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[req] Some suggestions (triple buttons, reload .ini ...)

Posted: 2006-11-26, 17:57 UTC
by monotyp
it would be great to see this in newer tcmd:

- (!) triple buttons (left, right, middle mouse click)
why? now i have 3 buttons for my scripts with i want to see in tripple button. for example: unpack, unpack to new folders and delete (names like zipped files), unpack to current folder and delete.
here is different topic about this
- (!) shortcut for 0% - 100% separator - there is only for 50% (or possibility for hide one of panel)
why? sometimes i dont want to see dual file list, for example when i want browse only specify folder, see thumbnails etc it looks better)
- shortcut for reload tcmd settings from .ini
WHY doesnt work TOTALCMD.EXE /O /I=Miller.ini :/
- shortcut for reload (refresh) tcmd button bar (from file)
- (!) another one - send tcmd commands via command line. for example:
TOTALCMD.EXE /O cm_Restore
- and another ;] FAST SEARCH with auto filter files and folders in list - thats could be great :D

too revolutionary i think ;]
- auto reload view files settings for specify folder (with custom columns, filters etc.) it could be great for fotos, music, documents etc.
- 'collections' folders (virtual folders with user collections of files, with auto refresh of course and (dream) explorer integration :D - like in new version of cddatabase plugin)
why? it could be great to see files from collections in different programs like foobar, picassa etc...
- search folders (filter folders). folders with specify filters (something like in Thunderbird)
- build-in scripting language (like in DOpus file meneger)

Posted: 2006-11-27, 21:07 UTC
by monotyp
...i know there was a lot of discussion about this but maybe something change in this subject ;]
nobody knows? whats is possible? what will be never implement?
