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Posted: 2013-02-07, 13:36 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Is there a tutorial on how to change a program to holo theme?

Posted: 2013-02-12, 12:20 UTC
by ouzoWTF

Posted: 2013-02-14, 13:33 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Thanks, I will have a look at it.

Posted: 2013-02-20, 13:09 UTC
by Cvulturbo
Hi. I have a problem with the encoding of file names with LAN plug-in.

In general Total Commander displays the file names correctly when the server is on the Windows XP pc, but on some samba 2 and 3 servers it shows question marks (instead of Cyrillic). And Windows XP and Debian as a clients initially the same server encoded file names correctly.

Please make option "Encoding of file names" for LAN plugin like this is done for FTP. Thank you in advance.

Posted: 2013-02-21, 13:34 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I don't see why this is a problem with my LAN plugin - this cannot be configured on Windows either. The SMB protocol should handle this automatically. How are these names shown on Windows?

Posted: 2013-02-26, 10:59 UTC
by Cvulturbo
These names shown on Windows correctly - in a local symbols (like - текст док.txt). But in LAN plugin these names shown in question marks (like - ???? ???.txt).

The SMB protocol should handle this automatically, but only when shared folder is on the windows machine. Problem with encoding occurs when shared folders on the *nix.

Other thing why this is plugin problem - AndSMB samba client for android with simple lan file browser. It has option "Charset". And when this option set to "UTF-8", all is fine with file names, but when it set to "Default", then there is the same problem.

Maybe this is Android system problem, but when UTF-8 encoding is set to force, the problem no longer occurs.

Posted: 2013-02-28, 13:35 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
The SMB protocol should handle this automatically, but only when shared folder is on the windows machine. Problem with encoding occurs when shared folders on the *nix.
Why? If Windows shows the names correctly, there should be a way for JCIFS to decode them correctly too? There is no option in JCIFS to set encoding manually. See:

Posted: 2013-06-26, 08:05 UTC
by ouzoWTF
ghisler(Author) wrote:Thanks, I will have a look at it.
Any news here? Do you plan to update the visuals in TC for Android?

As another note, since last Google IO it is possible to manage also beta versions in play store and have staged rollouts to only selected users.
See it here:

Posted: 2013-06-27, 13:44 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
As I understand, TC is already using the "holo dark" theme automatically. I don't know what else I need to change. Please explain.
As another note, since last Google IO it is possible to manage also beta versions in play store and have staged rollouts to only selected users.
Sorry, that's too much work, I would have to create a Google Group or Google + Community and add each tester manually. That's not what I want. All I need is an entry in Google Play which cannot be found via search, so I can just publish a link in the forum or send a link to a user.