Alternative Quick Search

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Post by *regex »

Hello jaco,

thanks for the new version. That's that I want ;-)
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Post by *Hacker »

Great tool, thanks! :) (Finally a use for my ignore list.)

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Post by *jaco »

(Finally a use for my ignore list.)
LOL , same here :-)
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Post by *wolf.b »

To jaco!

Sometimes I have IgnoreFileList switched on, sometimes off. When I installed that great tool TCQSP.exe, IgnoreFileList was off. So quite correctly that setting was saved in tcqsp.ini. But after I manually switched my ignorelist back on, then ran TCQSP.exe for more testing, it seems that the current setting(ON) is not updated, and therefore not restored. So I have to manually switch on the IgnoreFileList after each use of TCQSP.exe. This is not a big issue, rather a slight inconvenience an cunfusing at first. Am I overlooking something? Or would you consider to implement an re-read of the current setting, so that it would be automatically restored. I am using TC 7.02a on Win XP SP2.

Greetings to all

Sorry, my mistake, I didn't "type nothing and then press Enter".
I confirm that it works as expected, when used as instructed.
Last edited by wolf.b on 2007-10-04, 14:11 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by *ricnar456 »

I download the last version 2.2 and works great in my windows XP sp2 in the admin account, but when i change to other user with less priviledges, and use the plugin, a ugly error appear and Total Commander close.

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Post by *jaco »

Hi ricnar456,

I have no idea wij TC should crash when you use my program, does it happen right when you start TCqsp.exe or when you type something in the edit-field?
Do you use the same ini file for total commander in both cases (both accounts). do you have write priviliges for the ini file?

@wolf.b There is a problem with remembering the setting when it is initially OFF :? , I will upload a new version soon to correct this.)
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Post by *wolf.b »

Hi jaco,

Thanks for your wonderful tool, and thanks for replying, even though I edited my previous post to say that it now works correctly, when used correctly. Because today I ran into the same problem again, but I would have been too embarrassed to re-edit the post again, and I might have settled with the conclusion, that this is just beyond my capability to use.
I will upload a new version soon to correct this.
Thank you in advance for that.

Anyway, I have noticed as well, that starting TCQSP.exe affects both file panels in TC (which is of course by design), not just the active file panel. I am wondering now if your tool might in the future be able to correct this entirely cosmetic misbehaviour?

This might be worse english, but clearer:

My tcignore.txt:

Code: Select all

system volume information
My inactive TC file panel shows (Drive E: in case it matters, root directory):

Code: Select all

Documents and Settings\
Program Files\
System Volume Information\
My active TC file panel shows the directory that I am actually working with. Now I start TCQSP.exe and immediately the inactive panel shows the effects (cosmetically incorrect, IMHO). I mean by that, the inactive panel changes as follows, rather than remaining unaffected:

My inactive TC file panel now shows (because TCQSP.exe is using my ignore list):

Code: Select all

Documents and Settings\
Program Files\
Then I type something into TCQSP's window and the active panel shows the desired effects (Wonderful, we all want that).

I am not a programmer or IT expert, but I think that the changes on the inactive panel will not occur, when TCQSP.exe would not use the same ignore list, as I do, but a different (maybe temporary?) one. I am aware of the fact, that system administrators have special needs for things like ini-file location, and surely other things, that I can't even imagine. So maybe a truely temporary IgnoreFileList could be located in some temporary directory.

Greetings and thank you again for giving us TCSQP. It has doubled the value of TC for me! It also has trebled the fun with TC for me! And now I can seriously start trying to convert those Explorer-users around me.
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Post by *ricnar456 »

TC crash when i click in the icon of TSQSP in the panel.
I start TOTAL COMMANDER in a limited user account of windows, but when start, right clicking in TC, and choose RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR, put the password of admin, and i run Total commander in a account of a limited user, but in a total commander with full priviledges (write, read and all admin priviledges but crash too)

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Post by *zhv »

Hi jaco,
thanks for the good work!
But what about change the notepad-style interface into the simpler one: the original quick search style of TC?

Simple is the best
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Post by *wolf.b »

But what about change the notepad-style interface into the simpler one: the original quick search style of TC?
Yes, please. Support.
And/or maybe detect, if the right or the left panel is currently active, and popup in a position accordingly.
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Post by *jaco »

I have not yet tried to reproduce your error on a windows xp machine, but TCqsp uses no special functions that require administrator privileges.
(If I understand correctly, it crashes when you click on it in the file panel, if so it doesn't do much more than display an error message and exit *strange* )

I suspect that you use other settings when you run it as an administrator, and that there is some combination of factors that causes the crash. It is very unusual for TC to crash when
starting a program.
Idea's anyone?

Thanks for the feedback. If I make a dumb programming error just kick me :-)
I like your suggestion, now why didn't I think of that?
Of course it *should* leave your filelist alone when started with the ignorelist switched off.
It's on the ToDo-list.

As to your suggestion for positioning the window in the active filepanel: That conflicts with how it works now, is saves the position. I suppose I could add another option though. (supposing I can figure out how to detect the active panel at all)

Since I would need to change a couple of things I won't say Yes to your suggestion immediately, but I'll look into it.

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Post by *ricnar456 »

in XP sp2 is not recommend for security cuse ALWAYS the admin account, if you use a common account, TC will crash

Create a common account with nothing extrange try and see, create a common acount, open TC with right click RUN AS ADMIN, put your pass of admin account, and click in the button of TSQS and you will see crash and crash and crash, any time you click in the icon.
But no problem, i quit TSQS and use the common search, this search have no problem and can be used in ALL USERS.

thanks for all.
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Post by *wolf.b »

Hi jaco,
Of course it *should* leave your filelist alone when started with the ignorelist switched off.
Personally, I don't mind at all what TCQSP does to my filelist, eigther ON or OFF. But I would imagine, that users with a sophisticated list, that took a lot of time to compose, might prefer that. In my ignorance of programming matters, I think you would probably save on the effort to parse the list again, when you exit TCQSP and remove your added lines from it. Also it may therefore be easier to avoid clashes in the future with other tools, that also come up with ideas on how to make use of the filelist.
BTW, My filelist looks like this now:

Code: Select all

system volume information

c:\===--- TCQSP begin ===---
c:\===--- TCQSP debug [E:\WINDOWS\]
c:\===--- TCQSP debug ''
c:\===--- TCQSP debug 'D:\TotalCMD\Settings\WinXP\wincmd.ini'
c:\===--- TCQSP end ===---
and it changes after every use of TCQSP to something similar. I still don't mind! Honestly!
(supposing I can figure out how to detect the active panel at all)
Au3InfoA.exe seems to think that the bars across the TC file panels are always of the class TMyPanel with instance number 5 on the left and instance number 9 on the right. Even with multiple TC's running. Also it always tells me ClassnameNN is TMyPanel5 for the left and TMyPanel9 for the right, in any TC. This might only be true with my setup or something, and could very well be different tomorrow, or on other peoples computer, for all I know. If indeed this observation represents a constant feature for everybody's TC, then the text in that control will give you the current path for the right and left panel. Now I have no idea how you get the current directory in your tool, but I guess you must use it in some way to create lines in the IgnoreList. So you could just check, if the CurrentDirectory matches the text in TMyPanel5 or in TMyPanel9, to find out which panel is active.

I just did a stab in the dark and ran an old file by the name of WINCMD32.EXE version 5.0 as well as an old version of TC, namely 5.5, and Au3InfoA.exe claims the same ClassnameNN as I mentioned before. Same holds true for my old laptop with Win 98 SE deutsch, and TC version 5.51.

If I am stepping out of my league here, then I want to be kicked too! :)

Greetings to all.

P.S.: I have tried to reproduce the crash that ricnar456 has described. Log on Win XP SP2 as user with limited privileges. Then run TC as aministrator, then click on all icons there are in TCQSP (the pretty one in the left hand corner, and the maximize, minimize, close) but no crash here. Even the icon that I created on the button bar. TCQSP just goes in the background, and comes back, with the letters, that I typed still intact.

P.P.S.: Silly me, now I know where your current directory comes from, I gave it myself on the command line, right?
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Crash + crash

Post by *ricnar456 »

i use windows Xp sp2 in spanish

grrr links are not permited

go to my web ricardonarvaja dot info and in WEB folder, and here there are to images 1 and 2, look the problem in the pngs

in the limited account the image 2 show when you click in the icon, automatically opens the JIT debugger, by the crash produced by TSQSC, in the admin account no problem work perfect.

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Post by *sqa_wizard »

2ricnar456: Where is your WINCMD.INI file located (shown at "Help - About Total Commander") ?

The ignorelist file will be created in the same folder. If it is in the windows folder, you (as non admin) may not have according permissions to create such a file there...
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