Total Commander GUI evolutions

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Moderators: Hacker, petermad, Stefan2, white

How do you think TC GUI should change?

I'd like to have full skin support
I'd like to have a smaller/cleaner interface
I only want new "modern" icons/fonts
I want new selectable "sets" of icons (themes support)
Current TC GUI rocks, don't change it!
I’m satisfied with TC GUIs but I'm not against changes
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Post by *Lefteous »

2Ivan Moratinos
The only thing I miss is the possibility of having the tabs under the file list (I hope it will be implemented soon)
The problem of "tabs under the file list" is that visual styles doesn't work with this tab control feature. Read the description for TCS_BOTTOM for details.
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Post by *joro_abv »

2Ivan Moratinos
Ivan, one note - U have used "I" almost in each sentence of your post. Question then - what about the others :-)) ? Besides, how can U give a definition for handy ? Handy for U doesn't mean handy for everyone ... at all !!! U can't make something "handy", U can make it flexible, and let every user to set it's own "handy" workspace. Besides, even if TC GUI gets 2 times slower (which I'm sure won't happen), it still will be lightning fast compared to users reaction, and won't affect at all the speed of the TC operations. So don't tell me U need it "fast". Yes, it may load slower - just start it and don't close it then. The programs that I'm using often, like TC, MyIE, RegetDeluxe stay open in my tray all day long, that's it. Btw, here I'm missing an option - the possibility to convert the 'close window' to 'minimize window' (like in MyIE and RegetDeluxe).
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Post by *Ivan Moratinos »

Ok, you're right I must admit that perhaps I am a little self-interested. I am not against changes but I use TC for work and I am more interested on an application that make things right. I would prefer that Mr. Ghisler waste its time adding new features than making TC "cool". I use TC to manage easily my information and not to look at it or to make my desktop nicer... there are a lot of programs that can do that without bothering Mr. Ghisler.

And sorry again for the I's but it's MY opinion, others can express their too :)
Esperanto estas la solvo -
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Post by *joro_abv »

Yes, the look isn't the most important. If the choice was "implement some new functionallity or make it nicer", I would agree with U. But simply the question is "to make it or not"? That's why I'm saying "Do it". Besides, the draggable bars, for example, will ease my work - in TC the command line bar is in the bottom of the screen, while I prefer it on the top like the explorer's address bar. Also a half of the users may not use the toolbar but the other half use it (like I do). And I know many people that prefer the menu bar and the toolbar (and even the command line on bigger monitors) to be arranged on one row and not one under another. I hope U understand my position : if U don't want toolbars - hide them, if U like the current - arrange them like the current, but why should someone decide this instead of U ?
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Post by *joro_abv »

Btw, I reviewed Servant Salamander again. It's really quite good. But what I don't like is that there's no tree view option at all. Here a good example is SpeedCommander - there are tree views for each panel. This is good, because the user can set the left panel to tree+files and the right - to quick view. Check it out - it's not perfect but U might find some nice ideas to improve TC.
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Post by *joro_abv »

It's me again :-)
'bout Servant Salamander - it's "directory line" is really great. I like it a lot. Not only the drives drop down, but the whole concept with panels layout, drive info and directory navigation is great.
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Post by *alextorex »

I'd like that TC to look more like salamander.
TC' interface looks too overbloated and every time i install it i have to configure a lot of things that should be defaults.
when i drag and drop a file i want to move it like in salamander and also windows explorer.
I want TC to start abandoning Norton commander idea(good for DOS).
I want TC to implement more logical key shortcuts more like Windows Explorer or Salamander. (F2 = rename)
I want to be able to remove "[", "]" from directory names.
I want to do minimaze background copy window just by clicking outside
window like salamander.
The only reason I still look to use TC is that it has enhanced functionality and performance but for the moment I remain adept of Salamander because interface and usability is better.
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Post by *alextorex »

And mouse click right to show menu should be a DEFAULT. Forget about Norton commander style!
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Post by *Coco »

TC' interface looks too overbloated and every time i install it i have to configure a lot of things that should be defaults.
You can always keep a backup of your ini file and restore it when you intall tc again or on another machine. (I always have a copy of tc + wincmd.ini)
when i drag and drop a file i want to move it like in salamander and also windows explorer.
Did you know that with SHIFT+ drag&drop it do a move instead of a copy
I want TC to implement more logical key shortcuts more like Windows Explorer or Salamander. (F2 = rename)
You can still define your own shortcut and keep your wincmd.ini file.
Personnly I don't want to change the default shortcut.
I cannot imagine the F3 key to become the default for the search...
Regarding the F2 there is another poll going on ...
I want to be able to remove "[", "]" from directory names.
You can already do this via the ini file DirBrackets=0
And mouse click right to show menu should be a DEFAULT. Forget about Norton commander style!
Agree... :lol:
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Post by *alextorex »

Ok. thanks I'm new pretty new with TC so I didn't know.
I'll use your tips.
Still I think interface has an oldie look.
The info about selected files in status bar is displayed in no. of k
I don't like it.
also I don't care about the no of k for unselected files in same directory.
The 2 numbers put on same line look disturbing to me.

In salamander for files i have bytes and up in drive combo i have in Gb
which is more convenient.
Can I configure to display what info I want in status bar?
(file size, unit , time stamp etc.?)
Also for gaining new users TC should have more acceptable defaults.
The market is crowded.Nobody has time to research how to make TC look less weird.Average user will just choose the file manager which looks better on first look.Ideally TC should be closer to Windows explorer with the defaults.

I like the network features in TC.
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Post by *Coco »

You can can change between b / kb / ....

Configuration => Options => Tabstops
Change the "In footer"

Also if you want you can also change the line 1519 of the language file you are using (ex: wcmd_fra.lng)
1519= %s / %s in %s file(s) / %s

But you cannot change what is showing with the %s it will remain in the same order...
you can do something like:
1519=%s of %s in %s of %s files selected
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Post by *Methuselah »

Since this entire topic is about layout, I have a few additional questions. I have been using Total Commander for a number of years, but I have not yet stumbled upon an answer to this question - maybe someone here can help :)

Is it possible to change which columns are shown in the file windows? At work we've been toying with adding data to the "newer" type of fields attached to files, for instance Author, Versionnumber, Subject and Title. Using these fields would greatly help us to categorize, and later relocate, files which contain specific data. Unfortunately I have been unable to get Total Commander to show any of these fields (except by right-clicking and choosing properties).

Is it possible to show these values as columns in the file window?
If not, is there any chance of getting this implemented?

It would, in fact, be nice to have complete control over which columns are shown as well as the order. As an additional feature, maybe it should be possible to save different column layouts. I know you can save one today, but there might be situations where a person would need to switch between different columns/sortings for various tasks. Having the option of saving each layout with a user-defined name and reloading them would enable this. This could be added as a new button (in the style of the drive combobox drop-down-list-selectors) which showed a list of all available column-layouts, and a save-layout button next to it.

Anyways, I'll settle for one layout saved, if it were more customizable :-)

My last issue with layout is the fact that if the search window is used, and search results are feeded to a listbox all details about the files/directories are removed. Why is it not possible to show size, date etc. for files in the listbox?

Thanx for an otherwise great program! :-)
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Post by *havanna »

It's just amazing how many TCs there are :-)
That's probably the most important point of all - to keep it configurable.
The new configuration editor imho is a very nice development.
Maybe a set of predefined ini-templates for new users to get started with might help?
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Post by *Clo »

Lefteous wrote:2Ivan Moratinos
The only thing I miss is the possibility of having the tabs under the file list (I hope it will be implemented soon)
The problem of "tabs under the file list" is that visual styles doesn't work with this tab control feature. Read the description for TCS_BOTTOM for details.
:) Hello!
:?: What Tabs? Reading this at the first time, I understood "Folder tabs"!
8) In that case, I would agree... It's possible to choose the current file tabs location in a lot of Delphi-programs, just an example:
:? About the headers for sorting: no, I prefer to keep these tabs "up".
:D Friendly,
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Post by *Lefteous »

What Tabs? Reading this at the first time, I understood "Folder tabs"!
In that case, I would agree...
yes, it's about folder tabs.
It's possible to choose the current file tabs location in a lot of Delphi-programs, just an example:
Your screenshot doesn't show any visual style.
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