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[REQ] Saving last used configuration tab

Posted: 2006-11-24, 07:17 UTC
by djk
Coud it be possible to add (as standard behaviour or optional) possiblity to autosave last used tab in configuration window?

Let's say I want to change color options. I'm opening the configuration window, finding Colors tab, doing changes and closing it. If I'm not glad of the changes I'm doing it again and again... The most annoying part in it (for me) is finding the Colors tab. It could open the window with last used tab active.

I know it's not the most important thing in TC but if it wouldn't be a really big problem to implement it I would be happy. :-)

Re: [REQ] Saving last used configuration tab

Posted: 2006-11-24, 08:53 UTC
by Raymond
I'm certain it's not a perfect solution for you, but this's what I do.
Input the following into wincmd.ini

Code: Select all

; config
When I'm about to frequently access color dialog at the moment, change it to following and restart TC.

Code: Select all

; config

Posted: 2006-11-24, 09:09 UTC
by djk
Thanks for your idea.
I also can use alternative menu with above commands in it but suggesting it I've also thought about less experienced users who will never do it this way. Starting using TC. people do many changes before they get what they expect to have so IMO such an option could be useful.