REQ: Total Commander 10 and Directory Sync

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REQ: Total Commander 10 and Directory Sync

Post by *Samuel »

IMO the Directory Sync Tool could get a major rework for TC 10. Its one of the big gems in TC.

1) I would like to be able to open the file to the left and to the right in a new tab in the Total Commander main window.
  • I am aware of ugly Autohotkey workarounds opening lister to retrieve the filename etc.

2) Context menu got implemented -THANKS!
2) I would like to trigger a context menu for the file to the left and to the right, mainly to open the file with the default app.
  • Would be less important if (1) would work.
  • Could be realized by a modifier key. For example "ctrl + right mouse click" triggers context menu of the selected file (left or right depending on area)
  • Could be realized by having 3 context menu areas: The left third of the window would trigger the context menu for the file to the left. The middle third of the window would trigger the current context menu. The right third of the window would trigger the context menu for the file to the left. To reduce confusion it could be activated by a TC setting.

3) Use a non modal window without the workaround of calling another instance of TC.
  • AFAIK FTP connections are the problem here. Exclude them?

4) Make the keyboard shortcuts customizeable. I mapped them (change copy direction, open in lister, compare with Winmerge) with Autohotkey to ctrl/shift/alt+arrow keys. Would love an TC internal solution.

5) The TC setting "ShowCentury=1" doesn't work in the Directory Sync Tool. The century in the date column is always omitted. Could be considered as a bug.

Christian: Thanks for considering. :wink:
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Re: REQ: Total Commander 10 and Directory Sync

Post by *Samuel »

Thanks a lot for your efforts improving Directory Sync in TC 10!

5) Could you please have a look at the omited century (see above). Should be an easy fix. The missing first 2 digits of the year confuse me each time I look at the date there. IMO there is no reason this should have different behavior from TCs main window.

1) I just mentioned that this feature request (see above) is not needed in the modal Directory Sync Version. However, it would be really great if in the non modal Directory Sync version would show the additional entries "open left path in TC main window" and "open right path in TC main window".

6) Could you make the window pixel perfect?
Have a look here: Image
6.1) The button "favorite sync folders" should be moved 3 pixels to the right.
6.2) The button "compare" should be moved 1 pixel to the left.
6.3) Currently the text "empty folders" (German: "Leere Verzeichnisse") has a truncated last char. (this buggs me the most) Therefore the 4 checkboxes "assymetric", "sub dirs", "by content" and "ignore date" should be moved 6 to 8 pixels to the right. There should be enough space as in the smallest window size there is still some room.
6.4) There are 5 pixels between the button "select left folder [>>]" and the dropdown "filter [*.*]" - everywhere else there are 3 pixel between elements.

7) The behavior of the columns ("name", "size", "date", "<=>") should have a rework:
7.1) I should only be allowed to resize the "size", "date" and "<=>" column.
7.2) If I resize the "size" or "date" column on one side the according column on the other side should also be resized.
7.3) The column "<=>" should be always centered. (this results in the "name" column should always be recalculated when other columns get adjusted and especially if the window gets larger or smaller)
Size of name column = (window width - 2 * width("size column") - 2 * width("date column") - width("<=> column")) / 2

Or some similar behavior. It bugs my that on window resize the new width is unused. When halving the window size I only see the files on the left side.
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