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The “Edit Comment” dialogue…

Posted: 2006-11-26, 04:26 UTC
by Clo
:) Hello !

• Nothing to reproach to that box, except it's pretty large, while the most times it could be sufficient
to have a quarter of its current area…

• I groused a lot when I remade the captures for the Tutorial, because the box is not resizable at all.

• Anyway, a descript.ion comment is limited currently, and the files.bbs able to be several lines are not very used,
I didn't find any in my PC…

• Hence, to ease the usual workflow (and ease the captures too without patch the images…)
I would wish that dialogue as resizable.

:mrgreen: KR

Posted: 2006-11-26, 21:57 UTC
by Vansumsen
:arrow: Clo

It's indeed large for the current jobs...

I support "Resizable"


Posted: 2006-11-26, 23:02 UTC
by Clo

:) Hello Paul !
I support "Resizable"
• Thank you !

- I compared the equivalent box in XnView - only for descript.ion, though - it's 384*171 pixels only, while ours is 631*338 pixels !
- So, really ~ a quarter as area… But the UI support for files.bbs needs only the tick-box for the font and its caption…
All items of the TC box could fit on the XnView box, no problem.
- Then, “Resizable” solves all issues.
- Both boxes have a vertical scroll bar too.

:mrgreen: Friendly,