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Do we want so many forums?

Posted: 2003-02-23, 11:04 UTC
by george_w_bush
Would you prefer to have different forums for different types of topic or one forum for all.

Is it useful to be able to view diff. forums for diff. topics or is it more convenient to keep all topicsunder the one forum?

Posted: 2003-02-23, 12:19 UTC
by Maxwish
As far as I can see all forum's are needed.
- Removing the polls to a new forum was a great idea, because every time somebody voted it would re-appear as a new post.
- The plugin forum is also a good idea, with lots of posts that would only make the English forum more full and camouflage the real tcmd support questions.

Maybe a suggestion for a new forum for the future:
"TCMD User Configuration Forum""
a forum where users can show off/swap their .MNU's / Colors / ICONS / Themes, and other stuff.

Posted: 2003-02-23, 12:26 UTC
by fnheiden
Maxwish wrote:Maybe a suggestion for a new forum for the future:
"TCMD Configuration Forum""
a forum where users can show off/swap their .MNU's / Colors / ICONS / Themes, and other stuff.
That would be fine! Great idea :)

~ Florian

Posted: 2003-02-23, 19:46 UTC
by Valentino
Probably one more forum for plugin developers where thay could discuss programming difficulties and so on. I think this is boring and/or obscure for simple users (not programmers).

Posted: 2003-02-23, 22:26 UTC
by André Martin
Valentino wrote:Probably one more forum for plugin developers where thay could discuss programming difficulties and so on. I think this is boring and/or obscure for simple users (not programmers).
I like this idea - currently there are a lot of posts concerning programming stuff - a seperation would be really useful!