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Suggestion of new option at copy files

Posted: 2007-06-12, 16:22 UTC
by NMM2
It would be nice to have additional to the new function "autorename target files" a function "autosave target files" in the following manner: the file to be overwritten should be copied to an other directory, where the save-dir should be configurable (allwo relative paths! and some options from the multi-rename tool: so for instance the default can be "..\save\[YYMMDD]xy\out\[.])
whre [.] means the name of the current directory (without the leading path): so if you want to copy a file ABC.TXT to a dir c:\test\text, and ABC.TXT exist alreade in c:\test\text, the existing ABC.TXT should be moved to

The directories, that does not exist, should be created!
