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[Suggestion] Alt + Rightclick = Alt + Num+

Posted: 2007-03-15, 01:45 UTC
For my style of work I prefer to use mouse + left hand on the keyboard. Making a trip to the numpad with my right hand is easy, except for my laptop, which doesn't have one. Because of this, I'd prefer to have a bit more functionality with my mouse.

I'd like to suggest the following:

Alt + Rightclick = Alt + Num+ (select all files of with the same extension)
Ctrl + Rightclick = Ctrl + Num+ (select all files)
Ctrl + Shift + Rightclick = Ctrl + Shift + Num+ (select all files and directories).

Clicking again would just deselect accordingly.

I hope others like this idea as well (and that this is technically possible).

I also noticed that in the Keyboard Help section there is no mention of the Ctrl + Shift + Num+ shortcut.

I'm using TC 7pb4

Posted: 2007-03-15, 09:06 UTC
by fenix_productions
Nice idea but...
When you have left palm on keyboard you can easily select all files by Ctrl+A, so Ctrl+RMB could be assigned to other functionality. The best could be to give possibility for define your own shortcuts with key+mouse set.