FAQs: Copy Base Name To Clip Clipboard w/o Extension

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FAQs: Copy Base Name To Clip Clipboard w/o Extension

Post by *Stefan2 »

PowerShell: cm_CopyURINamesToClip.ps1 URI URL encode

Based on a request

to URL encode selected file and paste to clipboard.

Also prefix the string by "smb:"

Gauner wrote: Ich möchte mit List2Clip gern den URI-Identifier der markierten Dateien erzeugen, mit vorangestelltem smb: und URL-kodierten Zeichen.

Habe jetzt folgende Zeile gemacht:
%COMMANDER_PATH%\plugins\Lst2Clip.exe /U /P:"smb:" /R:""="/" /R:"+"="%2B" /R:" "="+" /R:"?"="%3F" /R:"="="%3D" /R:"%"="%%" /R:"&"="%26"
/R:"Ä"="%C3%84" /R:"Ö"="%C3%96" /R:"Ü"="%C3%9C" /R:"ß"="%C3%9F" /R:"ä"="%C3%A4" /R:"ö"="%C3%B6" /R:"ü"="%C3%BC" /R:"ẞ"="%E1%BA%9E"

Here is an solution utilizing PowerShell.

Please try and report back how it works for you.

Save the code to TC folder as file named f.ex.: cm_CopyURINamesToClip.ps1


Create an button or user defined command (usercmd.ini)

Command = PowerShell -NoProfile -NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
or just
Command = PowerShell

Parameter = "D:\rive\path\to\cm_CopyURINamesToClip.ps1" """%P%N"""
or more portable
Parameter = "%COMMANDER_PATH%\CMDs\cm_CopyURINamesToClip.ps1" """%P%N"""
(Yes, three double-quotes before and after %P%N !!!)


Select a file, click the button, and paste URI string where you want.


Code: Select all



The PoSh code to save:


Code: Select all

# cm_CopyURINamesToClip.ps1

# Stefan, 2017.06.16a
# Found at: https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=329427#329427

# Total Commander Button code:
# Command : PowerShell -NoProfile -NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
# Argument:             "D:\rive\path\to\cm_CopyURINamesToClip.ps1" """%P%N"""
# Argument: "%COMMANDER_PATH%\TOOLs\CMDs\cm_CopyURINamesToClip.ps1" """%P%N"""
# (Yes, three double-quotes before and after %P%N !!!)

$Prefix = "smb:"
$Suffix = ""

$curITEM = $args[0]    # due to TC's """%P%N""" ==> current selected item in TC
$currDRV = Split-Path -qualifier $curITEM
$locDISK = Gwmi Win32_LogicalDisk -filter "DriveType = 4 AND DeviceID = '$currDRV'"
$outPATH = $curITEM.Replace($currDRV, $locDISK.ProviderName)
If ($outPATH[1] -ne '\'){$outPATH = $curITEM} # on error use input as output

# To replace " " with %20 and / with %2F and so on, converts all odd characters in the supplied string:
$outPATH = [uri]::EscapeDataString($outPATH)

# If you want to do escaping for URLs only, This will leave, e.g., slashes (/) or equal signs (=) as they are.
#$outPATH = [uri]::EscapeUriString($outPATH)

$outPATH  = $Prefix + $outPATH + $Suffix

#Set to clipboard:
$outPATH | clip.exe

NOTE: "clip.exe" is a DOS command and doesn't handle umlauts (öüäß) correctly due to wrong dos codepage at that moment.
Use PoSh commandlet "Set-Clipboard" if available (PS v5?) or use an own clipboard handling script.


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PowerShell: cm_CopyBASENamesToClip.ps1 w/o Extension

There are some build-in commands also:


- - -

Often missed are commands to copy without the extension. Here is a PoSh code to accomplish that:


Code: Select all

# cm_CopyBASENamesToClip.ps1
# Command to copy file BASE name without the extension to clipboard.

# Stefan, 2017.06.16a
# Found at: https://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=329427#329427

# Total Commander Button code:
# Command : PowerShell -NoProfile -NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
# or just
# Command : PowerShell 
# Argument:             "D:\rive\path\to\cm_CopyBASENamesToClip.ps1" """%L"""
# Argument: "%COMMANDER_PATH%\TOOLs\CMDs\cm_CopyBASENamesToClip.ps1" """%L"""
# (Yes, three double-quotes before and after %P%N !!!)
# Use TCs %L-parameter to get "D:\rive\path\the File name" -or- %F to get "the File name" only.

# ###

$selItems = $args[0]    # due to TC's """%L""" ==> current selected itemS in TC

# ## Remove extensions from file and folder names:
$out = Get-Content $selItems | ForEach{ If($_.IndexOf(".") -gt 0){$_.SubString(0,$_.LastIndexOf("."))}else{$_}}
# ### The same, but do not remove "extension" on folder name:
#$out=Get-Content $selItems | ForEach{ If((GCI $_).PSIsContainer){$_}else{   If($_.IndexOf('.') -gt 0){$_.SubString(0,$_.LastIndexOf('.'))}else{$_}}   }|clip

[color=#00BFFF]NOTE: "clip.exe" is a DOS command and doesn't handle umlauts (öüäß) correctly due to wrong dos codepage at that moment. 
Use PoSh commandlet "Set-Clipboard" if available (PS v5?) or use an own clipboard handling script.[/color]

# ## Bonus run: Remove trailing backslash from folder names:
#$out = $out | ForEach{If($_.LastIndexOf("")+1 -eq $_.Length){$_.SubString(0, $_.Length-1)}else{$_}}

#Set to clipboard:
$out| clip.exe

# ### You could also use this 'all in one button'-code:
# Command : PowerShell 
# Argument: GC '%L'|%%{If($_.IndexOf('.') -gt 0){$_.SubString(0,$_.LastIndexOf('.'))}else{$_}}|clip

# ### The same, but do not remove "extension" on folder name:
#GC '%L'|%%{ If((GCI $_).PSIsContainer){$_}else{   If($_.IndexOf('.') -gt 0){$_.SubString(0,$_.LastIndexOf('.'))}else{$_}}   }|clip

NOTE: "clip.exe" is a DOS command and doesn't handle umlauts (öüäß) correctly due to wrong dos codepage at that moment.
Use PoSh commandlet "Set-Clipboard" if available (PS v5?) or use an own clipboard handling script.


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VBScript: cm_CopyNetIPToClip CopyWithIPAddress mapped drive

Taken from viewtopic.php?p=305334#305334
Stefan2 wrote:
gogis wrote:Was ich mir wünsche ist ein Button,
welcher mir alle selektierten Dateien/Verzeichnisse
mit vollständigem Netzwerkpfad (mit IP-Adresse vorneweg),
in die Zwischenablage übernimmt.

Zum Beispiel so.

Copy selected name to clipboard, change "Drive letter:" to "IP address\share"

If "\\\share_SW" is mapped as drive W:
cm_CopyFullNamesToClip: W:\TOOLs\Notepad2\Notepad2.exe
cm_CopyNetNamesToClip: \\server.name.tld\share_SW\TOOLs\Notepad2\Notepad2.exe
cm_CopyNetIPAddrToClip: \\\share_SW\TOOLs\Notepad2\Notepad2.exe <<<< Script result

Changed "W:" to "\\\share_SW"

TC Button:
CMD: "D:\rive\path\to\this\script.vbs"
USAGE: Select your files, execute this script... done.

Code: Select all

'// ===========================================================
'// VBScript for Total Commander, by Stefan
'// cm_CopyNetIPToClip.VBS, v00.1, 2016-02-19
'// Forum: http://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=20044 (IP-Adresse anstatt Rechnername in Netzwerkumgebung)
'// Purpose: Copy selected name to clipboard, change "Drive letter:" to "IP address\share"
'//     Example: If "\\\share_SW" is mapped as drive W:
'//         cm_CopyFullNamesToClip:  W:\TOOLs\Notepad2\Notepad2.exe
'//         cm_CopyNetNamesToClip:   \\server.name.tld\share_SW\TOOLs\Notepad2\Notepad2.exe
'//         Script result: 
'//         cm_CopyNetIPToClip:      \\\share_SW\TOOLs\Notepad2\Notepad2.exe
'// TC Button:
'//         CMD:   "D:\rive\path\to\this\script.vbs"
'//         PARAM: "%L"
'// USAGE: Select your files, execute this script... done.
'// ===========================================================
On Error Resume Next
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WSO = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set NET = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
'// =========================================================== Read TCs temp list:
sTCtempList = Wscript.arguments.Item(0) ' The TC temp file due the "%L"
If  FSO.FileExists(sTCtempList) Then
    Set oTextStream = FSO.OpenTextFile(sTCtempList,1) 'FORREADING = 1
    sFileContent = oTextStream.ReadAll
    aLineArray = split(sFileContent,vbCRLF)
    '// =================== Get first line to do basic things one time only:
    sFirstLine = aLineArray(0)
    If(InStr(sFirstLine,":")) Then sDriveLetter = Left(sFirstLine,2)
    sShareName  = GetUNCName(sDriveLetter)
    sServerName = Split(sShareName, "")(2) 
    sIPAddress  = GetServerIP(sServerName)
    sShareWithIP = replace(sShareName, sServerName, sIPAddress)
    '// =================== For each line in TCs temp list, Do your work:
    For i=0 To  UBound(aLineArray) -1
        sFullName  = aLineArray(i)
        'sTemp = sTemp & sFullName & vbCRLF ' test output original string
        sOUT = sOUT & replace(sFullName,sDriveLetter,sShareWithIP) & vbCRLF
    MsgBox "Input file  sTCtempList  not found."
End If
'// =========================================================== Output the result:
sOUT = Left(sOUT, Len(sOUT)-2) '//removing trailing line break:
' SetClipboard sTemp & vbCR & sOUT ' test output
SetClipboard sOUT
'// =========================================================== HELPER FUNCTIONs
Function GetUNCName(sDriveLetter)
    On Error Resume Next
    Set cDriveColl = NET.EnumNetworkDrives()
    GetUNCName = sDriveLetter 
    For iDrive = 0 To cDriveColl.Count - 1 Step 2
        If cDriveColl.Item(iDrive) = sDriveLetter Then 
           GetUNCName = cDriveColl.Item(iDrive+1) 
         End If
End Function
Function GetServerIP(sServerName)
    On Error Resume Next
	Set oExec = WSO.Exec("ping -n 1 " & sServerName)
	sStdOutRes = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine ' commands' first line is blank 
	sStdOutRes = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine
	If(sStdOutRes<>"") Then
        iPosS = InStr(sStdOutRes,"[")
        iPosE = InStr(sStdOutRes,"]")
        GetServerIP = mid(sStdOutRes,iPosS+1, iPosE-iPosS -1)
        If(GetServerIP="") Then GetServerIP = "Error-2"
        GetServerIP = "Error-1"
    End If
End Function
Function SetClipboard(stringToClipboard)
    On Error Resume Next
    Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    oIE.document.parentwindow.clipboardData.SetData "text", stringToClipboard
End Function
'// =========================================================== Results examples:
'// RESULTs:
'// RESULT of sTemp:
'// W:\TOOLs\Notepad2\Notepad2.exe
'// W:\TOOLs\Notepad2\Notepad2.ini
'// RESULT of sOUT:
'// \\\share_SW\TOOLs\Notepad2\Notepad2.exe
'// \\\share_SW\TOOLs\Notepad2\Notepad2.ini
'// =========================================================== END


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PowerShell: cm_CopyModifiedNameToClip

Modify names of selected files and copy result to clipboard.

- - -

File with parent folder only:



USE TC Button Setting:
CMD : PowerShell
PARA: TYPE '%L' | Foreach{$_ -Replace('^.+(\\.+?\\.+)$','$1')} |clip

- - -

Change "" to "/":



USE TC Button Setting:
CMD : PowerShell
PARA: TYPE '%L' | Foreach{$_ -Replace('\\','/')} | clip

TYPE '%L' | Foreach{$_ -Replace [regex]::escape('\'), '/'} | clip

- - -

A way to copy a file's (file:///...) path to the clipboard?

This is an example of the format I'm looking for: file:///c:/WINDOWS/WindowsUpdate.log


USE TC Button Setting:
CMD : PowerShell
PARA: TYPE '%L' | Foreach{"""file:///""" + $_ -Replace('\\','/')} | clip

PARA: TYPE '%L' | Foreach{'file:///' + $_ -Replace('\\','/')} | clip

- - -

Remove last sign, remove trailing backslash



USE TC Button Setting:
CMD: powershell
PARA: TYPE '%L' | Foreach{$_ -Replace '\\$' }|clip

Utilize %L or %F at your wish, read the help:
Dialog box: Configuration - Change button bar (search for "button")
%L Long file names including the complete path, e.g. c:\Program Files\Long name.exe
%F Long file names without path, e.g. Long name.exe

Copy&Paste button code:

Code: Select all

TYPE "%L" | Foreach{ $_ -Replace '\\$' }|clip
cm_CopyNamesToClip - withoutn trailing Backslash


- - -

NOTE: "clip.exe" is a DOS command and doesn't handle umlauts (öüäß) correctly due to wrong dos codepage at that moment.
Use PoSh commandlet "Set-Clipboard" if available (PS v5?) or use an own clipboard handling script as replacement for CLIP.

TYPE "%L" | Foreach{ $_ -Replace '\\$' }|Set-Clipboard

See https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=382883#p382883

CLIP.exe verschludert die Umlaute, wohl weil die CodePage der CMD in diesem Moment des Aufrufes nicht passend ist.

Verwende statt CLIP.exe besser das Commantlet Set-Clipboard (Vorhanden ab Powershell v5)

Bei Bedarf entweder PowerShell updaten oder lokal ein "Set-Clip"-Skript im Pfad ablegen und im $Profile dot-sourcen)

PARA: TYPE '%L' | Foreach{ $_ -Replace '\\$' }|Set-Clipboard
PARA: TYPE '%F' | Foreach{ $_ -Replace '\\$' }|Set-Clipboard

- - -

Allerdings gibt es das "set-clipboard" bei älteren PowerShell-Versionen <5 nicht standardmäßig (zB Win7 hat die v2),
(man benötigte früher die Pscx - PowerShell Community Extensions, und da hieß der Befehl "Out-Clipboard")
somit bekämen die Kollegen dort dann eine Fehlermeldung beim Test dieses Codes mit dem "Set-Clipboard"-Commandlet.

"""Die in Windows 10 und Server 2016 enthaltene PowerShell 5.0 bringt neue Erweiterungen, . . . .
. . . . Für den Datenaustausch über die Zwischenablage gibt es jetzt die Cmdlets Get-Clipboard und Set-Clipboard. . . ."""

Die Clip.exe funktioniert immer, hat aber das Problem mit der Codepage (> Umlaute)

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Find me:
cm_Copy em_Copy Copy Name To at Clip Clipboard
cm_Kopie em_Kopie Kopie Name ins in das zum Clip Clipboard

Last edited by Stefan2 on 2017-06-18, 11:44 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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