Everybody else — welcome!

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32-bit no-SSE version (25 Kb) / mirror (for old processors)
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Moderators: petermad, Stefan2, white, Hacker
I'm sorry for not replying, I did not notice that there were new posts in the topic.sidefx88 wrote:* When I select some JPG files and press F4 to edit, TCER launches PhotoShop very well. But, if I do the same on TC thumbnails view, I get a Windows warning: TCER app crash (send report, debug, etc)
Fatty. Total Editor is 6.8 KB.Flint wrote:I found out that existing editing redirectors did not fit my needs, so I wrote my own one. The key feature is maximum compactness and performance. But do not wait for extraordinary functionality: it has been significantly reduced comparing to the alternatives (ChoiceEditor, OFSTC, F4Menu). There is no graphical user interface and no editor choosing. If you need them — sorry, this tool is not for you.
Everybody else — welcome!
32-bit version / mirror (19 Kb), no-SSE version / mirror (for old processors)
64-bit version / mirror (20 Kb)
Source code (C++) / mirror (29 Kb)
I know the Editor that Flint and I use has this as an option: EmEditortheosdikaios wrote:I'm not aware of all redirectors: Do there is anyone which prevents open huge files with an editor. Background: if you press F4 by accident with a gigabytes file then you have to wait a long time till the bluescreen or any other error message comes. Do there is any configuration by size? TIA.