Real location of wincmd.ini with AppV (VFS)

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Real location of wincmd.ini with AppV (VFS)

Post by *Saaru »

I've encountered strange behaviour of the %APPDATA%\GHISLER folder at my workplace where Total Commander (x64) 9.20 is installed in an AppV environment. I suspect the latter plays a role, but I might be totally wrong.
Ultimately I am looking for a way to copy the wincmd.ini file periodically to another location.
I hope someone can help me out, as I'm all out of ideas to try. Please let me know if you need any more information from me.

I have Total Commander (x64) 9.20 provided by my employer. It is installed through some enterprise deployment application and stored in:

Code: Select all

According to TC (Help -> About Total Commander) my INI-files are stored in

Code: Select all

My final goal is to automatically back-up the TC settings to a network drive using robocopy.
For those unfamiliar with robocopy, it is a windows command line utility that can copy files. It requires a source and destination folder.
I've set the source folder to be:

Code: Select all

and the destination folder to a network path.

The folder is copied successfully, but when I inspect the folder contents the wincmd.ini file is completely different from the one I see when in TC I go to "Configuration -> Change Settings File Directly". The wincmd.ini file that is copied appears to be from an older TC version (v8.51).

The strange thing is that if I go to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER in TC, I see the wincmd.ini shown by TC's "Change Settings File Directly" option.
If I go to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER in Windows Explorer, I see the wincmd.ini that was copied by robocopy.

It appears that there are two version of the C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER folder for some reason: one accessible through TC and one accessible through other applications.

What I've tried
Click "Show" to see the troubleshooting steps I've tried
Attempt 0
First I have deleted the GHISLER folder from C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming through Windows Explorer. All other attempts are done after that.

Attempt 1
If I open Total Commander and go to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER, the folder still opens. It contains the correct wincmd.ini file.
If I try to go to that path in Windows Explorer, cmd.exe, Powershell or Git Bash I'm told that the path does not exist.

Attempt 2a
If I go to the C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER folder in TC and in the command line panel in the lower part type:

Code: Select all

cmd.exe .
a command window opens in the folder. If then in the command window I type

Code: Select all

type wincmd.ini
I see the correct wincmd.ini file

If I open cmd.exe through the Run command and then type

Code: Select all

cd C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER
I am told that "The system cannot find the path specified.".

Attempt 2b
If I go to the C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER folder in TC and in the command line panel in the lower part type:

Code: Select all

"c:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" --login
a Git bash window opens in the folder. If then in the bash window I type

Code: Select all

cat wincmd.ini
I see the correct wincmd.ini file

If I open Git bash from the Windows start menu and then type

Code: Select all

 cd /c/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/GHISLER
I am told "No such file or directory".

Attempt 3
I found that there is an AppData folder in the AppV workspace. I thought perhaps it's somehow linked into my regular %APPDATA% folder.
The path is:

Code: Select all

If I open that path in TC I see the correct wincmd.ini file.
If I open it in in Windows Explorer, cmd.exe, Powershell or Git Bash I see some outdated wincmd.ini file with a modified date of a few months back.
How can I find, show and copy the real wincmd.ini file used by TC, with a program that is not TC (e.g. cmd.exe, Powershell or Git bash)?
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Re: Real location of wincmd.ini with AppV (VFS)

Post by *Stefan2 »

Hi and welcome Saaru!

- Check in "Help - About TC" where the INI is currently located.
- [Close TC and] move the INI to the TC-folder
- Modify the wincmd.ini and add under [Configuration] the line>>> UseIniInProgramDir=7
- - - - See TC Help > Settings in the file wincmd.ini (Part 1)
- From now on the INI found in the TC-folder is used.

Advice taken from
FAQs: Total Commander is fully portable

Please note that App-V is a virtual installation only, with own transparent folder/file/registry redirection, so WinExplorer e.g. have to say "No such file or directory".
You may want to copy that whole TC-folder to e.g. C:\Tools\TotalCmd and not use that App-V thingy at all. But that may be against your company rules.

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Re: Real location of wincmd.ini with AppV (VFS)

Post by *Saaru »

Hi Stefan,

Thank you for your quick reply. I tried to follow your steps, but I get stuck in step 2 though.

- Step 1 yields: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER\wincmd.ini
- Then I close TC and try to go to that location in Windows Explorer, cmd.exe, Powershell or Git bash to copy it to the TC-Folder. However, all applications tell me that C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER\wincmd.ini does not exist.
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Re: Real location of wincmd.ini with AppV (VFS)

Post by *Stefan2 »

Then utilize "Configuration -> Change Settings File Directly" while that virtual TC is running

Add: UseIniInProgramDir=7
to the [Configuration] section
and save that file to the TC-folder with the TOTALCMD.EXE as wincmd.ini.
If you start TC next time, the INI in that TC-folder will be used.

Or create a brand new INI (read the above FAQ) if you don't have configured the old one much.

Read the above FAQs to work even more "portable".

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Re: Real location of wincmd.ini with AppV (VFS)

Post by *Saaru »

Thanks again for the fast reply.

I've followed these steps and got an interesting result:
- "Change Settings File Directly"
- Add line UseIniInProgramDir=7 to the [Configuration] section
- Save the wincmd.ini file in the same folder as the TOTALCMD64.EXE file
- Restart TC

TC picks up the settings without a problem.
If I look in TC -> Help -> About Total Commander I see that my ini file is in

Code: Select all

If I visit that location in TC I see wincmd.ini there.
If I visit that location in Windows Explorer, cmd.exe, Powershell or Git bash I see no .ini files at all. These all only find a WINCMD.KEY file, which is not similar to the INI file at all.
So the problem still exists, I cannot copy the wincmd.ini file programmatically as I don't have a valid path to point it to.
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Re: Real location of wincmd.ini with AppV (VFS)

Post by *Stefan2 »

Saaru wrote: 2019-06-21, 12:32 UTC..
So the problem still exists, I cannot copy the wincmd.ini file programmatically as I don't have a valid path to point it to.
You mean you can't do it inside of that App-V environment :P
You may need to learn how that App-V works if you want do something inside of that system, but I fear that settings there are closed down.
App-V allows applications to be deployed ("streamed") in real-time to any client from a virtual application server.
It removes the need for traditional local installation of the applications.
The App-V stack sandboxes the execution environment so that an application does not make
changes directly to the underlying operating system's file system and/or Windows Registry,
but rather is contained in an application-specific "bubble".

As it seems, the above by me mentioned settings work only outside of that App-V virtualization.

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Re: Real location of wincmd.ini with AppV (VFS)

Post by *Saaru »

You mean you can't do it inside of that App-V environment :P
This pointed me in the right direction, thanks!

As I understand now, TC runs in an App-V bubble. (System?) files I create are visible to TC in the bubble, but not to processes outside of the bubble.
However, if I start e.g. cmd.exe inside the same bubble as TC lives, I can see those files as well!

I found from Task Manager that the PID of TC is 11152, so then I started cmd from Run with:

Code: Select all

cmd.exe /appvpid:11152
Then I went to the folder:

Code: Select all

cd c:\ProgramData\App-V\some-unique-id\some-other-unique-id\Root\VFS\ProgramFilesX64\totalcmd.920\
and there was the wincmd.ini!

Now my plan is to create a wincmd.ini outside of the App-V bubble in the %APPDATA% directory, revert the UseIniInProgramDir=7 and see if TC can pick the wincmd.ini file that lives outside of the bubble.
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Re: Real location of wincmd.ini with AppV (VFS)

Post by *Saaru »

Saaru wrote: 2019-06-21, 13:29 UTC Now my plan is to create a wincmd.ini outside of the App-V bubble in the %APPDATA% directory, revert the UseIniInProgramDir=7 and see if TC can pick the wincmd.ini file that lives outside of the bubble.
After a brief struggle I found out that this was not going to work.
I created a backup of WINCMD.KEY (i.e. the license), uninstalled the App-V TC version, installed a regular TC version and re-applied the license.

All is solved. I can now copy the settings file from the %APPDATA% folder programmatically from any process without hassle.

Thanks Stefan for taking the time and thinking along with me!
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