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Older directory tree

Posted: 2007-06-11, 12:17 UTC
by gordillo
Hi, this is my second post here. Sorry if I ignore any rule of the forum. I have looked for similar questions but I don't find any. Also, sorry for my poor English.

I've been using TC for years. I love it. I installed v7 last weekend but I don't like the changes regarding the directory tree. As I am very busy, finally I uninstalled v7 I came back to v6.56. For me, one of the best features of TC is the easiness for finding directories. Probably, the command I use most times is ALT-F10 followed by "directory name". If the first directory is no the one I'm looking for I press CTRL-ENTER. When found ENTER and I don't want the directory tree anymore.

I have tried several options in TC v7 regarding the directory tree (including one that said something similar to "as in older versions"). But none of them satisfied me. Probably I should look further but this is a critical week for me and I cannot afford to make experiments with this basic computer tool.

Any help?

Posted: 2007-06-11, 12:26 UTC
by StickyNomad


Actually, I'm not quite sure what you actually miss. Do you mean CTRL+ENTER doesn't work anmore in the ALT+F10 tree?

In my ALT+F10-tree here, I still can use CTRL+ENTER to go to the next matching dir in TC 7.

Although there was made an addition in v7:
you can now use CTRL+CURSOR UP/DOWN to jump to the next/previous match, and you also can enter wildcards (*, ?) like in the quicksearch dialog.

But CTRL+ENTER should still work with v7 as it did in older versions...

Posted: 2007-06-11, 12:56 UTC
by gordillo
Thanks, StickyNomad, for the quick response. Sorry, I tried ALT-F10 and it didn't work. Probably I did something wrong. I will try again later.

Posted: 2007-06-11, 14:59 UTC
by gordillo
Indeed, I was wrong. Now it works perfectly. Thanks, StickyNomad.