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Better "Drive Not Found" dialog

Posted: 2006-11-17, 13:07 UTC
by now
I'd like to suggest that the "Drive Not Found" dialog needs work. Here's how it looks today:

with some comments (follow here for ease of access):

The title of this dialog is silly. It'd make more sense to put the text "Drive not found" in the title and then a short description in the dialog, like "The drive 'G' could not be found.", which is a friendlier description, I think. Perhaps "found" is the wrong word for it, as well. Something like "opened" is easier to understand. Anyway, the font for the "Driven not found!" message should be the same as in other labels in dialogs. The "Please choose another:" label and the drive combobox should align horizontally. Also, the "Cancel" button and the drive combobox should be equidistant from the right border. Finally, why is there so much empty space in this dialog? Put an "Exclamation" icon to the left over everything and shrink the distance between the two text labels.

I've done a mock-up of what I'm talking about:

which I think makes the dialog a lot friendlier, clearer, and, well, better.

Posted: 2006-11-17, 13:53 UTC
by sas2000
Support ++

Posted: 2006-11-18, 16:22 UTC
by Herr Mann
Do it yourself ;-)

Change the Text in your "Wcmd_eng.lng" File

Code: Select all

5502="Laufwerk nicht gefunden!"
5503="Wählen Sie ein anderes:"

Posted: 2006-11-20, 11:43 UTC
I think the combobox should have the description/name of the drive, making it easier to identify what drive you're after, for example:

[-d-] DVD/CD-RW
[-e-] DVD
[-f-] Removable disk

This would be especially helpful for basic TC users, the ones who try to open drives that aren't connected in the first place ;)


Posted: 2006-11-20, 16:21 UTC
by Clo

:) Hello !

• You can get an info-text for each drive with drive-buttons and a comment column in the drives list.
- In the INI, just add a section :
E=Virtual drive
… and so on
:mrgreen: KR