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SUG: Allow app manager to sort by date installed

Posted: 2011-07-31, 00:06 UTC
by DRockstar
I'd like to say thanks to the dev for this port of Total Commander... I'm looking forward to this replacing 3 other apps I'm currently using... Astro File Manager, AndFTP, and Root Explorer.

I really like the built-in app manager in Total Commander, but I'd like to see the app list be sortable by the date installed. This can be truly useful when a lot of apps are installed.

Anyways, figured I'd chime in, to help make Total Commander the best utility for android.

Thank You!

Posted: 2011-08-01, 07:56 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I'd like to see the app list be sortable by the date installed.
The problem is that there isn't just one date. For example, the .apk file has a timestamp, which is probably the time when it was downloaded. Then the directory where the .apk is located has one, probably when the program was first installed...

Posted: 2011-08-08, 14:41 UTC
by matixx
ich würde das aber auch begrüßen. Beim HTC DESIRE S sieht es so aus:

-AppBrowser Ansicht ist sortiert nach Installationsdatum. Apps die einem Update unterzogen worden landen wieder ganz vorn in der Liste. Das ist sehr bequem und total praktisch (Bis auf das Ranking mit den Updates, das ist weniger nützlich).