FAQs: TCs' internal commands - how-to find and use them

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FAQs: TCs' internal commands - how-to find and use them

Post by *Stefan2 »

How to find and use TCs' internal command

TCs' internal commands are listed in a file named "TOTALCMD.INC" in the TC folder.
Open it in Notepad to inspect the commands. (In TC, select the file and press F3 or F4 key on your keyboard)
(Alternatively you can also type 'cm_CommandBrowser' into the TC command line bar to open the 'Command Browser')

For example, I searched for command to un-select/de-select every file and folder again.

So I opened the "TOTALCMD.INC" and searched for "selec"
as part of a command name I was imagine it would be named like this,...
and then I found this line:
cm_ClearAll=524;Unselect all (files+folders)

This "cm_ClearAll" is the internal command I searched for.
"524" is the internal command number you can use too at some places.

How to use a TC internal command

There are several ways to use this command:

Assign a keyboard shortcut to that command:
Menu "Configuration > Options... > Misc."
Choose [X] Control + [X] Alt + A
Command: <click at the lupe and choose cm_ClearAll>

As Ctrl+A is the shortcut to SELECT ALL,
so Ctrl+Alt+A fits well for this DEselect command.
You could also choose Ctrl+/ (The NumPad ./. key)
as "NumPad ./." is assign to "cm_RestoreSelection=529;Restore last Selection"

- - - - -

Use it in a menu file:
MENUITEM "Unselect all files + folders\tABCD+EFG+H", 524

"\t" will insert a tab for horizontal adjustment of the shortcut.
Instead of "ABCD+EFG+H" you could write the shortcut you have assigned to that command, if any.
"524" or "cm_ClearAll" is the command to be executed.

- - - - -

Add an button to the button bar to execute that command:
- right mouse click at the button bar >> Change...
- click at [Add] on the left
- Command: <click at the lupe, or just type: cm_ClearAll>
- Parameters: <empty>
- Start path: <empty>
- Icon file: WCMICONS.DLL
- Icon: <chose one you like>
- Tooltip: cm_ClearAll; Unselect all (files+folders)

Explanation for "Icon file":
“WCMICONS.DLL” holds some icons for us to use.

Some another icon resource are e.g.:

Code: Select all

%windir%\system32\SHELL32.dll       (Windows Shell Common)
%windir%\system32\imageres.dll      (Windows Image Resource)
%windir%\system32\ieframe.dll       (Internet Explorer)
%windir%\system32\wmploc.dll        (Windows Media Player)
%windir%\system32\setupapi.dll      (Windows Setup API)
%windir%\hh.exe                     (HTML Help sign)
%windir%\system32\shdocvw.dll       (three shields: ! ? X)
%windir%\system32\wiashext.dll      (Imaging Devices)
%windir%\system32\mmres.dll         (General Audio Resources) 
%windir%\system32\comres.dll        (COM+ Resources)
%windir%\system32\wpdshext.dll      (Portable Devices, Arrows)
%windir%\system32\pifmgr.dll        (Windows NT PIF Manager)
%windir%\system32\moricons.dll      (Windows NT Setup, old DOS)
%windir%\system32\pnidui.dll        (Network System Icons)
%windir%\system32\netshell.dll      (Network Connections)
%windir%\system32\mmcndmgr.dll      (Management Console Node Manager)
%windir%\system32\ddores.dll        (Device Category Information and Resources)
%windir%\system32\compstui.dll      (Common Property Sheet, check, x, -, +, )
Thanks to: http://diymediahome.org/windows-icons-reference-list-with-details-locations-images/

- - - - -

Always remember tp press the F1 key while you are in a dialog window to get more help.
Also, with the above keywords you are now able to search the forum for more information on this topic.

- - - - -

Short excerpt from TOTALCMD.INC file:

Code: Select all

cm_SrcQuickview=304;Source: Quick view panel
cm_VerticalPanels=305;File windows above each other

cm_LeftComments=100;Left: Show comments
cm_LeftShort=101;Left: Only file names


cm_List=903;View with Lister
cm_PackFiles=508;Pack files

cm_Config=490;Conf: Layout (first page)
cm_ChangeStartMenu=700;Change Start menu

cm_NetConnect=512;Network connections
cm_AdministerServer=2204;Connect to admin share to open \\server\c$ etc.

cm_ExecuteDOS=511;Open command prompt window
cm_CompareDirs=533;Compare dirs

cm_DirectCableConnect=2300;Connect to other PC by cable

cm_PrintDir=2027;Print current directory (with preview)

cm_SelectFolders=3313;Select group: just folders
cm_SelectCurrentExtension=527;Select all files with same ext.

cm_EditPermissionInfo=2200;Permissions dialog (NTFS)

cm_CopyToClipboard=2008;Copy selected files to clipboard
cm_CopyNamesToClip=2017;Copy filenames to clipboard
cm_CopyFullNamesToClip=2018;Copy names with full path
cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip=2036;Copy all shown columns

cm_FtpConnect=550;Connect to FTP
cm_FtpDownloadList=558;Download files in download list

cm_DirectoryHistory=572;History list
cm_GoToRoot=2001;Go to root directory

cm_Exit=24340;Exit Total Commander
cm_Maximize=2015;Maximize Total Commander

cm_ClearCmdLine=2004;Clear command line
cm_AddPathToCmdline=2019;Copy path to command line

cm_MultiRenameFiles=2400;Rename multiple files
cm_CommandBrowser=2924;Browse internal commands

cm_VisButtonbar=2901;Show/hide button bar

cm_UserMenu1=701;Start first menu item in Start menu

cm_OpenNewTab=3001;Open new tab

cm_SrcSortByCol1=6001; Sort by first column

[________Custom column views_________]=0
cm_SrcCustomView1=271; Source: Custom columns 1

[________Commands with parameters_________]=0
;These negative numbers are just used for translation and cannot be used instead of the commands
CD <directory>=-2;Switch to the given directory
OPENTABS <filename>=-3;Open tabs from saved .tab file
FTPOPEN <conf. ftp server>=-5;Open stored ftp connection

Example use of an command with an button:

Code: Select all

Command    = cm_CopyNamesToClip
Parameters = 
Start path = 
Icon file  = WCMICONS.DLL
Tooltip    = Copy filenames to clipboard

See TOTALCMD.INC text file in TCs folder for more internal commands.

TOTALCMD.INC v10.50_(2022-07-06)
cm_SrcComments=300;Source: Show comments
cm_SrcShort=301;Source: Only file names
cm_SrcLong=302;Source: All file details
cm_SrcTree=303;Source: Directory tree
cm_SrcQuickview=304;Source: Quick view panel
cm_SrcQuickInternalOnly=306;Source: Quick view, no plugins
cm_SrcHideQuickview=307;Source: Quick view panel off
cm_SrcExecs=311;Source: Only programs
cm_SrcAllFiles=312;Source: All files
cm_SrcUserSpec=313;Source: Last selected
cm_SrcUserDef=314;Source: Select user type
cm_SrcByName=321;Source: Sort by name
cm_SrcByExt=322;Source: Sort by extension
cm_SrcBySize=323;Source: Sort by size
cm_SrcByDateTime=324;Source: Sort by date
cm_SrcUnsorted=325;Source: Unsorted
cm_SrcNegOrder=330;Source: Reversed order
cm_SrcOpenDrives=331;Source: Open drive list
cm_SrcThumbs=269;Source: Thumbnail view
cm_SrcCustomViewMenu=270;Source: Custom view menu
cm_SrcPathFocus=332;Source: Put focus on path
cm_SrcViewModeList=333;Source: View mode menu

cm_LeftComments=100;Left: Show comments
cm_LeftShort=101;Left: Only file names
cm_LeftLong=102;Left: All file details
cm_LeftTree=103;Left: Directory tree
cm_LeftQuickview=104;Left: Quick view panel
cm_LeftQuickInternalOnly=106;Left: Quick view, no plugins
cm_LeftHideQuickview=107;Left: Quick view panel off
cm_LeftExecs=111;Left: Only programs
cm_LeftAllFiles=112;Left: All files
cm_LeftUserSpec=113;Left: Last selected
cm_LeftUserDef=114;Left: Select user type
cm_LeftByName=121;Left: Sort by name
cm_LeftByExt=122;Left: Sort by extension
cm_LeftBySize=123;Left: Sort by size
cm_LeftByDateTime=124;Left: Sort by date
cm_LeftUnsorted=125;Left: Unsorted
cm_LeftNegOrder=130;Left: Reversed order
cm_LeftOpenDrives=131;Left: Open drive list
cm_LeftPathFocus=132;Left: Put focus on path
cm_LeftDirBranch=2034;Left: Branch view
cm_LeftDirBranchSel=2047;Left: Branch view, only selected
cm_LeftThumbs=69;Left: Thumbnail view
cm_LeftCustomViewMenu=70;Left: Custom view menu
cm_LeftViewModeList=133;Left: View mode menu

cm_RightComments=200;Right: Show comments
cm_RightShort=201;Right: Only file names
cm_RightLong=202;Right: All file details
cm_RightTree=203;Right: Directory tree
cm_RightQuickview=204;Right: Quick view panel
cm_RightQuickInternalOnly=206;Right: Quick view, no plugins
cm_RightHideQuickview=207;Right: Quick view panel off
cm_RightExecs=211;Right: Only programs
cm_RightAllFiles=212;Right: All files
cm_RightUserSpec=213;Right: Last selected
cm_RightUserDef=214;Right: Select user type
cm_RightByName=221;Right: Sort by name
cm_RightByExt=222;Right: Sort by extension
cm_RightBySize=223;Right: Sort by size
cm_RightByDateTime=224;Right: Sort by date
cm_RightUnsorted=225;Right: Unsorted
cm_RightNegOrder=230;Right: Reversed order
cm_RightOpenDrives=231;Right: Open drive list
cm_RightPathFocus=232;Right: Put focus on path
cm_RightDirBranch=2035;Right: Branch view
cm_RightDirBranchSel=2048;Right: Branch view, only selected
cm_RightThumbs=169;Right: Thumbnail view
cm_RightCustomViewMenu=170;Right: Custom view menu
cm_RightViewModeList=233;Right: View mode menu

[________________File Operations________________]=0
cm_List=903;View with Lister
cm_ListInternalOnly=1006;Lister without plugins/multimedia, single file
cm_ListInternalMulti=2933;Lister without plugins/multimedia, selected
cm_ListOnly=2934;Lister with plugins/multimedia, single file
cm_ListMulti=2935;Lister with plugins/multimedia, selected
cm_Edit=904;Edit (Notepad)
cm_EditNewFile=2931;Create+Open new text file
cm_EditFileMenu=2943;Show 'New' menu from context menu
cm_EditExistingFile=2932;Edit file under cursor (Shift ignored)
cm_Copy=905;Copy files
cm_CopySamepanel=3100;Copy within panel
cm_CopyOtherpanel=3101;Copy to other
cm_RenMov=906;Rename/Move files
cm_MkDir=907;Make directory
cm_MkDirOther=911;Make directory in target panel
cm_Delete=908;Delete files
cm_TestArchive=518;Test selected archives
cm_PackFiles=508;Pack files
cm_CopyToArchive=2955;Pack files (copy)
cm_MoveToArchive=2956;Pack files (move)
cm_UnpackFiles=509;Unpack all
cm_RenameOnly=1002;Rename (Shift+F6)
cm_RenameSingleFile=1007;Rename file under cursor
cm_MoveOnly=1005;Move (F6)
cm_Properties=1003;Properties dialog
cm_ModernShare=1008;Windows 10 modern share dialog
cm_CreateShortcut=1004;Create a shortcut
cm_Return=1001;Simulate: Return pressed
cm_OpenAsUser=2800;Open program under cursor as different user
cm_Split=560;Split file into pieces
cm_Combine=561;Combine partial files
cm_Encode=562;Encode MIME/UUE/XXE
cm_Decode=563;Decode MIME/UUE/XXE/BinHex
cm_CRCcreate=564;Create CRC checksums
cm_CRCcheck=565;Verify CRC checksums
cm_SetAttrib=502;Change attributes

cm_Config=490;Conf: Layout (first page)
cm_LayoutConfig=476;Conf: Layout
cm_DisplayConfig=486;Conf: Display
cm_IconConfig=477;Conf: Icons
cm_FontConfig=492;Conf: Font
cm_ColorConfig=494;Conf: Colors
cm_ConfTabChange=497;Conf: Tabstops/Data formats
cm_DirTabsConfig=488;Conf: Directory tabs
cm_CustomColumnConfig=483;Conf: Custom columns
cm_CustomColumnDlg=2920;Change current custom columns
cm_ConfigViewModes=2939;Conf: View Modes
cm_ConfigViewModeSwitch=2940;Conf: Auto-switch view modes
cm_LanguageConfig=499;Conf: Language
cm_Config2=516;Conf: Operation
cm_EditConfig=496;Conf: Viewer/Editor
cm_CopyConfig=487;Conf: Copy/Delete
cm_RefreshConfig=478;Conf: Refresh file lists
cm_QuickSearchConfig=479;Conf: Quick Search
cm_FtpConfig=489;FTP options
cm_PluginsConfig=484;Conf: Plugins
cm_ThumbnailsConfig=482;Conf: Thumbnails
cm_LogConfig=481;Conf: Log file
cm_IgnoreConfig=480;Conf: Ignore list
cm_PackerConfig=491;Conf: Packer
cm_ZipPackerConfig=485;Conf: ZIP packer
cm_Confirmation=495;Conf: Misc, Confirmation
cm_ConfigSavePos=493;Conf: Save position
cm_ButtonConfig=498;Conf: Button bar
cm_ButtonConfig2=583;Conf: Button bar 2 (vertical)
cm_ConfigSaveSettings=580;Save current paths etc.
cm_ConfigChangeIniFiles=581;Open ini files in notepad
cm_ConfigSaveDirHistory=582;Save directory history
cm_ChangeStartMenu=700;Change Start menu

cm_NetConnect=512;Network connections
cm_NetDisconnect=513;Disconnect network drives
cm_NetShareDir=514;Share directory
cm_NetUnshareDir=515;Unshare directory
cm_AdministerServer=2204;Connect to admin share to open \\server\c$ etc.
cm_ShowFileUser=2203;Which remote user has opened a local file

cm_GetFileSpace=503;Calculate space
cm_VolumeId=505;Volume label
cm_VersionInfo=510;Version information
cm_ExecuteDOS=511;Open command prompt window
cm_CompareDirs=533;Compare dirs
cm_CompareDirsWithSubdirs=536;Also mark subdirs not present in other dir
cm_ContextMenu=2500;Show context menu
cm_ContextMenuInternal=2927;Show context menu for internal associations
cm_ContextMenuInternalCursor=2928;Internal context menu for file under cursor
cm_ShowRemoteMenu=2930;Context menu for Media Center remote control Play/Pause
cm_SyncChangeDir=2600;Synchronous directory changing in both windows
cm_EditComment=2700;Edit file comment
cm_FocusLeft=4001;Focus on left file list
cm_FocusRight=4002;Focus on right file list
cm_FocusSrc=4005;Focus on source file list
cm_FocusTrg=4006;Focus on target file list
cm_FocusCmdLine=4003;Focus on command line
cm_FocusButtonBar=4004;Focus on button bar
cm_FocusLeftTree=4007;Focus on left separate tree
cm_FocusRightTree=4008;Focus on right separate tree
cm_FocusSrcTree=4009;Focus on source separate tree
cm_FocusTrgTree=4010;Focus on target separate tree
cm_CountDirContent=2014;Calculate space occupied by subdirs in current dir
cm_UnloadPlugins=2913;Unload all plugins
cm_DirMatch=534;Mark newer
cm_Exchange=531;Swap panels
cm_ReloadSelThumbs=2918;Re-load selected thumbnails
cm_ReloadBarIcons=2945;Force reload icons in button bars and main menu
cm_CheckForUpdates=650;Check for new versions
cm_ReloadFileIcons=2958;Re-load all file list icons and overlays

[________________Parallel Port________________]=0
cm_DirectCableConnect=2300;Connect to other PC by cable
cm_NTinstallDriver=2301;Install parallel port driver on NT
cm_NTremoveDriver=2302;Remove parallel port driver on NT

cm_PrintDir=2027;Print current directory (with preview)
cm_PrintDirSub=2028;Print dir with subdirs
cm_PrintFile=504;Print file

cm_SpreadSelection=521;Select group
cm_SpreadSelectionCurrentExt=546;Select group, pre-load extension under cursor
cm_SelectBoth=3311;Select group: files+folders
cm_SelectFiles=3312;Select group: just files
cm_SelectFolders=3313;Select group: just folders
cm_ShrinkSelection=522;Unselect group
cm_ShrinkSelectionCurrentExt=547;Unselect group, pre-load extension under cursor
cm_ClearFiles=3314;Unselect group: just files
cm_ClearFolders=3315;Unselect group: just folders
cm_ClearSelCfg=3316;Unselect group (files or both, as configured)
cm_SelectAll=523;Select all (files or both, as configured)
cm_SelectAllBoth=3301;Select both files+folders
cm_SelectAllFiles=3302;Select all files
cm_SelectAllFolders=3303;Select all folders
cm_ClearAll=524;Unselect all (files+folders)
cm_ClearAllFiles=3304;Unselect all files
cm_ClearAllFolders=3305;Unselect all folders
cm_ClearAllCfg=3306;Unselect all (files or both, as configured)
cm_ExchangeSelection=525;Invert selection
cm_ExchangeSelBoth=3321;Invert selection (files+folders)
cm_ExchangeSelFiles=3322;Invert selection (files)
cm_ExchangeSelFolders=3323;Invert selection (folders)
cm_SelectCurrentExtension=527;Select all files with same ext.
cm_UnselectCurrentExtension=528;Unselect all files with same ext.
cm_SelectCurrentName=541;Select all files with same name
cm_UnselectCurrentName=542;Unselect all files with same name
cm_SelectCurrentNameExt=543;Select all files with same name+ext.
cm_UnselectCurrentNameExt=544;Unselect all files with same name+ext.
cm_SelectCurrentPath=537;Select all in same path (for branch view+search)
cm_UnselectCurrentPath=538;Unselect all in same path
cm_RestoreSelection=529;Selection before last operation
cm_SaveSelection=530;Temporarily save selection
cm_SaveSelectionToFile=2031;Save file selection to file
cm_SaveSelectionToFileA=2041;Save file selection to file (ANSI)
cm_SaveSelectionToFileW=2042;Save file selection to file (Unicode)
cm_SaveDetailsToFile=2039;Save all shown columns to file
cm_SaveDetailsToFileA=2043;Save all shown columns to file (ANSI)
cm_SaveDetailsToFileW=2044;Save all shown columns to file (Unicode)
cm_SaveHdrDetailsToFile=2093;Save all shown columns to file, with headers
cm_SaveHdrDetailsToFileA=2094;Save all shown columns to file, with headers (ANSI)
cm_SaveHdrDetailsToFileW=2095;Save all shown columns to file, with headers (Unicode)
cm_LoadSelectionFromFile=2032;Read file selection from file
cm_LoadSelectionFromClip=2033;Read file selection from clipboard
cm_Select=2936;Select file under cursor, go to next
cm_UnSelect=2937;Remove selection of file, go to next
cm_Reverse=2938;Reverse selection of file, go to next

cm_EditPermissionInfo=2200;Permissions dialog (NTFS)
cm_EditAuditInfo=2201;File auditing (NTFS)
cm_EditOwnerInfo=2202;Take ownership (NTFS)

cm_CutToClipboard=2007;Cut selected files to clipboard
cm_CopyToClipboard=2008;Copy selected files to clipboard
cm_PasteFromClipboard=2009;Paste from clipboard to current dir
cm_CopyNamesToClip=2017;Copy filenames to clipboard
cm_CopyFullNamesToClip=2018;Copy names with full path
cm_CopyNetNamesToClip=2021;Copy names with UNC path
cm_CopySrcPathToClip=2029;Copy source path to clipboard
cm_CopyTrgPathToClip=2030;Copy target path to clipboard
cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip=2036;Copy all shown columns
cm_CopyFpFileDetailsToClip=2037;Copy all columns, with full path
cm_CopyNetFileDetailsToClip=2038;Copy all columns, with UNC path
cm_CopyHdrFileDetailsToClip=2090;Copy all shown columns, with headers
cm_CopyHdrFpFileDetailsToClip=2091;Copy all columns, with headers+full path
cm_CopyHdrNetFileDetailsToClip=2092;Copy all columns, with headers+UNC path

cm_FtpConnect=550;Connect to FTP
cm_FtpNew=551;New FTP connection
cm_FtpDisconnect=552;Disconnect from FTP
cm_FtpHiddenFiles=553;Show hidden FTP files
cm_FtpAbort=554;Abort current FTP command
cm_FtpResumeDownload=555;Resume aborted download
cm_FtpSelectTransferMode=556;Select Binary, ASCII or Auto mode
cm_FtpAddToList=557;Add selected files to download list
cm_FtpDownloadList=558;Download files in download list

cm_GotoPreviousDir=570;Go back
cm_GotoNextDir=571;Go forward
cm_DirectoryHistory=572;History list
cm_DirectoryHistoryNoThinning=575;History list, unfiltered
cm_GotoPreviousLocalDir=573;Go back, no ftp
cm_GotoNextLocalDir=574;Go forward, no ftp
cm_DirectoryHotlist=526;Directory popup menu
cm_GoToRoot=2001;Go to root directory
cm_GoToParent=2002;Go to parent directory
cm_GoToDir=2003;Open dir or zip under cursor
cm_OpenDesktop=2121;Desktop folder
cm_OpenDrives=2122;My computer
cm_OpenControls=2123;Control panel
cm_OpenFonts=2124;Fonts folder
cm_OpenNetwork=2125;Network neighborhood
cm_OpenPrinters=2126;Printers folder
cm_OpenRecycled=2127;Recycle bin
cm_CDtree=500;Popup directory tree
cm_TransferLeft=2024;Transfer dir under cursor to left window
cm_TransferRight=2025;Transfer dir under cursor to right window
cm_EditPath=2912;Edit path field above file list
cm_GoToFirstEntry=2049;Place cursor on first folder or file
cm_GoToFirstFile=2050;Place cursor on first file in list
cm_GotoNextDrive=2051;Go one drive up (C->D)
cm_GotoPreviousDrive=2052;Go one drive down
cm_GotoNextSelected=2053;Go to next selected file
cm_GotoPrevSelected=2054;Go to previous selected file
cm_GotoNext=2055;Go to next file
cm_GotoPrev=2056;Go to previous file
cm_GoToLast=2057;Go to last file
cm_GotoDriveA=2061;Switch to drive A
cm_GotoDriveC=2063;Switch to drive C
cm_GotoDriveD=2064;Switch to drive D
cm_GotoDriveE=2065;Switch to drive E
cm_GotoDriveF=2066;(etc, define your own if)
cm_GotoDriveZ=2086;(you need more drives)

cm_HelpIndex=610;Help index
cm_Keyboard=620;Keyboard help
cm_Register=630;Registration info
cm_VisitHomepage=640;Visit https://www.ghisler.com/
cm_About=690;Help/About Total Commander

cm_Exit=24340;Exit Total Commander
cm_Minimize=2000;Minimize Total Commander
cm_Maximize=2015;Maximize Total Commander
cm_Restore=2016;Restore normal size

[________________Command Line________________]=0
cm_ClearCmdLine=2004;Clear command line
cm_NextCommand=2005;Next command line
cm_PrevCommand=2006;Previous command line
cm_AddPathToCmdline=2019;Copy path to command line

cm_MultiRenameFiles=2400;Rename multiple files
cm_SysInfo=506;System information
cm_OpenTransferManager=559;Background transfer manager
cm_SearchFor=501;Search for
cm_SearchForInCurdir=517;Search in directory under the cursor
cm_SearchStandalone=545;Search in separate process
cm_FileSync=2020;Synchronize directories
cm_InternalAssociate=519;Define internal associations
cm_CompareFilesByContent=2022;File comparison
cm_IntCompareFilesByContent=2040;Use internal compare tool
cm_CommandBrowser=2924;Browse internal commands
cm_SeparateQuickView=2941;Separate quick view window
cm_SeparateQuickInternalOnly=2942;Separate quick view, no plugins
cm_UpdateQuickView=2946;Reload file in current quick view

cm_VisButtonbar=2901;Show/hide button bar
cm_VisButtonbar2=2944;Show/hide vertical button bar
cm_VisDriveButtons=2902;Show/hide drive button bars
cm_VisTwoDriveButtons=2903;Show/hide two drive bars
cm_VisFlatDriveButtons=2904;Buttons: Flat/normal mode
cm_VisFlatInterface=2905;Interface: Flat/normal mode
cm_VisDriveCombo=2906;Show/hide drive combobox
cm_VisCurDir=2907;Show/hide current directory
cm_VisBreadCrumbs=2926;Show/hide Breadcrumb bar
cm_VisTabHeader=2908;Show/hide tab header (sorting)
cm_VisStatusbar=2909;Show/hide status bar
cm_VisCmdLine=2910;Show/hide Command line
cm_VisKeyButtons=2911;Show/hide function key buttons
cm_ShowHint=2914;Show file tip window
cm_ShowQuickSearch=2915;Show name search window
cm_VerticalPanels=305;File windows above each other
cm_SwitchLongNames=2010;Turn long names on and off
cm_RereadSource=540;Reread source
cm_ShowOnlySelected=2023;Hide files which aren't selected
cm_SwitchHidSys=2011;Turn hidden/system files on and off
cm_SwitchHid=3013;Turn hidden files on and off
cm_SwitchSys=3014;Turn system files on and off
cm_Switch83Names=2013;Turn 8.3 names lowercase on/off
cm_SwitchDirSort=2012;Turn directory sorting by name on/off
cm_DirBranch=2026;Show all files in current dir and all subdirs
cm_DirBranchSel=2046;Show selected files, and all in selected subdirs
cm_50Percent=909;Window separator at 50%
cm_100Percent=910;Window separator at 100%
cm_VisDirTabs=2916;Show/hide folder tabs
cm_VisXPThemeBackground=2923;Show/hide XP theme background
cm_SwitchOverlayIcons=2917;Switch icon overlays on/off
cm_VisHistHotButtons=2919;Show/hide dir history+hotlist
cm_SwitchWatchDirs=2921;Enable/disable WatchDirs auto-refresh temporarily
cm_SwitchIgnoreList=2922;Enable/disable ignore list file to not show file names
cm_SwitchX64Redirection=2925;64-bit Windows: Redirect 32-bit system32 dir off/on
cm_SeparateTreeOff=3200;Disable separate tree panel
cm_SeparateTree1=3201;One separate tree panel
cm_SeparateTree2=3202;Two separate tree panels
cm_SwitchSeparateTree=3203;Switch through tree panel options
cm_ToggleSeparateTree1=3204;One separate tree panel on/off
cm_ToggleSeparateTree2=3205;Two separate tree panels on/off
cm_ChangeArchiveEncoding=2948;Show popup menu to change archive name encoding
cm_SwitchDarkmode=2950;Turn dark mode on and off
cm_EnableDarkmode=2951;Turn dark mode on
cm_DisableDarkmode=2952;Turn dark mode off
cm_SwitchColorsByFileType=2957;Enable/disable color filters
cm_SwitchFileTipWindows=2959;Enable/disable file tooltips
cm_ZoomIn=2953;Enlarge thumbnails (max 200%)
cm_ZoomOut=2954;Make thumbnails smaller (min 10%)

cm_UserMenu1=701;Start first menu item in Start menu
cm_UserMenu2=702;Second item
cm_UserMenu3=703;Third item
cm_UserMenu8=708;You can add more
cm_UserMenu9=709;custom user menu ids
cm_UserMenu10=710;in totalcmd.inc!

cm_OpenNewTab=3001;Open new tab
cm_OpenNewTabBg=3002;Open new tab in background
cm_OpenDirInNewTab=3003;Open dir under cursor in tab
cm_OpenDirInNewTabOther=3004;Open dir under cursor (other window)
cm_SwitchToNextTab=3005;Switch to next Tab (as Ctrl+Tab)
cm_SwitchToPreviousTab=3006;Switch to previous Tab (Ctrl+Shift+Tab)
cm_MoveTabLeft=3015;Move current tab to the left
cm_MoveTabRight=3016;Move current tab to the right
cm_CloseCurrentTab=3007;Close tab
cm_CloseAllTabs=3008;Close all
cm_CloseDuplicateTabs=3017;Close duplicate tabs
cm_DirTabsShowMenu=3009;Show tab menu
cm_ToggleLockCurrentTab=3010;Turn on/off tab locking
cm_ToggleLockDcaCurrentTab=3012;Same but with dir changes allowed
cm_ExchangeWithTabs=535;Swap all Tabs
cm_GoToLockedDir=3011;Go to the base dir of locked tab
cm_SrcActivateTab1=5001;Activate first tab
cm_SrcActivateTab2=5002;Activate second tab
cm_SrcActivateTab3=5003;(Source window)
cm_SrcActivateTab10=5010;(up to 99 items)
cm_TrgActivateTab1=5101;Activate first tab
cm_TrgActivateTab2=5102;Activate second tab
cm_TrgActivateTab3=5103;(Target window)
cm_LeftActivateTab1=5201;Activate first tab
cm_LeftActivateTab2=5202;Activate second tab
cm_LeftActivateTab3=5203;(Left window)
cm_RightActivateTab1=5301;Activate first tab
cm_RightActivateTab2=5302;Activate second tab
cm_RightActivateTab3=5303;(Right window)

cm_SrcSortByCol1=6001; Sort by first column
cm_SrcSortByCol2=6002; Sort by second column
cm_SrcSortByCol3=6003; (source window)
cm_SrcSortByCol4=6004; etc.

cm_TrgSortByCol1=6101; Sort by first column
cm_TrgSortByCol2=6102; Sort by second column
cm_TrgSortByCol3=6103; (target window)
cm_TrgSortByCol4=6104; etc.

cm_LeftSortByCol1=6201; Sort by first column
cm_LeftSortByCol2=6202; Sort by second column
cm_LeftSortByCol3=6203; (left window)
cm_LeftSortByCol4=6204; etc.

cm_RightSortByCol1=6301; Sort by first column
cm_RightSortByCol2=6302; Sort by second column
cm_RightSortByCol3=6303; (right window)
cm_RightSortByCol4=6304; etc.

[________Custom Column Views_________]=0
cm_SrcCustomView1=271; Source: Custom columns 1
cm_SrcCustomView2=272; (user defined columns)
cm_SrcCustomView3=273; etc.
cm_SrcCustomView9=279; etc. until 299
cm_TrgCustomView1=421; Target: Custom columns 1
cm_TrgCustomView2=422; (user defined columns)
cm_TrgCustomView3=423; etc.
cm_TrgCustomView9=429; etc. until 449
cm_LeftCustomView1=71; Left: Custom columns 1
cm_LeftCustomView2=72; (user defined columns)
cm_LeftCustomView3=73; etc.
cm_RightCustomView1=171; Right: Custom columns 1
cm_RightCustomView2=172; (user defined columns)
cm_RightCustomView3=173; etc.
cm_SrcNextCustomView=5501; Source: Next custom view
cm_SrcPrevCustomView=5502; Source: Previous custom view
cm_TrgNextCustomView=5503; Target: Next custom view
cm_TrgPrevCustomView=5504; Target: Previous custom view
cm_LeftNextCustomView=5505; Left: Next custom view
cm_LeftPrevCustomView=5506; Left: Previous custom view
cm_RightNextCustomView=5507;Right: Next custom view
cm_RightPrevCustomView=5508;Right: Previous custom view
cm_LoadAllOnDemandFields=5512;Load on demand fields for all files
cm_LoadSelOnDemandFields=5513;Load on demand fields for selected files
cm_ContentStopLoadFields=5514;Stop loading on demand fields
cm_LeftSwitchToThisCustomView=5510;For scripting, lparam=view
cm_RightSwitchToThisCustomView=5511;For scripting, lparam=view

[________View Modes_________]=0
cm_ToggleAutoViewModeSwitch=2947;Turn automatic view mode switching on/off
cm_SrcViewMode0=8500; Source: Default view mode (no colors or icons)
cm_SrcViewMode1=8501; Source: View mode 1
cm_SrcViewMode2=8502; (e.g. for tab and background colors)
cm_SrcViewMode3=8503; etc.
cm_SrcViewMode9=8509; etc. until 8749
cm_TrgViewMode0=8750; Target: Default view mode (no colors or icons)
cm_TrgViewMode1=8751; Target: View mode 1
cm_TrgViewMode2=8752; (e.g. for tab and background colors)
cm_TrgViewMode3=8753; etc.
cm_TrgViewMode9=8759; etc. until 8999
cm_LeftViewMode0=8000; Left: Default view mode (no colors or icons)
cm_LeftViewMode1=8001; Left: View mode 1
cm_LeftViewMode2=8002; (e.g. for tab and background colors)
cm_LeftViewMode3=8003; etc.
cm_LeftViewMode9=8009; etc. until 8249
cm_RightViewMode0=8250; Right: Default view mode (no colors or icons)
cm_RightViewMode1=8251; Right: View mode 1
cm_RightViewMode2=8252; (e.g. for tab and background colors)
cm_RightViewMode3=8253; etc.
cm_RightViewMode9=8259; etc. until 8499

[________Commands with Parameters_________]=0
;These negative numbers are just used for translation and cannot be used instead of the commands
CD <directory>=-2;Switch to the given directory
OPENTABS <filename>=-3;Open tabs from saved .tab file (supports modifiers L and R)
APPENDTABS <filename>=-4;Append tabs to existing tabs (supports modifiers L and R)
FTPOPEN <conf. ftp server>=-5;Open stored ftp connection
SYNCOPEN <sync operation>=-6;Open stored sync operation
LOADSEARCH <stored search>=-7;Open stored search operation
OPENBAR <filename>=-8;Load button bar from file
MULTIRENAME <operation name>=-9;Open stored multi-rename operation
OPENCUSTOMVIEW <view name>=-10;Switch to custom columns view
SELECTFILES <*.ext *.ex2>=-11;Select files of specified types (supports modifiers D, B, U, L, R, T and S)
CM_WAIT <time>=-12;Wait x milliseconds
SAVETABS <filename>=-13;Save tabs to .tab file, active side
SAVETABSL <filename>=-14;Save tabs to .tab file, left side
SAVETABSR <filename>=-15;Save tabs to .tab file, right side
SAVETABS2 <filename>=-16;Save tabs to .tab file, both sides (active=first)
SAVETABS2L <filename>=-17;Save tabs to .tab file, both sides (left=first)
SAVETABS2R <filename>=-18;Save tabs to .tab file, both sides (right=first)
OPENLANGUAGEFILE <WCMD_xyz.LNG>=-19;Open specific LNG/MNU file pair from 'language' subdir
OPENBAR1 <filename>=-20;Load main button bar from file
OPENBAR2 <filename>=-21;Load vertical button bar from file
SAVESELECTION <filename>=-22;Save selection to file (supports modifiers A and W)
SAVEDETAILS <filename>=-23;Save selection with all details to file (supports modifiers A, W and H)
LOADSELECTION <filename>=-24;Load selection from file
LOADLIST <filename>=-25;Load complete list (like search result) from file
ZIPFROMLIST <archive name> <filelist>=-26;Pack files from list (supports parameters -m, -o, -c0-3 and 0-9)
OPENATTRIBUTES <parameters>=-27;Change Attributes dialog: +f (subfolders), +a/-a +r/-r +h/-h +s/-s +L/+L2 +c +dDate +tTime Plugin_settings

- - -

List of commands that supports parameters
Post by *petermad » Fri May 20, 2022 22:44
Since there nowhere in TC is a place where you can get an overview
of the internal commands that supports parameters, I have compiled this list:

- - -

More about buttons at >> FAQs: How to create an button

- - -
Finde mich: TC-interne Kommandos (cm_xxx) / Befehlsbrowser
Find me: internal commands em_command cm_CommandBrowser
Last edited by Stefan2 on 2015-07-18, 21:31 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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