possible to define a screen number for these windows or the position of the first of these windows?

    I have thought about scripting something but couldn't fine the time yet.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WDX] Autorun Plugin: Run commands/set envvars on TC start :: Reply by funkymonk]]> 2024-08-25T16:05:52+00:00 2024-08-25T16:05:52+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32427&p=458985#p458985
    Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-25, 15:13 UTC Thanks for the tests! Is the rest of the title displayed correctly? Do the hotkeys work?
    Looks good so far. I have played around with the hotkeys and mouse actions and could not find any problem for now.
    Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-25, 15:13 UTC Your option is not always suitable, because there may be different versions of <lang>.lng in the same folder.
    Sure. It was just a quick fix.]]>
    Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-25, 15:13 UTC Thanks for the tests! Is the rest of the title displayed correctly? Do the hotkeys work?
    Looks good so far. I have played around with the hotkeys and mouse actions and could not find any problem for now.
    Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-25, 15:13 UTC Your option is not always suitable, because there may be different versions of <lang>.lng in the same folder.
    Sure. It was just a quick fix.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WDX] Autorun Plugin: Run commands/set envvars on TC start :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-08-25T16:20:23+00:00 2024-08-25T16:20:23+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32427&p=458986#p458986
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:03 UTC Another thing or suggestion:
    This has been discussed for a long time ago, but no solution has been found due to the inability to identify such windows.
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:05 UTC Looks good so far. I have played around with the hotkeys and mouse actions and could not find any problem for now.
    Umm. There are no mouse actions in my code.]]>
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:03 UTC Another thing or suggestion:
    This has been discussed for a long time ago, but no solution has been found due to the inability to identify such windows.
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:05 UTC Looks good so far. I have played around with the hotkeys and mouse actions and could not find any problem for now.
    Umm. There are no mouse actions in my code.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WDX] Autorun Plugin: Run commands/set envvars on TC start :: Reply by funkymonk]]> 2024-08-25T18:05:56+00:00 2024-08-25T18:05:56+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32427&p=458991#p458991
    Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:20 UTC
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:03 UTC Another thing or suggestion:
    This has been discussed for a long time ago, but no solution has been found due to the inability to identify such windows.
    Ok. I thought so. This exact problem (window identification) is exactly the reason why I haven't invested more time so far.
    Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:20 UTC
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:05 UTC Looks good so far. I have played around with the hotkeys and mouse actions and could not find any problem for now.
    Umm. There are no mouse actions in my code.
    Not in your code. But in mine.]]>
    Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:20 UTC
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:03 UTC Another thing or suggestion:
    This has been discussed for a long time ago, but no solution has been found due to the inability to identify such windows.
    Ok. I thought so. This exact problem (window identification) is exactly the reason why I haven't invested more time so far.
    Fla$her wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:20 UTC
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-25, 16:05 UTC Looks good so far. I have played around with the hotkeys and mouse actions and could not find any problem for now.
    Umm. There are no mouse actions in my code.
    Not in your code. But in mine.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WDX] Autorun Plugin: Run commands/set envvars on TC start :: Reply by Fla$her]]> 2024-08-25T18:37:12+00:00 2024-08-25T18:37:12+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32427&p=458993#p458993
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-25, 18:05 UTC Not in your code. But in mine.
    I haven't asked you about how the SetHotkeyAction or ControlSetMouseAction commands work. Some keys have their own difficulties.
    I'm just interested in how my code works in the ### HOTKEYS ### part.]]>
    funkymonk wrote: 2024-08-25, 18:05 UTC Not in your code. But in mine.
    I haven't asked you about how the SetHotkeyAction or ControlSetMouseAction commands work. Some keys have their own difficulties.
    I'm just interested in how my code works in the ### HOTKEYS ### part.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: DirSizeCalc Charts 1.10 (Lister plugin) :: Reply by wjharing]]> 2024-08-26T18:23:37+00:00 2024-08-26T18:23:37+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=42391&p=459067#p459067 Is there a way to change the background color in the meantime? (i.e. keeping the background color as set in total commander? I'm using a dark-ish mode...]]> Is there a way to change the background color in the meantime? (i.e. keeping the background color as set in total commander? I'm using a dark-ish mode...]]> <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WCX] SetFolderDate :: Reply by tbeu]]> 2024-08-27T19:38:40+00:00 2024-08-27T19:38:40+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=56937&p=459148#p459148 <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: [WCX] SetFolderDate :: Reply by iG0R]]> 2024-08-27T20:48:44+00:00 2024-08-27T20:48:44+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=56937&p=459150#p459150
    tbeu wrote: 2024-08-27, 19:38 UTC
    Thanks for the answer.
    I've already written my own PS script - https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=458513#p458513]]>
    tbeu wrote: 2024-08-27, 19:38 UTC
    Thanks for the answer.
    I've already written my own PS script - https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=458513#p458513]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: InnoSetup MultiArc Addon :: Reply by ter]]> 2024-08-23T13:48:07+00:00 2024-08-23T13:48:07+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3810&p=458916#p458916 I have the [InnoSetup] section in my MultiArc.ini, and it works without the file "InnoSetup.Addon".
    I have the old version of MultiArc.ini. Should I update it?
    Note the string "type a password".

    Code: Select all

    ID=49 6E 6E 6F 
    Format0="zzzzzzzzzz yyyy.tt.dd hh:mm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" 
    ;List=%PQa -v -m %AQA 
    ;Extract=%PQA -e -m %AQA @%LQ 
    ;ExtractWithPath=%PQA -x -m %AQA @%LQ 
    List="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Введите пароль к дистрибутиву:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -v -m %AQA" 
    Extract="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Введите пароль к дистрибутиву:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -e -m %AQA {@%LQ}" 
    ExtractWithPath="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Введите пароль к дистрибутиву:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -x -m %AQA {@%LQ}" 
    I have the [InnoSetup] section in my MultiArc.ini, and it works without the file "InnoSetup.Addon".
    I have the old version of MultiArc.ini. Should I update it?
    Note the string "type a password".

    Code: Select all

    ID=49 6E 6E 6F 
    Format0="zzzzzzzzzz yyyy.tt.dd hh:mm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" 
    ;List=%PQa -v -m %AQA 
    ;Extract=%PQA -e -m %AQA @%LQ 
    ;ExtractWithPath=%PQA -x -m %AQA @%LQ 
    List="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Введите пароль к дистрибутиву:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -v -m %AQA" 
    Extract="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Введите пароль к дистрибутиву:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -e -m %AQA {@%LQ}" 
    ExtractWithPath="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Введите пароль к дистрибутиву:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -x -m %AQA {@%LQ}" 
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: InnoSetup MultiArc Addon :: Reply by nsp]]> 2024-08-23T15:14:04+00:00 2024-08-23T15:14:04+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3810&p=458920#p458920 addon files are just ini sections for multiarc. You can usually put them into an addon folder. With multiarc Configuration ui you can import any of them.

    Code: Select all

    rundll32 MultiArc.wcx64, ConfigurePacker
    rundll32 MultiArc.wcx64, Settings
    a new version of innoupnp is available to handle unicode version > 6.1
    see Rathlevs Rummelkiste or InnoUnpacker-Windows-GUI]]>
    addon files are just ini sections for multiarc. You can usually put them into an addon folder. With multiarc Configuration ui you can import any of them.

    Code: Select all

    rundll32 MultiArc.wcx64, ConfigurePacker
    rundll32 MultiArc.wcx64, Settings
    a new version of innoupnp is available to handle unicode version > 6.1
    see Rathlevs Rummelkiste or InnoUnpacker-Windows-GUI]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: InnoSetup MultiArc Addon :: Reply by ter]]> 2024-08-24T19:49:38+00:00 2024-08-24T19:49:38+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3810&p=458955#p458955 Yes, files on the left and files on the right have different dates because of a bug.
    2. Seconds in file times within archive are missing. But are present when unpack with Universal Extractor.]]>
    Yes, files on the left and files on the right have different dates because of a bug.
    2. Seconds in file times within archive are missing. But are present when unpack with Universal Extractor.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: InnoSetup MultiArc Addon :: Reply by Matthias030]]> 2024-08-25T06:46:10+00:00 2024-08-25T06:46:10+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3810&p=458961#p458961
    nsp wrote: 2024-08-23, 15:14 UTC --Edited
    a new version of innoupnp is available to handle unicode version > 6.1
    see Rathlevs Rummelkiste or InnoUnpacker-Windows-GUI
    Thank you for this update. I wonder if the new innounp version is still working with the old multiarc ini file. Are there any new settings for ID and IDPos? Has anyone played around with this new innounp version?

    Code: Select all

    ID=49 6E 6E 6F
    List="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Type in a password:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -v -m %AQA"
    Format0="zzzzzzzzzz+ +yyyy.tt.dd hh:mm +n++"
    Extract="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Type in a password:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -e -m %AQA {@%LQA}"
    ExtractWithPath="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Type in a password:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -x -m %AQA {@%LQA}"
    nsp wrote: 2024-08-23, 15:14 UTC --Edited
    a new version of innoupnp is available to handle unicode version > 6.1
    see Rathlevs Rummelkiste or InnoUnpacker-Windows-GUI
    Thank you for this update. I wonder if the new innounp version is still working with the old multiarc ini file. Are there any new settings for ID and IDPos? Has anyone played around with this new innounp version?

    Code: Select all

    ID=49 6E 6E 6F
    List="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Type in a password:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -v -m %AQA"
    Format0="zzzzzzzzzz+ +yyyy.tt.dd hh:mm +n++"
    Extract="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Type in a password:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -e -m %AQA {@%LQA}"
    ExtractWithPath="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Type in a password:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -x -m %AQA {@%LQA}"
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: InnoSetup MultiArc Addon :: Reply by sqa_wizard]]> 2024-08-25T16:03:12+00:00 2024-08-25T16:03:12+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3810&p=458983#p458983

    Code: Select all

    Description="Inno Setup"
    ID=49 6E 6E 6F 20 53 65 74 75 70
    ;ID=Inno Setup
    ExcludeIDs=(31 2E 33 2E 31, 23), (31 2E 33 2E 36, 23), (31 2E 33 2E 39, 23), (77 69 74 68 20 49 53 58, 30), (77 69 74 68 20 49 53 58, 31), (6A 70 65 29, 28), (34 2E 32 2E 35, 23)
    ;ExcludeIDs=(1.3.1, Offset 23),  (1.3.6, Offset 23),   (1.3.9, Offset 23),   (with ISX, Offset 30),         (with ISX, Offset 31),         (jpe), Offset 28), (4.2.5, Offset 23)
    Format0="zzzzzzzzzz  yyyy tt dd hh mm n++"
    List=%P -v -b -m %AQA
    Extract=%P -e -b -m -q -y %AQA @%LQ
    ExtractWithPath=%P -x -b -m -q -y %AQA @%LQ

    Code: Select all

    Description="Inno Setup"
    ID=49 6E 6E 6F 20 53 65 74 75 70
    ;ID=Inno Setup
    ExcludeIDs=(31 2E 33 2E 31, 23), (31 2E 33 2E 36, 23), (31 2E 33 2E 39, 23), (77 69 74 68 20 49 53 58, 30), (77 69 74 68 20 49 53 58, 31), (6A 70 65 29, 28), (34 2E 32 2E 35, 23)
    ;ExcludeIDs=(1.3.1, Offset 23),  (1.3.6, Offset 23),   (1.3.9, Offset 23),   (with ISX, Offset 30),         (with ISX, Offset 31),         (jpe), Offset 28), (4.2.5, Offset 23)
    Format0="zzzzzzzzzz  yyyy tt dd hh mm n++"
    List=%P -v -b -m %AQA
    Extract=%P -e -b -m -q -y %AQA @%LQ
    ExtractWithPath=%P -x -b -m -q -y %AQA @%LQ
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: InnoSetup MultiArc Addon :: Reply by ter]]> 2024-08-28T19:14:58+00:00 2024-08-28T19:14:58+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3810&p=459205#p459205
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2021-05-13, 15:45 UTC I'm not aware of any change in TC 10 causing this. What names do these files have?
    Please answer, is this a TC bug or plugin bug?

    I used Syncronize dirs with unpacked archive on the left, and packed archive (InnoSetup) on the right, and selected "By contents" and "Ignore date", and it doesn't work. It shows a question mark "?".
    Try on this archve: https://www.4t-niagara.com/files/4t-min.exe]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2021-05-13, 15:45 UTC I'm not aware of any change in TC 10 causing this. What names do these files have?
    Please answer, is this a TC bug or plugin bug?

    I used Syncronize dirs with unpacked archive on the left, and packed archive (InnoSetup) on the right, and selected "By contents" and "Ignore date", and it doesn't work. It shows a question mark "?".
    Try on this archve: https://www.4t-niagara.com/files/4t-min.exe]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: InnoSetup MultiArc Addon :: Reply by Dalai]]> 2024-08-28T19:34:41+00:00 2024-08-28T19:34:41+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3810&p=459206#p459206 <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: "APK-wdx_2_1" content plugin ; is there a newer version ? :: Reply by ter]]> 2024-08-26T15:16:21+00:00 2024-08-26T15:16:21+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=78410&p=459062#p459062
    No one has paid attention since then.


    No one has paid attention since then.

    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: "APK-wdx_2_1" content plugin ; is there a newer version ? :: Reply by white]]> 2024-08-26T16:02:28+00:00 2024-08-26T16:02:28+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=78410&p=459065#p459065 Moderator message from: white » 2024-08-26, 16:00 UTC

    ter wrote: 2024-08-26, 15:16 UTC ChatGPT detected.

    No one has paid attention since then.
    User banned and 3 AI generated posts removed.
    Please note that there is a "Report this post" button to report a post (button with exclamation mark).
    Moderator message from: white » 2024-08-26, 16:00 UTC

    ter wrote: 2024-08-26, 15:16 UTC ChatGPT detected.

    No one has paid attention since then.
    User banned and 3 AI generated posts removed.
    Please note that there is a "Report this post" button to report a post (button with exclamation mark).
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: "APK-wdx_2_1" content plugin ; is there a newer version ? :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-08-28T07:08:51+00:00 2024-08-28T07:08:51+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=78410&p=459160#p459160 the US constitution in the detector and it was almost certainly AI generated.

    If anyone wonders about the reply to the actual question:
    xapk files are not apk files, they are simple zip files with some xml description and one or more apk files inside. To get information, you can open it with Ctrl+PageDown and look at the manifest.json file with F3.]]>
    the US constitution in the detector and it was almost certainly AI generated.

    If anyone wonders about the reply to the actual question:
    xapk files are not apk files, they are simple zip files with some xml description and one or more apk files inside. To get information, you can open it with Ctrl+PageDown and look at the manifest.json file with F3.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: "APK-wdx_2_1" content plugin ; is there a newer version ? :: Reply by white]]> 2024-08-28T08:31:40+00:00 2024-08-28T08:31:40+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=78410&p=459172#p459172
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-08-28, 07:08 UTC Are you sure about that? These AI detectors are extremely unreliable.
    I use my brain as a detector, and yes, I am sure. The account was created and within a few minutes, 3 useless AI-generated messages were posted in 3 threads spread over 2 forums. And the account has never been logged into since.]]>
    ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-08-28, 07:08 UTC Are you sure about that? These AI detectors are extremely unreliable.
    I use my brain as a detector, and yes, I am sure. The account was created and within a few minutes, 3 useless AI-generated messages were posted in 3 threads spread over 2 forums. And the account has never been logged into since.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: "APK-wdx_2_1" content plugin ; is there a newer version ? :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-01T10:37:11+00:00 2024-09-01T10:37:11+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=78410&p=459273#p459273 <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: New SFTP plugin available now :: Reply by valexiev]]> 2024-09-05T12:21:57+00:00 2024-09-05T12:21:57+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=19994&p=459434#p459434 viewtopic.php?p=407101#p407101, these don't work for me:
    - Running pageant, which is used successfully by git and WinSCP
    - A link to run pageant: c:\totalcmd\plugins\WFX\sftpplug\pageant.lnk

    What worked for me is the use of pub/pem files in OpenSSH format (instead of using pageant), as per these instructions:

    Follow these steps to convert a Putty (*.ppk) key to OpenSSH format:
    1. Start puttygen.exe (part of putty installation)
    2. Load your Putty key into it
    3. Do NOT click on "Save public key", it creates an incompatible key! Instead, select the text in the section "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH... and press Ctrl+C (=Copy to clipboard)
    4. Create a new file with extension .pub (Shift+F4 in Total Commander) and press Ctrl+V (=Paste)
    5. Choose "Export SSH key" from the "Conversions" menu to save the *.pem file.]]>
    viewtopic.php?p=407101#p407101, these don't work for me:
    - Running pageant, which is used successfully by git and WinSCP
    - A link to run pageant: c:\totalcmd\plugins\WFX\sftpplug\pageant.lnk

    What worked for me is the use of pub/pem files in OpenSSH format (instead of using pageant), as per these instructions:

    Follow these steps to convert a Putty (*.ppk) key to OpenSSH format:
    1. Start puttygen.exe (part of putty installation)
    2. Load your Putty key into it
    3. Do NOT click on "Save public key", it creates an incompatible key! Instead, select the text in the section "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH... and press Ctrl+C (=Copy to clipboard)
    4. Create a new file with extension .pub (Shift+F4 in Total Commander) and press Ctrl+V (=Paste)
    5. Choose "Export SSH key" from the "Conversions" menu to save the *.pem file.]]>
    <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: New SFTP plugin available now :: Reply by ghisler(Author)]]> 2024-09-06T16:24:42+00:00 2024-09-06T16:24:42+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=19994&p=459477#p459477 <![CDATA[Plugins :: Re: F4MiniMenu (AHK): F4Menu w. Drag&Drop, filelist, cmdline (XYPlorer, Everything, Explorer, Double Commander) :: Reply by st]]> 2024-09-06T04:02:28+00:00 2024-09-06T04:02:28+00:00 https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=35721&p=459450#p459450
    hi5 wrote: 2023-07-18, 16:41 UTC @st

    You don't setup F4MiniMenu-64.exe as "editor" in the configuration.

    F4MiniMenu is a program that runs on its own and sit in the tray menu waiting for Total Commander (and others if you've set it up) windows to be Active and defined hotkeys to be pressed to take action.

    So, in your case remove any "editor" settings in Double Commander. Start F4MiniMenu-64.exe, in the tray menu click on the F4MM icon, settings, and press ctrl-shift-c in the Double Commander control (at the bottom, Other programs group). Click OK.

    Now the F4 and Esc+F4 hotkeys should work in Double Commander. It might be easiest to setup your first (few) editors via the Tray menu (right click, configure editors) - or you can use Esc+F4 and a popup menu with options (incl. an option "Add new editor") should appear.

    Now you can work with F4MM in Total Commander and Double Commander. Note that not all functions may work correctly with Double Commander.

    You may not need F4TCIE-64.exe at all, but you could try use it and define it as editor in Double Commander, I haven't actually tested it with files in archive and FTP so no guarantees - details here https://github.com/hi5/F4MiniMenu#helper-script-f4tcieahk
    But you need to define the editors using F4MiniMenu-64.exe first, if there are no editors, F4TCIE-64.exe won't be able to find them and you can't use F4TCIE-64.exe to set them up. (Although in theory you could manually create an ini file but that would be tedious)

    Hope this helps.
    Because ^shiftC is by default the shortcut key to cm_CopyFullNamesToClip in double commander.]]>
    hi5 wrote: 2023-07-18, 16:41 UTC @st

    You don't setup F4MiniMenu-64.exe as "editor" in the configuration.

    F4MiniMenu is a program that runs on its own and sit in the tray menu waiting for Total Commander (and others if you've set it up) windows to be Active and defined hotkeys to be pressed to take action.

    So, in your case remove any "editor" settings in Double Commander. Start F4MiniMenu-64.exe, in the tray menu click on the F4MM icon, settings, and press ctrl-shift-c in the Double Commander control (at the bottom, Other programs group). Click OK.

    Now the F4 and Esc+F4 hotkeys should work in Double Commander. It might be easiest to setup your first (few) editors via the Tray menu (right click, configure editors) - or you can use Esc+F4 and a popup menu with options (incl. an option "Add new editor") should appear.

    Now you can work with F4MM in Total Commander and Double Commander. Note that not all functions may work correctly with Double Commander.

    You may not need F4TCIE-64.exe at all, but you could try use it and define it as editor in Double Commander, I haven't actually tested it with files in archive and FTP so no guarantees - details here https://github.com/hi5/F4MiniMenu#helper-script-f4tcieahk
    But you need to define the editors using F4MiniMenu-64.exe first, if there are no editors, F4TCIE-64.exe won't be able to find them and you can't use F4TCIE-64.exe to set them up. (Although in theory you could manually create an ini file but that would be tedious)

    Hope this helps.
    Because ^shiftC is by default the shortcut key to cm_CopyFullNamesToClip in double commander.]]>