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New "Jump over defined files" command

Posted: 2006-11-25, 22:34 UTC
by DexBG
The scenario:
Most of the time (about 90%) when I enter in some folder, I’m going only to specific files from this folder.

- I enter in C#/C++ project directory -> most of the time I'm going to the *.vcproj/*.csproj files.
- I enter my "Download" folder after I downloaded something -> most of the time I'm going to the latest downloaded file(I'm using 'time' search) - I'm finding the file a lot faster than to browse the folder's files for it(especially in case of strange downloaded file name - etc.).

I know few ways to do it with the existing TC commands (e.g. Ctrl + F12), but this commands open dialogs and I want the jump to be immediate (like cm_GoToFirstFile). May be the new command name should be "Jump over defined files", similar to the "Show user defined files" command but jump to these files instead of showing only them. In this case the User should have the ability to select the default (and only?) 'predefined selection type' for this command.