Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

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Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *odeon »

Hi, my system disk C: is a virtual one based on server (my PC is a thin client).

I found that directory tree is not updating (expanding/collapsing) at all, when I browse folders on the C: disk.
The tree seems frozen and not changing.
It doesn't even have this C: lettered item in it.

The same (no C: letter in tree) is for the Windows Explorer, but it updates the tree state accordingly somehow.

Can TC's tree behave like WE's (i.e., update its collapse/expand state according to the folder currently open in the active panel)?

Other disks (CDs, USBs, network drives) behave as they should, the tree shows the currently opened folder and all the upper hierarchy as well being opened (expanded).

OS Win10 Corp, TC version 11.03, thin client soft is VMWare Tools 12.1.5.
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Not confirmed. Maybe you are denier access to certain folders? Do you get a request to access the folder "As administrator"?
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *odeon »

ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-04-14, 13:02 UTC Not confirmed. Maybe you are denier access to certain folders? Do you get a request to access the folder "As administrator"?
I don't have admin privileges on this PC, but no access denied messages were popping out.
All the folders I browse on this disk, are opening quietly without any issues.

But the position in the tree doesn't change accordingly (unlike the behaviour on all the other drive letters), and keeps staying on Desktop level.
The tree is updating every time I enter or go up a directory in the main TC window (the tree kinda flickers a bit), but stays unchanged on Desktop position (in the tree).

The disk's drive letter (C) itself is absent from the TC's tree. The same is in the Windows Explorer (no C: drive) - but in the WE, the tree refreshes accordingly to the browsing process in the main (Explorer's) window
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Are you able to navigate to the root of C: or not? If not, it means that Total Commander cannot read the top level of the tree.
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *odeon »

I can navigate to the root of the C: drive, see the screenshots.
There's no disk C: in the tree though. As well as in the file panel, when in the PC root dir.
But disk C: is available as a button, where this disk can be selected.
When I go to the root dir of the PC (by clicking on "\" in the disk selection panel), the 'This PC' item in the root becomes red.
When I go down into any of the subordinate folders, the 'Desktop' in the tree becomes marked red.
I also noted that "libraries' in the tree cannot be expanded.
But "Downloads'', 'Documents' etc elements of the Libraries work normally in the tree (can be expanded/collapsed, used for navigation).

My local C: disks is labeled as VMWare Virtual disk SCSI Disk Device (the PC is a thin client).

Obviously the tree section doesn't receive information on the file panel displayed path (the tree doesn't see the C: drive) so the position in the tree doesn't update (synchronize) with the actual path displayed in the active file panel.
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Strange, Total Commander should show the same entries in "This PC" as the Explorer.
Does the Explorer show drive C: when you open the virtual folder "This PC"?
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *odeon »

No, the Explorer doesn't show C: in This PC view, but strangely if I open one of the libraries (Documents, Downloads etc), and then enter one of subordinate directories, the path in the address bar of the Explorer window looks like C:\\Users\UserName\Downloads\FolderName.

In spite of not showing C: drive the Explorer tree synchronizes (updates) itself with the navigation process in the main pane (file view).
Would be great if TC can be set to behave in a similar way. Now as I posted above, when navigating in C: in the file pane, the tree flickers a bit but keeps stuck on This PC or Desktop positions no matter where you navigate in the file pane...
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

You should try to find out why drive c: is hidden in Explorer.
In spite of not showing C: drive the Explorer tree synchronizes (updates) itself with the navigation process in the main pane (file view).
How does it do this when the C: drive is missing? Does it still show the C: drive in the tree?
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *odeon »

In the tree, it shows it like This PC - Downloads - FolderName - SubfolderName.
But in the address line, it's full path starting with C:\\..\...
I.e. in this case it uses one of the libraries.
So I can't go to Windows folder for example by clicking anywhere.
But I can enter this of other folder not in the library by entering it manually into the address field.
And then, surprise, here we have This PC - Local Disk (C:) - Windows - ... in the address bar.
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

In the tree, it shows it like This PC - Downloads - FolderName - SubfolderName.
So only folders in Downloads and below appear in the tree? What happens when you enter e.g. c:\Windows manually in the address bar? Where does it appear in the tree?
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *odeon »

When I enter the path manually via address bar (this action is something like clicking on the C: button in TC I guess), the tree doesn't sync, just like in TC (with the exception of WE getting stuck to the last updated folder in the tree, while TC gets stuck to Desktop or This PC items in the tree).
The above situation happens with the 'Local Disk C:' item shown in the address bar (it appears when entering the path manually).

The sync in the troubled C: disk works only when I enter folders via the libraries' links (i.e. pseudo links with no real/common path) initially, and only within this scope (can't navigate out of this scope by clicking links, only via manual entering the path in the address bar).

Also, if I enter for example Downloads folder not via the libraries link, but via manual entering - even in this folder no tree sync happens in this case.

Maybe it's possible to make libraries in the TC's tree active (now in the TC's tree, the Libraries item doesn't expand and nothing happens when I click it), then this Explorer's method of tree syncing could be used
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

That's odd, the Libraries folder opens just fine here on Windows 11 pro, both in the tree and in a file list.

You should try to find out why your C: drive doesn't appear. for example, it could be hidden via group policy or a registry setting:

Click Start, type gpedit.msc to search field, press enter
Find and open "User Configuration" > "Administrative Templates" > "Windows Components" > "Windows Explorer"
Double click "Hide" these specified drives in My Computer
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *odeon »

Sadly I have restricted access to this settings.
Solved it partially by moving documents archives for which this feature (tree syncing) is needed, to another disk (not Documents or Downloads on C: disk) where it works.
Seemingly Windows Explorer and TC use different methods to access virtual Libraries though, since Explorer can navigate inside them in the same policies environment as TC, while TC can't.
Not that important an option for my very specific case, thanks anyway for your help!
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Seemingly Windows Explorer and TC use different methods to access virtual Libraries though
Yes, Explorer always uses virtual folders also within libraries, while Total Commander tries to jump to the actual linked directory if possible because direct directory access is far less restrictive than virtual folders.
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Re: Directory tree not functional with virtual disks

Post by *odeon »

May these two methods be implemented, say if TC's native method doesn't work (like in my situation), then it's possible in TC's settings, to switch to the WinExplorer's method of navigating.
Like now it is for copying (both TC's and Explorer methods can be used by user's choice)
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