Suggestion: Enhanced external program definitions in toolbar

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Suggestion: Enhanced external program definitions in toolbar

Post by *CopyCats »

One option that I really miss in my trusty Commander is the ability to launch an external program with multiple selected files.

For instance, I'd like to drag and drop a few selected text files onto the button that launches my text editor, so that they are all opened for editing. Or I'd like to submit a few executables to the virus scanner.

Of course, not all programs accept multiple files, so it should be optional.
If a program does not accept multiple files, then maybe the user wants to launch multiple instances (one for each selected file). That could be an option too.

Another welcome option would be support for DDE commands (with the required DDE Options / Service / Topic / Command information). Some programs, Like Paintshop Pro 8, unneccessarily create multiple instances when you lauch them with multiple files on the command line. When DDE is used instead (with a separate DDE command for each selected file), you get a single instance with all specified files loaded.
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Post by *Hacker »
lst2mlt (lst2multi)

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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