For example, searching for the patterns:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Moderators: petermad, Stefan2, white, Hacker
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Moderator message from: ghisler(Author) » 2024-11-10, 10:31 UTC
As you should know by now, I do not like to let a bad argument go by. I think you meant to say: "I do not think this is important enough to change it." What you said instead, does not make sense.
I already gave you 2 examples. Testing and verification: These patterns might be used for testing or verifying search behavior. Temporary modifications: Users might temporarily modify complex search patterns for troubleshooting or adjusting their searches.ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-11-11, 08:40 UTC I mean, why would you put that in the search field when just giving the file types like *.txt would already search all subdirectories? It makes no sense at all.