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Losing file rights on move: NTFS, NetApp

Posted: 2018-12-06, 13:20 UTC
by mossi2000
I use WC/TC since many years at work. (We have 50 user license here, and I'm one of the few that are still using it every day

Last week I stumbled over some files in my work dir that suddenly had the read-only attribute set. I was unable to reset it, but could copy a version of that file from another directory.
Today I found the reason for that strange state/behavior.

My home directory is on a NetApp volume, that is set up for both Windows (NTFS) and Unix/Linux (NFS).

I can create a text file (test.txt) in a directory in home. I can copy it (F5) to a subdir, no problem.
When I delete the file the subdir and move (F6) the file to subdir, TC shows file in subdir with ra-Attribute. I can no longer READ the file, NOR copy it back.
But I can delete it.

When looking at the file in Linux: all rights are lost - chmod 000, but owner and group are correct.
A chmod 755 in Linux heals the file.
When I do the same via Explorer, everything works fine. When I change TC config : Configuration | Options | Copy/Delete Uncheck "Use standard copy method" and Check "Use copy+paste via Explorer, then TC is able to MOVE the file correctly.

Detected with TC v9.12, updated to 9.21a and still occurring. Rebooted machine - did not change behavior.
Does NOT happen if target is a local NTFS drive.

Must be something together with NetApp (Admin told me that the NetApp is a new one, activated 2 weeks ago) My home dir resided on a NetApp volume before too.... but I NEVER saw such a behavior.


Re: Losing file rights on move: NTFS, NetApp

Posted: 2018-12-06, 16:21 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
The problem is that Linux reports its drives as NTFS, but when TC then tries to copy the rights from the target directory using NTFS functions, it fails - the rights become zero.

However, you can turn off the copying of user rights - themoved files will then simply keep their previous rights: