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TC Player won't start if mp3 in direcory starting with #

Posted: 2013-04-20, 14:48 UTC
by Riccardo
There is a problem playing song in a directory beginning with a number sign (#)

For instance: /storage/extSdCard/#Songs/Norah Jones/Lovesick Blues.mp3

The following error message will be shown:
"FileNotFoundException /storage/extSdCard: open faild: EISDIR (is a directory)"

Any Ideas?
(Well I know the best way is to change the directory name.)

Regards, Richard

Posted: 2013-04-22, 14:24 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
It could be that the Android media player cannot handle the special character #. Can you try the same on internal SD-Card, please?

Posted: 2013-04-23, 08:34 UTC
by Riccardo
ghisler(Author) wrote:Can you try the same on internal SD-Card, please?
Well, I copy a mp3 File to: /storage/sdcard/#songs

Then I tried to start this song.

Same message: "FileNotFoundException /storage/sdcard: open faild: EISDIR (Is a directory)"

Playing the mp3 with MortPlayer, Winamp, VLC or internal Sound-Player works fine.

Regards, Richard

Posted: 2013-04-23, 14:10 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Sorry, no idea - I will have to check this in the debugger. But I don't currently see any reason why it would fail.

Posted: 2013-04-27, 12:47 UTC
by Riccardo
ghisler(Author) wrote:Sorry, no idea - I will have to check this in the debugger. But I don't currently see any reason why it would fail.
Tried today TC 4 Android 2.02beta2. That didn't solve the problem. :-(

Regard, Richard

Posted: 2013-04-29, 13:36 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Sorry, your report was too late for beta 2, I released it on the same day as you sent the report.

Posted: 2013-04-29, 13:57 UTC
by Riccardo
ghisler(Author) wrote:Sorry, your report was too late for beta 2, I released it on the same day as you sent the report.
Maybe beta 3 will it fix :wink:

Regards, Richard

Posted: 2013-06-03, 17:11 UTC
by Riccardo
Beta 3 solves the problem!!


Posted: 2013-06-06, 12:20 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Yes, the problem was that the name is passed to the player as an URL, and the # sign has a special meaning in URLs.