How calculate days between DateCreated & DateModified ?

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How calculate days between DateCreated & DateModified ?

Post by *spikey »

Is it possible for TC to calculate the difference between the "Date Created" and "Date Modified" of file?

I would like to do this for several files and list the difference for each file.

Any help is appreciated.
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VBScript: ForEachSelFileDo-TimeDiff.VBS

Post by *Stefan2 »

For example with a script, like this VBScript:

Set oItem = FSO.GetFile(aLineArray(i))
sCreated = oItem.DateCreated
sModified = oItem.DateLastModified

iTimeDiff = Datediff("s",sCreated,sModified)
MsgBox sName & vbLF & "Create / Modify diff: " & round(iTimeDiff / 60,2) & " minutes."

Create / Modify diff: 11,8 minutes.

Example VBS script:


Code: Select all

'// ===========================================================
'// VBScript for Total Commander, by Stefan
'// ForEachSelFileDo-TimeDiff.VBS, Version 16.1230
'// Forum:
'// More examples:
'// My FAQs:
'// Purpose:     Calculate the difference between two timestamps
'//     Example:   See below
'// TC Button:
'//         CMD:   "D:\rive\path\to this\MyScript.vbs"
'//         PARAM: "%L"
'// Hint:
'//     TCs parameter "%L" (use quotes) provides path to temp file with all selected file names.
'//     (right click an button, chose "Change...", press F1 key and read the help for more)
'// Prepare: Scroll down to "UserWorkHere" and add your code. <<< U S E R   S E T T I N G S.
'// USAGE:   Select your files, execute this script... done.
'// ===========================================================
On Error Resume Next
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8

If (Wscript.arguments.count < 1) Then
    MsgBox "Please use from TC with parameter like '%L'",,"VBScript - ERROR"
    sTCtempList = Wscript.arguments.Item(0) ' The TC temp file due the "%L"
End If

If  FSO.FileExists(sTCtempList) Then
    Set oTextStream = FSO.OpenTextFile(sTCtempList,ForReading)
    sFileContent = oTextStream.ReadAll
    aLineArray = split(sFileContent,vbCRLF)
    '// =================== For each line in TCs temp list, Do your work:
    For i=0 To  UBound(aLineArray) -1
        Set oItem   = FSO.GetFile(aLineArray(i))   '//Ex: "X:\Work\Orders\File.txt"
        sPath       = oItem.ParentFolder            '//Ex: "X:\Work\Orders"
        sPath       = sPath & "\"                   '//Ex: "X:\Work\Orders\"
        sName       = FSO.GetFileName(oItem)        '//Ex: "File.txt"
        sBase       = FSO.GetBaseName(oItem)        '//Ex: "File"
        sExte       = FSO.GetExtensionName(oItem)   '//Ex: "txt"
        sSize       = oItem.Size
        sVers       = FSO.GetFileVersion(oItem)
        sCreated    = oItem.DateCreated
        sAccessed   = oItem.DateLastAccessed
        sModified   = oItem.DateLastModified
        Set oItem   = Nothing
      '// ################################################################## UserWorkHere:
      '// DO YOUR WORK HERE (For each line in TCs temp list):

        'EXAMPLE:  sNewName = Replace(sName, "a","X")
        'EXAMPLE:  MsgBox sPath & sName & vbLF & sPath & sNewName
        'EXAMPLE:  If NOT (FSO.FileExists(sPath & sNewName)) Then
        'EXAMPLE:      '//Command disabled by comment sign ' :
        'EXAMPLE:      'FSO.MoveFile sPath & sName, sPath & sNewName
        'EXAMPLE:  Else
        'EXAMPLE:  End If

		iTimeDiff = Datediff("s",sCreated,sModified)
		'MsgBox sName & vbLF & "Create / Modify diff: " & round(iTimeDiff / 60,2) & " minutes." 

    '//The question was about diff in days:
		MsgBox sName & vbLF & "Created: " & sCreated & vbLF & "Modifed: " & sModified & vbLF & "Create / Modify diff: " & round(iTimeDiff / 60 / 60 / 24,2) & " days." 

    '// Ex:   ---------------------------
    '// Ex:   
    '// Ex:   ---------------------------
    '// Ex:   Datei.jpg
    '// Ex:   Created: 28.10.2016 20:58:53
    '// Ex:   Modifed: 11.12.2016 12:03:29
    '// Ex:   Create / Modify diff: 43,63 days.
    '// Ex:   ---------------------------
    '// Ex:                OK   
    '// Ex:   ---------------------------

    '// Ex:   ---------------------------
    '// Ex:   
    '// Ex:   ---------------------------
    '// Ex:   vbs.vbs
    '// Ex:   Created: 28.10.2016 21:00:49
    '// Ex:   Modifed: 28.10.2016 22:44:58
    '// Ex:   Create / Modify diff: 0,07 days.
    '// Ex:   ---------------------------
    '// Ex:                OK   
    '// Ex:   ---------------------------

    '// Ex:   ---------------------------
    '// Ex:   
    '// Ex:   ---------------------------
    '// Ex:   PureBasic.pdf
    '// Ex:   Created: 16.08.2014 13:11:35
    '// Ex:   Modifed: 30.05.2014 17:00:30
    '// Ex:   Create / Modify diff: -77,84 days.
    '// Ex:   ---------------------------
    '// Ex:               OK   
    '// Ex:   ---------------------------

      '// ##################################################################

    MsgBox "Input file 'sTCtempList' (%L)  not found OR no selection done before.",,"TCs-VBScript - ERROR"
End If

- - -

You can also use DateDiff with 'd'ay option:

MsgBox sName & vbLF & "Create / Modify diff: " & Datediff("d",sCreated,sModified) & " days."

That is less accurate in some circumstances like some-hour-only differences.

More information e.g. at

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