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Different behavior between v6.54 and v7pb2 in FS plugins!!

Posted: 2006-11-27, 11:52 UTC
by djorge
Hi all, during development of my plugin PassStore i found a problem that was not hapening in version 6.54 and it is happening in v7pb2.

This happens when i close TC with plugin opened in some subdir. TC restarts and tries to open the plugin in that subdir.
But in version 7pb2 the plugin crashes. I went to trace the plugin in both versions.

if for instance i try i close TC without having the plugin open, when i start TC, and select the plugin subdir throught panel history, everything works ok. The problem only happens when TC during the startup process has to load the fs plugin.

Left side: v6.54
Righ side: v7pb2

In the image things are different beginning in line 20.
In 6.54
Entering FsFindFirst(\email)
in 7pb2
Entering FsFindFirst(\)

Some help please!!

Posted: 2006-11-27, 12:58 UTC
by djorge
Now i am really confused.

My TB pb2 at work doesn't give the error.
And as we can see in the log file it has the same behavior of 6.54.


The fist FSFindFirst is correct.
Entering FsFindFirst(\Foruns\Legendas)
instead of

Code: Select all

Entering FsFindFirst(\)
What could change this behavior?

Posted: 2006-11-27, 21:18 UTC
by ghisler(Author)

Very strange indeed - can you send me your wincmd.ini from home (where it doesn't work), please?

Posted: 2006-11-28, 12:27 UTC
by djorge
Yes. I think the problem is related with the ini file. I have tried with the ini from work in TC at home and the problem was gone, but i didn't found the problem yet.

Tomorrow i will sent you my ini.

Posted: 2006-11-29, 16:03 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
OK, I found out what is causing this: Ther separate tree(s)!

If you enter the plugin, TC asks both for the contents of the entered folder and of the parent folders (if not yet shown).

So the root folder will be requested too. This is all done in the foreground thread and sequentially, so peoperly written plugins shouldn't cause any problems.

What problem exactly did you encounter?