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[REQ] Autocheck "RegExp" option

Posted: 2007-05-22, 11:35 UTC
by Motorocker
It would be desirable, that the option "RegExp" was automatically checked at a type of regular expressions (\d $1 etc.) in dialogues Search (F7), Multi-Rename Tool (Ctrl+M), Lister (F3).

Posted: 2007-05-22, 11:42 UTC
by SanskritFritz
Optionally of course, I would freak out if I tried to search for [face=courier]*|*.bat[/face] and regex would automatically be checked all of the sudden. Generally I'm against any feature where the program tries to think for me, MS Word being the worst example for that :roll:

Posted: 2007-05-22, 12:02 UTC
by Motorocker
SanskritFritz wrote:*|*.bat
It is not a regexp. Regexps often include backslashes \d and buxes $1 $2.
SanskritFritz wrote:MS Word being the worst example for that
MS Word and regexps not for power users.
Regexps and regexps in MS Word for power users.

Posted: 2007-05-22, 13:55 UTC
by SanskritFritz
It is not a regexp.
It is. It doesnt make much sense, but it is.
regexps not for power users
Yeah that is what I meant :roll:

Posted: 2007-05-22, 16:14 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
In the search function for file names, you can type < to turn on the regex checkbox. This is possible because < isn't allowed in file names.

In the expand selection dialog (Num+), the < key is the only way to enter regular expressions manually.

Posted: 2007-05-22, 19:52 UTC
by SanskritFritz
Nice hints, thanks!

Posted: 2007-05-22, 21:06 UTC
by Alextp
Like SansFritz, I'm against this feature.
Better to control it by hands.