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REQ: Show the right-most part of the path in the path bar

Posted: 2006-11-28, 10:02 UTC
by wanderer
I didn't find this by searching the forum so i'm requesting it.

If the path in the path bar is too long, you only see its left-most part. When you click on the path bar in order to edit it, the cursor is placed at its end so the right-most part of the path is visible. It would be very helpful if it always worked this (even when not in edit mode).

In short: when the path in the path bar exceeds the visible space, it should be "right-justified" in order for its right-most path to always be visible.

Posted: 2006-11-29, 15:55 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Currently the path in the header is left-aligned, and it's right-aligned to the right of the command line. This way you can see both parts.