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REQ: Feature: Remote TC Panels

Posted: 2006-11-19, 23:18 UTC
by gpant
The ability to view the panel of another computer running TC.
This will enable users to control TC in a remote computer by viewing its panels in the current computer.

Posted: 2006-11-20, 00:30 UTC
by icfu
What's the sense of limiting remote controlling to one single application only? Sounds like an alien feature for me, regarding that there is VNC and the like.

Maybe I am overlooking a huge benefit here, please enlighten me. ;)


Posted: 2006-11-20, 00:35 UTC
by gpant
Have you ever used mc (Midnight commander)? It is the same logic as having shell links on mc you can administer files on that remote hosts. It is very popular in unix and very helpfull. This can be addressed with the implementation of FISH for TC though since it would have the same functionality.

Posted: 2006-11-20, 09:45 UTC
by majkinetor !

What is the difference between that and accessing the remote machine via shares (except security)

Posted: 2006-11-20, 15:54 UTC
by gpant
shares have one major flaw other than security, they must be predefined.

In the case of remote controling TC or using fish for that, I can:

+++ Access all paths my current ACL allows me ie if TC is running as user gpant I can visit any path this user would use.

+ Copy/move/files locally reducing network usage.

+ full access to TC and other tools already installed in that workstation.

+ ability to use the same transport protocol to transfer files between the current and remote workstation. This would even enable the transfer of files between a lot more files if each tab can control another remote tab.

The most important of course is the first one. since controlling another computer visually ie VNC etc consumes network bandwidth and puts excessive load to the host workstation if video mirroring and compression is used.

I am sure there are even more benefits which I cant think right now(just got back from work:-( )

Posted: 2006-11-21, 12:31 UTC
by jaco
You could make TC do something like this by writing a fs-plugin with a server app on the remote computer. The 'PORT connection to other pc' does something similar i think.
Maybe someone is working on something similar already. I started on something like this, but it's unfinished unfortionately.