Define Fonts By File Type?

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Re: Define Fonts By File Type?

Post by *hi5 »

You can already have other columns with meta data such as pixel size - duration of song - etc by defining new columns. But I think the overall idea here is to provide a second visual cue such as different, bold, italic fonts or different background colours as suggested earlier. But as the developer says he won't consider those as it looks horrible, and he is probably right - if I prepare a quick mock up in mspaint it is hard to make it look appealing.

So actually all I'm asking is allow the user to turn on a column where they can select a symbol - for consistency I would allow only one symbol e.g. I pick a circle, you a square, and a third a triangle etc - and assign it a colour based on some criteria and display that.

What the meanings of those colours are; how many of them you use; or how to assign them is up to the user. These "Tags" can either be rules based (e.g. pixels) or manually assigned via a tagging menu or descript.ion method.

So I want to be able to tag "cat pictures" with a pink dot and you want to have a dark blue square for "mp3s over an hour in length" or manually be able to tag "good quality" vs "low quality"

If it was just text you could probably already do it now with a (scripting) plugin, but that information would have the same colour as the filename (set by define colours by filetype). I don't see another way to introduce a "colour label" into the file panel in a reasonable manner - I'm fairly certain allow "per column text colour" is never going to happen either as it would look as horrible as different fonts. A symbol just might be acceptable.

But it is just a suggestion, other ideas of how to get more visual cues into a file panel are allowed of course :)

Edit: proof of concept, "tags" stored in a file called "tags.ion" and use a AutoHotkey script and WinScriptsAdv (wdx) to populate the "tags" column with "o" and "x" (just to illustrate)
As you can't move the name/ext columns (it seems) the tags can't be placed as suggested earlier and of course no colour and no unicode chars that I could get to display in the column (hence o x as "proof")
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