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Serazeni souboru

Posted: 2006-09-20, 07:51 UTC
by Geeker
Jde nekde nastavit intuitivni razeni souboru tzn aby bylo 1,2-9,10 a ne 1,10,20

Posted: 2006-09-20, 09:00 UTC
by LBOs
V wincmd.ini dopln do sekcie [Configuration] riadok
v helpe
SortUpper=0 0: Default sort method
1: When sorting files, put files starting with an underscore _ last
2: Uses mixed lexical and numerical sorting, e.g. file10.txt comes AFTER file1.txt
3: Like 2, but uses StrCmpLogicalW for the comparison. 3 needs IE 6.x installed!

Posted: 2006-09-20, 10:55 UTC
by Hacker
Odporucal by som SortUpper=3, ak je nainstalovany IE 6.
