I may have to remove TC from the Play Store

Support for Android version of Total Commander

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I may have to remove TC from the Play Store

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Unfortunately Google now requires that apps are marked whether they use ads or not.

Google threatens that all apps can be removed from the store if this isn't checked correctly. This results in the closure of all Google accounts, with no chance to ever again create a new one.

Their policy (see below) says that "promotion of my other apps" also counts as an ad. TC links to plugins via "Add plugins" in the home folder. This could be seen as an ad for own apps, or not, Google can decide on its own. Whatever I choose, they can ban me. Furthermore, some third party plugins can show ads in the context of TC. Google could say that TC shows these ads, and ban me. Whatever I do, they can ban me. I already got one "strike" for the Google drive plugin, which was named "Plugin: GoogleDrive - Totalcmd", but it was still banned by Google for violating their trademark. I do not want to risk that again.

Since Total Commander for Android is a hobby, I do not want to risk my Google accounts and all purchased apps for an app I do not make any money with. Therefore I will probably remove TC for Android from the play store in the near future. The alternative would be to show ads in TC, which I really don't want to do.

Any ideas?


Ads Label

You should declare whether or not your app contains ads (like ads delivered through third party ad networks, display ads, native ads, and/or banner ads) on your app's Pricing & Distribution page. Once the feature launches broadly, apps that contain ads will have an "Ads" label shown on their store listing page.

Note: The "Ads" label isn't meant to cover whether an app contains other kinds of commercial content, like paid product placement or offers to make in-app purchases or upgrades. If your app includes paid product placements, make sure they comply with local laws.

Here are a few examples of when you should answer "yes" to having ads for purposes of the "Ads" label. This isn't a comprehensive list but just a few examples based on the most common types of ads.

Banner and interstitials: My app integrates with an Ad SDK to show banners and/or interstitials. I use the ad formats to monetize and/or promote my own products or apps.
Native ads: My app includes ads natively, indistinguishable from other content (e.g. sponsored articles, ads within a feed, etc).
House ads: My app renders a small banner to promote my other apps.

Additional monitoring

While you're responsible for accurately declaring ad presence in your apps, Google may verify this at any time and display the "Ads" label if appropriate.

If you think your app has been incorrectly labeled by our system, contact our support team for help.

If you misrepresent the presence of ads in your app(s), it’s considered a violation of Google Play policies and may result in your app(s) being suspended.
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Post by *Stefan2 »

Perhaps, since some things already treated as like ads,
say TC-A contains ads, but explain it in the description
and show no additional ad content?

Or, do show ad content, but of your own product only,
like a link to TCs' homepage. Or do you have no
choice what to show as ad?

But I don't know what is allowed or possible by G or not. Just some thoughts.

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Post by *Horst.Epp »

I think the typical TC user on Android will be able to load and update your software also from outside of Google play store.
So I suggest doing what is the best for you.
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Post by *matixx »

Hmm, pls find a solution to get TC & plugins via playstore!
It´s easy for ME to install TC & Plugins from your website, but not for for other user.
Take a look at the future, website download isnt it !

Ich muss deutsch schreiben..

Also, ich finde Stefans´Vorschlag gut. Deklariere eben als "mit Ads" und erkläre in einem Satz im Playstore WIE die Ads bei dir aussehen (Verlinkung auf Plugins etc..).
Der Weg weg vom Playstore ist definitiv falsch, schon wegen der Updatefunktion, obwohl du die ja auch in die App selber einbauen kannst, allerdings sinkt die Reichweite der Marke dadurch dramatisch.

Vielleicht kannst du auch Kontakt aufnehmen mit anderen Entwicklern die vor dem selbem Problem stehen ODER google selber lässt mit sich reden. Quasi eine Legitimierung deiner Angaben vorweg.

Last but not least, ich finde den Weg den Google hier geht richtig.

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Post by *Hacker »

Check any 3rd party web browser that does not display ads on its own but is able to render pages with ads (eg. Opera browser) if it declares to be showing ads and then declare the same.

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

I think that declaring to use ads and then writing in the text that it only links to my own plugins is the best solution to avoid a ban. It will certainly cost downloads and get a lot of 1 star ratings from idiots who cannot read, but that's still better than being banned...
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Post by *JOUBE »

ghisler(Author) wrote:...to avoid a ban.
To avoid a ban from Playstore is very important. Not listed in the Playstore should be absolutely prevented.
ghisler(Author) wrote:...but that's still better than being banned...
Yes, that's right. I - for example - remove (/do not install) any apps, that are not listed in the Playstore (because of handling updates and other reasons like tests, rating system, comments in the Playstore).

May be it is a solution to handle plugins as in-app purchase.

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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

May be it is a solution to handle plugins as in-app purchase.
That would be even worse, it would tag the program as having ads AND in-app purchase. :(
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