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LAN access plugin network detection bug

Posted: 2012-01-30, 12:01 UTC
by mkowalczuk
I've ran into network detection bug in LAN access plugin on my Google TV (Logitech Revue) connected using Ethernet. I've got a message that the network is not connected and question whether I want to enable WiFi. I can provide more info (eg. logcat), if you need it.

The device is running Android 3.1, so it doesn't have ConnectivityManager.TYPE_ETHERNET, which is available from API level 13 (3.2).

Posted: 2012-01-30, 13:19 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Try to allow connections over mobile phone connections in the context menu - Properties of the LAN plugin. Then it will not check whether it's connected via LAN or not.

Btw, I'm not using TYPE_INTERNET. I'm using the following code to check for a working Wifi connection:

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	public boolean checkConnect(ContextWrapper service) {
		boolean connected=false;
		try { 
			NetworkInfo ni;
			ConnectivityManager cm=(ConnectivityManager)service.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
			if (!allowSmbViaPhone && connected) {
		} catch (Exception e) {
		return connected;
This seems to work fine on all phones so far. Note: Since the plugin is a service, I'm using a service handle for calling getSystemService. Maybe the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE is missing on your device.

Posted: 2012-01-30, 13:44 UTC
by mkowalczuk
As you wrote - you're checking for a working WiFi connection, which in my opinion is a wrong approach. I'd rather check if the connection isn't mobile, like this:

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if (!allowSmbViaPhone && connected) { 
I guess adding checks for WIMAX and other MOBILE_* types could be also a good idea.

Although my device has API level 12, it correctly returns getType() == 9 and getTypeName() == "ETHERNET" (I've just checked it with a simple app).

Maybe you should change your preference name to "Connections only on WiFi" which would be more accurate for the check you're making? Anyway, it's somehow unintuitive that I need to allow "connections via phone" to make Ethernet work in LAN plugin... ;)

Posted: 2012-02-01, 15:48 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Thanks for the info. It seems that there are multiple possible mobile types. There is no TYPE_ETHERNET, so I will change the code to:

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				int type=ni.getType();
				connected=type==ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI || type==9;
What do you think?

Posted: 2012-02-01, 20:34 UTC
by mkowalczuk
It should work fine, but I don't like the hardcoded value. You can bump your targetSdkVersion to newest API level and do it this way:

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if (!(connected = type==ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI)) {
  if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 13)
    connected = type==ConnectivityManager.TYPE_ETHERNET;
    connected = ni.getTypeName().equals("ETHERNET");

Posted: 2012-04-16, 11:18 UTC
by Starburry
Thanks for sharing the info. It works really great for my phone! This is a great plugin!