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Mini-Request: Improve edit box of current directory bar

Posted: 2007-01-04, 12:51 UTC
by jb
Currently the edit box of the current directory bar (accessible by cm_EditPath) accepts only a specification of an existing DIRECTORY.
Otherwise it beeps and stays open.

I suggest to extend the behavior slightly as follows:
If a specification of an existing FILE is entered then its parent directory should become the current directory and the file should get the focus.
This feature would be useful when you want to "visit" a file whose full name is specified somewhere or when you just want to check whether the file exists on your system. With the requested feature you could just copy the full name, paste it into the edit box and press ENTER. This would be easier and more natural than the currently possible alternatives (cm_SearchFor, ...). Personally I could use this little feature almost every day.

In general I think that each feature designed for either directories or files should be extended so that it works for both in similar ways if it makes sense. Another suggestion in this direction was Request: cm_MkDir (F7 NewFolder) improvements.

Posted: 2007-01-04, 13:11 UTC
by roentgen

This should happen when calling TC from command line too. Something that explorer always had (explorer.exe /select, <path and filename>)

Idem when using the command line (cd <path\file.ext>). :D

Posted: 2007-01-04, 16:43 UTC
by D1P
It will be very useful for me too.

Posted: 2007-01-16, 06:01 UTC
by WatchUer
Support too.

Posted: 2007-01-16, 08:45 UTC
by SanskritFritz
That wish is closely connected to another request, which i cannot find in the forum at the moment:
Index all files on the hard disk for faster searching.
Now many of us use Locate for this, there is even a script to integrate TC with it.

Posted: 2007-06-08, 22:40 UTC
by jb
Accidentally I found out that the requested feature is now available (since tcmd7rc1). There is no hint in HISTORY.TXT.

Thank you Mr. Ghisler! It's a nice little feature that will help me very often. :D

Posted: 2007-06-08, 23:33 UTC
by StatusQuo
Very nice, indeed. :D THX.