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speed limit for synchronization (not ftp)

Posted: 2008-01-01, 22:24 UTC
by fredscal
It would be nice to be able to set up a speed limit for synchronization. I know that it is not a background operation (although that would be nice too), but i might still want to do something requiring continuous disk transfer in the meantime (like watching a video :-) )...

Or, how about the possibility of a general speed limit for TC ?

(Transfer rate issues are crucial because most of my drives are networked.)

Happy new year!

Re: speed limit for synchronization (not ftp)

Posted: 2020-01-27, 08:39 UTC
by DrShark
I often miss speed limit option in Synchronize Directories (would be nice to set both it before and during sync operation), especially because sync task can't be sent to BTM, so I support adding this feature.

Re: speed limit for synchronization (not ftp)

Posted: 2022-04-21, 08:44 UTC
by iammike
I would like that option as well

So instead of only (which exist now) for F5 or F6 (and then pressing F2) Sync Dirs be able to be limited in speed for Syncing as well!!!

So an option for limiting speed while Syncing Dirs and thus go through "Background Transfer Manager"

Re: speed limit for synchronization (not ftp)

Posted: 2024-04-07, 09:10 UTC
by Alexander77
I also would highly appreciate a "Speed Limit" option during "Synchronze Directories".