Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

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Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *tuska »

As of Total Commander 9.0, the tool 'Everything' can be integrated into a search query with its own search parameters.
In order to use the search parameters of 'Everything' in Total Commander, the search parameters of 'Everything'
must be prefixed additionally with the search parameters of Total Commander, namely "ev:" or "ed:".
The latter limits the search to the current search directory [directory depth adjustable].
Since 'Everything' version (Alpha) from 7.5.2021, the Windows Search can also be used for search queries
* in Total Commander -> only with integration of the tool 'Everything'
* in 'Everything
using the 'Everything' parameter -> systemindex: or si: (since version from 14.5.2021).
The "Advanced Query Syntax" for Windows Search is supported.                -> Details: see point 14. <-
PICTURES: Windows -> Setup - Indexing Options -> Example only!  |  Examples: Search for file contents in *.eml and Outlook files (*.msg)
Picture 1 - SEARCH:  In Total Commander with integration of 'Everything'  -> Click on the image above to enlarge it
                 (Created/Last update: 08.01.2021)
Picture 2 - SETTINGS: For 'Everything' in Total Commander & 'Everything'  -> Click on the image on the far left to enlarge it,
                 (Created/Last update: 12.03.2021)                                                        (clickable Internetlinks below...) | Basis: 'Everything' 1.4
Picture 2 - Important/useful SETTINGS for Everything in TC and Everything -> Internetlinks | Settings
PIC No.LinksRemarks
1.3 < CTRL+click
1.4 < CTRL+click
INSTALLING 'Everything'
MULTIPLE INSTANCES - 'Everything'  --> See also Point 15.!
- Example -> up from here...
- Example -> up to and including here.
1.5 SERVICE; see also note below...
      Installations on the SYSTEM DRIVE, e.g. C:\ RECOMMENDED! .......  <--->
EVERYTHING SERVICE [crashes] | Time-out on Windows start
[✓] Start Everything on system startup

When starting 'Everything', the system drive, e.g. C:\ is ALWAYS accessed first
and there are two solutions to get NO unexpected crashes(!) with 'Everything'
concerning the 'Everything Service':
1. Move programme files to system drive C:, e.g. C:\Tools\Everything or C:\Everything
2. Switch OFF hibernation.
   Admin-DOS: powercfg -h off
   (PC can then no longer be started with the space bar).
1.7 < CTRL+clickURL protocol - Point "12. Button in web browser (Firefox, EDGE)" | Mark a text in the web browser,
then click on the BUTTON in the WEB BROWSER -> SEARCH in 'Everything'!
Match whole filename when using wildcards
Operator precedence - Example 1/2: OR > AND (default), AND > OR
Operator precedence - Example 2/2: 'Grouping' < > to override operator precedence
OPTIONS - (Everything Options with explanatory notes)
 3,4,5 MENU entries in 'Everything'

KEYBOARD SHORTCUT to "Everything-Search this current folder" –
Everything.ini: hotkey_explorer_path_search=1
CTRL+F11 - Provide GLOBAL HOTKEY for search in current folder (German: STRG+F11)
'Everything': PORTABLE, on SYSTEMDRIVE(!), e.g. C: in C:\Tools\Everything (see above: PIC 1 1.6);
DATABASE LOCATION ... can just be blank
Using voidtools in the workplace
File Lists are recommended for DVDs.
  14 Commander - HISTORY.TXT

1. TC Parameter --> ed:
TC Parameter --> ed:

Code: Select all

Start search query:
- Search... ................... Alt+F7	      | Field "Search for":
- Search in separate process...	Alt+Shift+F7  | Max. number of characters: 2046
- Search in separate process...	Ctrl+F        (self-defined key combination) *)

Search for: 		    --> up from the current directory in the active TC window
ed:dm:today		    --> Search for folders and files that have been changed (dm:) today (today)
ed: *.msg dc:thisweek	    --> Search for emails (.msg) created (dc:) this week (thisweek)

- Search in TC with [Parameter(s) of] 'Everything' up from the current directory - adjustable directory depth!
  [even if the field "Search in:" is empty *)].

- *) 'Field' Search in: 'empty': 
  This is the case, for example, if you have redefined and used a shortcut key yourself - see: (Settings)
  CTRL+F | Search in TC with integration of 'Everything' | Prefix ed: | Separate window
  "Only search in selected directories/files" is not possible in this case (shortcut) for folders, files and archives.  
  Ctrl+F is currently assigned by default to "FTP Connect ..." (see: menu "Net").   
  Shift+F is also useful as a shortcut key because it has not been assigned a command by default.
- If 'Everything' is checked - without prefix ed: - then the search criteria of TC (with the support of 'Everything') apply,
  i.e. you still get the search result much faster than if 'Everything' is not checked.

  16.10.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 1
  16.07.19 Added: Find files: Automatically check 'Everything' option when using prefix ev: or ed: in search field (32/64)
  30.11.16 Release Total Commander 9.0a release candidate 1 (32/64)
  29.11.16 Added: Search function: 
           Use prefix ed: instead of ev: for unfiltered Everything search in the location(s) given by "Search in" field. 
           Also supports the "limit depth" option (in the drop-down box: "Search in subdirectories") (32/64)
2. TC Parameter --> ev:
TC Parameter --> ev:

Code: Select all

Start search query:
- Search... ................... Alt+F7	      | Field "Search for":
- Search in separate process...	Alt+Shift+F7  | Max. number of characters: 2046
- Search in separate process...	Shift+S       (self-defined key combination) *)

  *) This is the case, for example, if you have redefined and used a shortcut key yourself - see (-> only example!): (Settings)
  CTRL+F | Search in TC with integration of 'Everything' | Prefix ed: | Separate window
  SHIFT+S could for example be defined for a search in a separate process with prefix ev:  
  "Only search in selected directories/files" is not possible in this case (shortcut) for folders, files and archives.  
If ev: is entered in TC in the field "Search for:", then
- in TC the content of field "Search in:" (path, drives) is IGNORED!
- in TC the field "Search in subdirectories:" is IGNORED! **)
- this means that the search is performed in TC in all indexed drives/folders using 'Everything'.

However, the search is only carried out in those drives/folders that have been defined accordingly in the 'Everything' settings,
i.e. under menu "Tools" - "Options..."
- Indexes: NTFS (Local volumes) - ☑ Include in database,...                (Hard disks + USB drives: NTFS formatted)
- Indexes: Folders              - ☑ Attempt to monitor changes, ◉ Update  (e.g. network folders, USB drives[FAT32,...], etc.*))
- Indexes: NTFS
- Indexes: Folders      

*) etc. means in this case: Drives that are not NTFS formatted.

Files and folders that have been indexed and created, for example, today are immediately found, e.g. on drive C:, D:, I:, etc.

Search for: 	            --> in all indexed drives and folders; field: "Search in:" (path, drives) IGNORED!
  ev:dm:today		    --> Search for folders and files that have been changed (dm:) today (today)
  ev:dm:last30minutes <folder:|file:> !C: --> Search for folders and files <folder:|file:>,
  				which changed (dm:) in the last 30 minutes (last30minutes),
  				with the exception of drive C: (!C:)
  **) The search can be narrowed down with the parameter ev:, e.g. as follows (for drive D: or D:,I:,J:):
  ev:D: !child:*.xyz child:*.bak 		) 
  ev:<D:|I:|J:> !child:*.xyz child:*.bak	) -->
  ev:dupe:files:<audio:|video:>  Search for audio and video files in TC NOT possible, because audio and video are 'Everything' macros!
  ev:dupe:files:ext:wav;avi;mp4;mov; Search for duplicates of audio and video files in TC possible (with file extension specification)!

- If 'Everything' is checked - without the prefix ev: - then the search criteria of TC (with the support of 'Everything') apply,
  i.e. you still get the search result much faster than if 'Everything' is not checked.

  16.10.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 1
  16.07.19 Added: Find files: Automatically check 'Everything' option when using prefix ev: or ed: in search field (32/64)
  13.07.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 5 (32/64)
  13.07.16 Added: Experimental, not yet documented in help: Pass search parameters directly to "Everything" with prefix ev:,
  e.g. ev:<c:|d:> *.mp3 Note: All other search parameters except for the path field will still be applied to the results (32/64)  
3. RegEx - Regular Expressions
RegEx - Regular Expressions

Code: Select all

- If you use ev: or ed: in TC in the field "Search for:", then the search criteria/parameters of 'Everything' apply,
  i.e. the 'Everything' parameter regex: MUST be specified (!).
  ev:regex:((.+?)?(?=\.vbs))(.vbs)$    (English)
  ed:files:regex:^(?!\d\d\d\d\-\d\d-\d\d_).+ (German)
  If the prefix ed: is used, the directory depth can also be set in TC, for example.
- If ☑ RegEx and ☑ 'Everything' is checked (NO ev: and ed:),   
  then the search criteria of TC (with the support of 'Everything') apply.  
- F1 - Help: Total Commander uses the free Delphi library TRegExpr by Andrey V. Sorokin.
  25.03.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 public beta 3
  23.03.21 Added: Updated the internal regular expression library to latest version from (32/64) (before: <"This domain has expired">)
  See also: 
  - Regular expressions (RegEx) - English [Switching to other languages possible(!), e.g. German]
  - Syntax of Regular Expressions by Andrey V. Sorokin
  - Inofficial FAQs (German/English) by Stefan2:
  - Link: "ReNamer: Regular Expressions",...

- QuickSearch eXtended-Plugin by Samuel Plentz 
  - Main- and [download-]Link ..............:
  - DEELX - Regular Expression Engine for C++,
    - DEELX supports PERL compatible regular expression syntax.
    - Besides the basic pattern syntax, DEELX has implemented many extended syntaxes...
  - Example (German):
    Search query (-> RegEx) with the QuickSearch eXtended plugin
- [WDX] PCREsearch"-Plugin by milo1012 ...................... Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) .............. PCREsearch ( ........ [WDX] PCREsearch - Discussions ... Step-by-step instructions from milo1012 (Author) .................................... Picture(s)! -> GERMAN language ........ Summary, example -> GERMAN language
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Search▲ Replace▼ in text files with plugin in Total Commander
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...) [WCX] RegXtract - String Extractor with RegEx .......) RegXtract packer plug-in ............) RegXtract 1.6 (  

- 'Everything' uses 'Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE)'
  'Everything' - Menu "Help" - "About Everything CTRL+F1" - "License"...
  See also:
- Difference between RegEx versions used in 
  TC (TRegExpr) <=> QuickSearch eXtended-Plugin (PCRE), "PCREsearch"-Plugin (PCRE) and 'Everything' (PCRE):
  TC (TRegExpr) ==> does NOT(!) support "Lookaround-Assertions", e.g. "lookahead" and "lookbehind" until incl. TC 10.00 public beta 2.
  TC (TRegExpr) ==> does support "Lookaround-Assertions", e.g. "lookahead" and "lookbehind" up from TC 10.00 public beta 3 (25.3.21).
  F1 - "Help" > Important note: The used regex library has a limitation that look ahead must be at the end of the regular expression,
  and look behind must be at the start. Otherwise an error will be shown.  
  Atomic Groups - "Atomic grouping" - Description by *ghisler(Author) » 26.03.2021
  As explained in my help, one of the options (Atomic grouping) is not supported by 'Everything'...
  F1 - Help: "Atomic grouping"

- Important - see: 
  Note that 'TRegExpr' as well as 'Everything's' implementation of 'Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE)' 
  are case insensitive. See also: (!)
4. F1 - Help and explanation; Troubleshooting
F1 - Help and explanation

Code: Select all

Put "ev:" in front of the search string to pass it to 'Everything' unchanged. 
You will then have to use the 'Everything' search syntax, see

Put "ed:" in front of the search string: Like "ev:", but search only in the directories specified in the "Search in" field. 
Also handles "Search in subdirectories" option. 
This is handled by prefixing path:c:\path and optionally parents:<nr to the entered search string.

Explanation of Mr Ghisler /
Incidentally, these are just internal TC parameters - they just tell TC
that he should pass the search string 1:1 without any changes to 'Everything' (with or without current directory).
Without this prefix, the TC search string is converted to the 'Everything' syntax and the returned result
again compared with the search parameters.

1    Help for Total Commander parameters ed: and ev:
1.1 F1 - Help: e.g. search for ed: --> Double click on "Dialog box: Search: General" --> Examples:
1.3 Search queries in TC using 'Everything' (this topic)
1.4 Total Commander Forums

2    Help on 'Everything' parameters
2.1 Searching:
2.2 Directly in 'Everything' - menu "Help"
2.3 'Everything' Manual - Offline Support:
2.4 voidtools forum:

5. F2 Search in found files/folder
F2 Search in found files/folder

Code: Select all

  Options added during the development of 9.22 (but only added to 9.50):
  04.02.19 Added: Search dialog: Option to search in search results only (32/64)
  04.02.19 Added: Search dialog: View previous search results (32/64)
  These functions related to "F2 Find in found files/folders" are for normal users
  available since 16.10.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 1.
- How it works - example
  1. Search for: ed:ext:docx;dotx;doc;dot;rtf;txt
  2. Press the "Start search" button
  3. 'F2 Search in found files/folders' ...
     3.1 Press F2       -> the content of the field "Search for:" is highlighted
     3.2 Set check mark -> the content of field "Search for:"     is NOT marked
  4. Overwrite the entire - marked - first search term with a second search term
  5. Press the "Start search" button -> if applicable, you will receive a new search result;
     'F2 Find in found files/folders' is still checked
  6. Click on the button '<' --> the previous (first) search result is displayed - the second search term is displayed *)
  7. Click on the button '>' --> the last (second) search result is displayed    - the second search term is displayed
- *) On this point I have put forward a proposal here:

- NOTE on the use of prefix ev: and ed: in connection with 'F2 Search in found files/folders'
  It is not possible in an existing (first) search result after using 'F2 Search in found files/folders'
  to use the prefix ev: or ed: in the field "Search for:".

  In such a case, these error messages appear:
  | 	Function not supported!				|	Function not supported!				|
  | 	ed:						|	ev:						|
  | 	+						|	+						|
  | 	F2 Search in found files/folders		|	F2 Search in found files/folders		|
  ... and afterwards in the field "Search results" and status line: " [No files found] - search aborted" ...

  If you now remove the prefix ed: or ed: in the field "Search for:" and press the button "Start search" again,
  then you search for the search term and you get search results if applicable ... but ...
  ATTENTION: This method is not 100% reliable -> I think it is always recommended to start a new search query(!)
  The function 'F2 Search in found files/folders' can also be executed several times!
  IMPORTANT NOTE according to email from 16.12.2019 by Mr. Ghisler:
  If there are folders in the search result, then after 'F2 Search in found files/folders' 
  it will be searched in these folders (!), the folders themselves are no longer part of the search result!
  The prefix ev: or ed: may only be used for the first search query.
  "Therefore it's not possible to tell Everything to search in a given set of previous search results."

  1. Search for: ed:ext:docx ... OR ... ed:*.docx
  2. Press the "Start search" button
  3. 'F2 Search in found files/folders'
     3.1 Press F2       -> the content of the field "Search for:" is highlighted
     3.2 Set check mark -> the content of field "Search for:"     is NOT marked
  4. Overwrite the entire - marked - first search term with a second search term,  
     e.g. with ed:Macro --> the prefix ed: cannot be used here again, 
     an error message is displayed as shown above.
- Search rules - Special feature - IMPORTANT NOTES(!)
  1. Search e.g. for: ed:ext:txt -------------------------------> 1st search result: 'Everything' search rules are applied!
     Example: 						          ************************************************************
     Without any 'Everything' parameters hidden files will be found.
  2. 'F2 Search in found files/folders': Press F2
     When searching in results (by pressing F2) 'Everything' is not used! (Email from 24.12.2019 by Mr. Ghisler)
     30.12.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 11
     24.12.19 Fixed: Find files, F2 search in found files/folders: 'Everything' option must be ignored, 
              it could lead to duplicate search results when nested directories were in the previous results (32/64)
  2a Search for: keyword (2nd search query, without ev: ed:) ---> 2nd search result: Total Commander search rules are applied!
     Example: 							  ************************************************************
     To find hidden files in TC,
     1. these must be shown first, e.g. with the command: cm_SwitchHidSys ... OR
     2. you have to search for hidden files: Tab "Advanced" -> Attributes: Hidden.
  This was, however, an example in which, during the first search, you could use 'Everything' to receives more search results. 
  In case of doubt it is recommended to perform an additional search query directly in 'Everything'.
  "Therefore it's not possible to tell Everything to search in a given set of previous search results."

3. See also: 
   "6. Search in selected directories/files only", .................. Point 11.
   "7. Search in selected archives only (e.g. * .zip, * .rar, etc.)", Point 12.
6. Search in selected directories/files only

Code: Select all

The TC parameters -> ed: and ev: are not supported in "Only search in selected directories/files"!
In such cases, an error message is displayed.

 1. Mark files, e.g. 5 files | Mark folders, e.g. 3 folders
 2. Search in separate Process... Alt+Shift+F7
 3. ALT+TAB -> Switch to another task and then press ALT+TAB again to return to the "Find Files" window:
    Result: "Only search in selected directories/files" is unchecked! ... 
    Help-F1: Note: When using "Search in separate process" (Alt+Shift+F7), this option gets disabled when you switch away 
                   from the search dialog to any other window (because the selection could be changed by that).
 4. Click the "Cancel" button!
 5. Search in separate Process... Alt+Shift+F7
 6. Enter search word
 7. Start search
 8. Search result exists
 9. ALT+TAB -> Switch to another task and then press ALT+TAB again to return to the "Find Files" window:
    Result: "Only search in selected directories/files" remains checked!
10. Click the "Start search" button: The same search result is displayed
11. "F2 Search in found files/folders": Press F2 or click this menu item
    Result: "Only search in selected directories/files" is unchecked immediately!
12. Enter new search word
    - A new search word may be found
    - It is possible to scroll with the arrow keys "<" and ">"        
13. Click on the button "New search"
    - The last search word entered is retained
    - "Only search in selected directories/files" is not checked, even though the files are still selected.
      This is fine because a new search has started.
    - The search for a new search term may be successful
14. Close the "Find files" window (with ESC or click on "X")
15. Remove marking for files or folders with Ctrl + Num-
7. Search in selected archives only (e.g. * .zip, * .rar, etc.)

Code: Select all

- Each search query in an archive file is basically treated as a new search query. 
- "F2 Search in found files/folders" can be used in a supporting way - see: point 12.
- The TC parameters -> ed: and ev: are not supported in "Only search in selected directories/files"!
  In such cases, an error message is displayed.

Example with the following two test files:

Path\to\	Path\to\ 
|- ACCESS_XP.mdb	|- Excel_XP.xls	
|- DVD_XP.doc		|- Project_XP.mdb
|- DVD_XP_2000.mdb

Code: Select all

Note: TC remembers the last manual setting and applies it during the next search [e.g. in another folder],
no matter whether it is an archive or an image file, for example. The setting is retained until it is manually overridden!

 1. Mark ZIP archives, e.g. 2 archives
 2. Search in separate Process... Alt+Shift+F7
 3. ALT+TAB -> Switch to another task and then press ALT+TAB again to return to the "Find Files" window:
    Result: "Only search in selected directories/files" is unchecked!
    Help-F1: Note: When using "Search in separate process" (Alt+Shift+F7), this option gets disabled when you switch away 
                   from the search dialog to any other window (because the selection could be changed by that).
 4. Click the "Cancel" button!
 5. Search in separate Process... Alt+Shift+F7
 6. Enter search word: xp
 7. Check "Search archives (all except UC2)" - see also: Note...
 8. Start search
 9. Search result exists (5 files)
10. ALT+TAB -> Switch to another task and then press ALT+TAB again to return to the "Find Files" window:
    - "Only search in selected directories/files" remains checked!
    - "Search archives (all except UC2)" remains checked!
11. Click the "Start search" button: The same search result is displayed

Code: Select all

12. "F2 Search in found files/folders": Not selectable, as it is greyed out - 
    searching in search results of an archive file is still possible(!), but not always restrictive,
    i.e. a new or previously entered search word - which is currently not in the search results - 
    is interpreted like a new search in the selected ZIP archives! See also points up from 12g...
    This means that each search query in an archive file is treated like a new search query.
12a ("F2") - Enter 1st search word: dvd
12a Leave settings unchanged
    - "Only search in selected directories/files"
    - "Search archives (all except for UC2)"
12b Start search
12c Search result (filtered) exists (2 files)
    - New search word is found and the search result has been filtered
    - It is possible to scroll with the arrow keys "<" and ">"
    - [Multiple] ALT+TAB in the TC window and back *usually* automatically removes the marking from the 2 ZIP archives
12d ("F2") - Enter 2nd search word: 20
12d Leave settings unchanged
    - "Only search in selected directories/files"
    - "Search archives (all except for UC2)"
12e Start search
12f Search result (filtered) exists (1 file)
    - New search word is found and the search result has been filtered
    - It is possible to scroll with the arrow keys "<" and ">"
    - [ALT+TAB in the TC window and back automatically removes the marking from the 2 ZIP archives - see point 12c!]
12g ("F2") - Enter 3rd search word: xp ... see also: points 6. + 9. ... this was also the first search word (without "F2")!
    [Search word: xp; ("F2"): dvd, 20, xp]
12g Leave settings unchanged
    - "Only search in selected directories/files"
    - "Search archives (all except for UC2)"
    - 2 ZIP archives in a TC window already WITHOUT marking
    - Search result (filtered) exists (1 file)
12h Start search
12i Search result exists (5 files - see also: point 6. + 9.!)
    - A "new" or, in this case, previously entered search word is found [again] if necessary and 
      the search result is displayed (in this case the content of 2 ZIP files, that is a total of 5 files)
    - Scrolling with the arrow keys "<" and ">" is still possible as the search window is still open...

Code: Select all

13. Click on button "New search"
    - "Only search in selected directories/files" remains checked (-> change if necessary... <-) - even after ALT+TAB,...
    - "Search archives (all except for UC2)" remains checked .... (-> change if necessary... <-) - even after ALT+TAB,...
    - The last search word entered is retained
    - The search for a new keyword: Access ... is possible/successful
      !! Although "F2 Search in found files/folders" is grayed out and cannot be clicked		  !!
      !! a search in the search result of an archive file is possible in a certain way! - See: point 12!  !!
14. Close the "Find files" window (with ESC or click on "X")
15: Remove marking for files/folders with Ctrl+Num- -> Omitted because the marking has already been removed automatically (pt. 12c)

8. Search in archives only (e.g. * .zip, * .rar, etc.); File extensions

Code: Select all

- The TC parameters -> ed: and ev: are not supported in "Search archives (all except for UC2)"!
  ('Everything' does not currently offer this option).
- Otherwise, the search in archives works analogously to "7. Search in selected archives only (e.g. * .zip, * .rar, etc.)".

- "Find Files" -> "Search in separate process... Alt+Shift+F7" - Button "Help": ... Search archives
  Enables search in files with extension ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE, and 7Z. 
  Text can even be searched in archives! The files are unpacked, searched and deleted on the fly.
- 'Everything' - Filter "Compressed" (contains the following file extensions... | <Line break inserted only for format reasons>):

  In 'Everything' it is possible to add to the previous list yourself, for example the file extension LHA,   
  which is displayed in TC by default in the "Pack files" dialog window:   
  Menu "Search" - "Organize Filters..." - "Compressed" - "Edit" - Field "Search:" ...
9. File list; Search in a text file (containing a list of files and directories to be searched),...

Code: Select all

Total Commander
See ...: Help -> Search in separate process... Alt+Shift+F7 -> Find Files - click on button "Help" ---> Search in:

	 ... ALT+F7 --> Search in: @c:\Path\Filename.txt ...
According to information by email of 3.2.2020 from the author the following is to be considered:
- Double entries in the search result: This can only occur if there are overlaps,
  e.g. if you search in c:\windows and c:\windows\system32.
- Missing folders in search results: If you search in c:\windows, for example, the folder c:\windows itself will not be found.
  Otherwise no folders should be missing!

Code: Select all

	  How to search a list file?
          Menu "Search" - "Advanced Search..." - Field: "Search for a list of file names:" 
          Note the tooltip for this field!
          - Click the "Browse..." button and select the file list (.TXT file), then click "Open":
            The field "Search for a list of file names:" was filled..., Click "OK".
            In 'Everything' the search results are displayed: Complete path, etc. to the search terms in the .TXT file.
	  - In the input line of 'Everything' you can still make entries to reduce the displayed search results.
	  - If necessary, it is recommended to apply a filter to the search result,
	    e.g. !<C:|I:|J:> (i.e. the results of drive C:, I: and J: should be excluded from the search result).	  

Code: Select all

	  Search for an ORed list of searches
	  Fill in this in the input line/search box, then press ENTER = SWITCH ON (see also status line).
	  MARK individual/several/all search terms in a text file, then copy them to the clipboard with CTRL+C
	  and then paste them into the input line of 'Everything' with CTRL+V.
	  Important instructions:
	  - The search is done per line!
	  - Do NOT insert a line (ENTER) after the last search term in the text file!
	    If in 'Everything' after inserting in the input line at the end (!) for example the following is displayed: |<>
	    Example: <search term 1>|<search term 2>|<search term 3>|<>
	    then |<> must be REMOVED at the end of the input line, i.e. it has to be deleted(!)
	    (because then there was a <ENTER> after the last line/the last search term in the text file).
	  - If necessary, it is recommended to apply a filter to the search result,
	    e.g. !<C:|I:|J:> (i.e. the results of drive C:, I: and J: should be excluded from the search result).
	  - Search box in 'Everything', maximum number of characters: 
	    The search field is limited to 2 billion characters: 
	    2,000,000,000,000  10^9, 9 zeros ...
	    There is a limit of 4096 visible characters.
	    If you have more than 4096 characters the search box will still work, it will just not render correctly.
	  - "Search for:" field in TC: Max. Number of characters: 2046 characters
	  Fill in this in the input line/search box, then press ENTER = SWITCH OFF (see also status line),
	  if this option is no longer desired.

Code: Select all

Total Commander + 'Everything'
Example3: Selection from a buffer or file does not work.
          > "I'm looking for certain files. They are located in different folders. I have a list of files I need.
          > The problem is that I do not know the full paths to the files. I only have a list of names.
          > And the files themselves are in a folder where there are about 30 more different folders.
          > My task is to find the desired names in the folder/subfolders and copy them wherever I need."
          The contributions on this topic offer some very interesting [button] solutions.
 Limit the search results
          In addition, an interesting script is given in this contribution: "fake files from my list"

          *** e.g. name: Fake files from a list.cmd ... ***
          @echo off
          cd /d %~dp0
          set filelist="%~1"
          set filelistpath="%~dp1"
          echo %filelist%
          echo %filelistpath%
          for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %filelist%') do echo %%a
          for /f %%a in ('type %filelist%') do echo %%a >%filelistpath%\%%~nxa
          *** Button, e.g. ***
          "%COMMANDER_PATH%\Tools\Skripts\Fake files from a list.cmd"
          Create "fake files" from a list -> in the same directory!|Focus on Test.txt with content of file names, then press the button| Skript (.cmd)|
10. Searching file contents (content:) -> indexed file contents possible from Everything 1.5!
LinksRemarks 1.5  Content Indexing Setup content indexing            Search content Advanced Searching

Attention: The file content search in Everything 1.4 is extremely slow. The file content is not indexed.
The same applies to Everything 1.5 if the correct settings have not been made --> Setup content indexing

A separate content field is on my TODO list.
For now, please add the content: search to the end of your search, e.g.

Code: Select all content:qux
ed:*.txt content:Everything
For performance reasons, it is advisable to limit a search for file contents in Everything 1.4 as much as possible,
e.g. as in these examples.

In Everything 1.5, for example, the following queries are sufficient to obtain search results from indexed file contents in Real-time:

Code: Select all

   content:Search word	(Search directly in 'Everything')
ev:content:Search Word	(Search query in TC using TC parameter ev: and 'Everything' parameter content:)
Link collectionRemarks will only search files that you have indexed! Searching - Main link and discussions Searching ) Basics and examples: Searching ) Word, Words, Phrase, AND, OR - Search searcher - txt doc pdf> Using wildcards in content search> wildcard content comparison (not by default!) to do regex search in file *contents*? line search for word or phrase in files
11. Search duration - how long does it take until the search result is displayed?
         Faster searching (Everything 1.5)

11.1  Search directly in 'Everything':

Code: Select all

Everything 1.5
Faster searching
- Results are found up to 3 times faster when typing in the first letter of your search.
- Results are found up to 100 times faster when typing in additional letters of your search.
Everything 1.4
- A normal search should take about 15 milliseconds per 1 million files.
- A 'match path' search should take about 50 milliseconds per 1 million files.
- Wildcards (?,*,etc.) will make the search slower.
  See also:

If the above values are not nearly achieved, it is advisable to check the settings in 'Everything',
e.g. with regard to indexing -> see: or point 2. TC parameter -> ev:
11.2  Search in TC using 'Everything':

Code: Select all

At the times mentioned above, time for the preparation of the search results in Total Commander must be added.
This time is unknown, but the status bar shows in percent(!) how many search results were transferred to Total Commander.
11.3  Searching file contents with 'Everything' (content:)

Code: Select all

See point 10. Searching file contents (content:) -> indexed file contents possible from Everything 1.5!

Code: Select all

16.10.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 1
22.07.19 Added: Search with 'Everything': Show percent of the search results transferred to Total Commander and 
added to the result list ('Everything' reports the total number of found files) (32/64)
12. Button in web browser (Firefox, EDGE) -> to make a search query in 'Everything' (text from the web)
Source: including detailed description with picture in English language
Select some text in Firefox; press a 'button' and Everything will pop-up with this text in the search bar.

Below is a step-by-step guide for the EDGE browser (since Firefox has a description <english> anyway):

  • Menue 'Tools' -> 'Options...' -> 'General': [x] URL protocol
'Microsoft EDGE' Chromium based browser
  • Click on '...' -> Favorites -> Manage Favorites [or CTRL+SHIFT+O]
  • Add Favorit -> Name: EV-Text -> URL: javascript:location.href='es:'+document.getSelection();void(0); -> Save
    The following message appears: "The favorite 'EV-Text' has been added".
  • Mark text in the browser
  • After clicking Favorite "EV-Text" you get the hint message:
    "This website tries to open Everything. wants to open this application.
    [ ] always allow to open links of this kind in the corresponding app" --> click on it: [x], press the "Open" button
  • 'Everything' is opened and the text previously marked in the browser is already in the input box of 'Everything'!
13. SETTINGS: For 'Everything' in Total Commander & 'Everything' -> from 'Everything' Version 1.5
--> Replacing my Everything 1.4 installation with the test version? <--
  1. Total Commander
    1. OPTIONAL (recommended ***) - wincmd.ini - Section: [Configuration] -> Everything=Path\to\Everything64.exe -startup, e.g.

      This optional setting in wincmd.ini is suitable if 'Everything'
      - is only occasionally started manually and NOT automatically with Windows
      - Program files, e.g. Everything64.exe respectively Everything.exe, etc. were NOT stored in %COMMANDER_PATH%

      A detailed description of the Total Commander parameter: Everything= can be found here.

      Code: Select all

      Everything=C:\Tools\Everything_1.5\Everything64.exe -startup
      Everything=C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe -startup
      TC-Help (F1): Search for everything > Ini file Settings - Part 1: Configuration... > click into the right window, then Ctrl+F (Search): Everything
      See "TC-Help (F1)" wrote:''... Set location of Everything.exe to run when user checks "Everything" checkbox while Everything isn't running yet.
      Without this option, Everything.exe will be searched in the Total Commander folder. ...'
      Note: If 'Everything' is already started with Windows, you do NOT need this setting!
      See "TC-Help (F1)" wrote:'... Set location of Everything.exe to run when user checks "Everything" checkbox while Everything isn't running yet.
      Without this option, Everything.exe will be searched in the Total Commander folder. ...'
      *** Note: If the files, e.g. Everything64.exe (recommended) or Everything.exe, etc. are present in %COMMANDER_PATH%,
           this setting is also not required, since Total Commander then starts 'Everything' in the background and
           the search is performed in Total Commander.
      Command Line Options wrote:-startup Run Everything in the background.
    2. <MANDATORY|OPTIONAL|1/3> - (UseEverythingInstance=1.5a  |  alpha_instance=1) -> 'Everything'-Instance in Everything 1.5 ALPHA

      Code: Select all

      wincmd.ini - Section [Configuration] ...
      Everything.ini - Section [Everything] ...
      In order to be able to perform a search query in Total Commander involving Everything 1.5 Alpha, it is necessary
      to make one(!) choice from these 3 possibilities (therefore: "<MANDATORY|OPTIONAL>"), namely

      1. wincmd.ini [Configuration] UseEverythingInstance=1.5a ... AND ... Everything.ini: alpha_instance=1
          The file names are then as follows:
          Everything-1.5a.ini        (Content: alpha_instance=1)
          Run History-1.5a.csv
          Search History-1.5a.csv
          Temporary Excludes-1.5a.csv
          A detailed description can be found here.
      2. Everything.ini: alpha_instance=0
      3. NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE - File
      The points 2. and. 3. are listed separately here - with brief contents and also with "<MANDATORY|OPTIONAL>".

      See also Disable 1.5a Instance:
      This 1.5a instance will be removed when Everything 1.5 is ready for beta/release.
    3. OPTIONAL - wincmd.ini - Section: [Configuration] -> 'Everything'-Instances

      Code: Select all

      TC-Help (F1): -> Support named "Everything" instances: Started via Everything.exe -instance "somename"
      Example: UseEverythingInstance="PRIVATE"
      See also: Point 15. 'Everything' - Multiple instances -> Named instances
  2. 'Everything'
    1. Menu "Tools" - "Options..." - "General"

      Code: Select all

      [✓] Start Everything on system startup
      [✓] Everything Service				>  *)
      [ ] Run indexing process as administrator 	> **)
      [ ] Run as administrator			> Do NOT execute the options marked with '>' AT THE SAME TIME!
       *) Everything- - 14.10.2021: Removed requirement for multiple Everything Service instances.
          This means that when using the Everything Service, only one service with the name: Everything is required for several Everything instances.
      **) Run indexing process as administrator - might be useful for the portable version of Everything - e.g. USB-Stick
          - INI Setting: index_as_admin
          - INI Settings: Various further options
    2. <MANDATORY|OPTIONAL|2/3> - Everything.ini: alpha_instance=0 -> 'Everything'-Instance Everything 1.5 ALPHA

      Code: Select all

      Important explanations in English!, e.g.
      This 1.5a instance will be removed when Everything 1.5 is ready for beta/release.

      In order to be able to perform a search query in Total Commander involving Everything 1.5 Alpha, it is necessary
      to make one(!) choice from these 3 possibilities (therefore: "<MANDATORY|OPTIONAL>"), namely

      1. wincmd.ini [Configuration] UseEverythingInstance=1.5a ... AND ... Everything.ini: alpha_instance=1
      2. Everything.ini: alpha_instance=0
      3. NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE - File

      Explanation of point 2. Everything.ini: alpha_instance=0
      - The file "Everything.ini" with the parameter: alpha_instance=0 must be in the same location as the file "Everything64.exe".
      - The parameter: alpha_instance=0 (or alpha_instance=1) is IGNORED if the file "NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE",
        which is located in the same place as the file Everything64.exe, exists.

      The points 1. and 3. are listed separately here - with short contents and also with "<MANDATORY|OPTIONAL>".
      In addition, there is a more detailed description for point 1. and point 3.
    3. <MANDATORY|OPTIONAL|3/3> - File: NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE-> 'Everything' 1.5 ALPHA

      NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE - Step-by-step instructions
      Create a file WITHOUT content and WITHOUT file extension in the Everything programme directory
      (this is where the file "Everything64.exe" is located):

      Code: Select all


      Code: Select all

      C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE
      In order to be able to perform a search query in Total Commander involving Everything 1.5 Alpha, it is necessary
      to make one(!) choice from these 3 possibilities (therefore: "<MANDATORY|OPTIONAL>"), namely

      1. wincmd.ini [Configuration] UseEverythingInstance=1.5a ... AND ... Everything.ini: alpha_instance=1
      2. Everything.ini: alpha_instance=0
      3. NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE - File

      How to have 1.5 not use 1.5a .db .ini
      This causes the files "Everything.ini" and "Everything.db" to be created INSTEAD OF
      the files "Everything-1.5a.ini" and "Everything-1.5a.db". These are also the names that will be used later (from Everything 1.5 Beta).

      The file names are then, for example, as follows:
      Everything.ini (Parameter: alpha_instance=0 or alpha_instance=1 will NOT be taken into account!)
      Run History.csv
      Search History.csv
      Temporary Excludes.csv

      Explanation to point 3. NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE - File:
      - The file: NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE removes the 1.5a instance.
      - The setting: alpha_instance= is completely ignored if this file exists

      The points 1. and. 2. are listed separately here - with brief contents and also with "<MANDATORY|OPTIONAL>".
      In addition, there is a more detailed description for point 1. and point 2.

      See also Disable 1.5a Instance:
      This 1.5a instance will be removed when Everything 1.5 is ready for beta/release.
    4. OPTIONAL - Display version no., instance, admin rights and specify custom text in title bar of 'Everything'
      Referenz: Everything - Version No. in header | See also: Window Caption
      Title Bar - specify custom text: Many additional examples! | Window Title Format

      - In Everything, type in the code below in the search box and press ENTER.
      - If successful, you should see "window_title_format= ..." in the status bar for a few seconds.

        (The following, for example, was then entered into the file "Everything.ini": window_title_format=$t $v$i?{ - ($i)}#if:<#isadmin:, - [Administrator]>)

      Code: Select all

      /window_title_format=$t $v$i?{ - ($i)}#if:<#isadmin:, - [Administrator]>		; WITHOUT search query in title bar
      /window_title_format=$t$i?{ ($i)} $v#if:<#isadmin:, - [Administrator]> $s?{$s  }	; WITH    search query in title bar
      /window_title_format=$t $v$i?{ - ($i)}#if:<#isadmin:, - [Administrator]>

      Code: Select all

      Everything (x64) - [Administrator]			-OR-	Everything (x64)
      Everything (x64) - (PRIVATE) - [Administrator]	-OR-	Everything (x64) - (PRIVATE)

      Code: Select all

      /window_title_format=$s?{$s - }$t$i?{ ($i)} $v#if:<#isadmin:, [Administrator]>

      Code: Select all

      Everything (x64) [Administrator]			-OR-	Everything (x64)
      Everything (PRIVATE) (x64) [Administrator]		-OR-    Everything (PRIVATE) (x64)

      Code: Select all

      /window_title_format=#if:<#isadmin:,^>$t $v$i?{ - ($i)}

      Code: Select all

      ^Everything (x64)					-OR-	Everything (x64)
      ^Everything (x64) - (PRIVATE)			-OR-	Everything (x64) - (PRIVATE)
    5. OPTIONAL - Everything Options (Tools - Options... )-> Display Everything Version No. in title bar
      Instance in Options windowtitle | dialog_title_format | Example ...:

      Code: Select all

      /dialog_title_format=$s?{$s - }$v$i?{ - ($i)}[if:isadmin:," - [Administrator]"]
      - In Everything, type in the code above in the search box and press ENTER.
      - If successful, you should see "dialog_title_format= ..." in the status bar for a few seconds.
    6. OPTIONAL - Display (Objects, folders, files) in footer of 'Everything'
      Search results in status bar, e.g. xx objects (xx files, xx directories) --> with set-up instructions!
      e.g. statusbar_format= ...........: 0 objects (0 files, 0 folders)
      Status Bar Format .................: (many examples!)
    7. OPTIONAL - 'Everything': Menu "Tools" - "Options..." - "General: Context Menu" | Everything Context Menu Commands
      Detailed descriptions for the use of 'Everything' => Total Commander including parameters for these context menu entries:
      • Open (Folders)
      • Open Path
      • Explore Path
      See also:
      16. Send 'Everything' search results to Total Commander
    8. OPTIONAL - 'Everything' update service
14. Windows Search in Total Commander and 'Everything' -> from 'Everything'
Since 'Everything' version (Alpha) from 7.5.2021, the Windows Search can also be used for search queries
* in Total Commander -> only with integration of the 'Everything' tool
* in 'Everything'
using the 'Everything' parameter -> systemindex: or si: (since version from 14.5.2021). Parameter: si:

Before using Windows Search, it is advisable to check the indexing options(!)...
PICTURES: Windows -> Setup - Indexing Options -> Example only! | Examples: Search for file contents in *.eml and Outlook files (*.msg)
*** Windows -> Setup - Indexing Options -> Example only! *** - Step-by-step instructions
  • Start -> Control Panel -> Indexing Options
    OR ...
  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Click on "D: (D:)" -> drive D:
  • Enter a search term in the search field, e.g. films, then press right arrow or <ENTER> - now a new tab "Search Tools" is displayed
  • Tip: Right click on "Advanced Options", then click on "Add to Quick Access Toolbar"
    -> The "Advanced options" icon has been added to the Quick Access Toolbar.
    With this symbol after clicking on "Change indexed locations" *without starting the search*
    the indexing status (eg "Indexing complete.") can be called up in the indexing options.
  • Click on button "Advanced options", then on "Change indexed locations", then on button "Modify" ->
    Specify in the window "Indexing Locations", what should be indexed (drives, folders, programs). Click on button "OK" [or "Cancel"].
    Further setting options can be found under the "Advanced" button, such as on the "File types" tab -> here you can specify,
    for example for file types, whether file contents are also should be indexed.
  • Exclude folders from indexing:
    - Click on "D: (D:)" -> Drive D: -> Click on the button "Modify" -> [✓] Click on "D: (D:)" -> Drive D:
    - Click on ">" -> UNLOCK folders that are to be excluded from indexing, then press "OK"
    - Press the "Close" button
See also Task Manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC,TAB) - Services tab: [Type letter "w" and scroll down...]
Name: "WSearch" - Description: "Windows Search" -> Status: "Running" -> required!

Example queries using Windows Search - the "Advanced Query Syntax" for Windows Search is supported:
  1. Total Commander (only with integration of the tool 'Everything'!)

    Code: Select all

    ev:systemindex:"My search terms"
  2. 'Everything' from Version (Alpha)

    Code: Select all

    systemindex:"My search terms"
  3. Windows Explorer

    Code: Select all

    My search terms
'Everything' parameter -> systemindex: -> You can also create an alias-name for this parameter using a macro, e.g.
'Everything' parameter -> ws: ............ -> as follows ...

Define macro:
In the search box of 'Everything' enter the following and then press <ENTER> [watch status line]:

Code: Select all

/define ws=systemindex:
- In the 'Everything 1.5' installation folder the file "Macros.csv" was created
- A search query can then also be performed with parameter ws: instead of 'Everything' parameters systemindex: and si:!
- Since 'Everything 1.5' these self-created macros can also be used in Total Commander(!)
- Example queries in Total Commander: ev:ws:keyword (self created macro: ws) OR ev:si:keyword resp. ev:systemindex:"search term"

See also:
10. Searching file contents (content:) -> indexed file contents possible from Everything 1.5!
15. 'Everything' - Multiple instances -> Named instances
'Everything' - Multiple instances -> Named instances

STEP-BY-STEP instructions, SUMMARY with settings (inclusive image with comparison main instance + further instance),
ICONS with different colours, DISCUSSIONS Multiple instances - two Everything instances (without using too much resources)?

Code: Select all

Path\to\Everything64.exe -instance "PRIVATE"
- Instance name: "PRIVATE" ... e.g. "Everything (x64) - (PRIVATE)" -> see also: Point '13. 2d': Title bar
- Everything Service: Everything (PRIVATE) ... up to and including Everything- (7.10.2021 - 13.10.2021).
  Everything- - 14.10.2021: Removed requirement for multiple Everything Service instances.
  This means that when using the Everything Service, only one service with the name: Everything is required for several Everything instances.
  See also: Command-line Options -> Installation -> -service-pipe-name ... I have never needed this parametrisation.
When setting up another Everything instance, you should consider beforehand whether you want the files created by Everything to be stored
  1. in the same folder as those created by the main Everything instance - Example: C:\Tools\Everything\
    a) These can be, for example, the following additional files: Bookmarks-PRIVATE.csv, Everything-PRIVATE.db, Everything-PRIVATE.ini,
        Filters-PRIVATE.csv, Macros-PRIVATE.csv, Plugins-PRIVATE.ini, Search History-PRIVATE.csv, Temporary Excludes-PRIVATE.csv
    b) The settings of the main instance can be adopted, but the instance name must be added to the file names, as stated under point 1a
        (Example: Create a copy of the file "Everything.ini" and rename it to Everything-PRIVATE.ini).
        In the case of point 2., move the file "Everything-PRIVATE.ini" to the folder "C:\Tools\Everything\Everything_PRIVATE\").
    c) Option [■] -> has the status: "square-checked", e.g. [■] "URL protocol".
        This status should NOT be changed to [✓] "tick-checked", because otherwise the web button will no longer work - see:...
        point "12. Button in web browser (Firefox, EDGE) -> to make a search query in 'Everything' (text from the web)"
        If the status [■] remains unchanged, the Everything main instance is started if the web button is pressed.
        In general, the options under "General" with status [■] should NOT be changed at another instance!

  2. in a separate (sub)folder, e.g. "Everything_PRIVATE" - Example: C:\Tools\Everything\Everything_PRIVATE\
    a) In this case, the files Everything64.exe or Everything.lng must be placed in this folder and
        the Everything64.exe must be started from there, C:\Tools\Everything\Everything_PRIVATE\Everything64.exe -instance "PRIVATE"
    b) ... Analogous procedure as under point 1b
    c) ... Analogous procedure as under point 1c
    d) For updates/upgrades, the installation files should also be copied to the folder "Everything_PRIVATE".
A separate subfolder "Everything_PRIVATE" with the files Everything64.exe or Everything.lng for instance "PRIVATE" has been created.
The path in the button must still be adjusted if necessary. Everything 1.5 is already being used (Everything64.exe).

Code: Select all

C:\Everything\Everything_PRIVATE\Everything64.exe -instance "PRIVATE"

C:\Everything\Everything_PRIVATE\Everything64.exe -instance "PRIVATE" -startup || Indexation of drive I:, No Properties| 14.10.2021: Removed requirement for multiple Everything Service instances. 

  • It may be advisable to perform a database update ("Force Rebuild") manually *on both instances*,
    if the number of entries displayed in the status bar differs between the main instance and the other instance:
    Menu "Tools" - "Options..." - "Indexes": Click on the button "Force Rebuild".
  • The settings in 'Everything' under "General", which are "tick-checked" in the main instance
    and are displayed as "square-checked" in the second instance, always apply only to the main instance(!).
  • Everything' knows in the second instance that the option was set/installed in the main instance.
    If an option is changed in the second or further instance (which shows a square box),
    by setting the status to "tick-checked" and then clicking the "OK" or "Apply" button,
    then this setting is NOT changed, i.e. there is NO effect!
    (Except for the option "URL protocol" - see above).
  • Other options, however, can be changed in another instance, such as language, etc.
Option: Start another 'Everything' instance with Windows --> Option: [✓] Start Everything on system startup ...
Since it is only possible to use this option once, for the main instance,
it is recommended to create a shortcut for another instance as follows - Example:
  • Right click -> New -> Shortcut (.lnk) -> C:\Tools\Everything\Everything_PRIVATE\Everything64.exe -instance "PRIVATE"
    Press the "Next" button -> Name for the shortcut: Everything (x64) - (PRIVATE) -> Press the "Finish" button ->
    The file "Everything (x64) - (PRIVATE).lnk" has been created. Important: The path must be adjusted if necessary!
  • Open the folder: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ and place the file
    "Everything (x64) - (PRIVATE).lnk" there. Confirm the UAC query ("As administrator") with "Yes".
  • After the next Windows start, the other instance is also started automatically.
See also:
- Point 13. 1b "Option - wincmd.ini - Section: [Configuration] -> 'Everything'-Instances"
- Point 13. 2d "Option - Display version no., instance and admin rights in title bar of 'Everything'"
- Instance name in title bar | [Copy instance name/version no. to clipboard with tool "Textify"]
16. Send 'Everything' search results to Total Commander | Indexed network-/drives supported by TC
  1. 'Everything' - Context Menu
    Menu "Tools" - "Options..." - "General": Context Menu
    Detailed descriptions for the use of 'Everything' => Total Commander
    including parameters for these context menu entries:
    • Open (Folders)
    • Open Path
    • Explore Path
  2. Send 'Everything' search results to Total Commander - AutoHotkey (.AHK) SCRIPT
  3. Indexed network-/drives supported by Total Commander:
    You can try the following in the 'Everything' application(!), it should list all indexed drives.
17. Link collection (Ctrl+click on link ...)
LinksRemarks Summary - Tipps & Tricks collection - Stefan2'Everything' Downloads'Everything' 1.4.1 Beta Nightly Builds'Everything' Installation'Everything' Important information + settings (1 of 2)'Everything' Important information + settings (2 of 2)'Everything' Parameters for the search 'Everything' Content Searching (see also point 10.)'Everything' Modifiers (list)'Everything' Modifiers vs Functions'Everything' Search commands (search box in 'Everything')'Everything' Syntax Performance? UNC-Path to 'Everything'/Drive letter-mounted (German) JumpToFolder - 'Everything' in Explorer and File dialogs (German)) 'Everything': Support for "Browse for Folder" dialogs AND
                                                        JumpToFolder - Author: NotNull) Display contents of folder in 'EV' in TC/view file in TC by Andrey V. Sorokin Commander - Plugin PCREsearch (WDX) - Author: milo1012 RegEx Tester (Quick Reference, Explanation) - Learn Regular Expressions Numeric Ranges with a Regular Expression
This summary is also available in German language.
Last edited by tuska on 2023-06-07, 23:25 UTC, edited 68 times in total.
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *alexblade »


where I can read about all this parameters ed: ev: ?

and one more: as I understand correct , TC can find (using Everything) only files (by name), it cannot find text in files , am right?
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *nsp »

alexblade wrote: 2020-06-04, 04:00 UTC hi

where I can read about all this parameters ed: ev: ?

and one more: as I understand correct , TC can find (using Everything) only files (by name), it cannot find text in files , am right?
No ev can search inside files.
You can search content using one of the "content": verb as it is not indexed it will be as slow as TC.
You have to use a restrictive filename/date .. filter to be efficient.

Read reference in support forum.
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *alexblade »

thank you

1) but where I can find more details about ed: ev: etc.. ?

2) ok I press, alt+F7, enable checkbox Everything. in Search for: * content:run_as_admin=0
and it returns all files. how to search by content ?
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *nsp »

alexblade wrote: 2020-06-04, 08:04 UTC thank you

1) but where I can find more details about ed: ev: etc.. ?
F1 or root subject gives you pointer on how to use prefix ev: ed:
About the syntax you have to be familiar with everything tool and read support forum or help file.
alexblade wrote: 2020-06-04, 08:04 UTC 2) ok I press, alt+F7, enable checkbox Everything. in Search for: * content:run_as_admin=0
and it returns all files. how to search by content ?
if you want to find all files under the current folder and subfolders you can just use:

Code: Select all

ed: content:run_as_admin=0
if the file you want to analyze are ansi, it is better to use ansicontent instead..
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *alexblade »

2) thanx that its working ed: content:run_as_admin=0, but why * is not working with content:? if I tryed *.ini its working ok but with content doesnt

1) - here no info about ed: ec:...
in the first post also no info about all parameters... Im still confused :) where I can find it all
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *tuska »

alexblade wrote:but why * is not working with content:? if I tryed *.ini its working ok but with content doesnt
- Let us assume that you are in C:\Tools\Everything\ in the active TC window.
- Search in separate process... Alt+Shift+F7
- Search for:

Code: Select all

ed:*.ini content:run_as_admin=0
- Could e.g. bring the following search result --> content: works!

Code: Select all

alexblade wrote:in the first post also no info about all parameters... Im still confused :) where I can find it all
Here is the first post --> at the top of THIS PAGE!

1. TC Parameter --> ed: --> Click on the red button "Show"
2. TC Parameter --> ev: --> Click on the red button "Show"
Last edited by tuska on 2020-06-04, 14:20 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *Stefan2 »

alexblade wrote: 2020-06-04, 13:52 UTC 1) - here no info about ed: ec:...
in the first post also no info about all parameters... Im still confused :) where I can find it all
See post above from user tuska.

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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *alexblade »

thank you I saw ed/ev examples in the first post. My question was , which the parametrs exists in general (all available) and their description. Or we have only ed: ev: thats all?
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *nsp »

ed: / ev: are total commander only prefix to pass all the remaining string to everything as search string.
ed: add path:"<path>" to the search string.

On the search string, you can use all the verbs everything understand see ev help.
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *tuska »

I have now added point 10. and some useful links above --> "point 10. Searching file contents ('Everything' -> content:)".
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *alexblade »

I have visited ev help page , and there are no info about ed/ev... where I can find official help page where exist all available parameters ?

PS: for example
PHP help page with *all* available functions/parametrs. not only print or math. all. I need like this but for everything. could you help me
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *tuska »

1    Help for Total Commander parameters ed: and ev:
1.1 F1 - Help: e.g. search for ed: --> click on "Dialog box: Search: General" --> Examples:
1.3 Search queries in TC using 'Everything' (this topic)
1.4 Total Commander Forums

2    Help on 'Everything' parameters
2.1 Searching: (as already mentioned by nsp)
2.2 Directly in 'Everything' - menu "Help"
2.3 'Everything' Manual - Offline Support:
2.4 voidtools forum:
alexblade wrote:... *all* available functions/parameters ... I need like this but for everything. ...
If the information on the website of 'Everything' or the "Manual Offline" is not enough for you,
then please make a request in the 'Everything' forum.

To clarify this again:
In Total Commander, if a search query is preceded by either the parameter ed: or ev:,
then it is possible in Total Commander to use the own search parameters of 'Everything'.
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *Horst.Epp »

alexblade wrote: 2020-06-05, 06:37 UTC 2nsp
I have visited ev help page , and there are no info about ed/ev... where I can find official help page where exist all available parameters ?

PS: for example
PHP help page with *all* available functions/parametrs. not only print or math. all. I need like this but for everything. could you help me
Again, as already explained above:
ed: and ev: are TC specific and can't be found in the Everything help of course !
All other data following these TC parameters can be found in the Everything help.
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Re: Search queries in TC using 'Everything'

Post by *alexblade »

ed: and ev: are TC specific and can't be found in the Everything help of course !

oh... might be now I got you
ed: ev: is not everything parameters, its special TC parameters that allow us to use "everything search parameters" like content: file: folder: et. , am I right ?
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