[wdx] WinScript Advanced Content Plugin (x86\x64) (new)

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[wdx] WinScript Advanced Content Plugin (x86\x64) (new)

Post by *Psychedelic »

WinScript Advanced
(c) Alex Shy, 2016
Download link below

WinScriptAdv content plugin runs your vbs and js scripts for files and folders and displays returned
from script info in columns.
You can write your own scripts for getting any useful information from the file\folder or parse its
name, for sorting files in a desired order, for complex file renaming with Multi-Rename Tool, etc.

You can activate unlimited scripts count in one group of columns (in one panel) - they will work together.
Each script can have multiple columns (up to 21) and display info simultaneously with other scripts that
also can be with multiple columns.

Image: http://img10.lostpic.net/2016/05/13/c8a787207256710b7dffcf3f369fd73e.png
Image: http://img10.lostpic.net/2016/05/13/4f50f4dc13985dc5afc5ca5b1a32a30a.png
Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3YBFQ1XOyUXMUpzR0FBR1E5NXM/view


* Multiple columns per one script (up to 21);
* Unlimited number of simultaneously working scripts in one group of columns;
* Custom title name for any column;
* Supported scripting languages:
  • VisualBasic Script (*.vbs)
    JavaScript (*.js)
    Python (*.py)
    AutoHotKey (*.ahk)
    PHP (*.php)
    AutoIt (*.au3)
    PowerShell (*.ps1)
* Open Source (Delphi XE8) - will be opened soon

** VBS, JS and PowerShell - are languages that come with Windows (built-in), they do not required separate installation.

*** What script engines from listed here are fastest?
1. Engines that works via COM interface - VBS, JS, Python.
2. PowerShell - because it always running (-noexit flag)
Languages that works via exe parser are usually slower with this plugin, because for each file WinScriptAdv needs to launch and close exe parser.

**** Fully compatible with scripts that was created for another plugin with name script_wdx (By Lev Freidin), you do not need to fix them.
Scripts for WinScriptAdv have the same format as in script_wdx - variable with name "filename" and result variables with names: content, content1, content2, ... content20 (totally 21).

Useful scripts:

Returns Character Encoding and Line Endings for file. E.g: ASCII - CRLF (Win)

This script returns the first 10 bytes in the file as text or hex-representation.
Could be usefull for example to search for files with a specified signature

Showing day of week for the modified file date

Two columns retreiving html title and "saved from" info

Searches inside of a file and looks for a value specified by regular expression

Get line content from current file, from pos1 till pos2
use this info with renaming tool or for user columns

Returns the owner of a file \ folder

Columns Returns the difference in minutes between the current date and the date of folder\file:
3 min ago
10 min ago

Suggest your own scripts!


or direct link

Bugs, suggestions, new scripts, post here please.
Last edited by Psychedelic on 2016-06-27, 16:02 UTC, edited 22 times in total.
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WinScript Advanced Content Plugin (Deutsch)

Post by *Stefan2 »

Thank you for your work, Alex. I will try that out for sure.

- - - INFO
Verwendung im Deutschen Forum:
> http://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=307860#307860
- - - INFO END

- - - How-to:


- download the plugin archive
- store in a folder you can find later again
- go with Total Commander !!!! to that folder
- inside of Total Commander double click that downloaded archive
- you get an dialog "do you want to install" >> click [Yes]
- install to "%Commander_Path%\plugins\WDX\WinScriptsAdv_wdx" > [OK]
--- "%Commander_Path%" is your current running TC,
--- "\plugins" is the Plugins sub-folder,
--- "\WDX" is a sub folder for all WDX-plugins, its only for to have all at one place,
--- "\WinScriptsAdv_wdx" is the name for the plugin files. (you can use another folder name, even copy it to have two plugins)
- for now, just click [OK] on the following main wdx-content-plugin dialog.
This settings are stored to the wincmd.ini , see menu "Help > About" which INI is used.
You can move the folder and modify the wincmd.ini afterwards too.



Go to "\plugins\WDX\WinScriptsAdv_wdx" and read the "ReadMe.txt"

WinScriptAdv use global variable "filename" ,for full path to the current processed file or folder ("c:\myFolder" - without end slash).
Use this variable name in your script to get a path to the file or folder that your script will process.

WinScriptAdv use variables with fixed name 'content', 'content1', 'content2' ... 'content20' for to export there content to TCs plugin interface.

Note: the Name for TCs-Custom-Column is set in WinScriptsAdvs' options.ini!



In script use variable named "filename" to access the current processed file or folder.
In script use variable named "content" to store script result, which is later received by TCs plugin system.
Note: the Name for TCs-Custom-Column is set in WinScriptsAdvs' options.ini! (e.g.: content=ColumnOne)

Example dummy script:

Code: Select all

x = filename 			//current processed file from TCs file list
content = x.GetContent 	//example command, put information into variable named "content" for to display in TCs first Custom Column
content1 = x.GetContent //example command, put information into variable named "content1" for to display in TCs second Custom Column
content2 = x.GetContent //example command, put information into variable named "content1" for to display in TCs third Custom Column
Name of the Custom Column (to show the content of the "content"-varable) is set in options.ini, see below.

Example VBS script:

Code: Select all

Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = oFSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, False)  
content = f.Read(1024) 

Store the script in the Script folder:


Note to the statement above in first post:
**** Fully compatible with scripts that was created for another plugin with name script_wdx (By Lev Freidin), you do not need to fix them.
Scripts for WinScriptAdv have the same format as in script_wdx - variable with name "filename" and result variables with names: content, content1, content2, ... content20 (totally 21).
Noch ein Unterschied zwischen beiden Plugins:       TODO: TRANSLATE

Beim "Script Content Plugin" wird der Inhalt der Skript-Variablen "content"
bei der Verwendung im TC mittels der Variablen "Result" angezeigt:
--- Im Skript "content=xyz" .- - - - - - - - - -> in TC [=script.Result]
--- Im Skript "content1=MyResult" .- - - - - -> in TC [=script.Result1]
--- Im Skript "content2=ResultOfFunction" -> in TC [=script.Result2]

Beim "WinScript Advanced"-Plugin wird der Inhalt der Skript-Variablen "content"
bei der Verwendung im TC mittels Variablen angezeigt, welche ihren Namen in der options.ini erhalten haben:
--- Im Skript "content = xyz" - - - - - - - - - - - - --> in options.ini "content=SpalteEins" - -- -> in TC [=winscriptsadv.SpalteEins]
--- Im Skript "content1 = MyResult" - - - - - - - - -> in options.ini "content1=ZweiteSpalte" -> in TC [=winscriptsadv.ZweiteSpalte]
--- Im Skript "content2 = ResultOfFunction" - - -> in options.ini "content2=Drittens" -- - - -> in TC [=winscriptsadv.Drittens]


Open options.ini

Add new section:

Code: Select all

content=Title for the first column <<<Name of TCs Custom Columns
content1=My second column   
content2=My third column
Go to [Script] section and add our new script to the list of ACTIVE scripts:

Code: Select all


Save options.ini file.

Please also read the readMe.txt (see spoiler below)


That's almost all. Now we need to add a new column(s) in TC:

1. Restart Total Commander.
2. Click right mouse button on columns and select 'Configure custom columns' from popup menu.
3. Then click "New" > "Add Column" > button "+" >> Select "winscriptadv" >> "Title of first column",
click OK button.

Wiki: http://www.ghisler.ch/wiki/index.php/Custom_columns



On default the options.ini read as follow:


So we set up a Custom Column for one of this scripts.
For this test we use "Signature.vbs" script, see the Scripts sub folder.
Check out the script what the variable "content" will contain as result.
Check out the options.ini on the correct script section what is the custom column header name.

Got to an folder with some files.
Right click the file list header and chose 'Configure custom columns'.
Then click "New" > Name example "script test" > "Add Column" > button "+" >> Select "winscriptadv" >> "Signature".

Here, "Signature" is the name, given in the options.ini on the "[Signature]"-section, for the first custom column.

If you get an error on selection, just click [OK] and continue on:

Code: Select all

Crash in plugin WinScriptsAdv.wdx:

External exception EEDFADE
OK   Abbrechen   
This error did not really disturb my work more than I had to click at OK.
(That crash I got on 32-bit Win7 with TC v9.21a, on Windows [Version 10.0.18363.1198] (win10-1909) with TC v9.51 I got no crash at all)

You can also write the plugin string by hand: [=winscriptsadv.Signature]

Here, "Signature" is the name, given in the options.ini on the "[Signature]"-section, for the first custom column.

In custom columns dialog click at [OK], or add another column.

Now you should see your custom column in TCs file list.
(To go back to original view, chose "Full" from the header context menu or from the View menu)


More to read:

FAQs: PLUGINs - Find / Installing / Removing a plugin >>> ttps://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=294671#p294671
FAQs: TC Plugin Add-On AddOn Externe Tools verwenden >>>> viewtopic.php?p=342114#p342114

WinScript Advanced
(c) Alex Shy, 2016

Changes.txt - v.1.7 27 June, 2016


General Info

WinScriptAdv content plugin runs your scripts for files and folders and displays returned
from script info into columns.
You can write your own scripts for getting any useful information from the file\folder or parse its
name, for sorting files in a desired order, for complex file renaming with Multi-Rename Tool, etc.

You can activate unlimited scripts count in one group of columns (in one panel) - they will work together.
Each script can have multiple columns (up to 21) and display info simultaneously with other scripts that
also can be with multiple columns.


* Multiple columns per one script (up to 21);
* Unlimited number of simultaneously working scripts in one group of columns;
* Custom title name for any column;
* Supported scripting languages:
VBS, (via COM interface)
JS, (via COM interface)
Python (*.py) (via COM interface)
AutoHotKey (*.ahk) (via exe parser)
PHP (*.php) (via exe parser)
AutoIt (*.au3) (via exe parser)
PowerShell (*.ps1) (via exe parser, always running)

VBS, JS and PowerShell - are languages that come with Windows (built-in), they do not required separate installation.
What script engines from listed here are fastest?
1. Engines that works via COM interface - VBS, JS, Python.
2. PowerShell - because it always running (-noexit flag)
Languages that works via exe parser are usually slower in this plugin, because for each file WinScriptAdv needs to launch and close exe parser.

Compatible with scripts that was created for another plugin with name script_wdx (By Lev Freidin),
you do not need to fix them.
Scripts for WinScriptAdv have the same format as in script_wdx - one variable with name "filename" and result
variables with names: content, content1, content2, ... content20 (so totally 21).

How to create a script for WinScriptAdv:

1. WinScriptAdv sends to global variable 'filename' (fixed name for all scripts and engines)
a full path (long, unicode) to the file or folder ("c:\myFolder" - without end slash).
Use this variable name in your script to get a path to the file or folder that your script will process.

2. Return the result(s) of the script work to the variables with name 'content', 'content1',
'content2' ... 'content20' (so totally there are 21 content variables, and the latest is "content20").


Dim oFSO, f
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = oFSO.OpenTextFile (filename, 1, False)
content = f.Read(1024)

Ok, now we have working example of our script.
If you need more columns (var with name "content" - is the first column),
you can use "content1", "content2" etc variables in your script.
Copy that script to MyScript.vbs file, and put it in the Script folder. You can find
it in the folder where WinScriptAdv was installed.

See examples in Script folder.

How to add and activate a script in WinScriptAdv

1. Copy script file (e.g MyScript.vbs) to Script folder

2. Open options.ini
Add new section:

content=Title of first column

If you have more than one "content" variable in your script, add them also:
content1=My second column
content2=My third column

5.Go to [Script] section and add our new script to the list of active scripts:

Save options.ini file.

Btw, You can add all scripts to ActiveScripts - it does not affect the performance,
cause script runs only if you have the corresponding visible column in TC. You can
create groups of columns (scripts) that you need, and can easily switch between these groups
with TC (click right mouse button on columns - and select another group of columns\scripts )


That's almost all. Now we need to add a new column(s) in TC:

1. Restart Total Commander.
2. Click right mouse button on columns and select 'Configure custom columns' from popup menu.
3. Then click "New" > "Add Column" > button "+" >> Select "winscriptadv" >> "Title of first column",
click OK button.

That's all folks! Now you see your column and script result
in front of each file.

How to add any new custom script parser (interpreter)

See examples in options.ini in [ExeScriptParsers] section. Ask on forum if you have some problems.

- - - Two thought:

1) my problem with "Script Content plugin" was always
the missing "configure dialog". I always had to browse
for the plugin folder for to modify the INI.
Now I simple had drag&dropped the INI to an button. Simple as that.
Perhaps I should craft a script for an button to open a new tab and
switch to the plugin folder, and also open the INI in my favorite text editor?

That plugin needs to be more easier to handle, me think, to become more accepted by real end-users.

2) it could be mentioned that we can use comments
in the scripts section to note down what that script was made for?

; Comment Purpose: Demo script No. 2

Last edited by Stefan2 on 2016-05-18, 07:49 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by *Ovg »

Thanks! Sounds very interesting, especially pleased with the presence of x64 version and simultaneously working number of scripts.
It's impossible to lead us astray for we don't care even to choose the way.
#259941, TC 11.01 x64, Windows 7 SP1 x64
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Post by *Psychedelic »

Stefan2 wrote: 1) my problem with "Script Content plugin" was always
the missing "configure dialog". I always had to browse
for the plugin folder for to modify the INI.
Now I simple had drag&dropped the INI to an button. Simple as that.
Perhaps I should craft a script for an button to open a new tab and
switch to the plugin folder, and also open the INI in my favorite text editor?

But you need to open options.ini once - while adding a new script(s) to the plugin.

After you have added a script to the ActiveScripts list, then you can just choose in TC what scripts (columns) or group of scripts (columns) to use.

You can add all scripts to ActiveScripts - it does not affect the performance, cause script is run only if you have the corresponding visible column in TC.
Image: http://img10.lostpic.net/2016/05/13/4f50f4dc13985dc5afc5ca5b1a32a30a.png
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Post by *Stefan2 »

Psychedelic wrote: you can just choose in TC what scripts (columns) ... to use.
You can add all scripts to ActiveScripts

I can add all scripts to ActiveScripts,

I just have to use meaningful 'description' on the "Content=" part
;Columns Returns the difference in minutes between the current date and the date of folder\file:


That feature in INI was missed on the original "Script Content Plugin".
There it was always "content=", "content1="... inside of the script,
then you had to modify the script.ini and set one script active.
And in TC you saw always "content", "content1", "content2" only.
And you had to check the INI always which script is currently set active.

Now being able to see real names like "MinutesAgo-Created" (Scriptname-ContentDescription) is a real improvement! Thanks!

OK, fine. I will try :D

Psychedelic wrote:After you have added a script to the ActiveScripts list,
then you can just choose in TC what scripts (columns) or group of scripts (columns) to use.
Scripts OR group of scripts?

That I have not understood yet. I will try.....

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Post by *Psychedelic »

Stefan2 wrote:
Psychedelic wrote:After you have added a script to the ActiveScripts list,
then you can just choose in TC what scripts (columns) or group of scripts (columns) to use.
Scripts OR group of scripts?

That I have not understood yet. I will try.....
Oh that's my mistake. Scripts and group of scripts are the same meaning phrases.

You can add group of scripts (= group of columns) in TC and they will display info simultaneously in one panel.

This is a group of scripts:


In TC we can create any groups of scripts (columns), selecting what field from plugin to show

You can create another group of scripts to display, if you click right mouse button on TC columns and select "Configure Custom Column" in TC.

Then you can easily switch from one group of scripts to another from popup menu (right mouse button on TC columns).
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Post by *Psychedelic »

With this flag TC will call some functions in a background thread, so now folders is opening much faster.
Added comments in options.ini that describe scipts.
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Post by *hi5 »

Would it possible to add support for other (scripting) languages such as AutoHotkey or Python for example? (I thought it was worth asking)
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Source at GitHub (AutoHotkey). TCSyncComments (copy file comments)
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Post by *Skif_off »

Now you can use vbs or js script for run AutoHotkey or AutoIt script and read stdout: FileAppend and ConsoleWrite (AutoIt script must be compiled as a console application and this is inconvenient).
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Post by *Psychedelic »

1.1.3: 15 May, 2016
Added Python scripting language support. :D
Read "Python scripts - How To.txt"

Tested OK on TC+WinScriptAdv x32\x64, Windows 10 x64 Pro.

On Windows XP x64, Python + WinScriptAdv does not work. I couldn't get it to work.
hi5 wrote:Would it possible to add support for other (scripting) languages such as AutoHotkey or Python for example? (I thought it was worth asking)
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Post by *hi5 »

Thanks for adding the Python example :-)

@Skif_off I gave it a shot but I'm stuck it seems, the vbs part seems to generate a message "Object required: wscript" - it is probably something very obvious but can't figure out how todo it - not sure if the 2>&1 is required or not either

ini entry

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Wscript.echo execStdOut("c:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe c:\totalcmd\plugins\WinScriptsAdv_wdx\Scripts\testAhk.ahk %filename% 2>&1")

Function execStdOut(cmd)
   Dim goWSH : Set goWSH = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
   Dim aRet: Set aRet = goWSH.exec(cmd)
   execStdOut = aRet.StdOut.ReadAll()
End Function

Code: Select all

; AutoHotkey script for testing purpose
FileReadLine, content, %1%, 1
FileAppend, %content%, *
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Post by *Skif_off »


Code: Select all

content = execStdOut("""path AutoHotkey.exe"" ""path TC\Plugins\wdx\WinScriptsAdv\Scripts\testAhk.ahk"" """ & filename & """ 2>&1")

Function execStdOut(cmd)
   Dim goWSH : Set goWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
   Dim aRet: Set aRet = goWSH.exec(cmd)
   execStdOut = aRet.StdOut.ReadAll()
End Function

Code: Select all

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Post by *hi5 »

@Skif_off: perfect, works like a charm - many thanks! :D

Edit: @Psychedelic - I prepared an AutoHotkey HOW TO

Edit2 (May 17th 2016): the HOW TO below no longer needed as WinScriptAdv v1.3.4 now supports AHK (and PHP) out of the box - see readme.txt for instructions


AutoHotkey scripts - How To.txt (updated with %COMMANDER_PATH%, link to AutoIt example)

Code: Select all

WinScriptAdvanced: VBS+AutoHotkey HOW TO
Tested on Windows 7 x64.

You can use vbs or js script to run a AutoHotkey script and read stdout using the AutoHotkey FileAppend command.
(See end of file for AutoIt example)

1. First you need to have a copy of AutoHotkey.exe:

Either install it or use one of the Portable packages.
Take note of the folder where AutoHotkey is installed or unpacked.
(see "path-to-\" below)

2. Use a VBS script to call a AutoHotkey script and read its stdout

Create these two files in your WinScriptsAdv\Scripts\ folder

2a. AutoHotkey.vbs:

Make sure you add the full path to AutoHotkey.exe (see path-to-\) and 
double check the path to your "WinScriptsAdv\scripts" folder as well in
the VBS below

' --------------
content = execStdOut("""path-to-\AutoHotkey.exe"" ""%COMMANDER_PATH%\Plugins\wdx\WinScriptsAdv\Scripts\testAhk.ahk"" """ & filename & """")

Function execStdOut(cmd)
   Dim goWSH : Set goWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
   Dim aRet: Set aRet = goWSH.exec(cmd)
   execStdOut = aRet.StdOut.ReadAll()
End Function
' --------------

2a. testAHK.AHK:

; AutoHotkey script for testing purpose
FileReadLine, content, %1%, 1
FileAppend, %content%, *

3. Update Options INI

; ...

4. Close Total Commander and Restart


Hat tip: Skif_off http://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=307798#307798

AutoIt example:
Last edited by hi5 on 2016-05-17, 21:38 UTC, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by *Skif_off »

I forgot that .Exec method can uses environment variables: "path TC\Plugins..." >>> "%COMMAMDER_PATH%\Plugins...". Is more beautiful :)
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Post by *hi5 »

@Skif_off: Indeed, tested and it works. Updated the HOW TO above with %COMMANDER_PATH% :-)
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