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Show hidden files option

Posted: 2011-07-27, 17:09 UTC
by jhoyne
I did a search and can't find any previous mention of this.

I'm trying to hide the dot files, to shorten the directory listings for day to day use. The hidden files (.filename) are always visible regardless if 'Show Hidden Files' is checked or not in Configuration. I tried changing the state of the check box, and closed TC and reopened, but no luck.

Even though it's a beta, this is the best file manager I've come across for Android. LAN and FTP add-ins are working flawlessly here, very very good. Versatile and easy to use with good help docs. I've got Astro and Dual Filemanager XT, both good file managers, but I find TC beta stable enough for daily use and prefer it over the other two.

Keep up the good work

a delighted user in Scotland!

Posted: 2011-07-28, 13:34 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I cannot reproduce it, sorry. Dotted files on my SD-Card are not shown when the option is off. Or do you mean on FTP servers or LAN? Currently the function has no effect on plugins, only on local files.

Posted: 2011-07-28, 14:48 UTC
by jhoyne
ghisler(Author) wrote:I cannot reproduce it, sorry. Dotted files on my SD-Card are not shown when the option is off. Or do you mean on FTP servers or LAN? Currently the function has no effect on plugins, only on local files.
No it's the local file/directory lists on the SD-Card.

Just had another look and tried using the ignore list option 'Hide Files (ignore)'. Thought I'd try ".*" for a work around and realised the dialogue does not allow patterns. I next tried selecting and adding a few .directories and .files, back and forth to test, and it did not work at hiding.

Was about to finish at that when, lo and behold, "Show hidden files/folders" started to work! I toggled it on and off a few times to see if the proper behaviour was persistent, exited and restarted and it seems to be working happily now :)

I continued to experiment with 'Hide Files (ignore)'
(in the process it dawned on me how useful this feature is to unclutter directory lists and still get them quickly back in view by toggling the "Ignore these names:" tick box)
and that too is now working as expected, and persistent between exit and restart.

Posted: 2011-08-01, 07:48 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Hmm, that's strange - maybe you had something in "Hide files (ignore)" which confused TC?

Btw, there is now an internal command for the button bar in beta 10 which allows to toggle the ignore list on and off. It's command Nr. 125.

Posted: 2011-08-01, 12:35 UTC
by jhoyne
No I don't think it was anything strange I put in the ignore list. At the moment I have a list of full SD-Card paths in the format:


At one point, since I got it working as intended, the hidden files began showing again although I hadn't changed the setting. Like before, I got it to return to normal behaviour by going back and forward toggling checks on 'Show Hidden files/folders' and 'Hide files (ignore)'. Sorry I can't say the exact sequence. If, after some use, I become aware of an exact/reproducible chain of events I'll report back.

Meantime, thanks for the the tip of toggling the Ignore List with command Nr. 125. I've added this short-cut to the user button bar and it works like a charm!


Posted: 2013-12-14, 17:38 UTC
by 77kdv77
why TC dosn't hide .files/.directories in /storage/emulated/legacy? I have a simlink in root fs "sdcard -> /storage/emulated/legacy" and would like to use it instead of the default path /storage/emulated/0, but because of this issue I can't do this...


Posted: 2013-12-15, 14:50 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Please go to the configuration and uncheck "root functions everywhere". When this is checked, TC uses root functions to read directories except in /storage/emulated/0. Root functions always show also hidden files.

Posted: 2013-12-15, 17:36 UTC
by 77kdv77
thank you! now it's much better…